The NEW Weeks Preparation for a Worthy receiving of the Lords Supper, AS Recommended and Appointed By the CHURCH of ENGLAND; MEDITATIONS and PRAYERS for the Morning WITH FORMS of Examination and Confefsion of Sins AND A Companion at the Altar MEDITATIONS to enable us to live well HOLY SACRAMENT To which are added LONDON Printed from the Edition By THOMAS WIL.SON, and SONS YORK. The Preface. A prayer for the morning 7 9 Such language fitter for a sen- A prayer before examina- of the all-pure, and all-Directions concerning ex- Bishop Stillingfleet's testimo- himself and by St. John iii 7 paration are such as can be 10 warranted from the word of Bishop Fleetwood's testimo- A profession of godly sorrow if a servant Keble's Week's Prepara-A prayer of resignation to An account of this work iii A prayer to conclude our de- be carefully attended to vA prayer for the morning 44 The usefulness of actual pre- A meditation for the even- Dr. Waterland's commenda-A prayer for the evening 49 fore the most holy sacra-A confession of sins The Week's Preparation. A meditation for the evene A Prave |