
of SHOOTING. Hair-trigger pistols, with percussion caps, by the best makers, will be devoted to the use of subscribers, under the immediate superintendence of a retired officer of artillery, who will give the necessary instructions to the nervous or inexperienced.

Such ladies and gentlemen whose resolutions are not completely formed on the subject, will have the necessary encouragement afforded them by the committee of management.

Prospectuses of all the joint-stock companies, and schemes of foreign funds and lotteries, will be regularly taken in, and filed, and will at all times be open to the free perusal of the subscribers: and the works of Paine, Volney, and the most eminent Deists, Atheists, and Free-thinkers, will be provided for the exclusive enjoyment of the Company. The directors are also in negotiation with a gentle. man of distinguished newspaper celebrity, for a course of lectures on Mr. Owen's principles, in which conjugal infidelity, and the encouragement of independence, will be powerfully recommended.

Independent of its claims for social improvement, and its adaptation to the national characteristic, the Company possesses strong attractions to the capitalist and monied speculator. The patronage it has already secured of the respective coroners throughout the kingdom, the number of eminent undertakers who have taken shares, and solicited to become part of the directory,—and, above all, its close connexion with the principal metropolitan cemeteries, insure a handsome return for the capital embarked.

The Company will commence business on the first of November next, and confidently anticipate to be in active operation during that month.

Applications for shares (each admitting the holder to a free participation in all the advantages above enumerated) to be made to the Secretary of the Company, JOHN MATTOCKS, Esquire, Churchyard Court, Temple.


(Written on the 21st of October, 1839, the Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar


GREAT deaths have been borne greatly; men have died

In honour'd martyrdom, the patient death;

Torture hath only clung to hearts that sigh'd,

Which, mastering pain hush'd with pathetic breath:

Ridley and Latimer, in pious pride,

Offer'd their lives, like prayers; though fires beneath
Their palms and eyes, licked upwards on each side;
The fatal flames that form the martyr's wreath!

Three deaths have ever seem'd sublime to me,
And will be wondrous to my dying day!—

Nelson's all splendid parting life at sea!

When Victory lit him on his awful way !—
Russell's stern hour-his wife, no more to be

His sacred joy!--The death of sweet Jane Gray!

*"The most triumphant death is that of the martyr; the most awful, that of the martyred patriot; the most splendid, that of the hero in the hour of victory!"

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JACK SHEPPARD's first object was to free himself from his handcuffs. This he accomplished by holding the chain that connected them firmly between his teeth, and squeezing his fingers as closely together as possible, succeeded in drawing his wrists through the manacles. He next twisted the heavy gyves round and round, and partly by main strength, partly by a dexterous and well applied jerk, snapped asunder the central link by which they were attached to the padlock. Taking off his stockings, he then drew up the basils as far as he was able, and tied the fragments of the broken chain to his legs, to prevent them from clanking, and impeding his future exertions.

: Jack's former attempt to pass up the chimney, it may be remembered, was obstructed by an iron bar. To remove this obstacle, it was necessary to make an extensive breach in the wall. With the broken links of the chain, which served him in lieu of more efficient implements, he commenced operations just above the chimney-piece, and soon contrived to pick a hole in the plaster.

He found the wall, as he suspected, solidly constructed of brick and stone; and, with the slight and inadequate tools which he possessed, it was a work of infinite labour and skill to get out a single brick. That done, however, he was well aware the rest would be comparatively easy; and as he threw the brick to the ground, he exclaimed triumphantly, "The first step is taken-the main difficulty is overcome."

Animated by this trifling success, he proceeded with fresh ardour, and the rapidity of his progress was proclaimed by the heap of bricks, stones, and mortar which before long covered the floor. At the expiration of an hour, by dint of unremitting exertion, he had made so large a breach in the chimney, that he could stand upright in it.

He was now within a foot of the bar, and introducing himself into the hole, speedily worked his way to it.

Regardless of the risk he incurred from some heavy stone dropping on his head or feet. — regardless also of the noise made by the falling rubbish, and of the imminent danger which he consequently ran of being interrupted by some of the gaolers, should the sound reach their ears, he continued to pull down large masses of the wall, which he flung upon the floor of the cell.

Having worked thus for another quarter of an hour without being sensible of fatigue, though he was half stifled by the clouds of dust 2 Q


which his exertions raised, he had made a hole about three feet wide, and six high, and uncovered the iron bar. Grasping it firmly with both hands, he quickly wrenched it from the stones in which it was mortised, and leapt to the ground. On examination, it proved to be a flat bar of iron, nearly a yard in length, and more than an inch square. "A capital instrument for my purpose," thought Jack, shouldering it, and worth all the trouble I have had in procuring it."

While he was thus musing, he fancied he heard the lock tried. A chill ran through his frame, and, grasping the heavy weapon with which chance had provided him, prepared to strike down the first person who should enter the cell. After listening attentively for a short time without drawing breath, he became convinced that his apprehensions were groundless, and, greatly relieved, sat down upon the chair to rest himself, and prepare for further efforts.

Acquainted with every part of the gaol, Jack well knew that his only chance of effecting an escape must be by the roof. To reach it would be a most difficult undertaking. Still it was possible, and the difficulty was only a fresh incitement.

The mere enumeration of the obstacles that existed would have deterred any spirit less daring than Sheppard's from even hazarding the attempt. Independently of other risks, and of the chance of breaking his neck in the descent, he was aware that to reach the leads he should have to break open six of the strongest doors of the prison. Armed, however, with the implement he had so fortunately obtained, he did not despair of success.


My name will only be remembered as that of a robber," he mused; "but it shall be remembered as that of a bold one: and this night's achievement, if it does nothing else, shall prevent me from being classed with the common herd of depredators."

Roused by this reflection, filled with the deepest anxiety for his mother, and burning to be avenged upon Jonathan Wild, he grasped the iron bar, which, when he sat down, he had laid upon his knees, and stepped quickly across the room. In doing so, he had to clamber up the immense heap of bricks and rubbish which now littered the floor, amounting almost to a cart-load, and reaching up nearly to the top of the chimney-piece.

"Austin will stare," thought Jack, "when he comes here in the morning. It will cost them something to repair their stronghold, and take them more time to build it up again than I have taken to pull it down."

Before proceeding with his task, he considered whether it would be possible to barricade the door; but, reflecting that the bar would be an indispensable assistant in his further efforts, he abandoned the idea, and determined to rely implicitly on that good fortune which had hitherto attended him on similar occasions.

Having once more got into the chimney, he climbed to a level with the ward above, and recommenced operations as vigorously as before. He was now aided with a powerful implement, with which he soon contrived to make a hole in the wall.

"Every brick I take out," cried Jack, as fresh rubbish clattered down the chimney, "brings me nearer my mother."

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