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1798-1801). In the U. States, the principal journals of this kind are the North American Review, and the American Quarterly Review. The former was established at Boston, in 1815, by William Tudor, and at first consisted of essays, selections, poetical effusions, &c., with but little criticism. It was afterwards under the editorship of Mr. Channing, now professor of rhetoric in Harvard college, and assumed more the character of a critical journal. In 1820, it passed into the hands of Mr. Edward Everett, and in 1825 into those of Mr. Jared Sparks, from whom it was transferred, in 1830, to the present editor, Mr. Alexander H. Everett. A general index of the twenty-five first volumes was published in 1830. The work contains a mass of valuable information in regard to American politics, law, history, &c. The American Quarterly Review (Philadelphia, 1827) is edited by Mr. Robert Walsh. The Southern Review (Charleston, 1828), which was very ably conducted by the late Mr. Elliott (q. v.) and Mr. Legare, was discontinued with the close of the eighth volume (1832).

REVISE, among printers; a second or third proof of a sheet to be printed; taken off in order to be compared with the last proof, to see whether all the mistakes marked in it are actually corrected.

REVOLUTION, and INSURRECTION. We shall not here go into the question of the great changes wrought in the condition of society by political revolutions, which seem necessary to its progress, but shall confine ourselves to a few remarks on the right of insurrection against established governments. There has been much speculation on the subject whether citizens, under any circumstances, are allowed to take up arms against established authorities, and, if so, under what circumstances, &c. Without being able to enter here into all the arguments on this subject, the question may be briefly considered thus: If governments are instituted merely for the benefit of the people, it is clear that, if they have failed to answer their end, and will not submit to such changes as the people consider necessary, the people have the right, nay, are even under obligation, to overturn the existing system by force, on the general principle that all rights may be maintained by force when other means fail. The principle is so evident that it would never have been disputed, had it not been for monarchs and their supporters, who dreaded its application. In extreme cases, it is admitted by all.

None, for instance, would have denied the Arabs in Egypt, or the Berbers in Barbary, the right to rise against what was called their government-a band of cruel and rapacious robbers. But at what point does this right of insurrection begin? This point it is impossible to fix in the abstract. A treatise not confined to narrow limits, like this article, might make a full statement of cases imaginary or real, and point out what was demanded in each; might hold up to view the evils of a bad government on one side, and of civil war on the other, and endeavor to show under what circumstances it was better to endure the one or to hazard the other; but it could not lay down any general rule but the vague one already given. The character of insurrections, which, while they present some of the brightest and some of the foulest spots in history, always derange the frame-work of society, is such, that they will not, generally speaking, be lightly entered into. Fanatics may sometimes take up arms from slight causes; but, generally speaking, that principle in human nature which leads men to endure the evils of established systems as long as they are endurable, will be a sufficient security against the abuse of the indefinite rule which we have stated. But while we maintain the right of insurrection, under certain circumstances, from the inalienable rights of mankind, we also admit that it can never be lawful in the technical sense of the word, because it is a violation of all rules of positive law. All the rights which a citizen, as such, enjoys, emanate from the idea of the state; and the object of an insurrection is the destruction, at least for the time, of that order which lies at the basis of the state, by the substitution of force for law. The right of a citizen, as such, to rebel, is a contradiction in terms, as it implies that the state authorizes its own destruction. An insurrection becomes lawful, in the technical sense of the word, only when it has become a revolution, and has established a new order in the place of the old. We speak, of course, of insurrections against established governments. An insurrection to overthrow an usurpation is of a totally different character, as its object is the restoration of the established order, which has been arbitrarily interrupted. While, therefore, the right of insurrection is inherent in man, it can never be rationally admitted as a principle of any constitution of government; and it was equally unphilosophical and inexpedient for one of the

early French constitutions to give the right of opposing by force the exercise of unlawful power; but, from the constitution of human society, it hardly seems possible to avoid the occurrence of forcible changes in political systems. Nothing in this world can last forever; institutions established centuries ago, to answer the demands of a state of things which has long ceased to exist, frequently become extremely oppressive, from their inconsistency with the new tendencies which have sprung up in society. Sometimes the evil may be remedied without bloodshed; sometimes happy accidents facilitate a change; at other times, however, the old order of things assumes a tone of decided hostility to the new tendencies; and this is what must be expected in a large proportion of cases. Then it is that revolutions break out, and eventually establish a new order, from which new rights and laws emanate. While, therefore, the philosopher and historian acknowledge the necessity, and even obligation, of insurrections, they will, nevertheless, not fail to utter a solemn admonition against resorting rashly to this extreme remedy for violated right. There is a solidity, an authority, a completeness, in a political system which has acquired maturity by slow degrees and long struggles, that can never belong to any new system suddenly substituted in its stead. There can be no security for permanent liberty till the civic element has become developed, and men have become attached to a given system of social connexions. The common principle, therefore, of weighing the evil to be risked against the good to be gained, by a political revolution, needs to be strongly impressed upon every people in a state of political excitement.



REYNARD THE Fox. (See Renard.) REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua, an eminent English painter, was born at Plympton, in Devonshire, in 1723, being the tenth child of the master of the grammar-school of that town. He early discovered a predilection for the art of drawing, which induced his father to place him, at the age of seventeen, with Hudson, the most famous portrait. painter in London, with whom he remained three years, and then, upon some disagreement, returned into Devonshire. He passed some time without any determinate plan, and, from 1746 to 1749, pursued his profession in Devonshire and London, and acquired numerous

friends and patrons. Among the latter was captain (afterwards lord) Keppel, whom he accompanied on a cruise in the Mediterranean. He then proceeded to Rome, in which capital and other parts of Italy he spent three years. On his return to London, he painted a full-length portrait of captain Keppel, which was very much admired, and at once placed him at the head of the English portrait-painters. Rejecting the stiff, unvaried and unmeaning attitudes of former artists, he gave to his figures air and action adapted to their characters, and thereby displayed something of the dignity and invention of history. Although he never attained to perfect correctness in the naked figure, he has seldom been excelled in the ease and elegance of his faces, and the beauty and adaptation of his fancy draperies. His coloring may be said to be at once his excellence and his defect. Combining, in a high degree, the qualities of richness, brilliancy and freshness, he was often led to try modes which, probably from want of a due knowledge in chemistry and the mechanism of colors, frequently failed, and left his pictures, after a while, in a faded state. He rapidly acquired opulence; and, being universally regarded as at the head of his profession, he kept a splendid table, which was frequented by the best company in the kingdom, in respect to talents, learning and distinction. On the institution of the royal academy, in 1769, he was unanimously elected president; on which occasion the king conferred upon him the honor of knighthood. Although it was no prescribed part of his duty to read lectures, yet his zeal for the advancement of the fine arts induced him before the academy on the principles and practice of painting. Of these he pronounced fifteen, from 1769 to 1790, which were published in two sets, and form a standard work. In 1781 and 1783, he made tours in Holland and Flanders, and wrote an account of his journey, which consists only of short notes of the pictures which he saw, with an elaborate character of Rubens. He was a member of the celebrated club which contained the names of Johnson, Garrick, Burke, and others of the first rank of literary eminence, and seems to have been universally beloved and respected by his associates. He is the favorite character in Goldsmith's poem of Retaliation; and Johnson characterized him as one whom he should find the most difficulty how to abuse. In 1784, he succeeded Ramsay as portrait-painter to the

to deliver annual or biennial discourses

king, and continued to follow his profession, of which he was enthusiastically fond, until he lost the sight of one of his eyes. He, however, retained his equable spirits until threatened, in 1791, with the loss of his other eye, the apprehension of which, added to his habitual deafness, exceedingly depressed him. He died in 1792, in his sixtieth year, unmarried, and was interred in St. Paul's cathedral. Sir Joshua Reynolds, although there was scarcely a year in which his pencil did not produce some work of the historical kind, ranks chiefly in the class of portraitpainters. His Ugolino, and his Death of Cardinal Beaufort, are, however, deemed, in grandeur of composition and force of expression, among the first performances of the English school. But, on the whole, his powers of invention were inadequate to the higher flights of historic painting, although inexhaustible in portrait, to which he gave the most delightful variety. His character as a colorist has been already mentioned; and, though not a thorough master in drawing, he gave much grace to the turn of his figures, and dignity to the airs of his heads. As a writer, he obtained reputation by his Discourses, which are elegant and agreeable compositions, although sometimes vague and inconsistent. He also added notes to Dufresnoy's Art of Painting, and gave three papers on painting to the Idler. The Literary Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds were edited by Mr. Malone, in two volumes quarto, in 1797, with a life of the author. Farington and Northcote have written Memoirs of his life.

RHABDOMANCY is the power considered hy some as existing in particular individuals, partly natural and partly acquired, of discovering things hid in the bowels of the earth, especially metals, ores, and bodies of water, by a change in their perceptions; and likewise the art of aiding the discovery of these substances by the use of certain instruments, for example, the divining rod. That rhabdomancy, generally speaking, is little more than self-delusion, or intentional deception, is now the opinion of most natural philosophers and physiologists; still it has some champions. According to Ritter and Amoretti's accounts (see Physical and Historical Inquiries into Rhabdomancy, &c., in German, by Carlo Amoretti, from the Italian, with Supplementary Treatises by Ritter, Berlin, 1809, and Amoretti's Elementi di Elettrometria Animale, Milan, 1816), an acceleration or retardation of the pulse, and a sensation of cold or heat in different parts

of the body, often so great as to affect the thermometer, take place in certain persons when they are in the vicinity of subterranean bodies of water or ore, &c.; also peculiar sensations of taste, spasmodic contractions of particular parts, convulsions often equal to electric shocks, giddiness, sickness, disquietude, solicitude, &c. Rhabdomancy was known even to the ancients. "From the most remote periods," says Kieser, in his System of Tellurism (in German, first volume), " indications are found of an art of discovering veins of ore and water concealed in the bowels of the earth, by a direct perception of their existence." The story of Lynceus is connected with this notion. Snorro Sturleson (Heimskringla, eller Snorro Sturleson's Nordlänske Konunga Sagor, Stockholm, 1697, folio, p. 1, c. vii) relates that Odin knew where gold, silver and ore lay hidden under the surface of the earth. Del Rio (Martin del Rio, Disquisitionum Magicarum Libri sex-Six Books of Magical Disquisitions-Cologne, 1633, quarto,) relates that there were some Spaniards, called Zahuris, who saw things concealed under the surface of the earth, such as veins of water and ores, and also dead bodies, &c. The instruments of rhabdomancy are known under the names of the sidereal pendulum, the bipolar cylinder, and the divining rod. The magnetic pendulum consists of a small ball, of almost any substance (for example, metal, sulphur, wood, sealing-wax, glass, &c.), which is suspended from an untwisted string, such as the human hair, unspun silk, &c. In using this, the string of the pendulum is held fast between two fingers, and remains suspended over the sidereal substance (as, for example, a plate of metal, or a cup filled with water and salt), without motion. If, now (say the advocates of rhabdomancy), the person who holds the pendulum possesses, in any degree, the magnetic susceptibility (the rhabdomantic quality), the pendulum will move in a circular orbit, with some differences, according to circumstances. These circumstances are the substance of the pendulum and of the objects under it, the distance of the pendulum from these objects, and the nature of the person who holds the pendulum, and of those who come in contact with him, &c. The principal difference of the motion of the pendulum is, that it moves, in some cases, from left to right, that is, with the sun; in others, from right to left, or against the sun. That the mechanical motion of the fingers does not produce the vibration of the pendulum, at

least in many cases, appears from accurate observation of many experiments of this kind; and this circumstance is, moreover, remarkable, that the vibrations do not ensue unless the hand of a living person comes in immediate contact with the string. The bipolar cylinder consists of a body having two poles, and easily moved, as, for instance, a magnetic needle, or a cylindrical bar, of two different metals; any light cylindrical body, such as a quill with the feathers on, will serve. The diviner holds the cylinder in a perpendicular direction, between his thumb and forefinger, while with his other hand he touches some magnetic body, as, for instance, a metal. Under these circumstances, a slow, revolving motion of the cylinder takes place between the fingers, which likewise, as in the case of the pendulum, sometimes moves in a forward and sometimes in a retrograde direction, according to circumstances. (For the divining rod, see the article under that head. The two ends of this rod are held in the hand, so that its curvature is inclined outwards. If the person who holds the rod possesses the powers of rhabdomancy, and touches the metallic or any other magnetic substance, or comes near them, a slow, rotatory motion of the rod ensues in different directions, according to particular circumstances; and, as in the other cases, no motion takes place without a direct or indirect contact with a living person. In the south of France, and in Switzerland, this art is frequently made use of under the name of metalloscope (the art of feeling or discovering metals), and of hydroscope (the art of feeling or discovering water). In the practice of this art, the direction, duration, and other circumstances, of the motion of the instruments, determine the quality, quantity, distance and situation of the subterranean substances, or the different sensations of different rhabdomantists, are taken into


RHADAMANTHUS was the brother of Minos, the first lawgiver of Crete and the Grecian world. According to another tradition, Rhadamanthus himself laid the foundation of the Cretan code of laws, which his brother Minos only completed. He, probably, belonged to the family of Dorus (a descendant of Deucalion), whose son Tectamus, or Teutamus, went to Crete with his son Asterius (who was, probably, the father of Rhadamanthus and Minos), in that time of general emigration in Greece. Rhadamanthus, and Minos and Æacus, the progenitors of

Achilles, were the three judges, who administered justice to the dead at the entrance of the kingdom of spirits, near the throne of Pluto, continuing the occupation in which they had spent their earthly existence; for it was then the common opinion of the Greeks that the spirit, which arrived in the dark kingdom of Tartarus, strove to continue the business of life. The whole notion of Tartarus, however, in this view, was rather a philosophical allegory than a true mythus.

RHETIA included the two countries of Rhætia Proper and Vindelicia, which were afterwards separated under the names of Rhatia Prima and Secunda (First and Second Rhætia). The former, or Rhætia Proper (Rhatia Propria), extended from the Rhine to the Norican Alps, and from Italy to the borders of Vindelicia. It contained the rivers Rhine (Rhenus), Inn (Alnus), Adige (Athesis), and many smaller ones, and included the modern Vorarlberg and Tyrol, with a part of the country of the Grisons. At an earlier period, the Etrurians, under their leader Rhætus, took possession of this mountainous region ; but, being afterwards driven oùt by the increasing power of the Gauls, they went to Italy, where they played a conspicuous part in its early civilization. Justin, Pliny and Stephen the Byzantine, therefore, called the Rhætians an Etrurian race. (See Etruria.) Among the Gauls who subsequently occupied this country, the Brenni are more distinguished by name than by importance. The Romans planted colonies here as in the other provinces; among which Tridentum (Trent), Bellunum (Belluno), Bauzanum (Bolzano), Bilitio (Bellinzona), Clavenna (Chiavenna), and Curia (Coire), were the principal. Several of these cities, however, were only indebted to the Romans for their extension and embellishment. The Rhætians repeatedly laid waste the Roman territories, in conjunction with the Gauls, and Augustus, therefore, sent his step-son Drusus against them. The latter defeated them (16 B. C.) near Trent; but as this victory was not decisive, he undertook, with his brother Tiberius, a second campaign, in which Tiberius attacked the Vindelici from lake Constance, while Drusus advanced against the Rhætians by land. In this expedition, the Romans were victorious, and both countries were made Roman provinces. Rhætia Transdanubiana,the country on the left bank of the Danube, was well known to the Romans, but never conquered by them. After the fall of the Roman pow

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er, the Alemanni and Suevi occupied these ancient prophecy (see Saturn), had swalprovinces.

RHETIAN ALPS. (See Alps.) RHAMAZAN, OF RAMADAN; the ninth month in the Turkish year. As the Mohammedans reckon by lunar time, it begins each year eleven days later than in the preceding year, so that in thirty-three years it occurs successively in all the seasons. In this month the Mohammedans have their great fast daily, from sunrise to sunset. This fast and the Bairam (q. v.) feast, which immediately follows it, are the two principal Mohammedan festivals. RHAPSODY (from the Greek) was originally a series of poetical effusions, which, though separate, yet had still a connexion with each other, as, for example, the poems of Homer. (q. v.) Those wandering minstrels among the ancient Greeks, who sang the poems of Homer (these were also called Homerides), or their own composition, were called rhapsodists. They derived their name, according to some, from the staff which they carried in their hand; according to Pindar, however, they were thus named from their connecting together many detached pieces of poetry. At present, we understand by rhapsody, a collection of poetical effusions, descriptions, &c., strung together, without any necessary connexion.

RHEA. The older deities of the Greek mythology are enveloped in such a mist, that we often find the mythuses of different ages and people combined together, as is the case with the mythological accounts of Rhea and Cybele. (q. v.) Rhea was a Titanide, and of Grecian origin, while Cybele was of Phrygian derivation; they were first confounded, probably, in Crete, on account of the similarity of their attributes. Still the evidences of their independent origin are visible; and, although we are acquainted with the mythus of Cybele only through that of Rhea, yet the latter was finally swallowed up by the former. Rhea, one of the most distinguished of the Titanides (see Titan), was the sister and wife of Saturn, and with him a symbol of the first creation. Rhea, the Flowing (from pee to flow), is the symbol of the struggle between chaos and order. The former is yet superior; by the side of Rhea is Saturn, jealous of the new forms, and annihilating them at the moment of their creation-the symbol of alldevouring time. But in the end, order must prevail; the decisive moment has arrived; by the advice of Gaia, her mother, Rhea gives a stone, instead of her infant, to her husband Saturn, who, terrified by

lowed his children at the moment of birth. She thus saves from destruction three sons and three daughters, Jupiter, Vesta, Ceres, Juno, Neptune and Pluto, the new inhabitants of Olympus, and overthrows her own power. She continued to retain the power of prophecy; and some traces of her were preserved in the mysteries, in which, however, she was confounded with Cybele. As the preserver of the future sovereign of gods and men, she was the symbol of the productive power of nature, the preserving and life-giving principle of the world. Her attributes, as the tamer of lions, which are harnessed to her chariot, and as the companion of Bacchus, and her crown of turrets, point to the same symbol. Her worship was the rudest form of natural religion, and was attended with the greatest excesses of licentiousness and cruelty.

RHEA, Sylvia, lived about 800 B. C., and was the daughter of Numitor, king of Alba, in Italy. Although a vestal virgin, from the embrace of Mars, she brought forth twins, Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome.

RHEIMS, or REIMS (Remi); a city of France, department of the Marne, ninety miles north-east of Paris; lat. 49° 14' north; lon. 4°2′ east; population 38,000. Rheims is a very old town: the streets are, in general, broad and regular, the houses well built, and there are numerous large gardens. It contains some remarkable public buildings, among which are the hôtel de ville, finished in 1825; a magnificent cathedral of the twelfth century, one of the finest monuments of the kind in France, with a portal of great beauty; and the church of St. Remy, in which was preserved the holy oil used in the consecration of the kings. (See Ampulla.) The coronation of the French kings from the time of Philip Augustus (1179) to Charles X (1825), with the exception of Henry IV, crowned at Chartres, Napoleon, crowned at Paris, and Louis XVIII, who was not crowned at all, took place in the cathedral of Rheins (see Coronation); but this expensive ceremony was abolished in 1830. This town was the scene of some hard fighting between the French and Russians, in 1814. The latter took possession of Rheims, March 12, but were driven out by Napoleon, then on his march from Laon, on the 13th, with the loss of their general, St. Priest, and 2000 men. (See Châtillon, Congress of.)

RHEINGAU; a part of the duchy of Nassau, along the right bank of the Rhine,

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