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for me to reach Glasgow before the opening of the meeting, if I took a forenoon train the next day from Liverpool, I resolved to profit by the accident, to visit an old acquaintance of mine who resided in one of the suburbs of the city, and from whom I had frequently received, and as often been obliged to decline, a warmly hospitable invitation.

I knew his house was not large, and his establishment I presumed to be on a strictly bachelor scale; but having lived a good deal about the world for many years, I can accommodate myself with ease to any circumstances into which I find myself thrown; and I own that I thought more of the pleasure of seeing and conversing with my old friend, than of the slight disturbance which my unexpected arrival might cause in his household. On arriving at the station, therefore, I engaged a fly, and set out at once for Dr Blackburn's house. The way was long, and dark, and dreary'-if Miss Rosie will forgive me a parody on her favourite poet-we rattled through innumerable streets, and wandered along a devious course in a wilderness of semi-detached dwellings' and 'suburban villas,' which seemed to have no end. At length we reached a small, but substantial house, standing somewhat back from the high road in a garden, which was surrounded by a high brick-wall; and on sending in my card, Dr Blackburn at once appeared at the entrance-door, with a hearty greeting, and a warm invitation to me to enter. The first few minutes were occupied by my explanation of the circumstances which led to my unexpected intrusion; and it was not till my portmanteau was deposited in the hall, and the flyman had driven away, that Dr Blackburn's old servant was able, after sundry mysterious winks and nudges, to attract his master's attention, and draw him to one side.

After a few words spoken in a low tone, Blackburn turned to me with a laugh, in which, however, there was a shade of embarrassment. Why, Brunton,' he said, here is Stevens reminding me, with a face of horror, that there is positively not a vacant corner in the house. There is a trial for poisoning, of great professional interest, going on at the assizes, and Aand G―, whom you must remember, are staying with me to attend it, and they occupy the only two spare rooms which the house contains'- I interrupted him by saying that it was of no consequence, I would spend the evening with him, and return to the railway hotel for the night. 'Impossible,' he exclaimed. 'You are fully two miles from the station; and how could you convey your impedimenta? We are far beyond the region of perpetual cabs here. No, no; we shall manage a shake-down for you; though I shall not be able to make you as comfortable as I should like to see a friend whom I have so long wished to have under my roof.'

A few instructions in a stage-aside to Stevens-in which I heard the words 'camp-bed,' 'a large tub,' and 'laboratory'-and Blackburn turned, and ushered me into the large, low, but comfortable and well-lighted dining-room, where his two guests were still sitting at the table. A portion of the well-cooked dinner was soon heated and set before me, and we sat conversing on many subjects of interest to us all, till a late hour. When we rose to separate for the night, Blackburn recommenced a series of apologies for the rough lodging he was obliged to give me, which I with difficulty cut short by assuring him of my indifference on the subject. He then took a lantern from the servant, and opening a side-door, led the way across a paved yard surrounded by outhouses, and through a small shrubbery beyond, to a detached building; which, from having been an apple-room or some dependency of the garden, he had converted into a laboratory and museum. He unlocked the door with a key which he carried in his hand, and we entered a

good-sized room, the walls of which were hung all round with curtains of green stuff, concealing shelves loaded with various chemical preparations and studies in anatomy and natural history.

Blackburn was a retired physician of considerable local celebrity; but being in independent circumstances, he had for some time relinquished the duties of his profession, and devoted himself to the sciences that are more immediately in connection with it. Chemistry and anatomy had led him, on to mineralogy and geology; and entering warmly into the controversy excited in the scientific world about that time by the appearance of a very remarkable work on the lastnamed science, he had been devoting his leisure for some months before the time I am now speaking of, to the composition of a pamphlet, to be entitled Comparative Anatomy in the Paleozoic Ages, which was to give the world some ideas of his own on the subject. It was thus he accounted to me for various uncouth forms, models in miniature of the gigantic plesiosauri and pterodactyles of geology, which dangled from the ceiling, and cast grotesque shadows on the whitewashed upper part of the walls. A large table had been hastily cleared to receive my dressing apparatus; and Blackburn handled with something of regretful tenderness a number of human skulls, collected to furnish evidence in support of some theory regarding the origin of the varieties in the human race, which had been disrespectfully cast by Stevens, in the course of his hospitable preparations for my comfort, into a corner of the room, where they lay grinning upon a heap of other bones, both fossil and recent, which were awaiting the collector's leisure to be classified and arranged in order on the shelves. We fell into conversation on the subjects suggested by these evidences of my friend's favourite studies, and some time elapsed before he left me for the night, promising to send his servant to call me at an early hour in the morning.

I locked the door as soon as my friend retired, and then made a fresh examination of the somewhat singular apartment which had been hastily prepared for my reception: and in order to make what I am going to relate more intelligible, I will describe the room as it then appeared to me. It was nearly square, and, as I have said before, of considerable size. One of the sides was formed by the high brick-wall of which I have spoken as surrounding my friend's house; and from this wall, which may have been about fifteen feet high, the roof sloped gradually, till, at the opposite side of the apartment, the space between the roof and the floor was not more than nine feet. The room was not ceiled, but the rafters and beams were whitewashed, as well as the space left at each end between the green curtains which covered the walls all round, and came close to the roof, where it was lowest, and the gradually increasing height of the walls. The door was in the centre of one end of the room; opposite to it was a large open chimney, with a raised slab of stone supporting dogs for burning wood, on which was now heaped a brightly glowing pile. At one side of this cheerful fireplace stood a large tin-bath full of water; and on the other, a small camp-bed was spread with the freshest and whitest of linen. My portmanteau, and the table spread with my dressing - apparatus, occupied a third corner; and the fourth contained the heap of bones and skulls already mentioned. A large leather-covered arm-chair, and an old-fashioned spiderlegged table before the fire, completed the furniture. After making my preparations for the night, the fire looked so temptingly cheerful, that, my mind being occupied with the subjects we had discussed during the evening, I could not resist seating myself in the arm-chair, and indulging in a little half-drowsy meditation. By and bye, however, the atmosphere of the room became rather oppressive; the fire, heaped up by hospitable hands, gradually drew from the bones and

other animal products in the surrounding shelves, odours which were neither pleasant nor healthful; and remembering that I had not seen a window in my first survey of the room, I rose to look for it. Under the green curtains, on the side opposite to my bed, I discovered two square windows, such as are often seen in stables, opening outwardly from the top, and kept from slipping by a curved bar of iron cut into notches. I opened one of these to its utmost stretch, and, after looking for a few minutes at the brilliant sky of a frosty autumn night, closed the curtain again, and betook myself to the camp-bed.

I lay for some time watching the wildly grotesque forms assumed by the shadows of the antediluvian monsters I mentioned as dangling from the rafters, while the embers flashed and grew dull, and again brightened into a transient blaze; and sleep was gradually stealing over me, when I was startled by a slight sound, as though something had fallen from one of the shelves. I raised my head and looked round, but could see nothing; and my eyes were closing again, when suddenly it appeared to me as though a hideous face were painted on the very spot at which I was looking. It was visible but for a moment, and then vanished. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head, and even felt my pulse to try and detect some symptom of incipient fever; but except that I plead guilty to one bounding throb, there was no sign of any abnormal state of the circulation; and I was trying to fancy that I had been gazing at the skulls in the corner, and transferred the image of one of them to the next object on which I fixed my eyes, | when the appearance returned in the same spot.

This time there could be no mistake: I clearly saw the flashing eyes, the glittering teeth, the frightful grin of a demoniac countenance. A bright blaze shot from the expiring embers, and in a second the vision disappeared. I own that now a cold sweat burst out from every pore. Either I was seized with sudden insanity, or I was the victim of some supernatural delusion. I lay for a few minutes a prey to the horrible sensations of one struggling with the nightmare. I would have given the world to have risen, and endeavoured to discover some natural cause for the frightful appearance; but my good-fortune, or, let me say more reverently, the watchful mercy of a kind Providence, kept me still.

I could almost hear the beating of my heart in the profound silence. Gradually the light faded, the embers crackled more faintly, the shadows flickered and disappeared in the general gloom; but still I lay motionless, my eyes riveted on the spot so full of mystery. should think that at least a quarter of an hour passed in this manner.

I now gave myself up for lost, and endeavoured to prepare for a horrible death by summoning to my aid all the support of religion. While I strove to fix my thoughts on the subjects which should occupy the mind of man in his last extremity, I fixed my eyes with the fascination of terror on my fearful companion; and to my inexpressible relief and thankfulness, I found that he grew restless and uneasy under my steady gaze, and turned his head in another direction. All at once flashed into my mind the stories I had read, and only half believed, of the power of the human eye over the brute creation, and I redoubled the intensity of my stare, looking fixedly into the creature's eyes. It grinned and jabbered, and moved its arms about restlessly; and, mindful of my only remaining chance, in the event of its springing towards me, I got my hands quietly under the bed-clothes, resolved to make an effort to throw them over its head before it could seize me in a gripe which, I well knew, would not relax till it left me a mangled corpse.

Gradually, however, the creature drooped its hideous head on its breast, and was on the point of falling asleep, when a brand from the nearly extinct fire fell with a slight noise, and roused it again to full activity. The flame which suddenly leaped up, for a moment diverted the attention of my jailer; and the uncouth creature rose from its squatting position on my bed, and approached the fire, holding out its mis-shapen hands, and cowering over the warmth with a horrible resemblance to human action.

I now resolved to slip, if possible, unseen from my bed, and either gain the door, or, if I could do no more, conceal myself between the bed and the wall, and trust to the brute's forgetting my presence. When I attempted to move, however, I found my right foot, which had been under the creature as it sat on the bed, was so completely numbed or twisted as to be altogether useless; and the attempt to move only served to draw on me the wrathful notice of my enemy. Uttering a kind of hissing sound between its teeth, it darted to the further corner of the room, and seizing a large bone from the heap that lay there, again took up its quarters on the bed, and threatened to strike me with the bone in a manner evidently copied from that to which it was accustomed from its keeper.

Thus situated, I had no alternative but to trust again to the power of the eye. The fire had now died completely out, and one white ray of moonlight fell, through an opening in the curtain, right upon the creature's hideous face. I fixed my gaze upon it till II began to feel a strange effect produced upon myself: first the grotesque mask seemed to approach nearer and nearer, till it appeared as if it were about to touch me; and then, while everything grew dark around it, it seemed to shine with a pale ghastly light, as if seen far off, at the end of an immeasurable cave. I felt all the sensations which I have heard described by persons who have been mesmerised, and I have no doubt that my nerves, highly wrought upon and excited as they were by the circumstances in which I was placed, were peculiarly sensitive to the subtle influence. As the thought crossed my mind, together with the dread of becoming insensible, and thus being completely at the creature's mercy, I made an involuntary movement, as if to free myself from the spell.

Then the curtains waved, parted; a bright beam of moonlight fell on the floor, and, directly intercepting its rays, stood a frightful figure-the satyr of heathen mythology, the origin of our Christian superstitious portraiture of the arch-enemy, a huge living specimen of that strongest and fiercest of the ape tribe, the Simia satyrus, or wild man of the woods. This, then, explained the mystery. The creature must have escaped from some menagerie, and found its way in by the open window, and, with the cunning of its race, had concealed itself till the growing darkness gave it increased boldness.

I knew enough of the animal's wicked and malignant nature to feel convinced that my only chance of safety lay in eluding its observation; while, therefore, it stood at the further end of the room, still grasping the curtain, and surveying its new quarters with a horribly grotesque curiosity, I endeavoured to draw the sheet quietly before my face; but my slight movement at once arrested the creature's suspicious glance, and, with a single bound, it squatted itself, grinning and gnashing its teeth, on the foot of my bed.

The fierce brute aimed a sudden and violent blow at me with the bone which it still held in its grasp. Mechanically, I moved my head to elude the stroke, the full force of which was thus spent on the pillow, or I should probably then and there have ended my earthly career. As it was, the bone glanced off the corner of my temple. I felt an acute pain, a gush of warm blood down my cheek and throat, and for a few moments I became insensible.

The instinct of self-preservation restored me to

life. I seemed almost by force to recall my scattered senses; and the room being now perfectly dark, I succeeded by slow degrees in gliding from the bed to the floor, while my tormentor, apparently satisfied with the revenge it had taken, curled itself up in the very place I had just quitted, and slept-at least so I conjectured from the cessation of its restless movements, and now and then a heavy grunt, or snort, which bore a humiliating likeness to a human snore.

The hours which followed were among the longest I ever remember to have passed. In slipping from my bed, I had so entangled myself with the sheet, that I found it would be impossible to move without disturbing my horrible neighbour: the wound in my temple smarted, and my head ached severely, and I could not repress an occasional shudder, half of cold, and half of nervous excitement, which ran through me like a convulsion. Every time this occurred, I expected my enemy to wake; but the long, dark, weary hours dragged on, and he still appeared wrapped in slumber.

At length, with joy and thankfulness which I will not attempt to describe, I perceived a faint light, like a gray mist, steal over the black darkness around me. It was near the end of October, and I remembered that the sun did not rise much before seven o'clockconsequently, that it was probably now not far from six, and I might reasonably expect before long to be released from a situation which was all but intolerable. I was summoning my best energies to my aid, and considering what means I could adopt to get the door open before I should be overpowered by the creature, which I felt sure would spring at me as soon as I moved, when I heard voices in the garden, and in another moment some one loudly knocked at the door, and implored me to open, for God's sake, if I was alive.

The creature started up at the sound, made one furious rush at the opening of the curtain, which now let in a streak of decided daylight; and at the same moment the crash of broken glass, and a succession of wild piercing cries announced that it had missed its leap, and fallen into the hands of its captors. I confess that at this moment of release from the horrible fate which had been impending over me for so many hours, I felt my strength of mind and body at once give way, and became completely insensible.

When I revived, I found myself stretched on the bed, the chill morning air blowing in from the open doorway-the door having been wrenched from its hinges -and poor Blackburn, with a face of the deepest anxiety, bending over me with some powerful stimulant. Oh, thank God, thank God!' he exclaimed, as I endeavoured to rise and speak to him. Keep quiet, my dear fellow; do not move or speak; only look at me, if you are in your senses.' In a few minutes, I could not only look, but speak, and assure him that I was practically but little the worse for the unpleasant night I had passed; but he would scarcely listen to me, and kept on repeating: "The satyrus! the wild man of the woods! the most fierce and relentless of animals! -how can you have escaped with life?'

"I thank God that it is so,' I replied earnestly; for truly it has been only the hand of His protection that has guarded me. But where did the creature come from, and how did you discover that it had paid me a

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history, and that I have a small collection in the garden here, gave me the brute a few days ago. I had him chained in an empty stable; and last night, after shewing him to A and G- I must have missed the lock of the door, and turned the key without shutting it. The man who feeds and attends to my animals came as usual about six o'clock this morning; and finding the stable empty, at once gave the alarm. We traced his footsteps across the mould of the garden, to the window of this room, which to our consternation we found open. You may fancy to what a pitch my fears increased, when on knocking at the door the fierce brute flew out of the window, and, catching its foot on the iron stanchion, fell to the ground. It was overpowered, not without some ugly bites and scratches; and we then forced open the door of this room, fully prepared to find your mangled body. Nothing was to be seen but the empty bed, and a large stain of blood on the pillow; but we soon found you, insensible, and as I at first thought dead; though a little examination sufficed to shew that you had received no mortal injury. I cannot express my thankfulness. But your escape is a perfect marvel to me; and as soon as you are rested and refreshed, you must give me an account of what happened.'

Before long, I was seated at a cheerful breakfasttable, and making up as best I could for the wear and tear of my constitution during the last few hours. By the time I reached Glasgow, there remained little outward trace of my night's adventure, except a very disreputable black eye, which, for my character's sake, I was forced to cover with a patch; but I will own that many nights elapsed before my sleep ceased to be disturbed with frightful visions, or I could get rid of the sight of a grinning, fiendish face, which always started out of the darkness when I closed my eyes. Indeed, to this day I do not think I ever hear mention made of Liverpool without remembering the very uncomfortable night I passed, in my first and last visit there, more than ten years ago.

PROGRESS OF CO-OPERATION. THEORETICALLY, the mode in which we are supplied with food and other articles of necessity and comfort is faultless. Private individuals, without any view to the convenience of the public, but actuated solely by interested motives, undertake the supply of the articles in constant demand; merely adding to the cost-price the remuneration they demand for their trouble, and a fair proportion of the expense they are at, in shops, assistants, &c., in conducting their business. These individuals being numerous, act as a check upon each other; for their competition must necessarily be in excellence of quality, in moderation of price, in all things that can make services of the kind acceptable; and so the public are supplied with the best of everything at the lowest price, and with no more trouble than that of selecting their tradesmen.

This is the theoretical view of the subject: the practical one is a little different. We find in practice that the competition is not in regard to realities but appearances; and when this is the case, of course the palm is achieved by those who can deceive best. The gracious public must be made to imagine that they obtain a good article at a low price; and as these two things are incompatible, the article must be so skilfully adulterated as to seem good while it can be profitably sold cheap. Whether this is the fault of the dealers or the public is of no consequence: the fact stands all the same, and it throws discredit upon the whole competitive system.

Another system, our readers are aware, has been tried by various bodies of the working-classes-a system in which the motive-power is co-operation instead of competition; and there is now before us a paper which was partially read before the Social Science meeting at Birmingham, giving the results of the experiments of two of these co-operative bodies.* One of these, the People's Co-operative Flour-mill, we described at large on a former occasion.† We mentioned that the proximate cause of its establishment at Leeds in 1847 was the high price of flour and its excessive adulteration; the millers combining to keep up the price of their manufacture without regard to the rises and falls of grain in the market. Under these circumstances, the working classes of the locality determined, at a public meeting, to purchase and manufacture for themselves, and thus to obtain 'pure flour at as near prime cost as possible.' It is interesting to observe the course of the experiment since then, which in fact has been so uniformly and triumphantly successful as to go a great way of itself in demonstrating the soundness of the principle. The shares were at first a guinea each, but were afterwards raised to nearly fifty shillings. The flour was sold at first at cost-price, but a profit is now added; the advantages were at first confined to the members, but the public is now admitted to share: the business for the first five years never exceeded L.27,000 in the year, and has since then increased to L.72,000.

The existing trade could not stand unmoved before this new competitor. The price of flour was reduced, and adulteration, before excessive, became unknown in Leeds. In order to judge of the price of so fluctuating an article, this rule will suffice: that when grain is sold at so many shillings per quarter, flour will remunerate at the same number of half-pence per stone of fourteen pounds. Thus, when corn is 60s. per quarter, flour can be sold with a profit at sixty half-pence, or half-a-crown per stone. When the Society's flour was sold at about cost-price, it was still 1d. below the reduced marketprice, and saved the purchasers L.2000 a year. Even now, when it is sold at a remunerating price, governed by the markets, it is never above the half-penny per stone to the shilling per quarter, but often below that


The following are the general results of this interesting experiment as given in the pamphlet in an address

to the members:

1st. Flour was abominably adulterated in Leeds before we began, and you know we have been supplied with a perfectly pure article from our mill, no adulteration being ever permitted.

2d. You know that the price of flour often bore no natural ratio to the price of corn, but that dealers advanced the price of flour at their pleasure; and you know that since our operations we have steadied the markets, and reduced the scale-charge for flour at least 1 d. to 2d. per stone below the millers' previous charges.

3d. You know that the original members never paid more than 21s. each, so that 3270 members' subscriptions would come to L.3433, 10s.; and you know that you have withdrawn bonuses to the amount of L.5937, 11s. 8d., or L.2508, 10s. 8d. more than was ever paid in; and your directors now hereby declare to you, that by valuation of mill, fixtures, and stock,

The Economic and Moral Advantages of Co-operation in the Provision of Food, instanced in the People's Flour-mill Society at Leeds, and in the Rochdale Co-operative Pioneers' Store. Leeds: Green.

+ See Journal, No. 51, for December 1854.

up to July 1, 1857, your capital amounts to the sum of L.9083, 5s. 3d. above the said bonuses.'

The other experiment of the kind has been tried at Rochdale, and with a result quite as satisfactory. with the same object, as the one at Leeds; but here It commenced in 1844, from the same causes, and it began with groceries, and extended seriatim to butcher's meat, flour, coal and potatoes, clothing, drapery, shoes, clogs, hats, &c. 'Wages being generally paid at Rochdale on Friday and Saturday evenings about seven o'clock, it is a perfect wonder to see the numbers of well-dressed working-men and their wives walking quietly into the grocers' shops, where, beginning at the left-hand counter in No. 1 department, they senting the money, and then move on to No. 2, and so are supplied with goods, pay, get their tickets repreon to the eighth or ninth shopman; then into the butcher's shop, the flour, the potato, and the clothing rooms. On Friday, the 27th September, at half-past seven in the evening, I stood and counted sixty-five people in the grocery store, twelve in the meat and flour, and five or six in the clothing shops; and I was people purchasing at one time, who take their turns in informed they have sometimes more than one hundred the order of attendance. The purchases average fifteen to sixteen shillings per week per member, clothing being about one to twelve in amount, as compared to food.' From the net profits of this Society-called the Rochdale Pioneers' Co-operative Store-2 per cent. is set aside for the means of intellectual improvement. They have a library of 1600 or 1700 volumes, free to the members, and a news-room partially free. They have purchased a considerable part of the property they occupy. They make no display in their shopwindows, spend nothing in advertising, buy and sell for ready money, and instead of being in want of funds, have more than they know what to do with.

In 1844, the amount of the society's funds was L.28; In 1845, the in 1856, it had increased to L.13,000. In 1845, the profit was L.33; and in 1856, it was business done was L.710; in 1856, it was L.63,197. L.3922, or 35 per cent. on the capital.

The advantages of the co-operative system are numerous. It gives its members better goods for their money, because, instead of having any inducement to adulterate, or manufacture superficially, its interest is Its customers being ready, waiting for supply, there is no risk of overstocking; quite the other way. it has no need, therefore, of publishing that it will get rid of its winter goods at any sacrifice to make room for its spring stock; and being under no necessity of laying baits for patrons, it spends nothing in plate glass, gilding, chandeliers, or puffing advertisements. Dealing for ready money, it has no bad debts, and no law expenses. All who know intimately,' says the pamphlet, the habits of the working-classes, know food and clothing on credit. Once tied fast to the what a fearful evil the practice is of purchasing their shopkeeper, then follows, as a rule, high prices for bad articles; the food is adulterated, and the clothing inferior; poverty is thus made poorer, and to debt is canker and a curse. What, then, must be the benefits often added law, and pauperism naturally follows, a well by the poor to be so great an evil, and yet felt to of a complete change of the habit of credit? known be so hard to get rid of when once formed. And yet this change has been effected by these societies. The transactions of the managers of the Leeds and Rochdale societies are all, both buying and selling, on readynever out of debt, who crouched to the shopkeeper, and money principles. As a consequence, those who were dreaded the bailiff, are now fearless and clear of all incumbrance: they are consequently independent, and feel morally as well as socially elevated. Able to lay out their money to the best advantage, their houses become better furnished, and cleaner; their food is

more plentiful, and more wholesome; education for the children, and all other moral benefits follow: to visit the Green Board becomes now almost impossible; and not a few have a deposit at the bank, their own savings, upon which they may fall back in case of need. To enter the Society induces saving, and the savings thus accumulated, by the very condition of mind leading thereto, prevents their being wasted away in either drink or dissipation-those sad, sore evils which swallow up so much of the hard earnings of the operative.'

societies we have described, however, shew what can be done, and with such examples before us, it would be folly to despair.


NEXT, we believe, to Captain Toot's Voyages-for thus our infant tongue pronounced the name of that great navigator-not very much below the illustrated edition of Tiger-hunting in India in the Eighteenth Century, and at no immeasurable distance from Robinson Crusoe himself, we were wont, in our early boyhood, to hold in favour the Elegant Extracts. They consisted of four enormous volumes, one of which was denominated 'Epistles,' one Prose,' one Verse,' and one Poetry;' but these two last were absolutely identical, duplicates, and, like some twins who are only distinguishable by the variation of a strawberry-mark between their shoulders, differed in nothing save in the name at the back of their bindings.

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What is to prevent the working-classes throughout the kingdom from following the example of these two societies? Ignorance. Even at Leeds, with the advantage of the flour-mill before their eyes, and its handsome dividends in their pockets, a grocery store commenced with their own consent is on the point of failure from sheer want of custom! In our former paper we gave the complaint of the managers touching the supineness of their fellow-workmen in refusing to sanction the establishment of grocery and meat stores, We are at this time residing for a little time among instead of pocketing the bonus of the flour-mill-insig- the scenes of that far-back, thoughtless epoch of youth, nificant, of course, to each. It appears, however, that which has long since become sacred and solemn enough their sanction was at length obtained; that a grocery- to us, and we have found the same old volumes as store was actually commenced, and that it does not interesting-though we ourselves have suffered such pay, in consequence of its proprietors, the working-change-as ever. Much of this interest, indeed, arises classes, with comparatively few exceptions, refusing to from the comparison-involuntary, and yet the most deal at their own store, and thus obtain better and odious of all comparisons-of our two selves-between cheaper goods, and a money-profit besides. The pam- | Philip drunk with youth, and Philip sobered with all phlet is silent as to the cause of what might seem, the cares of a Paterfamilias; but the books have got without explanation, a very extraordinary mental much intrinsic treasure of their own, which no time blindness; but the probability is, that it merely offers can rust. We confess to never having had any great one more illustration of the misery of the credit fondness for the volume of Epistles, although we system-that the people are tied to the grocers, and always identified ourselves so fully with the young cannot readily get away. Whether this is the fact or gentleman in knee-breeches and a ruffled shirt, whose not, the Rochdale men would seem at first sight to attention is being directed, in the frontispiece, by the be greatly in advance of those of Leeds in point of muse of epistolary correspondence, to the effigy of Lord intelligence, either in keeping out of debt, and so Bacon: she cannot, at least, be the muse of history, securing to themselves the power to act as they please, or she would not be setting him up for a model. Much or in choosing, from two courses before them, the one of our dislike may be, we fancy, attributed to our that obviously leads to advantage. It is difficult, how- having been made to retranslate Mr Melmoth's letters ever, to reason on the case without better information to Papirius Pætus into Latin, such as M. T. Cicero than we possess on the circumstances of the two towns. would have been astonished to have found his own. Upon the whole, the experiments we have thus glanced over prove, in the first place, that contrary to the commonly expressed opinion, it is perfectly possible for men of the working-classes to conduct their own business, even when of a complicated nature, to a successful issue; but, in the second place, that the body is not generally so far advanced as this in intelligence. Their own best friends take the unfavourable view of their character, and without always giving them the credit of the per contra.

'I have worked with the working-classes,' said Mr Charles Bray at Birmingham, 'at all measures for improving their condition for a quarter of a century, but have never yet found them capable of conducting their own affairs. If their affairs were of a trading kind, they were jealous and niggardly of the pay of those who were principally instrumental in making them succeed, and what was ordered by a committee one week or month, was too frequently undone the next. There was no permanency or persistency. If their affairs were of other kinds, they fell out among themselves, and could not long be kept together. The worst feature of ignorance is intolerance, and the worst of the workingclasses is that they cannot agree to differ.' This is from a note to the pamphlet, and in the text the same thing is repeated. Many object to work out their own social elevation, preferring poverty to independence; and thousands act so as to be a dead log upon the more thoughtful and prudent. Others who wish to get out of the trammels of poverty, ignorant of the natural relations of things, hope for the impossible, and not getting their wishes, become discontented with real benefits, and quarrel therewith.' The two

This volume is divided into five books, the last of which is appropriated to 'Recent Letters,' which begin with those of William Shenstone, Esq., and end with those of Mr Edward Gibbon-by this time, alas! seeming hardly to be more recent' than those in the first book by Mr Pliny the Consul to several of his friends.' The Prose,' as a deceased wit, who was scarcely born when these volumes were first published, has observed, 'was even worse.' Moral and Religious, Classical and Historical Prose, Orations, Sermons, and (especially) Characters of Departed Sovereigns. Character of Charles I., by Macaulay, Character of James II., ibid. How strange these titles read to us, and yet how familiar! The female historian only lives in Elegant Extracts such as these, and another Macaulay reigneth in her stead, who has drawn for us the same characters with a far more skilful touch, though with not less violent colouring. Among the slightly verbose accounts treating of 'The affected strangeness of some men of quality,' or of A citizen's family setting out for Brighthelmstone,' there are a number of pieces which were wont to give us the most unmixed delight. How fond we grew of the little Nurse Glumdalclitch, who was but forty feet high; and of the mighty king who was, by the breadth of a finger-nail, taller than the tallest of his court! But then were Brobdingnag and Lilliput but pleasant fairy tales, which have now become wicked satires; whereas, upon the other hand, that pious and exemplary Explanation of the Fifth Commandment,' by Corporal Trim, used somewhat to shock the well-regulated mind of our young days as being slightly blasphemous. What a charming woodcut heralded this volume also! A bee

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