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Parcum genus est, patiensque laborum,
Quaesitque tenax, et quod quaesita re-


knowledges useful; we should, in- lity. They are a plodding, laborious stead of losing time in the trifles, race, and know how to turn their mowhich engross the studies of the ney to account. generality of male philosophers, apply ourselves to the observation of ourselves and the different objects which environ us, in order to find out in what they relate to or differ from us; and by what applications they may be beneficial or obnoxious to us and to the end they were given us for. Might we not hen by this means be both as learned philosophers and as able divines as the men; as capable of being taught, and as successful in teaching, at least, as they are?

[To be continued.]

Himself. Extracted from the La-
tin Edition of Leipsick, in 1743.

[Continued from p. 15.]

It is, of course, not surprising that many opulent persons are to be found at Flensburg, and especially as they enjoy several particular privileges.My lodging at Flensburg was extremely inconvenient. The house was very large, and had several apartments in it, but it was so filthy every where without exception, that the bad smell made it almost intolerable. I was obliged to burn something almost continually in my apartment to obviate this inconvenience. But, as well as the house, the persons with whom I were to eat and drink were not the most cleanly. Among my table companions there were two persons whose failings were not less laughable than troublesome. One of them stammered very much; and the other, having no nose, he seemed rather to hiss of whistle than to speak. It was not easy to hear either of them without laughter or pity; and besides this, the table was continually surrounded by five or six large dogs and cats; their barking and inewing nearly distracted me, and made the whole completely intolerable. Upon this account I went privately, and enquired for accommodation at another lodging house, telling the landlord all the difficulties I had to contend with. I, at the same time, requested as a favour to be taken into his house, as I was yet obliged to remain a short time at

T length, I began to perceive that, in consequence of this continual application to labour and study, my health was much impaired. I therefore formed the resolution to proceed to Aix la Chapelle, to take the benefit of the waters, and actually commenced this journey in the spring of 1725. Having been previously supplied with a royal passport, I was in hopes that the motion of riding would have been of superior service to the warm bath; but I found that, at this time of life, notwithstanding 1 had always practised the strictest temperance, travelling did me as much harm now as it had done good Flensburgh: but he excused himself, before.

The weather this year was uncommonly raw in fact, the spring was, in every thing but the time, the resemblance of winter. So stormy was the weather at sea likewise, that, in my passage over from Copenhagen by the Little Belt, I was very near being lost. However, I arrived sat ly at Hadersleben, where the inhabitants appear to be very civil and industrious. At Flensburg, in Sleswick, I observed the people were not so civil in their reception of strangers; but the Flensburgers have the character of being the best economists in the principa

saying he could do no such thing, as he was able to answer the complaint, if any should be made, by my present landlord before the town magistrates. My hopes having thus miscarried, I bad nothing to do but to return to the place from whence I came: here I found it necessary to feign an indisposition merely to have the privilege of eating alone,

At length, I came to Hamburgh, and remained some days; but though there are many remarkable things in this rich and large city, at several lec ned men. I vired none of them, excepting M. Fleischer, provost of

and pleasure. I have partaken of entertainments more costly, but of none that I know of with more intellectual advantage, so that you may imagine I left Oldenburg with regret.

Altona, my very worthy friend, and table was such as to afford both profit formerly fellow traveller. There are three ways that lead from Hamburgh to Amsterdam: for instance, one road leads to Osnaburg, which, on account of the length and tediousness of the journey, is called the cow's post; one may also make the passage by water at certain times of the year, or travel by way of Bremen and Oldenburg. The latter I chose, and in the course of two days arrived at Bremen, quite wet through with the rain, and nearly frozen with cold The wind was likewise so high, that we were several times afraid of being crushed to pieces in our carriage by the trees that we saw torn up by the roots. On account of the severe cold, we were obliged to have a fire made at every ina we came to, notwithstanding the period I allude to was the middle of June.

Travelling from East Frieseland to Neucastel is both expensive and difficult; but being once arrived at the place last mentioned, the difficulties are superseded. Here trechtschuyts, or passage boats, may be hired at a very reasonable price, and passengers generally prefer them when they intend passing the night on board.The journey is then not only more expeditious, but we also avoid the inns, the charges of which in Holland are dear and inconvenient. Large towns and good houses are every where to be found in the Seven Provinces, and even in the houses of the lowest sort of people every thing is very neat and cleanly: this, upon the whole, pleases the eye better than the mind; for there, as most of the land

The inhabitants of Bremen know of no kind of pleasure or enjoyment, but lead a rude and austere kind of life. Here there are no theatrical lords endeavour to turn their outentertainments, unless at some times houses to an advantage, travellers are of the year they are visited by a few by no means so handsomely accomwretched strollers, who burlesque the modated as in France and Italy.pieces they pretend to perform. The These Dutch out-houses are fitted Bremeners neither pay nor receive up more like hospitals than othervisits. A man who might wish to wise, the beds being so high that it is pass his life in the midst of society necessary to ascend them by a lad with the greatest freedom, and with- der. Here a man is turned in to passout interruption, could not find a the night with all descriptions, and place more to his mind than Bremen. instead of sleeping, he is necessitated It is seldom, indeed, that any thing to keep awake to watch his person like tumult or uproar is heard in these and property. The cleanliness of streets. When I was there, a thief which the Hollanders so much boast, happened to be detected and seized, should be reckoned among the inby which I learned that robbery was conveniences to be met, with.a thing scarcely ever heard of in that Should a person only spit upon the city. Travelling expenses at Bremen floor, or happen to let fall the least and Oldenburgh are very moderate, drop of water imaginable, he is threatprovided people go in small parties; ened as hard by the host as if, forbeing alone, therefore, I was sorry sooth, he had been guilty of some I had taken this route. At Olden- very great misdemeanor, or had polburg I staid some days, and never luted some holy place.

passed a short time with greater plea- I have always had the same opinion sure; but for this I was obliged to the of Dutch cleanliness. They are expolite reception which I met with act in trifles, and careless in matters from the governor, his excellency M. of greater consequence. They are Schestedt. This gentleman is a stran- always washing their streets, and conger to every kind of pride, and is only tinually neglecting to wash their distinguished by his virtues and his hands. A whole company will eat condescension. His house was so far out of one dish, and into this make the place of refuge for a number of no scruple of putting their fingers, scholars, that it might have been taken which of course is disgusting to stranfor an academy. The discourse at gers, and especially when, as it often UNIVERSAL MAG, VOL. XIV.

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These two cities form a complete contrast each with the other.-At Rotterdam every thing is in motion; at Antwerp all is still and quiet :-the

happens, that sea-faring men are me to Rotterdam. I found him to among them all smeared with pitch be a very worthy man, as he was and tar. But these are people to afterwards my fellow-traveller to whom great respect is paid in Hol- Antwerp; which place, with a good land. There is no nation I pity more wind, we might have reached in than the Dutch. They possess great twelve hours; it being otherwise with riches, and live in poverty: they live, us, we occupied double the time. as it were, in palaces, and yet want elbow room. I was once invited to dine with a respectable merchant, whose whole entertainment consisted only of a dish of fish: on this account inhabitants of Rotterdam are rich; I always excused myself when invited those of Antwerp are beggars :-at by others. Certainly these inconve- Antwerp the people are rude and unniences are much overbalanced by civil; at Rotterdam they are well-bemany excellent laws and wholesome haved and polite :-at Rotterdam we regulations, in consequence of which meet with intellect and religious inpeople from the most distant quarters quiry; at Antwerp we find ignorance are invited to settle here, so that Hol- and superstition. In matters of superland may be looked upon as the com- stition the Brabanters do not yield mon portion of all the inhabitants of to the Italians. Here the city, the the world. Added to this, the Hol- suburbs, the villages, and even the landers are upright and plain dealers. high roads are covered with cloisters, When my friends at Amsterdam so that you shall more easily meet were acquainted with my intention of with a dead saint than a living man. going to Aix la Chapelle, they were From Antwerp I proceeded to Mechunanimous in advising me to give up len, where, having some time to wait that idea. At length, instead of re- for a carriage, I took a turn_about the turning as they advised, I altered my town, and met with a Franciscan purpose of encountering a northern Monk, who accompanied me through winter, and determined to pass the the town and shewed me every part same either at Brussels or at Paris. of the college he inhabited. There The latter being the result of my was a very handsome garden belongchoice, I took a vessel for Rotterdam; ing to it; but as every alley in the but neglecting to make myself a cabin same was ornamented with images passenger, I must inform you that I of saints, it was rather unpleasant for was compelled to go among the com- a protestant to walk in it. In their mon passengers. The vessel was then church the life of St. Francis was nearly filled with sailors just returned painted upon a number of tablets; from the Indies. Their rude discourse, and here the Monk betrayed his igand their songs in particular, disgusted norance in a striking point of view, me almost as much as their smoaking, as, in endeavouring to explain one of which I believe prevented any one these tablets, he observed, "here one from seeing a yard before him, and may see how much the holy saint reformed a kind of floating volcano. pented when he renounced the docAs for rest, none was to be had, as trine of Calvinism, which he had forthese gentry formed a resolution, be- merly espoused." In another place fore night, that no person should be the saint was represented as having suffered to close his eyes; accordingly, fallen at his father's feet, who is in when I became sleepy, I was very the act of cudgelling him inost civilly pummelled by my neighbours, severely. and constrained to continue an un- At Brussels I remained but a few willing witness to their noisy mirth days, and then continued my route and low ribaldry, which, with their towards Paris. Much disturbance drinking, continued the whole night. then prevailed in this great city on I, however, reached Rotterdam very account of the high price of bread, much out of order, where I met with a French Colonel lately from Spain, and whom I found had been a passenger in the same vessel that brought

which at that time cost ten sols per pound. An insurrection took place, which was not allayed before the lives of two of the citizens, rendered

desperate, were lost. About the same in a place where pride and poverty time a pretended miracle was reported go hand in hand, and where even the as having been performed, in the heal- beggars (of that time at least) were ing of a woman who laboured under decorated with gold and silver lace. an uncommon hemorrhage; but the people were so intent upon their object of procuring bread, that they were not to be diverted from it by miracles. I heard a Frenchman observe," that more meat and fewer miracles would be a very desirable thing."


I did not go to Paris for the purpose of expending the little that I had pour faire honneur a la nation, as the hosts in the suburbs of St. Germain are in the habit of telling young strangers they ought to do. My principal view was now to wait there the return of the proper season of the year for taking me home again.

[To be continued.]



For the Universal Magazine. WHEN the greatest enormities


I took apartments not far from the Luxembourg, which neighbourhood I preferred on account of the air, and its proximity to the public gardens; but, on account of the avenues being filled with beggars, it was really troublesome to walk in them: I could scarcely help laughing to see people, very well clothed, ranging about and accosting every person they were every where committed met for charity; or to hear people, in Switzerland; when the bayonet, with their hair powdered and their the dungeon, or banishment threatenbeads dressed, exclaim" We perish ed every individual of distinction; through hunger- we have tasted Lavater boldly.stood forward and renothing for several days." I once proached the French Directory with met a very well dressed man in these their crimes; and Schauenberg, at gardens who begged alms of a lady the head of thirty thousand armed passing by, and presently after I saw men, was forced to dissemble his disthis lady begging of another! Soon pleasure and to apologise in the most after a young woman in a silk gown humiliating manner to a powerless fainted away, and, upon her recovery, individual. When the Helvetic Dshe being carried home, it appeared rectory dragged from the TenCantons she lodged in a house with scarcely to the borders of France, or to French any roof to it, and that her whole prisons, the most honourable, peacelarder consisted of a little cabbage, a able, and venerable men on no other fow apples, and some peas. I mention pretext than that of prudential prethese circumstances only that the caution, Lavater preached and wrote reader should judge of the pride and against these enormities, accusing the the poverty of this nation. The beg- government and sometimes the guilty gars themselves are so well clad, that individuals, and no one dared, for a they are only to be distinguished long time, even to reproach him for from the rich by their pale and meagre it; till at last, on the total subversion faces. It is also very easy here to of all law and justice, the Directory mistake a fencing-master, a player, seized also on him. Wherever he or a dancing-master for a marquis. went, however, the people hid their And when I first saw a shoe-maker, faces, and the officers of justice felt a currier, &c. I could easily have been appalled in his presence; and though made to believe them burgomasters he was the boldest opponent of these or members of the corporation. Even violent measures, he was by much some of the women at Paris dress the most gently handled, and the first upon a par with the ladies of the that was set at liberty. When the court in Denmark. I cannot say but French,a second time entered Zurich, that this mode of dressing gave me he wrote again against the Helvetic some uneasiness; for, tho' I thought Directory with the greatest effect; myself beyond decent, I found that yet he was more than ever honoured the French could with difficulty by all parties. He was visited by reckon me among the honettes gens. Moreau and the whole French staff Indeed this was a matter of difficulty when he was reproaching them with

the futility of their pretences for continuing the war; and when he died, the whole of the French officers requested permission to attend his funeral. I live and die," said he to \ those who attempted to persuade him of the inutility of his efforts to pre

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How much superior to the pomp of a courtly eloge, to all the well-turned periods of a Flechier.



HAVE been informed, that when

Kent were first fitted up with reflecting lamps, the people who watched in them have caught sixty dozen of birds during the night, by their flying against the glass, and falling down. This remarkable information led me to conclude that they were birds of passage, either emigrating from or flying to our coast from the Continent, and that, being allured by the bril liancy of the light, they directed their fight to that point. I requested to have a list of such birds as they were acquainted with, and they sent me the names of such as they knew; they are as follow, viz. the lark, the redwing, the woodcock, the snipe, the widgeon, the teal, the duck of different species, the coot, the fieldfare, the partridge, the blackbird, the thrush, the starling, the woodpecker, the bittern, the dove, the whitethroat, and the quail. There were many others which they were unacquainted with. Some of the birds emigrate in large flights, while others arrive in small detachments.


vent the Helvetic Directory from ap the light-houses on the coast of prehending whom they wished: "I live and die, my friends, in the conviction that the voices of twenty or thirty honest men, devoid of fear, and whose conduct is irreproachable, would be sufficiently an object of respect, and even of fear, to compel five men to more moderate measures, who have calculated upon a general silence, without having as yet given any decisive proofs either of vigour or of personal intrepidity. O friends, there is no longer any belief in the world in the power of truth and of fortitude. The old and venerable belief in God, and the support of God in a just cause, has disappeared." To those who prudently, as they thought, consulted their personal security, and charged him with seeking the crown of martyrdom, "I seek no such thing," said he; I hold fast to rectitude, to truth, to my duty, and my conviction, without anxiety for the consequences that may eventually follow. The prudential anticipation of what may happen when we do what ought to be done, is the beginning of all weakness, of all infidelity towards ourselves and towards our duty. I run after no crown of martyrdom; for my humanity, my flesh, my nature and organization tremble at it. I suffered too much at the expatriation of my fellowcitizens, to have the smallest relish myself for such an expatriation. Oh! he who lives in the harmless circle of a beloved and loving family, in the circle of the noblest, of the wisest, and of the warmest friends: he who is called to the head of a numerous flock, by whom he is looked up to with reverence: he who prefers to live in the element of a righteous and dutiful freedom, must be indeed deprived of all reason, to long for a removal-God knows where, a separation from all-God knows how long."

If there be a man who can hear, without emotion, language like this, his feelings are not to be envied.

The goldfinches, like the swallows, congregate on the shores; and I have known a person catch one hundred and twenty in forty-eight hours.

The larks, and some other birds, are an exception; for they arrive a few at a time, at all hours of the day, from the morning till the evening, and may be seen approaching the shore in the autumn and during the winter. The swallows are sometimes seen to congregate in large numbers on the coast, where they wait for an opportunity to take their departure, as most of the birds in a long flight generally fly against the wind.

When scientific men begin to make observations, they will perhaps find reason to conclude that several species of insects migrate as well as birds; that they sometimes visit us from parts very distant; and that they can keep on the wing much longer than it is generally expected: but re

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