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Bald, a. bare of hair. bawled, v. called or shouted out.

Braid, n. a string formed by weaving together two or more strands. brayed, v. did bray. Breast, n. that part of the body between the neck and the belly.

Brest, n. a seaport town in France.

Bridle, n. of a horse; v. to restrain.

bridal, a. belonging to a wedding.

Brighton, n. a watering place in Sussex.

brighten, v. to make bright, to cheer.

Brit'on, n. a native of Britain. Brit'ain, n. England, Scotland, and Wales.

Brows, n. plural, foreheads. browse, v. to graze, to eat shrubs.

Broach, v. to spit; to pierce, as a cask.

brooch, n. an ornamental pin. Brews, v. does brew.

bruise, v. to crush; n. a contusion.

Brute, n. a beast; an unfeeling man.

bruit, v. to noise abroad. But, conj. more, further. butt, n. an aim or object; a large cask.

Borough, n. a corporate town. burrow, v. to make holes

underground, as rabbits. By, prep. with, from, near, beside.


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caul, n. a membrane; a net for the hair.

Cain, n. a man's name. cane, n. a reed, a walkingstick.

Can'non, n. artillery, great guns.

can'on, n. a law, rule; an ecclesiastic.

Cast, v. to throw.

caste, n. a tribe, a class, as in India. Cask, n. a barrel.

casque, n. a helmet. Calendar, n. a register of the year.

calender, n. a hot press for smoothing cloth. Candid, a. sincere, impartial. candied, a. covered with crystals of sugar. Cap'ital, n. chief city, as London, Paris.

Cap'itol, n. in Rome.

Carrot, n. an esculent yellow root.

car'at, n. a weight of 4 grains

used by jewellers. car'et, n. a mark showing something omitted. Caster, n. one who throws. castor, n. a beaver; the name of an ancient hero.

Caws, v. does caw, as a crow. cause, n. a reason; v. to produce. Ceil'ing, n. of a room. seal'ing, v. as with wax. Ces'sion, n. a giving up or yielding.

Chuff, n. a clown, a dull heavy fellow.

chough, n. a kind of sea bird. Chaste, a. pure, free from


chased, v. did chase, drove.

ses'sion, n. a sitting; the time of Choir,n. a collection of singers


Cede, v. to yield, to give up. seed, n. of a plant; first principle.

Cell, n. a small room, as in a prison or convent. sell, v. to vend; the opposite of buy.

selle, n. a saddle (French word). Cel'lar, n. an underground room for wine, food, &c. sel'ler, n. one who sells. Censer, n. the pan in which

incense is burnt. censor,n. an officer who examines what is proper to be printed. Cent, n. for 100; an American coin.

in a church.

quire, n. 24 sheets of paper. Chol'er n. anger, wrath. collar, n. something round the neck, as a chain, &c. Cit, n. a citizen. sit, v. to be seated. Cite, v. to summon; to quote. site, n. situation, position. sight, n. the sense of seeing. Cinque, n. five, a word used in games.

sink, v. to go downwards; to fall gradually.

Claws, n. plural of claw, talons. clause, n. part of a sentence. Clime, n. a region, climate. climb, v. to mount or ascend.

scent, n. a smell; v. to chase Cereal, a. belonging to corn.

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Concert, n. the music of a company of players or singers. con'sort, n. a companion; a wife or husband. Coat, n. an article of dress. cote, n. a hut, a mean habitation.

Croup, n. saddle; the buttocks

of a horse.

croop, n. a disease of the throat. Complement, n. full quantity or number.

compliment, v. to congratulate, to praise.

Creek, n. a narrow bay or inlet.

creak, v. to make a straining

or grating noise. Crews, v. ships' companies. cruise, v. to sail up and down

in quest of an enemy. Cruel, a. blood-thirsty, merciless. crewel, n. yarn twisted in a knot. Codling, n. a hard kind of

apple for boiling. coddling, v. keeping warm, pampering.

Cue, n. a hint to speak; a direction.

queue, n. the hair tied behind. Kew, n. a village near London. Cym'bal, n.a percussive musical instrument.

symbol, n. a sign, an emblem, type. Cyg'net, n. a young swan. signet, n. the seal used by a monarch for letters and grants.

cypress, n. a tree; the emblem of mourning.

Chagrin', n. vexation, illhumour.

shagreen', n. the skin of a kind of fish.

Dam, n. a female parent, used of beasts; a mound of


damn, v. to condemn, to doom

to eternal torments. Dey, n. a Moorish governor. day, n. 24 hours, the time be

tween sunrise and sunset. Dane, n. a native of Denmark. deign, v. to condescend, vouchsafe.

Dear, a. costly, high priced; beloved.

deer, n. an animal of the stag kind.

Dew, n. the vapour that falls after sunset. due, a. what is owing. Die, v. to expire; n. a stamp used in coining. dye, v. to colour, tinge. Discreet, a. prudent, cautious. discrete, n. not concrete, distinct.

Doe, n. the female deer. dough, n. unbaked bread paste. Doze, v. to slumber.

does, n. the plural of doe; female deer.

Dun, a. a dark yellow colour;

v. to importune for a debt. done, v. performed, finished. Dust, n. earth dried to powder. dost, v. thou doest.

Dram, n. a glass of spirits.

Cyprus, n. an island in the drachm, n. a small weight.


Draft, n. a bill of exchange.

draught, n. a drawing; a drink. Dying, v. expiring, ceasing to live.

dyeing, v. coloring or tinging. Days, n. the plural of day. daze, v. to dazzle. (Obsolete). Devizes, n. a town in Wiltshire.

devises, v. contrives; bequeaths. Fane, n. temple, place conse

crated to religion.

fain, a. desirous; adv. gladly. feign, ". to dissemble, pretend. Faint, a. languid; v. to swoon. feint, n. a pretence of doing something not intended to be done.

Fair, a. handsome, just ; a large market.

fare, n. food; price of passage. Fate, n. destiny, lot, fortune, chance.

fête, n. (French word) a festival.

Faun, n. a silvan deity. fawn, n. a young deer; to flatter meanly.

Feet, n. the plural of foot. feat, n. a deed or exploit. Fellow, n. an associate; a match.

felloe, n. the rim of a wheel. Philip, n. a man's name. fillip, n. a jerk or blow with the finger, let go from the thumb.

Flee, v. to run away. flea, n. a small and troublesome insect. Pharaoh, n. the name of several kings of Egypt. fa'ro, n. a game of hazard with cards.

Flew, v. did fly.

flue, n. a pipe, a chimney. Few, a. not many, small in number.

feu, n. a fee or feudal tenure. Flour, n. the edible part of

ground corn.

flower, n. the blossom of a plant; the best of any thing.

Fort, n. a fortified place. fōrte, n. what a person knows or can do best.

Forth, adv. forward, out, onward.

fourth, a. the ordinal of four. Foul, a. dirty, unfair. fowl,'n. a bird; principally ap

plied to the domestic fowl. Frays, n. broils, quarrels. phrase, n. an expression or short sentence.

Fil'ter, v. to clear liquor by straining it.

phil'tre, n. something to cause love. Freeze, v. to congeal. frieze, n. coarse woollen cloth;

a term in architecture. frees, v. disengages, sets at liberty.

Firs, n. plural of fir, a tree. furs, n. plural of fur, skins with soft hair.

furze, n. prickly shrubs. Fish'er, n. one who fishes. fis'sure, n. a cleft.

Fir, n. a species of pine tree. fur, n. the soft hair of certain animals.

Fungus, n. a mushroom, a toadstool.

fun'gous, a. excrescent, spongy.

Fore, a. in front, first in place

or time.

four, a. a number, twice two.

Fi'nery, n. show, splendour of appearance.

fi'nary, n. the second forge at

iron works.

Find, v. to obtain by searching. fined, v. mulcted, caused to pay a fine.

Gage, n. a pledge or pawn. gauge n. a standard of measure. Gaul, n. ancient name of France. gall, n. bile, rancour. Gait, n. manner of walking. gate, n. a door or entrance. Gilt, a. adorned with gold. guilt, n. crime, wickedness, sin. Gild, v. to overlay with gold. guild, n. a corporation. Glair, n. the white of an egg. glare, n. dazzling light. Glows, v. does glow, shines with heat.

gloze, v. to flatter, to talk smoothly.

Gourd, n. a plant whose fruit

is somewhat like a bottle. gored, v. wounded with a sharp point, as by a bull's horns.

Great, a. large, grand. grate, n. for holding fire; v. to rub against a rough surface.

Grater, n. a rasp or rough file. greater, a. more great. (Comparative.) Greece, n. a country in Europe. grease, n. melted fat. Grieves, v. laments, mourns. greaves, n. armor for the legs.

Grizzly, a. somewhat gray. grisly, a. hideous, horrible. Groan, v. to sigh deeply. grown, v. increased in growth. Gro'cer, n. a dealer in tea, sugar, &c.

gross'er, a. more gross, coarser. (Comparative.)

Guest, n. a friend, a visitor. guessed, v. conjectured. Grays, n. plural of gray, a colour.

graze, v. to feed on grass. Hail, n. frozen rain; to salute. hale, a. strong, healthy. Hair, n. of the head. hare, n. a small animal remarkable for swiftness. Hall, n. a large room; a manor house.

haul, v. to pull or drag. Hart, n, the male stag. heart, n. the seat of life; the interior of anything. Heel, n. the hind part of the foot.

heal, v. to cure, to grow sound. he'll, pr. and v. contraction of He will.

Home, n. one's house or dwelling.

holm, n. the evergreen oak. Hear, v. to hearken. here, adv. in this place. Herd, n. a collection of cattle. heard, v. did hear.

Hide, v. to conceal, to withdraw from sight.

hied, v. hastened.

Hay, n. grass cut and dried for fodder.

hey! int. an expression of joy.

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