The Pilgrim's Progress: From this World, to that which is to Come: The Third Part. ... To which is Added, The Life and Death of John Bunyan, Author of the First and Second Parts; ...C. Hitch, and L. Hawes; W. Johnston, S. Crowder, and Comp.; and B. Law, and P. Davey, 1760 - 30页 |
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alfo Apoftle Beafts becauſe beft bleffed Bunyan called caufed Cave Charity Chrift Chriftian City cleanfe Comfort Company Courfe Crofs Danger defired Difcourfe Divine Dream Eating and Drinking efcaped fafe Fafting faid Faith faluted fame fave faying fear feems feen fell feveral fhall fhew fhining fhould fince finging firft fleep fome fometimes ftand ftill ftood ftrange fuch fuffer fure Gate glorious Things Glory Good-refolution heard Heart Heaven Heavenly Jerufalem Hill himfelf holy Human-reafon Jefus Jews JOHN BUNYAN Journey juft King King's laft likewife live Lord Love Mind moft muft Name obferve Occafion Oliver Cromwel paffed Pilgrims Place pleafant pleafed Pleafure pray Prayer prefent Prifon publick ranting and roaring Reafon reft River Seek-truth Senfe Shepherds Soul Spirit Spiritual-man Temptations Tender confcience Tender-confcience thefe themfelves thofe thou Thoughts thro told Travellers unto Valley of Deftruction walked whilft whofe Words World