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and iron ores, with plenty of lime and stone for building, an abundance of running water, and a fine climate-it attracted the attention of the ancient Romans, who, as long as they held possession of Syria, made Antioch the seat of government.' Proceeding northward and westward round the coast of Asia Minor, we come to Smyrna, the great port of this division of the Ottoman Empire, towards the Mediterranean. Formerly, Smyrna was the place of export of caravan-produce, and of the import of manufactures which found their way to Persia. But the opening up of the trade of Trebizonde caused this part of the trade of Smyrna to decline. For many years, no goods have ever gone from England to Persia by the Smyrna caravans. All find their way by Trebizonde and Erzeroum. But there is a very large local export trade in figs, grain, and dye-stuffs for manufactures. Aidin is in the interior, the centre of this large trade; and a railway has been subscribed for, and, we believe, commenced, between the port and this important internal entrepôt of western Asia Minor. Smyrna itself is a large city, having a considerable corps of British merchants, as well as those of the other countries bordering the Mediterranean, particularly French from Marseille, Italians from Genoa and Leghorn, and Austrians from Trieste.

Passing round to the north of Asia Minor, we come to Samsoun, and are again reminded that at no distant period Asia Minor, rather than Egypt, is the gate of India; and that when the lines across Moldavia and Galicia are finished, that by Samsoun to Diarbekir and Bagdad is the shortest of all possible routes to India, not excepting that of the Euphrates Valley.

This is no chimera, for the Porte has just conceded to Englishmen of the highest respectability the power to construct a railway from Samsoun to Tokat and Sivas, the latter town being not very far distant from Diarbekir, the first important town in the vale of the Tigris, beyond which all is plain to Mosul and Bagdad; in fact, all the Lower Tigris is a dead flat. This line does not go through wastes or regions of desert, but a rich country, with several very large towns, where valuable productions are most abundant, and wanting only carriage to a port, instead of the slow, tedious, and expensive transport on the backs of animals. Tokat has inexhaustible copper-mines, which, for want of transport and other facilities, are not sufficiently utilised. Sivas is the centre of a district which produces in abundance most of those articles so extensively exported from Asia Minor to the manufacturing districts of England, in addition to fruits and grains. So that for this first stage of what we may call the direct India railway, there cannot fail to be an enormous local traffic. But how,' it is asked, 'are we to get to Samsoun most conveniently?' We answer, by rail from Calais to Galatz. This line is already completed across Germany and through the greater part of Galicia. The Moldavian line across a dead flat is all that would be wanting, on the completion of the line to Sivas, to make the communication by rail and steam uninterrupted. We believe it is not the intention of those who have received this valuable concession, to bring it into the money-market in its present state; but as the Porte has guaranteed 7 per cent., and engaged to take up one-third of the shares, we look upon the project as certain to be carried out. We think Turkey has acted wisely in the exercise of this liberality. The future prosperity of the Ottoman Empire is more likely to be found in the opening up of these productive internal regions, than by any other measures that can possibly be devised.

Until the ports of Turkey are cheaply accessible to the mineral and agricultural productions of the interior, the free trade she has possessed from

time immemorial loses half its value. This great principle is in Turkey like a fire without fuel, or a noble human faculty torpid from inadequate exercise, or inefficient from inadequate means.


We now pass from Asia to Europe, where we find several projects of railway, the most comprehensive of which is no doubt the Grand Trunk Railway from Constantinople to Belgrade via Adrianople. this line may ultimately be executed, we look on as highly probable, because it is the ancient Roman line from the eastern capital to Mosia. Adrianople, Philippopoli, Sophia, and Belgrade, are all very little out of the straight line to Vienna. But such a line can be executed only by a company of colossal capital, in consequence of its great extent, not only across the rich and level plains of Roumelia, but also through the gorges of the Taurus and its spurs, that extend all the way from Tatar-Bazardjik to Niza, on the borders of Servia; in all which region much tunnelling would be requisite.

A less expensive project is the line from Rustchuk, the large grain-emporium on the Lower Danube, to Enos, on the Mediterranean below the Dardanelles— not going over the Balkan, but round it on the shores of the Black Sea; and a still shorter line is from Rustchuk to Varna. But both these schemes are as yet only projects. In the case of the railway from Kustendji to Czernavoda, which cuts off the great tongue formed by Lower Bulgaria or the Dobrudscha, the capital has already been subscribed, and the preliminary works actually begun. If any one looks at the map of this part of Turkey in Europe, it will be seen that the Danube, instead of continuing its easterly course to the Black Sea, makes a great detour to the north, and enters it by several encumbered channels, the entrance to which, from the sea, is practicable only to vessels of small tonnage, and to these only in fair weather. At one time, a depth of fourteen feet was maintained over the bar by artificial means, but latterly it has not exceeded eleven feet, the width being five hundred yards. Yet the trade of Galatz and Ibraila, the former the port of Moldavia, and the latter of Wallachia, has increased fifteenfold between 1838 and 1852. Thus, from the small and uncertain depth of water, and the difficulties of the navigation through the channels of the delta, the trade has been confined to vessels of very light draught, which is seriously obstructive of much direct commerce with the west of Europe, in which large vessels only can be profitably employed. The consequence is that the trade is very much confined to Levantine coasting-vessels of small tonnage. Captain Spratt has paid especial attention to the mouths of the Danube, and has produced new charts of the Sulina and St George mouths; and it would appear from communications with him, and study on the spot, that it would take an enormous sum to establish a depth on the bar of twenty feet, so as to enable vessels of 800 tons to cross it at all times.

A very large proportion of the foreign grain imported into England now comes from those Danubian principalities, which are so much before the public in relation to political matters, which we will not now touch upon. But although the trade has increased so enormously, the internal arrangements for conducting it are still of a very rude character. From the western districts of Wallachia, the grain is sent by land to Kalafat, or down the Aluta, which separates Great from Little Wallachia, to the mouth of the river, and thence by barges to Ibraila. From Central Wallachia, Moldavia, and the interior of Bulgaria, the grain is brought mostly in carts to the Danube. The merchants employ agents to buy it in the country direct from the growers, and bring it to market at all risks, involving a great deal of loss,

delay, fraud, and wrangling. There is, therefore, a great want of a cheap and commodious conveyance to a Black Sea port; and it has been found that by clearing out the ancient port of Constantia, called Kustendji, on the Black Sea, and making a railway to Tchernavoda, on the Danube, the tongue of the Dobrudscha would be cut off, a great circuit saved, and the dangerous, difficult, and inconvenient navigation of the mouths would be avoided.

The main object of the proposed port and railway is to open the Black Sea to the products of the Danubian provinces more effectually, and thereby facilitate the trade with Western Europe. But a second object is to induce a return of population into Eastern Bulgaria, which is naturally one of the richest districts of Europe for the production of grain and the rearing of sheep, oxen, and horses.

Kustendji, under the name of Constantia, was an important place, and had a large harbour in ancient times. The ruins of ancient temples, the remains of ancient moles and quays still visible, prove this. And, certainly, in whatever point of view it be regarded, there can scarcely be imagined a more favourable site for a commercial city. Kustendji is backed by a vast extent of country, perfectly open, but with a great depth of the richest soil, producing, whenever cultivated, crops of the finest grain. The surrounding country is high, and peculiarly healthy; fever is rare; and the sheep, horses, and oxen, are fat and fine. The curse of the country has been war. The mouths of the Danube being in the hands of the Russians, the Danube below Silistria being undefended by any fortress of importance, and the coast having no safe harbour, this territory has always been overrun by the Russian forces at their first advance against Turkey, and made the prey of contending armies. A promontory running into the sea forms a natural protection from the north and north-east winds for a large area of water, which may, by dredging and enclosure, be converted, at a moderate expense, into a safe and commodious harbour, capable of receiving vessels of large tonnage.

Captain Spratt has, since the reconnaissance made by him for the generals of the allies in July 1854, given much attention to the subject of this port and communication with the Danube; and he is of opinion that, with a north-east entrance, it is accessible as a harbour of refuge in any wind. A breakwater will be carried out four hundred yards. It is therefore considered that it will have six times the accommodation of Odessa; with a deeper entrance than that port, and a better exit for the despatch of business. The importance of this will appear when we mention, that in consequence of the troublesome navigation of the mouths of the Danube, freights to Odessa are generally one-third less than to Galatz. The position of Kustendji has the advantage over Odessa of being at all times free from ice in winter, while it is two hundred sea-miles nearer to the Bosphorus, and these two hundred miles are of dangerous navigation.

With regard to the country to be passed over, we may mention that the Dobrudscha consists of five thousand square miles of rich soil, having a porous substratum generally of the coral rag and chalk formation. The general elevation of the country is about 300 feet above the level of the sea. At the northern extremity, however, the old formations appear, and have heaved up the younger formations, forming a fine range of mountains, rising, towards the extreme north, to an elevation of about 2500 feet, covered at their base, on the northern slopes, with fine forests. This vast extent of country is beautifully, but gently undulating, and is besides intersected and indented by numerous small valleys and dales, singularly tortuous and indeterminate in direction, but

opening ultimately into a few large valleys running to the Danube, and to lakes bordering on the Black Sea. The valleys have no streams to water them. Powerful springs rise at the head of some; but the rivulet thus formed dies almost at its source-is absorbed, forms a bit of green marsh, a mud-pool, and is lost. Very rarely is it that water runs on the face of the country. No ravines, no rocky or pebbly beds, worn by the rush of waters. At most are to be found some deep furrows on the steeper parts of the slopes, to shew that water does fall faster than the soil can absorb it. The porous substratum of coral rag and chalk absorbs the rain not retained by the deep free soil-a soil which resembles the finest garden-mould-and gives it off in springs, which gather in lakes towards the Danube and the Black Sea, and little above their level, or are tapped by the wells of its inhabitants. The soil is of amazing depth; and grain-crops and grass of the finest quality grow on parcels scattered over the length and breadth of the land, produced without manure, under the most primitive methods of culture. Onions, beans, cabbages, seem to grow luxuriantly wherever sown. The oak, the wild-pear, the ash, the plane, are still to be found, though not of great dimensions, in natural forests of fine trees.

The railway is proposed to be carried along a line of lakes, which are, in fact, back-waters of the Danube; and the line will be as much as possible along the margin of these lakes, on an embankment from four to six feet in height; and we learn by the report of the company just issued, that accounts have been received from their engineers that the banking of the Danube was begun on the 22d of October last; that Turkish commissioners, appointed for the purpose, have marked out the land reserved by government for fortifications. Nearly all the land on the line has been ascertained to be imperial property.

Such are the railways now projected, or begun, in the Ottoman Empire. That others will follow, we cannot doubt; for the government of that country is most anxious that all the districts of the interior, capable of large production, should be put in communication with the coast. From the period of the Greek revolution, down to the termination of the Crimean war, Turkey, owing to innumerable domestic revolts, foreign war, and diplomatic crises, has never been out of hot water. A new period is now opening up for her; and we look forward to the time when a large amount of British capital will be securely vested in Turkish railways.


DARK masses of my threatening fellow-creatures, cloaked and cowled; chosen assassins equipped with noiseless goloshes and daggers diminishing to a point, wherefrom drips a gout of gore; an executioner with a half-mask and a chopper, with its edge turned towards me; vague and unknown shapes following, following, take my frightened way; a thousand strangers with with a deadly unswerving purpose, whithersoever I uplifted armed right hands, exclaiming together, artistically, and in the pauses of slow music: 'We swear, we swear,' and doing it; half-a-dozen of intimate friends striking at my breast with a curious and varied collection of weapons, from an overwhelming sense of duty, and averting their looks for pity's sake; secret conclaves setting down my name in blood, with a variety of other dismal pictures selected from the haunted chambers of imagination, had been presented to me in dreams for months. I was rendered miserable, through having been made a freemason, with the terror of carrying about with me so

tremendous a secret. I felt that I was fated to be the unhappy wretch who should betray that which had been held sacred by multitudes for more than a thousand years. Nor was this idea altogether without grounds; for to so great a pitch of nervousness had I arrived, that I was continually whispering the matter confidentially to myself, and then, in the belief that I had spoken aloud, looking horror-stricken around me; or, not seldom, I would write it down upon slips of paper, which I afterwards took care to tear up small, or put them into the fire, or devoured them.

held his masonic ladder in one hand, and his trowel and pair of compasses in the other; when he had come up with me, he would describe with the compasses a magic circle, out of which I could not stir; plant his ladder against my back, as though I were a cucumber frame, and mounting upon my shoulders, trowel in hand, would mutter some cabalistic words, addressed to surrounding nature, explanatory of the reason of my being sacrificed; at which period I was wont to be awaked with the chattering of my teeth. Once, I remember throwing myself upon the protection of a policeman, who happened to be patrolling the desert for the greater security of the ostrich-eggs; and he, instead of taking the Provincial Grand into custody, pointed to the collar of his own uniform, upon which, in place of a number, was emblazoned the fatal triangle which proclaimed the Peeler to be a Deputy Grand Arch himself. My state of mind became at length so unsupportable, that I was obliged to take a friend into my confidence. I did not, of course, confide to him the secret, but I told him of the anxiety which was continually consuming me regarding it.

'Well,' said Jones, after having listened patiently to the sad recital-he was a very well-meaning young man, only rather volatile-'I have a plan which, I think, will benefit you: for your sake-although I become a freemason myself; then, you see, you will know the whole thing is nonsense-I am ready to have a confidant-a being in whom you may repose your trouble. We will retire together for an hour or so every day into some lonely spot-down the well, or up the chimney, or into the House of Lords while they are despatching business-and there we will converse about this secret, if there be a secret, and relieve your mind.'

Once, however, when engaged in this practice, a high wind, coming in at the open window, scattered these interesting disclosures in every direction, and drove me as nearly mad as a sane man could go. There were as many as twenty distinct revelations of the most mysterious fact in the world's history thus set flying over space, so that any one might run and read them. Nineteen of these I recovered by means of almost superhuman exertions. Two were reclaimed, at peril of life and limb, from a neighbour's wall with chevaux-de-frise at the top of it; three of them had lodged in a very lofty tapering tree, which practically demonstrated the dreaded fact of my Sybilline leaves becoming poplar; five were carried into the river, and had to be rescued by boat; seven had been whirled into the kennel of a proverbially savage dog, which, however, was so impressed by my eager haste and furious vehemence, that he vacated his quarters at the first summons, and fled, howling, to the utmost extent of his chain. One was brought down from a chimney-pot by a very small sweep, who, luckily for me and for himself, proved to my satisfaction that he had never been taught to read; one II made the necessary arrangements with the officials This project transported me with joy and gratitude. found the kitten at play with in the garden, which in our lodge for Jones's admission, without, of course, presently I put to death accordingly, without open mentioning my particular reason for getting it done, trial, after the manner of the tribunals of Westphalia; and he came down to my house from London upon the twentieth could nowhere be found. There was lying the evening preceding his installation. I had been somewhere, patent to the first passer-by, an explicit useful to Jones more than once in the way of lendsolution of the whole art of freemasonry in my own ing him a little money when he was hard up, and I peculiar and well-known handwriting. This thought, together after dinner over our wine, he requested of was therefore not surprised when, as we were sitting which was of a nature to make the most stolid anxious, me the temporary loan of a ten-pound note. excited me to frenzy. I went about demanding of my fellow-creatures whether they had seen a small piece of paper in the air lately.

'What paper? What was on it?' inquired they. What was on it, indeed? A question not to be answered very readily. I did not go to bed for eightand-forty-hours, and then I found the precious missing manuscript neatly deposited between my neckerchief and my false collar; after which I abstained from writing out the secret any more. I carried it about with me on my mind, nevertheless, and a very dreadful burden it was. Waking or sleeping, but especially sleeping, I was always picturing to myself the consequences of revealing what I knew, and thereby endured the imaginary pains of half-a-dozen opium-eaters. Methought that the Provincial Grand of our lodge, who, in private life, is a most respectable grocer, was the individual selected by the society as the avenger of violated faith. He was wont to pursue me in his full official costume, which, however, seemed to attract no greater attention in the streets of the city than in the deserts (all bearing an absurd likeness to the back-garden of my private residence), whither I sometimes, in vain, betook myself for refuge. He

However, as there was a small account already between us, I moved as an amendment that the sum should be decreased by one half, to which, after a slight discussion, my friend acceded, and retired to rest apparently satisfied, with a five-pound note of mine in his purse.

We lay in a double-bedded room, for the convenience of conversing upon my all-engrossing topic, and we fell asleep while talking of it. I was awaked in the morning by the entrance into the room of my com. panion, ready dressed, and with his hat on, as though he had been out for an early stroll.

'Why, I never heard you get up,' said I; ‘I must have slept very soundly.'

'You did,' replied Jones in a solemn and unusual tone: 'very, very soundly; and you dreamed, I think?'

'I believe you, my boy,' cried I, chuckling with the thought of how soon such things would be all over: I just did dream.'

You dreamed of the—the secret, did you not?' continued he.

'Of course I did,' said I; 'I always do dream of the secret.'

'Indeed,' observed Jones, with an unpleasant dryness in his manner; and do you also always talk in your sleep?'

[blocks in formation]

in the house.'


Then I remembered having made use of that little tarrididdle, or delicate evasion, in order to get rid of his importunity upon the previous evening. By his reminding me of it thus boldly, it was evident that I must have put myself into his power indeed. 'Do you know all ?' inquired I hoarsely. 'Well,' said he carelessly, there is no need for my being masonified; I know all about the 'enunciated the awful secret, the mystery of the ages, the hidden wonder, as though he were retailing some political tittle-tattle of the clubs. 'You see,' he continued, 'you awoke me, and kept me awake by repeating it so very distinctly over and over again, that I have got it quite pat. I could not forget it even if I would. Since you seemed to be in such admirable case for it, I could not help trying that experiment-with which you are doubtless acquainted -of interrogating a sleeping person regarding the subject of his dreams, and your answers astonishingly clear and pertinent. I never was spectator of anything more interesting and curious. It is positively a contribution to psychological science. I think, indeed, that I shall publish an ac '


At that instant, I made my long contemplated spring out of the bedclothes, and placed myself between my enemy and the door. In my hand was the life-preserver with which my pillow is always furnished, and in my eyes was the determination to use it as a life-preserver. 'Jones,' I observed, as I must save my own life-you must die.'

'You mean to kill me, then, do you?' said he jauntily.

'My friend,' replied I, waving the weapon to and fro to give solemnity to my manner, 'I have unfortunately no choice; you have wantonly opened the Bluebeard's chamber of my mind, and now you must pay the penalty. I regret the sad necessity, believe me, almost as much as you can yourself, but the thing must be done. I shall hit you between the eyes as nearly as I can, so that the whole matter will be but the work of an instant, and the pain scarcely appreciable. However, in the meantime, if you have any message or document to leave behind you, intrust it to me, and be sure of its delivery.'

'Yes,' said Jones decisively, there are two documents down stairs in the possession of my servant, with whom I have but just left them. The one is to be delivered to your friend the Provincial Grand at once if anything should happen to me, and the other to the mayor of this town. The law will therefore hang you upon strong circumstantial evidence, unless the brotherhood put you to death beforehand by some more terrible method. You have not given me that twenty-pound note, by the by, old fellow. Where is it?'

'Here,' said I, tottering to my trousers, and taking out my pocket-book with a trembling hand: 'here's a fifty-pound note, which you may keep as a small token of my affectionate regard. I love you, Jones;

you know I was only in fun all along.'

the money;

Thank ye,' said my volatile friend, as he pocketed so was I too. I have been playing a trick upon you from the very beginning.' And then with his nose, and knees, and

elbows, according to the orthodox manner, so often practised by me in secret-he made, to my astonishment, the freemason's sign.

'You must know, my dear fellow,' added he, 'that I have been a mason myself these ten years; and as for your revelations during sleep, they consisted of nothing beyond snoring.'

AN ASSORTMENT OF SURNAMES. FAMILY nomenclature is a subject of considerable interest beyond the sphere of the etymologist and antiquary, of whose learned labours, however, we wish to speak with the greatest respect. Whence existing surnames have been derived, and the changes they have undergone, are points in the illustration of which much pains and patience have been expended. To use a comparison well understood in these days been carried through the midst of this special quesof mechanics and engineering, a broad highway has tion; but we prefer just now turning aside into a bypath opened up by the registrar-general of England in his last annual Report. That communicative functionary devotes a whole chapter to this topic; and as probably not one in a thousand of our countrymen will ever see the original, we propose to present, in a simplified and reclassified form, the curiosities of fact which he has placed at our disposal. We are first of all informed that in the department over which he presides, there is a registration of more than 21,000,000 names, all collected between the 1st of July 1837 and the end of 1854. From the registration indexes thus possessed, the surnames at present borne in England and Wales could be pretty accurately ascertained; but the trouble involved in such an inquiry is sufficient to appal the Samson of statistics himself, who has limited his researches to two quarterly indexesone of births, and another of deaths-resulting in the discovery, that of 275,405 individuals registered, 32,818 had different surnames-shewing an average of 8.4 persons to every surname. It is then assumed

as a rough estimate, that the whole number of surnames in England and Wales is between 35,000 and 50,000,' orthographical differences (as Clerk, Clark, Clerke) being allowed to pass for a difference of name. The roots of surnames now in use would be found to fall considerably short of the above number. Wales and Cornwall differ from England in the constantly recurring sameness of the nomenclature; in the former, nine-tenths of the people, it is said, could perhaps 'be mustered under less than 100 different surnames;' so that 'the primary object of a name, which is to distinguish an individual from the mass,' is in danger of being lost.

By the aid of a table compiled from 'nine quarterly indexes of births, eight of deaths, and eight of marriages,' we are enabled to see what the fifty most common surnames are, and the number of times each surname occurs. The Smiths, of course, are at the head of the poll, their name boasting 33,557 entries; but their supremacy is imperiled by the tribe of Joneses, who stand 33,341 strong. That of Williams numbers 21,936. Below 20,000 are arrayed the clans Taylor, Davies, Brown, Thomas, Evans, Roberts, and Johnson. The others have fewer than 10,000 followers, the lowest figure falling to Griffiths-4639. fifty names embrace nearly eighteen in every 100 of those registered-about one in six; and as the total


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Returning to the statistical case of Smith versus Jones, the registrar-general informs us that the whole of the indexes from 1838 to 1854 were searched to determine the relative frequency' of these competing surnames; and the numerical issue is in favour of the Smiths. Of Smiths, the entries were 286,037; of Joneses, 282,900-a Smith majority of 3137. In seven years, the Joneses were more numerous; in eleven years (including the last seven), the Smiths; and so, as there is no reason against our siding with the winning party, we cry-Hurrah for the Smiths! Both tribes, however, are entitled to all the deference which numbers can give them, since it is calculated that in England and Wales they include together not less than half a million persons-sufficient of themselves to people four towns as large as Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, and Hull. With respect to the fifty most common surnames,' we are favoured with a further computation, which makes it appear that in 1853 England and Wales contained 3,253,800 persons bearing these family names; or, in other words, that about two in every eleven Englishmen and Welshmen are known among men by one or other of these fifty


More of these statistical curiosities are behind. Descending to the letters of the alphabet, we learn that 'the letter B is the most frequent initial of surnames,' being about 10 per cent. of the whole. H is above, and S and W nearly 9 per cent. N and K are lowest in the scale of proportion, excepting X and Z.

Here we might conclude our ramble, but we are tempted to prolong it on account of the singular scene which the indefatigable general of registrars lays before us. This is no other than a list of more than 2000 peculiar surnames selected from the birth-indexes of the first quarter of 1851, and the death-indexes of the corresponding quarter of 1853. Very peculiar, in truth, many of these surnames are, and certain of affording a delightful feast to the lovers of the droll and the grotesque. In the book before us, they are placed in alphabetical order; but the amusement they offer is best secured by such an arrangement of them as will shew the treasures of descriptive phraseology they comprise. The classical deities live again in Bacchus, Mars, and Venus-a well-matched trio; in Flora, Fortuna, Muse, and the Muses; the Phoenix and the Griffin recall the fables of the East; while Mabb and Fay speak to us of myths that still linger in the villages of our land. Classical history is remembered in Damon and Dion; Hector and Troy are not yet extinct; neither is Rome nor the Roman name; and though Hannibal reappears, the honours of the Latin name are worthily committed to Cato, Scipio, and Cæsar, who may trace in Dominey a fragment of the language in which they harangued and wrote. Modern nationalities are pointed out by French and Gaul, Saxon, Dutch, and Dane. The Spaniard must be content with his Don, but the Turk comes in for a North and South Africa are arbitrarily represented by Barbary and the Caffre; and the sound of


Cashmere immediately connects in our thoughts the looms of that famous valley-kingdom with the spindles of our own. Sacred Scripture, as might be supposed, has suggested several names, although the selection is peculiar enough. Angel and Demon stand in contrast. Eve makes her entry, and, under her protection, her scapegrace first-born Cain. Noah-the hale old man, 'orphan of the old world, and father of the new '—is here; but whence comes Balaam, and stranger still, Dives and Pharrisee? As much out of place in another direction are Calvary and Pentecost. Heaven and Heavens, Saint and Sanctuary, Priest and Prophet, with Christian itself, have clearly a Biblical origin; but to a later source we must refer Pagan, with Lent and Christmas. Church, with its compound Churchward, and less agreeable companion Churchyard, belong to a similar period; as do Abbot (not mentioned in this list) and Prior. There can be no doubt where Surplice, Spires, and Steeple come from.

The need of the law is vindicated by Lawless, Felony, and Felons—its character by Just and Justice its operations by Sessions and Jury-its pleasures by Fee-and one of its results by Fines.

The science of medicine is celebrated under the

homely name of Physick. The Pothecary and his Pill are not far apart. A Hospital, indeed, leaves the mind free to roam over Collick, Cramp, Fever, and the painful plural Fevers; but more cheerful thoughts of Balm and Balsam are not absent; while Heal and Cure shed a cheerful hue over the sable scene.

Military operations for two years have commanded a large share of public attention; but previous to these, and although we are not a soldier-nation, the list of surnames testifies to the belligerent tendency of our population. The Warrior and Cavalier issue from their Castle; they have their Arms offensive and defensive: Armour of Mail is provided, with the Shield. Honour is done to the Dart and the Arrow, England's once formidable and favourite weapon. The Dagger and Dirk are in request, with the Lance and the Sword. Thus equipped, the Gauntlett is ready; but besides all, we have the Gunner with his Gun; even Cannon of the largest calibre. Then waves the Banner, and then beats the Drum, while Slaughter leads the way to Victory and Conquest.

Naval matters are not overlooked. The Ship multiplies into Shipping, and it swells into a Fleet. The single vessel has its Keel and Deck, its Helm, its Middlemast, and its Tackle; and for the boat there must be the Oar. When launched, it can Float, and with a Chart may set out upon its Cruise, in the course of which it will often have to Tack before the Gale. Should a Tempest cause a Leak, the sailors will look with anxiety for a Harbor or Haven on the Mainland; and failing this, even the most skilful Diver will be liable to Drown.

Now, turning from the learned professions, and the contingencies of land and sea, let us examine Man as a member of the great creation; and not small is the help which our English surnames will impart to that compound being in his endeavour to obey the oracle, and know himself. First, they will inform him that he has a Bodily structure, a Body, and, not less really, an indwelling Soul. The former has vital organs, such as the Head--in old English a Pate, and in low English a Noddle. Within the head is a Brain or Brains, else it will be of little use to its owner. On the top is Hair, consisting of many Hairs, which on the female head fall down in many a Curl. In front is the For(e). head-beneath it, the Eyes; and beneath them, the Cheek. Tongue and Tooth appertain to the mouth, and so the face tapers down to the Chin. Why the nose is omitted in this inventory of the features is a mystery; so prominent a member must have a keen sense of the insult, and may be expected to set itself

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