Era, n. a series of years reckoned from a particular point. hear'er n. one who hears. Either, a. the one or the other. ether, n. the clear upper air. En'ter, v. to come or go into. inter', v. to bury, cover with earth. Eruption, n. a breaking or bursting forth. irrup'tion n. a breaking or bursting in. Ex'ercise, v. to train by use. exorcise, v. to adjure by some holy name. Eas'ter, n. a Christian Festival in April. Es'ther, n. a woman's name. Elude', v. to escape by stratagem. illude', v. to deceive by artifice. Elic'it, v. to draw out, to deduce. illic'it, a. unlawful. Em'inent, a. conspicuous, distinguished. imʼminent, a. near at hand. Empyreal a. pertaining to the purest region of heaven. impē'rial, a. royal, supreme. Francis, n. a man's name. Frances, n. a woman's name. Ferment' v. to excite fermentation; to inflame. foment', v. to bathe with warm water. Formally, a. according to form, methodically. formerly, adv. in former times; heretofore. Flare, v. to burn with an unsteady light. flayer, n. one who flays or skins. Lair, n. the retreat of a wild beast. layer, n. a bed or stratum. Luke, n. a man's name. look, v. to see; to seem. Lien, n. a claim on property. lion, n. a large and fierce quadruped. Lore, n, learning. lower, a. not so high; cheaper. Metal, n. a solid, shining, opaque body, as silver, &c. mettle, n. spirit, courage. Mōre, a. greater, additional. mōwer, n. one who mows. Missile, n. something thrown from the hand or by an instrument. missal, n. the Roman Catholic mass book. Musket, n. a soldier's gun. muscat, n. a fragrant grape. Naughty, a. bad, mischievous. knotty, a. full of knots, difficult. Of, prep. belonging to. off, adv. away from. Ordinance, n. an established rite. ordnance, n. great guns, artillery. Pendent, a. hanging, projecting. pendant, n. an ear ring, a small narrow flag. Plaintiff, n. one who commences an action against another. plaintive, a. sad, expressing sorrow. Parsonage, n. the residence of a clergyman. personage, n. a person; individual of eminence. Pedal, n. for the foot, in the organ or pianoforte. peddle, v. to travel with small wares. Principal, a. chief, most important. principle, n. a fundamental truth. Pair, n. a couple; two things equal. payer, n. one who pays. Populace, n. the common people. populous, a. full of people. Psâlter, n. the book of Psalms. salter, a. more salt. Quârtan, a. occurring every fourth day. quârtern, n. the fourth of a pint. Roar, v. to cry as a beast. rōwer, n. one who rows. Sirius, n. the dog-star. serious, a. grave, important. se'ries, n. a progression, sequence. Soar, v. to mount aloft. sōwer, n. one who sows seed. sewer, n, one who sews with needle and thread. Spacious, a. roomy, large. spēcious, a. plausible. Stärling, n. a bird about the size of a blackbird. sterling, a. a designation of British money. Sought, v. did seek; looked for. sort, n. class, kind, species. Stâlk, n. the stem of a plant. stork, n. a wading bird. Strata, n. pl. of stratum, layers. straighter, a. more straight. Shōre, n. the coast of a sea or lake. sewer, n. an underground drain. Sīre, n. father, as a sovereign. sigher, n. one who sighs. Shone, v. did shine. shōwn, v. taught, explained. Slow, a. the opposite of quick. slough, n. a soft bog or marsh. sloe, n. a small sour wild plum. Sense, n. understanding. scents, n. odours, smells. Shelling, n. oats freed from the husks. shilling, n. a silver coin = to twelve pence. Sold, v. did sell, disposed of. soled, v. did sole, as shoes. Treble, n. the highest part in music. triple, a. three-fold. Tense, n. the form of a verb to indicate time. tents, n. shelters of canvas. Taught, v. instructed. tort, n. legal term, a wrong, an injury. Vial, n. a phial, a small glass bottle. viol, n. an old musical instrument of the violin kind. Wicked, a. evil, sinful, ungodly. wicket, n. a small gate. Weary, a. tired, exhausted. wary, a. cautious. Warn, give notice of danger. worn, v. from wear, wasted. Ye, pro. plural of Thou. yea, adv. yes, verily. Yearn, v. to feel earnest desire. yarn, n. spun thread. EXTRACTS FOR DICTATION. For the various ways in which the following Lessons may be made available for Instruction, see remarks on page 5. The Figures refer to the number of ways in which a word is spelled, though pronounced the same; the Asterisk shows that another word is pronounced nearly the same, but is spelled differently. Passages from the Holy Scriptures are distinguished by the letter B. and passages from Shakespeare, by the letters Sh. 1.-AIR, HEIR, ERE, E'ER, AYR, AIRE. The kingdom of heaven is* like to a grain of mustard seed2, which a man took, and sowed2 in his* field: which* indeed is the least of all2 seeds2, but2 when* it is grown2 it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so3 that the birds of the air come and* lodge in the branches thereof.—B. And when all2 is past it is* humbling to tread...o'er3 the weltering field of the tombless dead,...and see2 worms of the earth, and fowls2 of the* air,...beasts of the forest, all2 gathering there2; all2 regarding man as* their2 prey2,... all2 rejoicing in his* decay.-Byron. And those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the* heir; let us kill him2, and the inheritance shall be2 ours2.-B. No2 band of friends or* heirs be2 weep or wish the coming blow;...no2 maiden with dishevelled hair2... to feel or feign3 decorous woe.-Byron. Witlaf, a king of the Saxons, ere yet his* last he breathed, the merry monks of Croyland his* drinking horn bequeathed;...that whenever they sat at their2 revels, and drank from the golden bowl2,...they might2 remember the donor, and breathe a prayer for his* soul2.-Longfellow. Oft in2 the stilly night2, ere slumber's chain has* bound me,...fond memory brings the light of other days around me; ...the smiles, the tears2, of boyhood's years, the words of love then spoken;...the eyes that shone now dimmed and gone, the cheerful hearts2 now broken.-Moore. Thou art* the first knave2 that e'er made2 a duke.-Sh. "Enter, Sir Knight2," the Warden cried, "and trust in Heaven whate'er betide,...since you have reached this bourn2; but first receive refreshment due2, 'twill then be2 time to welcome you3...if ever you3 return."-Southey. Ayr is a sea-port town in Scotland, and contains nearly 10,000 inhabitants. Ayr is celebrated from the poet Burns having been born* within the parish.-Gazetteer. The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen...turns them. to shapes, and gives to airy nothing...a local habitation and a name.-Sh. Leeds is situated on the river Aire. 2.-AIL, ALE. What aileth the people that they weep?-B. And the king said unto her, What aileth thee?-B. What ailed thee, O thou sea2, that thou fleddest? thou Jordan, that thou wast driven back?-B. The child is always ailing; its ailments are many. Landlord. I have lived in Lichfield, man and boy, above eight-and-fifty years, and I believe have not2 consumed eightand-fifty ounces of meat3. I have fed purely upon ale; I have ate my ale2, drank my ale, and I always sleep upon my ale.Farquhar. Of sack and canary he never doth fail,...and all2 the year round there's a brewing of ale;...yet he never aileth, he quaintly doth say,... ..while* he keeps to his sober six flagons a day.-Song. |