Thys ender nyght 2 I saw a syght, A star as bright as day; And ever among By-by, baby, lullay ! Thys vyrgyn clere Wythowtyn pere Unto hur son gane say: "My son, my lorde, My fathere dere, Why lyest thow in hay? "Methynk by ryght Thow, kyng and knyght, Shulde lye in ryche aray, Yet none the lesse I wyll not cesse 3 To syng, By-by, lullay !" Thys babe full bayne 4 Aunsweryd agayne, And thus, me-thought, he sayd: "I am a kyng Above all thyng, Yn hay yff I be layde; "For ye shall see 21 12 18 24 That kynges thre Shall cum on the twelfe day. For thys behest Geffe me thy brest 7 "My son, I say Wythowtyn nay 1 II Thow art my derling dere; I shall the kepe Whyle thow dost slepe And make the 2 goode chere; "And all thy wylle I wyll fulfill, Thou wotyst hyt well yn fay. Yet more then thys, I wyll the kys And syng, By-by, lullay." "My moder swete, When I have slepe, Then take me up on lofte; Upon your kne Thatt ye sett me And dandell me full soft; "And in your arme Lap me ryght warme And kepe me nyght and day; And yff I wepe And cannott slepe, Syng, By, baby, lullay." "My son, my lorde, My fader dere, Syth all ys at thy wyll, I pray the, son, Graunte me a bone, Yff hyt be ryght and skylle; "That chylde or man, Whoever can Be mery on thys day, To blys them bryng And I shall syng: By-by, baby, lullay !" "My moder shene,3 Of hevyn quene, Your askyng shall I spede, So that the myrth Dysplease me nott Yn wordes nor in dede. 1 certainly 2 thee 3 beautiful 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 4 cease 1 satisfied 8 12 |