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LITTELL'S LIVING AGE.- No. 465.-16 APRIL, 1853.

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POETRY: I do believe, 166; Loveliness in Death, 164; To an Absent Wife, 177; Spare my Heart from Growing Old; Death, 183; Dawn, 187.

SHORT ARTICLES: Icebergs; Declivity of Rivers, 161; Sale of Slaves in the Chinese Camp, 167; Statue of Mr. George Stephenson, 173; Reverend Ladies, 192. NEW BOOKS: 166.

Hand-Book of Universal Geography. Ed-instructors, besides the president, professors ited by T. Carey Callicot. 12mo, pp. 856. Geo.

P. Putnam & Co.

emeriti, officers of the observatory and library, and of the steward's department, and proctors, This is a new volume of Putnam's useful Home amounting in the whole to 45 persons, omitting Cyclopedia, containing a gazetteer of the world. two professorships now vacant. Instead of With the present rapid development of geograph-53,000 volumes in its libraries," the public ical knowledge, and the almost incredible changes Library contains 61,000 volumes, the Medical, that are daily taking place in national affairs, it Law, and Theological Libraries, over 19,000, is difficult to arrange a gazetteer which shall not, and the Society Libraries of the students, 12,in some respects, prove to be behind the age, 000, making a total of about 92,000 volumes. when it comes to appear before the public. We The number of alumni which Mr. Callicot rehave a proof of this in the excellent volume now ports at 5,546, of whom 1,406 have been minisissued. Based on Johnston's Dictionary of Ge- ters of the gospel, would be more correctly stated ography, it shows a good deal of independent at 6,342, of whom 1,707 have been ministers. research, and an evident desire for the attain- Under the head of the "United States" we find ment of accuracy by consulting various author- several statements which conflict with the most ities. The pains-taking diligence necessary for recent authorities. The exports are said to be the completion of such a work, and which can be $151,898,720, and imports, $178,138,318. But, fully appreciated only by those who have been according to the latest documents, the total exengaged in similar undertakings, has evidently ports were $218,388,011, of which $196,689,been practised by the accomplished editor. Still, 718 was domestic produce. The imports for the several errors of detail have escaped his eye, same period amounted to $216,224,932. The many of which might have been avoided by a number of steam frigates in the United States comparison of the most recent sources of infor- navy is made to be 15, which is too large a mation. For instance, under the head of Cam- figure by at least 10. We notice several errors bridge, we are told that Harvard University "has also in the statistics of foreign cities, espec27 professors or other instructors, and 53,000 ially in the population, which often varies from volumes in its libraries." This is entirely wide that given by the best recent tables, to such a of the mark. The editor must have relied on degree, as, in this department, to make the documents of a quite ancient date. It is singular Gazetteer rather an unsafe guide. The principal that where perfect accuracy was so easily attain-merit of the work consists in its great condensaable, he should have fallen into such glaring tion, which enables the editor to compress an errors in regard to the most prominent American extraordinary amount of information within its literary institution. Instead of 27 instructors, pages, and the fulness with which it treats of Harvard College numbers on its catalogue 33 American geography, especially on points that 9




have been neglected by the largest European transfusing eyes," bending over the fainting gazetteers. With all the defects and inaccuracies to which we have alluded, it cannot fail to be a welcome addition to our standard works of referTribune.


form of Hope and wooing her spirit back again. Last of all in this drama of education, you behold the third group -as beautiful and more awful - where Love and Hope, losing heart, would sink beneath the load, but that "the mute sister,

Love, hope, aND PATIENCE IN EDUCA- Patience," stands "with a statue's smile, s



O'er wayward childhood wouldst thou hold firm rule,

And sun thee in the light of happy faces;
Love, Hope, and Patience, these must be thy graces,
And in thine own heart let them first keep school.
For as old Atlas on his broad neck places
Heaven's starry globe, and there sustains it - so
Do these upbear the little world below
Of Education Patience, Love, and Hope.
Methinks, I see them grouped, in seemly show,
The straightened arms upraised, the palms aslope,
And robes that touching as adown they flow,
Distinctly blend, like snow embossed in snow.
O part them never! If Hope prostrate lie,
Love too will sink and die.

But Love is subtle, and doth proof derive
From her own life that Hope is yet alive;
And bending o'er with soul-transfusing eyes,
And the soft murmurs of the mother dove,

statue's strength" and "both supporting does the work of both.'

[ocr errors]

This poem resembles in its philosophical vein the productions of some of the early English poets, but is superior to them in the better proportions of the poetic and philosophical elements-in the mastery which the imagination sustains over the metaphysical power. With all who know how to recognize and welcome Truth embodied in poetic creations, and arrayed in poetic garb with all who look on poetry as a study, the poem, we are confident, will find favor. Especially may it be taken to heart by all who in any way have a duty of education who, having to rule over" wayward childhood," are fain to look at the same time upon "the light of happy faces." The mother, in whose undying instincts towards her child the three Graces of education have the truest and most beautiful life-the school-mistress, ruling restless

Woos back the fleeting spirit and half supplies-childhood the teacher, who governs unruly boyThus Love repays to Hope what Hope first gave to hood, or guides early mauhood—all are made to


Yet haply there will come a weary day,

When overtasked at length

Both Love and Hope beneath the load give way, Then with a statue's smile, a statue's strength, Stands the mute sister, Patience, nothing loth, And both supporting does the work of both.

WE desire especially to commend these admirable lines to our readers. As a poem of its kind, it is well-nigh perfect, both in the conception and the execution. It is philosophy, sentiment, beauty, blended into one by the harmonious power of the imagination. As a study of poetical art, it requires, as all poetry of a high order, thoughtful and imaginative reading; and the power and beauty of it will reveal themselves on repeated perusal. It is, too, by virtue of its excellence as poetry, a moral as well as poetic study. Never by hand of heathen artist sculptor or poet-never in marble or in pictured words, were Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia shown in group more graceful, or attitude so august as these three Christian Graces. They are in.aged, not like Atlas stooping with bent neck beneath the "starry globe," but erect, "The straightened arms upraised, the palms aslope," upbearing their burden. They stand, not like the nude pagan divinities, but draped with Christian modesty, the robes blending like "snow embossed in snow." This stationary beauty of sculpture changes to other imagery, to symbolize the course of the moral sentiments which are attendant on education. Hope is the first to faint, and the life of Love is so linked with hers that if Hope fail, "Love too will sink and die." There is a fine philosophy of the affections shown in the lines which tell of the subtle process by which Love finds in her own life the proof that Hope is not dead; and then the peculiar power of the imagination creates that second exquisite group-Love," with soul

feel that Hope often sinks sadly down, and Love alone can win her fainting spirit back, and lastly, how Patience must needs do the all-sustaining work, when her two sorrowing sisters are drooping at her side. Not only for those who are charged with the education of youth is this apologue significant; it comes home to those, whose sacred function it is to lead their fellowbeings of every age-the old as well as the young- in the paths of righteousness and truth, and they who teach from the pulpit and from the altar-side have full cause to feel the need of the gracious presence of Love, Hope and Patience.

This poem may be new to many of the readers of Coleridge's poetry; the date of its composition we are not informed of; it appeared for the first time, we believe, in the edition of his poems prepared for the press by his daughter, the lamented Mrs. Henry Nelson Coleridge, and edited in 1852, by her and her brother the Rev. Derwent Coleridge. The Register.

THE historian of the literature of the nineteenth century will not have occasion to lament the smallness, either in value, or perhaps in extent, of his materials. Already we have had Lives of Byron, Scott, Southey, Wordsworth, Campbell, Cary, Jeffrey, &c. Lord John Russell is giving us the Memoir and Diaries of Moore; and one of the publications of the present year, though as yet not publicly announced, will be a Life (though a brief one) of William Lisle Bowlescontaining his early correspondence with Coleridge. Both Southey and Coleridge, it will be remembered, were constant in the acknowledgment of the debt of obligation which their early verse was under to the muse of Bowles. The Life of the Vicar of Bremhill, though not a stirring one, was far from devoid of interest, and in good hands will doubtless form a pleasing picture of pastoral and poetic life.—Athenæum.

From the Edinburgh Review.

ceed to the consideration of the works mentioned at the head of this article.

We assume, that it was the Divine intention to reveal a religion, which should suffice for the moral and intellectual elevation of ALL MANKIND; which, laying its foundations in individual convictions, should clear and exalt the conscience, purify the affections, ennoble

1. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul: comprising a complete Biography of the Apostle, and a Translation of his Letters, inserted in Chronological Order. By the Rev. W. J. CONYBEARE, M. A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Rev. J. S. HowSON, M. A., Principal of the Collegiate Institution, Liverpool. With Illustrations by W. H. BARTLETT. 2 vols. 4to. London: the intellect; while, at the same time, it dis1850-1852. closed a hope common to all men, and capa2. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. By ble of sustaining under every possible trial of THOMAS LEWIN, M. A., of Trinity College, humanity. We assume, further, that this Oxford. 2 vols. post 8vo. London : 1851. 3. Der Apostel Paulus. Von KARL SCHRADER. religion was Christianity. And we are thus 6 vols. 8vo. Leipzig: 1830-1836. led to the contemplation of definite historical 4. Pflanzung u. Leitung der Christlichen facts. Christianity was introduced into the Kirche durch die Apostel. Dritter Abschnitt: | world at a certain time, and under certain die Ausbreitung des Christenthums und circumstances. Can we, by examination of Grundung der Christlichen Kirche durch the state of mankind at the time, perceive any die Wirksamkeit des Apostels Paulus. remarkable preparations for the assumed work [Planting and Training of the Christian which Christianity had to accomplish? Periods Church by the Apostles. Third Part: The Propagation of Christianity and Foundaof this world's history may be conceived, tion of the Christian Church by the Agency singularly unfitted for the promulgation of a of the Apostle Paul.] Von DR. AUGUST religion which was to take general hold on NEANDER. 4th edition. Pp. 134-152. mankind. Does the period of the promulgaHamburg: 1847. tion of Christianity present any remarkable contrast to these?

5. The Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul, &c. By JAMES SMITH, Esq., of Jordan Hill, F. R. S., &c. London: 1848.


Again if it was the intention of the Allwise to bring the whole of mankind under WE see every reason to hail the kind of one bond of union, we might imagine that attention which is now being bestowed on the there would be visible in history some traces study and illustration of the New Testament of previous preparation; that amidst the wars Scriptures. Those fruits of collateral inquiry of states, and the conflict of opinions, we which the last age erroneously denominated should find some advance made towards the the evidences of Christianity, while they are possibility and efficacy of such a blending of now gathered in tenfold abundance, are called both, as was destined hereafter to take place. by their right names, and ranged in their Nay, we may go farther than this. Excludproper places. The more accurate philo- ing mere chance from any part in the arrangelogical study of the Greek language, the ment of man's world, we may fairly say d light which the researches of Niebuhr and priori, that we might expect to find some others have let in upon the contemporary and adaptations in local circumstances themselves, earlier history, -the multiplied facilities for to the end which was to be answered. Situtravel, and the advanced intelligence of trav-ations might be conceived, which should be ellers, have contributed to increase our most adverse to the accomplishment of the means of confirming and illustrating the evan-end assumed. Was Christianity introduced gelic record. On the other hand, we cannot in those situations, or in others of a very but think that a deeper insight into the char-different character? acter of Christianity itself has led us to give

Again, if Christianity is to be founded in all such accessories their true importance, and individual convictions, the weapon of its warno more. The stranger may gaze with won-fare, above all others, must be persuasion; der at the far-stretching outworks and bastions and in order to persuasion, there must be of the fortress; but he who dwells within, knows that its strength is not only, nor chiefly, in these.

The reader who feels the force of our last remark, will have no difficulty in joining us in the assumption, with which we shall pro

one able to persuade. Do we find any provision made for such a persuader? The work will be no ordinary nor easy one. The conflicting elements of the ancient social system could never be amalgamated, but by ono specially and unusually prepared for the task.

The hierarchical prejudice of the Jew, the intellectual pride of the Greek, the political preeminence of the Roman, would present insuperable obstacles to any man who was not capable of entering into and dealing with each, not as extraneous to himself, but as a part of his own character and personality. And more than this. The religion of Christ was, from each of these elements, itself in danger. It might become hierarchical and Judaistic, or philosophic and Grecian, or might lose its great characteristics in the political liberalism of Rome. It would need one singularly fitted by education and temperament, to mark boldly and keenly the outlines of the faith to be preached; who, while he recognized the legitimacy of the Judaistic and Grecian elements in Christianity, and laid down the canons of civil and political conformity, might yet be under exclusive subjection to none of these, but able to wield and attemper them all.

Have we any traces of the preparation of a workman for such a work? Does any appear on the stage of the early Christian period, answering to these unusual and difficult requirements? Can we find any person able, at that time of strange complication and difficulty, to carry out all men's religion among

banded into states, and states into confederacies, piracy became war, and war brought national glory. Thus the first undying song celebrates the expedition of the confederate Greeks to Troy in reprisal for the rape of Helen. Nor should the commercial element in this early intercourse be forgotten; nor the important fact, that one article of commerce was the persons of men. The principal trading cities were Tyre and Sidon: and we have in the prophecy of Joel (whose most probable date is as far back as the ninth century, B. C.) a distinct charge against the Tyrians and Sidonians, that they had "sold the children of Judah and Jerusalem to the sons of the Grecians, that they might remove them far from their border." Thus we have the Jew at a very early period carried into Greece, and introduced into Grecian families; and the first nucleus formed of that vast dispersion, which we witness in subsequent history. The captivities, first of Israel, then of Judah, can hardly fail to have driven westward, through Asia Minor and the Greek colonies, some scattered portions of the main bodies of captives. And doubtless the breakup of the great remnant of Xerxes' army under Mardonius added considerably to the number of Jews in Greece. Mr. Howson has remarked (vol. i. p. 18), that about the time Our readers will excuse us for entering of the battles of Salamis and Marathon, a somewhat into these questions, and endeavor- Jew was the minister, another Jew the cuping popularly to state the resolution of them bearer, and a Jewess the consort of the Perwith which Providence, in the course of his-sian monarch. Great indeed must have been tory, has furnished us. They will thus be better able to appreciate the nature of the service which has been rendered to the Christian world by the authors whose works are mentioned at the head of the present article. Mr. Howson strikingly remarks (p. 4), "The city of God was built at the confluence of three civilizations." The Jews, the Greeks, the Romans, had each borne their part in the preparation of the world for the Gospel. They were" (it is the saying of Dr. Arnold, Life, ii. 413, 2nd edition) "the three peoples of God's election: two for things temporal, one for things eternal. Yet even in the things eternal they were allowed to minister: Greek cultivation, and Roman polity, pre-in number. pared men for Christianity."

all men?

The first pages of the father of history are devoted to tracing the original quarrels and reprisals between the inhabitants of the opposite coasts of Europe and Asia. And if ever two continents were designed for intercourse, these surely were. The Grecian or Asiatic fisherman could hardly sail out from the beach of his native creek without being tempted onward by the blue islands in the distance, which, like so many stepping-stones to another land, stud the waters of the Agan. Adventure in the early ages was inseparable from piracy: and as villages

the number of Jews settled throughout the East. The small gleaning which returned with Ezra and Nehemiah was as nothing compared with those who remained contented in the land of exile. Asia was full of Jews. On the coast and in the islands of the Ægaan, along the Asiatic, European and African sides, we find Jews and their synagogues. By trade for themselves, or by the policy of their patrons and conquerors, they had been thickly planted in their chief rising seats of civilization and commerce. In Antioch, Alexandria, Cyrene, Corinth, Athens, Thessalonica, and many other well-known cities, we hear of Hebrew settlements more or less considerable

* See the various opinions given and discussed by Winer, Realwörterbuch, sub voce. † Joel iii. 6, (Heb. iv. 6.) The words are

Mr. Blackburn refers to the residence of Ezekiel

in Assyria, that the mighty minister to the captive Jews settled by the river Chebar. He repeats, on the authority of Layard (Nineveh and its Remains), that the description by Ezekiel of the interior of the monuments of Nimroud and Khorsabad, that there Assyrian palaces so completely corresponds with the can scarcely be a doubt that Ezekiel had seen the objects which he describes, the figures sculptured upon the wall and painted. Blackburn's Nineveh, its Rise and Ruin as illustrated by Ancient Scriptures

and Modern Discoveries.

Nor is it too much to say, that the influence | altogether. Their history, like that of the of these widely dispersed Jews must have body to whom we have compared them, is been everywhere felt. In the case of the Jew one of intrigue, turbulence, and bloodshed. alone was religion bound to a law of moral We find them in the courts of princes, and in purity. The Jew only had a conscience, in the houses of widows; praying apart in the the better and higher sense." *Everywhere a holy places at Jerusalem, and mingling with mystery to the surrounding heathen, despised the great concourse at Rome; the stirrers-up by the cultivated and learned, he yet found of the people to sedition and tumult, the his way into the bosom of households, and secret organizers of conspiracies, and sublaid hold on those feelings after purity and verters of thrones. truth, or even those weaknesses and pronenesses to superstition, which are common to the tender in age, or sex, or bodily constitution. We find, in some of the most renowned cities of the East, that a large proportion of the female inhabitants had embraced Judaism. And allowing for every admixture of superstition and misunderstanding, there can be no doubt that better convictions, and a yearning after something more solid than Paganism, must be conceded to have operated widely on the proselyte class. Where such feelings existed, the way was being admirably prepared for a religion, which, founded on all that was true and permanent in Judaism, should yet winnow off the effete and temporary, and embody in itself, with yet loftier sanctions, all that was pure and good in it before. But this was not always the character of the world-wide Judaism of the day. Regarding the conscientious" God-fearing" proselyte as the mean, we have, for our two extremes, Pharisaism and Hellenism.

The Pharisaic society formed a hierarchicopolitical combination only equalled in efficiency and influence by that of the Ulemas in Turkey or the Jesuits in modern times, and forming to this last, in some respects, a remarkable parallel. Schradert has vividly depicted the zeal, aims, and practices of the Pharisees. By their stern theocratic exclusiveness, their minute literal observances, their proselytizing zeal, they formed the inner stronghold of Judaism the conservative power which kept inviolate the letter long after the spirit had departed. At the same time that the gross materialism of their expected messianic kingdom attracted the lower and selfish multitude, the apparent earnestness and perfection of their legal obedience acted as a lure for better and loftier spirits. In comparison with the importance of collections for the temple, the first moral duties were set aside by them; weighed against the advancement of hierarchical Judaism, justice and mercy were light

* Treffend und schön bezeichnet De Wette als die auszeichnende Eigenthumlichkeit des Hebräischen Volkes, dass in ihm von Anfang an das Gewissen rege ist.Neander, Pfl. u. Leit. p. 91.

Josephus, Bell. Jud. ii. 20, 2, says of the women of Damascus, that they were ἁπάσας πλίν ολίγων υπηγμένως τη Ιουδαϊκή θρησκεία. See

also Acts xiii. 50; xvii. 4. 12.

Vol. ii. ch. 4.

From this compact and organized body it was to be expected that Christianity would meet with the most determined opposition. They had been the bitterest enemies of its Divine Founder. His teaching was the negation of all their views; its success would be death to their dearest hopes. Moral purity was by Him upheld at the expense of ceremonial correctness; all hierarchical system was abolished by a religion whose foundations were laid in individual conviction; the messianic pomp of the expected kingdom was apparently resolved into some spiritual renovation, to them unintelligible, or, if understood, unwelcome.

Such was one, and that the prevailing element in the Judaism of the time; prevailing, not because numerically the greatest, but because in it was concentrated all the fire and zeal of the system; because it had the only organization, the only perfect unity of mutual understanding and action. The other, the Hellenistic element, embraced all those Jews who had become mingled with Grecians, used their language, and had learned their habits of thought. To them, for the most part, the sacred tongue was unknown. They had their own version of the Scriptures, made in their great metropolis, Alexandria. They formed a widely-spread and motley combination of various grades of opinion and practice. For the most part, Hellenism was a fruitless attempt to unite principles essentially discordant. Its philosophico-allegoric speculations on Scripture may have amused some ingenious minds like that of Philo; while, on the other hand, the refuge which its purer creed offered at small cost from the utter abandonment and hopelesness of heathenism, attracted many of the conscientious and upright; but we can hardly imagine in the Hellenist either logical consistency, or very fervent zeal.

As regarded Christianity, Hellenistic Judaism was a most important preparation. By it the essential truths of the Old Testament had long ago been clothed in the language of philosophic thought. At Alexandria, at Antioch, at Ephesus, the weapons had been prepared, with which the warfare the link between the schools of Athens and of persuasion was to be carried on. It was the schools of the Rabbis; the form in which, if at all, the truths of Christianity must be presented to the Grecian mind. The

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