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516. Nought despitous =not pitiless, cruel.

517. Daungerous ne digne = domineering nor haughty.

523. Snybbe snub, reprove. For the nones. See note 1. 379.

525. Waytede after


sought or looked for.

526. Spiced over-scrupulous.

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531. Swynkere = laborer.

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534. Though him gamede or smerte = though it pleased or pained him. 536. Dyke and delve = to ditch and dig.

541. Tabard. See note 1. 20. — Mere = mare. People of quality would not ride upon a mare.

542. Reeve


steward, bailiff, officer. - Mellere: miller.



543. Sompnour summoner, in ecclesiastical courts. - Pardoner = seller of pardons or indulgences.

544. Maunciple: = an officer who purchased provisions for a college, etc. Lat. manceps, purchaser, contractor.

545. Carl =

churl, hardy fellow. A.S. ceorl, country-man, churl. 547. That proved he well, for everywhere he came. Overal ther everywhere, wherever. Cf. Ger. überall, everywhere.

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548. Ram. A ram was the usual prize at wrestling matches. 549. Knarre = knot. He was a thick-set, muscular fellow.

550. Nolde

lift, off its hinges.



= =newolde

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551. Rennyng = running.

554. Upon the cop right = right upon the top. Cf. Eng. coping. bristles. A. S. byrst, a bristle, by a common transposi

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557. Nose-thurles nostrils. A. S. thyrel, a hole.

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563. Thombe of gold refers to the miller's skill in testing the quality of meal or flour by rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger. - Pardé = par Dieu, a common oath.

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583. As hym list desire = as it pleases him to desire. 586. Sette here aller cappe = set all their caps

to outwit, overreach.

an expression meaning

590. His head was docked, or closely cut in front like a priest. 594. Auditour accountant.

597. Neet cattle. Cf. neat, cattle.

598. Stoor: 603. Herde

= stock, store.


herdsman. Hyne hind, servant, farm-laborer.

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605. Adrad afraid.

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606. Wonyng = dwelling. Cf. Ger. Wohnung, dwelling.

613. Mester

615. Stot

= trade. French métier. = stallion.

616. Pomely gray = dappled gray.

617. Of pers. See note on l. 439.

621. Tukked = clothed in the long dress of a friar.
622. Hyndreste of the route hindmost of the company.
623. Sompnour. See note 1. 543.

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643. Can clepen Watte = can call Wat, or Walter.


644. Grope try, test; literally, to feel with the hands. 646. Questio quid juris




thin beard, or

The question is, what is the law in the case.

652. Pulle a fynch was a common expression for cheating a novice. 653. Owher

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656. But-if. See note 11. 351 and 582.

660. Each guilty man ought to be afraid of excommunication (cursyng). 661. Assoillyng = absolution. O. Fr. assoiller, Lat. absolvere.

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Significavit a writ of excommunication, which usually began, "Significavit nobis venerabilis frater," etc. in his power or jurisdiction. At his owne gise :

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667. Ale-stake

sign-post in front of an ale-house. It was usual to

attach an ivy bush to an ale-stake.

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679. By culpons on and oon = by shreds or strands one by one.

681. Trussed = packed up.

682. Him thought = it seemed to him. See note 1. 37. — The newe get the new fashion.

683. Sauf his cappe = except his cap.

685. Vernicle: = a miniature copy of the picture of Christ, which is said to have been miraculously imprinted on a handkerchief preserved in St. Peter's at Rome.

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695. Oure lady veyl = = our lady's veil. See note 1. 88.

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699. Latoun = a kind of brass or tinned iron.

700. Pigges bones, which he pretended were the bones of some saint. 702. Poure persoun:

= poor parson.

705. Japes = tricks, impostures.

712. Affyle = file, polish.

726. That you do not ascribe (rette) it to my ill-breeding (vileinye). 728. Here cheere


their appearance.

741. Plato, a famous Greek philosopher, born about 420 B.C.

742. Cosyn


kindred or in keeping with. The language should be in keeping with the thing described.

744. Al = although. Cf. Eng. albeit.

750. Wel to drynke us leste


it pleased us well to drink.

753. Eygen stepe. See note 1. 201.


754. Chepe Cheapside, a leading street in London, on which the wealthiest burgesses or citizens lived.


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761. Lordynges = sirs, gentlemen. Dim. of lord.

765. Herbergh = inn.

766. Don yow mirthe =

I cause you to know.

See note 1. 403.

cause you mirth. Cf. Eng. "I do you to wit"

770. Quyte you youre meede 772. Schapen yow to talen: tales (talen).


grant you your reward.

prepare yourselves, or get ready, to tell

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785. To make it wys

= to make it a matter of serious deliberation.

786. Avys advice, consideration. Cf. Fr. avis.


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819. Fet fetched. A. S. fetian, to fetch.

822. A morwe on the morrow, the 18th of April.

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825. A litel more than paas = a little faster than a pace or walk.

826. The watering of St. Thomas was at the second mile-stone on the old road to Canterbury.

827. Bigan areste=


halted. Bigan is sometimes used as an auxiliary

829. Forward = promise, covenant. A. S. foreword, covenant, agree

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844. Aventure, or sort, or cas= by chance, or luck, or accident.


845. Soth
847. As was resoun as was reasonable.

truth. Cf. Eng. in sooth.

848. Forward=


'see note 1. 829. Composicioun agreement.

850. Seigh = saw.

854. A Goddes name = in God's name.

857. Right a merie chere a right merry countenance.

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