Haw, n. the berry of the haw- | jam, n. preserved fruit. thorn. haugh, n. a hilloek. Hew, v. to cut, to chop. hue, n. a colour, dye, tint. Hugh, n. a man's name. Hie, v. to go in haste, to hasten. high, a. elevated, lofty, tall. Hight, v. called. (Obsolete or poetical.) Jew'ry, n. the land of Judea. ju'ry, n. twelve men sworn to give a true verdict. Just, a. true, equitable, fair. joust, n. tournament, a mock fight. Jane, n. a woman's name. jean, n. a twilled cotton cloth. Jes'se, n. a man's name. height, the top, elevation Jesse, n above the ground. Him, pro. objective case of He. hymn, n. a divine or religious n. a woman's name. Key, n. for a lock. quay, n. a wharf or dock. Kill, v. to deprive of life. Kiln, n. a large stove. Ker'nel, n. the edible part of a nut. colonel, n. the highest officer in a regiment. Lac, n. a kind of gum. In East Indian, 100,000. lack, v. to want, need; n. a want. Lacks, v. does want, needs. laid, v. placed, deposited. Law, n. edict, statute, rule. la exclamation. Ah! indeed! Laps, v. does lap or drink, as a cat. lapse, n. a slip, a failing in duty. Leaf, n. of a tree, book, &c. Lee, n. the sheltered side; | male, a. of the masculine sex. opposite to the wind. lea, n. a meadow, a field. Leak, v. to let in or out water. leek, n. a kind of onion. Levy, v. to raise, to collect. levee, n. a morning assembly of visitors. Limb, n. a member. limn, v. to draw or paint. Links, n. plural of link; divisions of a chain. lynx, n. a wild animal re sembling a cat. Lo! exclamation. Look! see! low, a. not high, humble. Loan, n. any thing lent. lone, a. alone, solitary. Lock, n. of a door. loch, n. a lake or arm of the sea. Leeds, n. a town in Yorkshire. leads, v. does lead, conducts. Lear, n. name of a king in Shakespeare. leer, n. a side view. Lees, n. dregs, sediment. leas, n. fallow ground. Les'sen, v. to diminish, to make small. Main, a. principal, chief. mane, n. the hair on the neck of a horse, &c. Man'tel, n. a narrow shelf above a fireplace. man'tle, n. a cloak, a covering. Maze, n. an intricate place, a labyrinth. maize, n. Indian corn. mete, v. to measure. might, n. strength, power. Mity, a. full of mites, as cheese. mighty, a. very powerful. les'son, n. a precept, a doctrine Mare, n. the female of the horse. inculcated. Lie, n. a falsehood. lye, n. a mixture of ashes and water. Liar, n. one who tells lies. lier, n. one who lies down. lyre, n. a musical instrument like the harp. Maid, n. a young unmarried woman. made, v. did make, finished. Mail, n. a bag for letters; armor. mayor, n. the chief magistrate of a borough. Mark, v. to observe; to dis tinguish by a sign. marque, n. a license to make captures. Mall, n. a level shaded walk. maul, v. to hurt in a coarse or butcherly manner. Mist, n. a watery vapour; very small rain. missed, v. lost, omitted. Med'lar, n. a fruit like a pear. Nave, n. the middle part of a wheel; the middle or body of a church. knave, n. a rogue, a rascal. Nay, adv. no, not. neigh, v. to utter the cry of a horse. Naught, a. worthless, bad. nought, n. not any thing. Need, n. want, necessity. knead, v. to work dough. New, a. novel, fresh. knew, v. did know, understood. gnu, n. a kind of antelope in Africa. Nice, a. good, fine, pleasant to the taste. gneiss, n. a species of stratified rock. Night, n. the time from sunset to sunrise. knight, n. a man at arms; a title next below a baronet. No, a. not any; not so. know, v. to understand. Nose, n. the organ of smell. knows, v. does know, understands. noes n. plural of No. Not, adv. the word of denial. knot, n. a tie; a difficulty. None, a. not one; not any. nun, n. a woman devoted to a religious life. Nit, n. the egg of a louse. knit, v. to interweave with needles. Oar, n. a pole with flat ends for rowing with. ore, n. unrefined metal. o'er, adv. contraction of over. Our, pro. belonging to us. hour, n. sixty minutes. Pain, n. ache, uneasiness, suffering. pane, n. a square of glass. Pair, n. a couple, two. pare, v. to cut thinly. pear, n. a well known fruit. Paul, n. a man's name. pall, n. a covering thrown over the coffin at funerals. Pal'ette, n. an oval board for a painter's colours. pal'ate, n. the organ of taste. pallet, a small mean bed. Pan'el, n. a thin board on which a picture is painted. pan'ncl, n. a kind of rustic saddle. Paws, n. feet of a beast. pause v. to stop; n. a cessation. Peace, n. quiet, rest. piece, n. a part or portion. Peak, n. a point, the top. pique, n. ill-will, an offence taken; v. to offend. Peel, n. rind or skin. peal, n. a ring of bells; of thunder. Peer, n. an equal; a nobleman. pier, n. a structure of stones projecting into the sea. Pen'cil, n. for writing with. penʼsile, a. hanging, suspended. Place, n. locality; rank. plaice, n. a broad flat fish. Plain, n. a level country; a. smooth, simple. plane, n. a level surface; a joiner's tool. Plait, v. to fold, to braid. plate, n. a flat piece of metal; wrought silver; a flat dish. Please, v. to give pleasure, to gratify. pleas, n. pleadings, excuses. Plum, n. a fruit; a fortune of £100,000. plumb, n. lead hung on a string, to shew the perpendicular. Pole, n. a long staff; the earth's axis. poll, n. the head; a register of heads of persons. Pore, n. a small passage for perspiration; v. to study closely. pour, v. to empty out liquor. Porte, n. The Turkish Govern prey, n. spoil, plunder. Prays, v. does pray, supplicates. praise, n. applause, approbation. preys, v. plunders, pillages. Pict, an ancient Scotch tribe who painted their bodies. picked, v. selected, chosen. Pilot, n. he who steers a ship. Pilate, n. the name of a governor of Judea. Pride, n. haughtiness, extreme self-esteem. pried, v. peeped into. Prier, n. a peeper, one who pries. prior, a. previous, foregoing; n. the superior in a convent of monks. Pries, v. does pry, peeps into. prize, n. reward; v. to value highly. Prof'it, n. gain, pecuniary advantage. proph'et, n. a foreteller of future events. Peter, n. a man's name. petre, n. same as Saltpetre, nitre. Quarts, n. plural of quart, two pints. quartz, n. a mineral composed. raiser, n. one who lifts, or produces. Rap, v. to strike with a quick blow. wrap, v. to fold together, to infold. Rapt, v. transported, ravished. rapped, v. did rap, knocked. wrapped, v. rolled or folded round. Roads, n. plural of road, ways. Rhodes n. an island in the Mediterranean. Rains, v. does rain; pl. of rain. reins, n. the kidneys, the inward parts. reigns, v. does reign, rules. Rack, v. to strain, to torture. wrack, n. sea weed cast up from the shore. Read, v. to peruse, to study. reed, n. a hollow jointed stalk. Red, a. of a colour like blood. read, v. did read, perused. Reck, v. to care for, to regard. wreck, n. destruction; remains of anything ruined. Reek, n. smoke, vapour. wreak, v. to revenge, to inflict. Rest, n. ease, quiet, sleep; remainder. wrest, v. to twist or pull from by force. Rime, n. hoar-frost, frozen dew.. rhyme, n. verses ending with similar sounds. Ring, n. a circle, an orna ment for the finger. wring, v. to twist, to torture. Rite, n. a religious usage or ceremony. write, v. to form letters; to compose books. |