Laurence Sterne, sa personne et ses ouvrages

G. Fischbacher, 1882 - 306页




第li页 - Who sees with equal eye, as God of all, A hero perish, or a sparrow fall, Atoms or systems into ruin hurl'd, And now a bubble burst, and now a world.
第202页 - He will never march; an' please your honour, in this world, said the corporal : He will march ; said my uncle Toby, rising up, from the side of the bed, with one shoe off: An' please your honour, said the corporal, he will never march but to his grave : He shall march, cried my uncle Toby, marching the foot which had a shoe on, though without advancing an inch, he shall march to his regiment.
第lii页 - Que l'homme, étant revenu à soi, considère ce qu'il est au prix de ce qui est; qu'il se regarde comme égaré dans ce canton détourné de la nature; et que, de ce petit cachot où il se trouve logé, j'entends l'univers, il apprenne à estimer la terre, les royaumes, les villes et soi-même son juste prix.
第229页 - Je ne voudrais pas prendre sur moi d'affirmer que les noms n'exercent aucune influence sur la destinée. Entre les faits de la vie et le nom des hommes, il est de secrètes et d'inexplicables concordances ou des désaccords visibles qui surprennent; souvent des corrélations lointaines, mais efficaces, s'y sont révélées. Notre globe est plein, tout s'y tient. Peut-être reviendra-t-on quelque jour aux sciences occultes.
第202页 - Toby, marching the foot which had a shoe on, though without advancing an inch, — he shall march to his regiment He cannot stand it, said the corporal; He shall be supported, said my uncle Toby; He'll drop at last, said the corporal, and what will become of his boy?
第202页 - He shall not drop," said my uncle Toby, firmly. " A-well-o'day, do what we can for him," said Trim, maintaining his point ; " the poor soul will die." " He shall not die, by G — ," cried my uncle Toby. The accusing spirit, which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blushed as he gave it in ; and the recording angel, as he wrote it down, dropped a tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever.
第lii页 - Qu'un ciron lui offre dans la petitesse de son corps des parties incomparablement plus petites, des jambes avec des jointures, des veines dans ces jambes, du sang dans ces veines, des humeurs dans ce sang, des gouttes dans ces humeurs, des vapeurs...
第171页 - I'll not hurt a hair of thy head: — Go, says he, lifting up the sash, and opening his hand as he spoke, to let it escape; go, poor devil, get thee gone, why should I hurt thee? — This world surely is wide enough to hold both thee and me.
第li页 - Mais avant que je vous explique le premier des systèmes , il faut que vous remarquiez , s'il vous plaît, que nous sommes tous faits naturellement comme un certain fou athénien, dont vous avez entendu parler , qui s'était mis dans la fantaisie que tous les vaisseaux qui abordaient au port de Pyrée , lui appartenaient.
第xxii页 - Touches here, shew equally in both y? divine hand. By a different conformation of its senses a Creature might be made to apprehend any given Portion of space, as greater, or less in any Proportion, than it appears to us. This we are assured of from Optics. I doubt not also but that by a different conformation of y<: Brain a Creature might be made to apprehend any given portion of time as longer or shorter in any proportion than it appears to us. Glasses can make an inch seem a mile. I leave it to...
