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tion of the game of war; but these will never eradicate the principle. The tendency to war has its origin in elements with which the religion of Christ only can successfully grapple. This, we are glad to observe, is now distinctly recognised in the majority of the speeches delivered at Peace meetings, and especially, as we have already said, at the recent Glasgow one. In a subsequent number we shall enter more into detail; and we shall endeavour to furnish our readers with all the information, in reference to Peace Society movements, which may be necessary for inducing them to give attention to a subject vastly important at all times, but intensely so at the present mo




was suspended, and a short conversation ensued on the business to which the papers related, in which the young man acquitted himself so much to the president's satisfaction, as to draw from him a very handsome compliment on his knowledge and proficiency in the law. The conversation then turned to general topics, and was prolonged with much pleasure, while the young lady made tea; and afterwards, at her father's desire, sung, and played some Scotch airs on the harpsichord. The youth was struck with every particular of the scene in which he had borne a part; and his ardent mind, as he was wont himself to relate, caught instant fire from the impression. Happy the man,' said he to himself, whose old age, crowned with honour and dignity, can thus repose itself after the labours of the day in the bosom of his family, amidst all the elegant enjoyments that affluence justly earned can command! Such are the fruits of eminence in the profession of the law. From that moment Mr Home resolved to abandon the more limited

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'advocate before the Supreme Court.'

Having resolved to follow the profession of a barrister, he commenced a most laborious and extensive course of study, which he pursued with an ardour and enthusiasm rarely surpassed. The classics, mathematics, metaphysics, as well as the dry and uninteresting details of Scottish law, occupied his attention; and to his credit be it told, that in each of these branches he was eminent; and in each of them he was his own instructor.

HENRY HOME, an eminent lawyer, and one of the most dis-occupation of a writer, and qualify himself for being an tinguished men that has adorned the Scottish bench, belonged to an honourable and ancient family, and was born at Kames, in the county of Berwick, in the year 1696. His father was a landholder; he was bred to no profession, and having a large family and an income much smaller than his style of living required, he so reduced his fortune, that when the subject of this sketch came to manhood, he found he had nothing to trust to for his future support but his own talents and exertions. Henry, at first, was much grieved at knowing that the family estate had been so curtailed as to prevent him from being 'the country gentleman,' as his ancestors had been; but he soon perceived that it was good for him that he had no fortune to depend upon; and to this, in after life, he uniformly ascribed his great eminence and success. He was persuaded that, had he been born to affluence, or even to competency, his name would never have obtained that high place in law and literature which it has long held, and which it will continue to hold in the records of distinguished Scotchmen.

We have little to tell regarding his early history. He was a smart lively boy; was educated at home under a private tutor of the name of Wingate, a man of high talent and acquirements; but, according to his pupil's testimony, a most severe disciplinarian. So rigid was he in Henry's estimation, that he remembered his severity till his death, and delighted in narrating how, many years after, he punished the tutor for the chastisements which he received when under his guardianship at Kames. Mr Wingate had purchased a small piece of land, and in order to guard against defects in the title-deeds he consulted Mr Home, then in the height of his reputation as a lawyer. After examining carefully the parchments, he addressed himself to Wingate, affecting to be much excited: Pray, sir, is your bargain finally concluded?' Not only so,' said Wingate, but the price is paid.' How unlucky!' said Mr Home, and here he began to point out numberless flaws which would lead to endless litigation, which made the sweat run in streams from the brow of the pedagogue; and after he had alarmed him for a little, he said, 'Mr Wingate, you may remember how you made me smart of yore for very small offences; now, I think our accounts are cleared, take up your parchments, and go home with an easy mind; your titles are excellent.'

In January, 1723, Mr Home was called to the bar. The Court of Session was then composed of men of high eminence, and the bar could boast of the most distinguished advocates that ever pled before a bench. The celebrity of his compeers, whilst it kindled his emulation, was for a time a barrier to his prosperity, and therefore, for several years, he had few briefs and little pay. The following anecdote relating to this period is creditable to him, and shows us the early difficulties with which he had to struggle: 'During the first years of my attendance at the bar,' says he, when my finances were very slender, and quite unequal to that expensive style of living in which my companions had engaged me, I found, on summing up my accounts, that I had unawares contracted debts to the amount of £300. What is to be done?' said I; 'I must not burden my father with this-he cannot afford it.' I withdrew at once from that society, and lived in the most private manner till I had cleared off the debt.' From this period better days dawned upon the young advocate, and an opportunity soon occurred to bring into view his shining talents, and to inspire him with some hope of future success. The case was an intricate competition among the creditors of a bankrupt. Having written an able paper on the subject, Lord Minto, on coming down from the bench, took him by the hand and said, 'Mr Home, I am glad to see your name at this paper, it is good reasoning, and closely to the point; you have done like an able mathematician, thrown out all the useless quantities, and given us only the equations.' This compliment from such a quarter was exceedingly gratifying to a young man who had been fighting his way for years at the bar, and who up this period had received little patronage, and less remuneration. His career now became prosperous in a high degree. When the helpless barrister, he was the hard student; and, as a proof of his diligence, he published at this time a folio volume of Remarkable Decisions in the Court of Session, from 1716 to 1728;' a work which drew forth the commendations of judges, advocates, and the leading members of the legal profession. In 1732, he published Essays on Several Subjects in Law,' which excited universal admiration, stamped his character as a profound and scientific lawyer, and gained him such celebrity at the bar, that he was engaged as counsel in cases of the highest importance.


After young Home had received all the education which it was supposed his hard tutor could give him, he entered the office of a writer to the signet in Edinburgh. His purpose then was to qualify himself for the profession of a solicitor before the Supreme Court; but a very trifling incident changed his mind, and led him to choose another and a better field for the development of his genius. One winter evening,' writes his biographer, his master sent him with some papers to the house of Sir Hew Dalrymple, then President of the Court of Session, who lived in a sort of suburban villa at the end of Bristo Street. He was shown In 1741, Mr Home married Miss Agatha Drummond, a into the parlour, a very elegant apartment, where a daugh- younger daughter of James Drummond, Esq. of Blair, in the ter of the president, a beautiful young lady, was perform- county of Perth, a clever, kind, and amiable lady. As their ing a piece of music on the harpsichord, while the vener-income was not large, especially for the extensive circle of able judge sat by her with his book on the table. The music friends with whom they were associated, there was a ne

cessity for considerable household economy, to which the Deity from being the author of sin, has been found hitherto young wife paid the most scrupulous attention. The only to exceed all the power of philosophy-happy if she be thing, it would seem, in which her husband thought her thence sensible of her temerity when she pries into these extravagant, was the purchasing of old china, of which sublime mysteries; and leaving a scene so full of obscurishe was passionately fond. To cure her of the propensity, ties and perplexities, return with suitable modesty to her he devised this expedient; he made a will bequeathing to true and proper province-the examination of common life her the whole china which should be found in his posses--where she will find difficulties enow to employ her insion at his death; and this deed he immediately put into quiries, without launching into so boundless an ocean of her hand. Having perused it, she saw at once for whose doubt and uncertainty.' benefit the document had been prepared, smiled at the 'plot,' and like a prudent lady resolved to make no more purchases. But, with the exception of this little matter of the old china,' Mrs Home was every thing in the estimation of her husband; and the union, which was long continued, was of the happiest description.

Mr Home continued to prosecute his studies with his wonted ardour. He rose early-in summer about five, and in winter two hours before daybreak. He devoted the mornings to preparing for the court, and the evenings to study, unless engaged with business or with friends. As a proof of his diligent study and research, he published in this year, in two volumes folio, a Dictionary of Decisions of the Court of Session, from its first institution to the year 1740,' a work of much labour, and of the greatest utility to every practical lawyer. With him it was a rule never to be idle; and his time was so divided, and he was so careful in husbanding it, that it was no trivial matter which would make him break in upon the hours which he had set apart for reading and study. The result of this close application was, that he rose rapidly in public estimation, not merely as an advocate, but as a scholar; and as a further proof of his studious habits, as well as his high intellectual qualifications, he published in 1747 a Treatise on British Antiquities,' which gained him great celebrity as a writer. Indeed, by this time, his talents were appreciated not merely by his rivals at the bar, the judges on the bench, and the literati of the metropolis, but by learned men in various parts of the world, with whom he carried on a regular correspondence, and some of whom courted his suggestions and criticisms on their works, both before and after their publication. Among the rest were Dr Samuel Clarke, Bishop Butler, David Hume, and Benjamin Franklin.

In 1752, Mr Home was appointed one of the judges of the Court of Session, and took his seat on the bench under the title of Lord Kames. The appointment gave universal satisfaction. Nor did he disappoint the expectations which were formed of him; for, with all his superiority of talent, literary attainments, and accurate and extensive acquaintance with the jurisprudence of his country, he was diffident and unassuming, and most courteous and respectful to those who were associated with him. Equally so was he to those who pled before him; he listened with patience and a becoming regard to the arguments of the senior counsel, from whom he expected light and information; and with a kind indulgence to those of the younger barristers, whose diffidence he loved to animate by the urbanity of his demeanour, and whose early indications of ability he delighted to foster-a most engaging and amiable feature of his mind, which was not only conspicuous in his character as a judge, but attended him in every department of his private and public life.' With such a kind and gentlemanly bearing, with such professional and moral qualifications, Lord Kames was not long in his new situation till he was regarded as one of the greatest ornaments of the Scottish bench. An individual well qualified to judge (Adam Smith) said, years after, 'We must every one of us acknowledge Kames for our master.'

Lord Kames was now in the zenith of his popularity; and, as a mark of the high esteem in which he was held by his country, he was associated with the board of trustees for the encouragement of the fisheries, arts and manufactures of Scotland, and chosen one of the commissioners for the management of the forfeited estates annexed to the crown, the rents of which were to be applied to the improvement of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. These appointments were important, the duties onerous, and yet, Hitherto Mr Home had employed his pen on works of with all his professional labours, he was seldom absent from jurisprudence, or on subjects connected with it. But a meeting, generally officiating as chairman, and taking a scarcely had his essays on British Antiquities' issued principal part in all their proceedings. It is not too much from the press, when he directed his acute and philo- to say, that to the stimulus thus given to husbandry and sophical mind to metaphysical studies; and, notwithstand- manufactures by his activity and public spirit, is to be asing the pressure of his professional employment, he, in cribed much of that advancement which has since been 1751, gave to the world Essays on the Principles of Mo- made in these branches of national prosperity. He excited rality and Natural Religion.' The work was replete with the emulation of many a landholder in reference to the imingenuity; full of clear, masterly reasoning. It excited provement and cultivation of his property, and kindled the general attention, gave rise to much controversy, and spirit of honourable rivalry in many departments of comwas extremely obnoxious to a great part of the Scot-mercial enterprise. In carrying out the plans projected tish nation. It was supposed by some to be infidel in its by him as a member of these important commissions, he tendency; was severely criticised in many quarters; and showed the same deference to the opinions of others, the the author being a member of the Church of Scotland, an same kindness and courtesy to his associates, as well as to attempt was made to have him censured for it at the bar the poorer classes of the community, whose condition he of the General Assembly. But after the work was more wished to benefit, for which he had hitherto been distincarefully examined, and he had made certain explana- guished. Dr John Walker, professor of natural history, tions, and retracted a few of the more offensive expres- narrates the following circumstance connected with these sions, the matter was quashed, and no censure was inflicted. appointments, which is alike honourable to his lordship and And perhaps this was the best conclusion to which they his excellent lady. I have frequently,' said he, ‘visited could have come; for the question of Liberty and Neces- him on a morning; and his breakfast, which was at an sity'-the question which caused all this debate-is one on early hour, was a very elegant one, and usually a sort of which great and good men have long differed, and is at- levee-those of his acquaintance who came to ask his advice tended with difficulties, whatever view is advocated. The or talk to him on matters that interested them; young language of an eminent writer who adopted Mr Home's lawyers who walked with him to the court (as the Patroni sentiments, but who did not possess his religious princi- were attended of old at Rome); and sometimes strangers ples, is very correct, and deserves the attention of both who had been recommended to his attention and patronage; parties: These are mysteries which mere natural unas- and I seldom missed finding in the lobby some tradesmen sisted reason is very unfit to handle; and whatever system or countrymen who came to speak to him about applications she embraces, she must find herself involved in inextricable they had made to the board of trustees for bounties, or difficulties, and even contradictions, at every step which premiums for new inventions, or to the commissioners of anshe takes in regard to such subjects. To reconcile the in- nexed estates; and all such applications he listened to with difference and the contingency of human action with pre- the utmost attention. To do Mrs Drummond justice, she science, or to defend absolute decrees, and yet free the never failed to remind him of those poor petitioners and

their claims, in which she took a very great interest. She was an admirable woman, and seconded all her husband's useful plans and intentions.'

But though his lordship was much occupied with these official appointments and his professional engagements, he devoted a portion of his time to study, and in 1757 he published a most useful and elaborate work, entitled, the 'Statute Law of Scotland, with Historical Notes.' Two years after, he published Historical Law Tracts,' fourteen in number, which have received the most unqualified praise from the most eminent writers on law-politics and morals, both in our own and other countries. The year following, he gave to the public a work entitled 'Principles of Equity;' which gives an excellent specimen of the fertility of his mind, as well as of his unwearied application. Scarcely had the last of these laborious and valuable publications issued from the press, than appeared his 'Art of Thinking,' a work originally intended for the instruction of his own family, but which, in consequence of its simplicity, and the beautiful stories and historical anecdotes with which it was interspersed, became a favourite with all who were devoting their attention to the education of the young. It was of this publication that the great Franklin spoke in one of his letters to his lordship: In your truly valuable book,' says he, 'you sow thick on the young mind the seeds of goodness concerning moral conduct. Permit me to say that I think I never saw more solid useful matter contained in so small a compass, and yet the method and expression so clear, that the brevity occasions no obscurity.' But valuable though this treatise was, a still more valuable and extraordinary production issued next year from his pen-his Elements of Criticism'-which put all former writers on the subject into the shade, and which is still regarded as one of the best treatises on the subject which our language contains.

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In 1763 Lord Kames was appointed one of the Lords of Justiciary, an office which he held till his death, and the duties of which he discharged with great ability and rectitude. After his elevation to this honourable and responsible position, he did not, for a time, engage in any particular literary occupation, though he continued his habits of diligent study and patient research. He carried on his epistolary correspondence with several of the most eminent scholars of this and other countries, took an active share in the public boards to which we have referred, suggested a survey of the Western Islands, and made every possible exertion to introduce manufactures, and thereby improve the condition of that much neglected portion of our country. At that time Dr John Walker, the gentleman appointed to make the survey, informs us, that the most fertile lands were without cultivation; that the most valuable fisheries were without lines or nets; that the coasts were swarming with fishes, but that the people had not sufficient boats, and, what was worse, no salt, nor casks to preserve the fish; that the spinning-wheel had been introduced but was meeting with much opposition; that, though naturally an acute and sagacious people, they were perfectly idle, and, as a consequence, miserable. On receiving this report, his lordship left no stone unturned by which he might raise the inhabitants of these islands from their state of semi-barbarism; he urged the proprietors by every possible argument to bestir themselves in the matter; used his influence with the board to aid the inhabitants in procuring what was necessary for carrying on and extending their fishing operations, to introduce the arts, and to cultivate the soil; and he had the happiness, if not of seeing great improvements, at all events of beholding an auspicious commencement of a state of things, which but for him would not then have taken place.

In the year 1766 Lord Kames received a large addition to his income by the succession to the estate of Blairdrummond, which devolved on his wife by the death of her brother, George Drummond, Esq. Here he generally spent the vacation seasons, improving the estate, giving employment to the industrious, and extending his benevolence to the poor, and to those who were unfitted to work. One of the most remarkable of his projects was the re

moval of the Moss of Kincardine, a level swamp of about four miles in length, and from one to two miles in breadth, situated between the rivers Forth and Teith, immediately above their confluence. It contained about 2000 Scots acres, of which 1500 belong to the estate of Blairdrummond; and his lordship's plan, which appeared to many chimerical, was to remove the body of the moss, from eight to nine feet deep, by floating it down the Forth by means of ditches, and to bring into cultivation the valuable subsoil. His lordship had the pleasure of seeing the plan successfully though partially executed, and his son, Mr Drummond Home, carried on the operations on a scale more extensive, which have now been brought to a termination. By his ingenuity, energy, and public spirit, he added much valuable land to his beautiful and delightful property; made the swamp a corn-field; erected upon it substantial and elegant buildings, and peopled it with hundreds of intelligent, industrious, and prosperous Scotchmen, where, less than a century before, there was not a human habitation. Had Lord Kames done nothing but improved Kincardine Moss, he is entitled to the praise of his countrymen, and to be regarded as one of the greatest practical farmers, and most successful agriculturists that Scotland has produced.

The improvements which his lordship made on the estate of Blairdrummond, the capital which he expended in beautifying and adorning it, the encouragement which he gave to industry, both to agriculture and trade, attracted the attention of many of our Scottish landholders, and led them to seek his advice, and imitate his example. Indeed, so desirous was he to stimulate his countrymen, but especially the nobility, to encourage industry and give employment to their dependants, that for a time he did little else than ply dukes and duchesses, earls and countesses, lords and ladies, with facts and arguments bearing on the subject of national improvement. His letters to these distinguished personages are written with such clearness and kindness, and contain such an amount of useful information, as well as sound morality, that they will richly repay a careful perusal. As a specimen, we give the following paragraph from one addressed to the Duchess of Gordon: The Duke of Gordon may justly be reckoned the greatest subject in Britain; not from the extent of his rent-roll, but from a much more valuable property-the number of people whom Providence has put under his government and protection. God forbid the duke should imbibe the sentiments of too many of his elevated rank, that these people are merely beasts of burden, and that it is allowable to squeeze out of them all that can be got. In point of morality, I consider that the people upon our estates are trusted by Providence to our care, and that we are accountable for our management of them to the great God, their Creator as well as ours.'


In 1766 Lord Kames published another folio volume of 'Remarkable Decisions of the Court of Session from 1730 to 1752,' decisions which had occurred during his own practice at the bar. In 1773 he published, in two volumes, Sketches of the History of Man'-' the child of his grey hairs,' as he termed it a work which had long occupied his attention. It consists of a great variety of facts and observations regarding the nature of man; contains much useful and curious information, and is a most lively and entertaining production. Some of the views advanced are, to say the least of them, of a novel description; and the publication excited great attention, and called forth not a little controversy. Among those who condemned certain of his lordship's opinions, was Dr Doig, master of the grammarschool at Stirling; and as the author regarded him as the sturdiest opponent, as well as the most honourable, the following anecdote may not be uninteresting. The letters were written anonymously, dated Stirling, and addressed to him at Blairdrummond, and, being anxious to discover the author, he presented them to an intimate and accomplished

ing away the moss, and the machinery employed in it, are to be * An account of this great undertaking, of the process for clearfound in the Encyclopædia Britannica, under the article Moss.

friend, Dr Graham Moir of Leckie, saying-In the name of wonder, doctor, what prodigy of learning have you got in Stirling, who is capable of writing these letters, which I received a few days ago?' The doctor, after glancing over a few pages, answered- I think-I think I know him. There is but one man who is able to write these letters, and a most extraordinary man he is-David Doig, the master of our grammar-school.' 'What!' said Lord Kames, 'a genius of this kind within a few miles of my house, and I never to have heard of him!-and a fine fellow, too! He tells his mind roundly and plainly-I love him for that; he does not spare me-I respect him the more. You must make us acquainted, my good doctor. I will write him a card, and to-morrow, if you please, you shall bring him to dine with me.' The meeting took place; the subject was discussed; and, though neither could boast of mak-pressive prayer; and on leaving the garden, where this ing a convert of his antagonist, a cordial friendship was formed, and a literary correspondence begun which was continued till his lordship's death.

My dear child, don't talk of my disease; I have no disease but old age. I know that Mrs Drummond and my son are of a different opinion; but why should I distress them sooner than is necessary? I know well that no physician on earth can do me the smallest service, for I feel that I am dying, and my mind is prepared for that event. I leave this world in peace and good will to all mankind. You know the dread I have had of outliving my faculties; of that, I trust, there is now no great probability, as my body decays so fast. My life has been a long one, and prosperous, on the whole, beyond my deserts; but I would fain indulge the hope that it has not been useless to my fellow-creatures. My last wish regarded my son and you, my dear child, and I have seen it accomplished. I am now ready to obey my Maker's summons.' He then poured forth a short but solemn and iminterview took place, he said, 'This is my last farewell to this place; I think I shall never see it more I go to town chiefly to satisfy Mrs Drummond; but go where I will, I know I am in the hands of Almighty God. Indeed, his presentiment regarding the near approach of death was so strong, that he was displeased when his recovery was hinted at by any of the family; but, in order to gratify his beloved wife, he left Blairdrummond in the beginning of November, and took up his residence in Edinburgh. On the first day of the session, he took his seat on the bench; but finding his strength rapidly failing, he, after a few days, took a separate, affectionate, and solemn farewell of each of the judges. He said that he would never be in court or see them again, and he was right, for, on the 27th December, 1782, he died.

of the day he was the parent and the patron.

The improvement of agriculture in Scotland, as we have seen, was an object which had occupied much of Lord Kames's attention; and, in order to its further advancement, when in his eightieth year, he published a work entitled the Gentleman Farmer, being an Attempt to Improve Agriculture by subjecting it to the Test of Rational Principles. At the time of its publication, it was regarded as an excellent treatise on husbandry, unequalled by any former production; and notwithstanding all the discoveries which have been made in science, and the improvements which have taken place in the cultivation of the soil, it is still a work which any practical farmer may peruse with much advantage. So excellent a treatise on a branch Thus closed a long, active, and useful life-a life of unof industry then in its infancy in Scotland, and from the ceasing exertion for the public good. Industry and public pen of one so high in station and eminent in talent, ex- spirit were the qualities for which he was distinguished; cited the attention of the landholders, and of the more in- and these, in union with his high talents, gained for him telligent of the farming population, and did much to stimu- the eminence he so long adorned. Few before him devoted late them to increased energy and enterprise. The book be- so much time to advance trade and agriculture, or took such came a favourite in high quarters; a copy of it was pre- an active part in the making and repairing of turnpike sented to his Majesty George III., for which he returned roads, erecting bridges, building comfortable houses for the his thanks, with an expression of his esteem for the author, poor and industrious portion of the population, and proand his delight at knowing that agriculture was being pa- curing for them suitable and remunerating employment. tronised in the north by men of talent and attainments. Of all such patriotic schemes he was the zealous advocate, Lord Kames was now fourscore years, and it might have and he was ever ready to support them with his pen, his been supposed that he would now lay aside his pen, and purse, or personal influence. Nor was it simply agriculcrown a youth of labour with an age of ease.' But his tural and manufacturing projects in which he took an inmental powers were still vigorous, his constitution little im-terest. Of several of the literary and scientific institutions paired, and he retained all his early vivacity, and studied as closely as at any former period of his history. As Lord Kames was a man of great uprightness; most conevidences of his intellectual vigour and unwearied appli- scientious in the discharge of the duties of every office to cation, he published Elucidation respecting the Common which he was appointed; sincere in his friendships; open and Statute Law of Scotland,' and shortly after another in his manners; free from pride of rank; and devoid of volume of Select Decisions of the Court of Session.' From everything like literary ostentation; and according to the this time his faculties began to fail, though his mind was testimony of an excellent clergyman,' an eminently devout yet so strong that, in his eighty-fifth year, he published a man.' He was fond of conversation, but abhorred everyvolume, entitled Loose Hints upon Education, chiefly con- thing like gossip; was never known to whisper detraction, cerning the Culture of the Heart.' This, in some respects, far less scandal; and when such a spirit was displayed is the most remarkable of his productions, especially when in his presence, he invariably checked it. He was nawe take into account his advanced age, and that it is an turally amiable; studied all his life to give no man needunfinished work; for, fearing his end was at hand, he less offence; and when offence was taken, he was much was willing,' he tells us, that it should appear in a loose grieved, and was always ready to make an acknowledgattire, rather than that he should end his life under the ment. A remarkable illustration we have of this feature painful regret that he had left anything undone which of character in the case of Dr Blacklock, who was offended could benefit mankind.' The plan recommended, the ad- at his lordship on account of the following passage in his vices given, the loose hints' thrown out, are all admi-Sketches of Man:'-' Man, an imitative animal, is prone rable; and, though the language is perhaps not so correct to copy others; and, by imitation, external behaviour as in his former publications, yet it is pleasing to think is nearly uniform among those who study to be agreeable; that such a production should have closed the literary witness people of fashion in France. I am acquainted labours of this highly gifted man. When Lord Kames had with a blind man, who, without moving his feet, is connearly completed his eighty-sixth year, his health began stantly balancing from side to side, excited probably by some greatly to decline, and he believed his death was not far internal impulse. Had he been endowed with eye-sight, off. He was residing at Blairdrummond, and his family he would have imitated the manners of others.' Having thought that, by his removal to Edinburgh, the skill and learned that the doctor was displeased with the above reattention of his medical friend, Dr Cullen, might be the ference, he immediately addressed the following letter to means of recruiting him, and protracting his life. But he a common friend :- You did well to send me the letter redid not think so himself; and when his daughter-in-law lative to Dr Blacklock; and I must beg of you that you will hinted that a visit to the city might be attended with good immediately wait on that gentleman in my name, and asresults, he said, with an earnest and animated expression, sure him of my particular regard, and that I have ever

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esteemed him as a man of genius, and a good man. He knows, indeed, that I have endeavoured to serve him by recommending young men to his care in attending their education. You may assure him, at the same time, that I heartily regret that I should involuntarily have given him any offence. I say involuntarily, for I would rather have put my manuscript into the fire, than I would knowingly have treated him ill, or any man of virtue. If you perceive that he is still any way disobliged or uneasy, you may assure him from me that the passage shall be struck out in any new edition of the book."

In addition to the writings enumerated above, Lord Kames published various articles in the periodicals of the day, among which may be mentioned essays on Evaporation,' the Laws of Motion,' and 'the Advantages of Shallow Ploughing. The most of his publications have had an extensive circulation; and though some of his opinions in morals and metaphysics have been keenly controverted, and regarded by some as erroneous and dangerous, yet all must admit that his writings are original and talented, showing the hand of a master in argumentation. His character as a writer has been thus delineated, and we think correctly: His disquisitions have much the air of a pleading or an oration; he generally speaks in the first person; makes frequent apostrophes as an orator to his audience; appeals to the judgment or the feelings of his reader; and from time to time arouses him by a direct call upon his attention, as if he suspected it to be wandering. He frequently supposes an antagonist pleading against him, and supporting with ingenuity the opposite side of the dispute; he puts a home question; presses a point conceded by his opponent; allows the weight of some of his arguments; corrects mistakes, as scorning to take an unfair advantage; but never fails in the end to claim a complete victory. This gives a sort of dramatic interest to his reasonings, which, even when employed on the most abstruse subjects, are seldom apt to fatigue his readers, but convey profound instruction without the formality and the dryness of a professed lecture. On the whole, if we cannot consistently with impartial criticism admit that Lord Kames is either an elegant, a pure, or a correct writer, we must allow that his composition is always clear and perspicuous, announcing his meaning with precision, simple in its structure, aiming at no ambitious ornaments; and that his manner possesses an agreeable animation and earnestness, which fixes the attention of the reader, while it convinces him that the author speaks from a firm persuasion of the truth of the doctrines he inculcates.'

In personal appearance, Lord Kames was extremely tall, but rather slender; when young, he was very erect, but in his latter years he had a considerable stoop in his gait. He had a large forehead, an expressive eye, and a countenance radiant with intelligence. We close this sketch with the following eulogy upon his character from the pen of one of the most distinguished men that Scotland has produced: It is difficult to say whether that worthy man was more eminent in active life or in speculation; very rare have been the instances where the talents of both have been united in so eminent a degree. His genius and industry in many different branches of literature, will, by his works, be known to posterity. His private virtues and public spirit-his assiduity through a long and laborious life in many honourable public offices with which he was intrusted and his zeal to encourage every thing that tended to the improvement of his country in laws, literature, commerce, manufactures, and agriculture-are best known to his friends and cotemporaries.'




It was a gloomy, cheerless evening. The rain had poured in torrents all day, and had now settled down to a dull drizzle. Our little parlour, however, presented a complete contrast to the discomfort without. A bright fire burned on

the hearth, the curtains were drawn, the little work-table stood between my aunt and myself, and on it were placed candles and various implements of feminine employment. I could not work, for the rain had prevented my attending a delightful party, and I was too unused to disappointment to bear even so trivial a one with philosophy. So I watched my aunt as she sat busily employed with her knitting, till I could bear it no longer. It really was very provoking to see her seated in her great arm-chair, knitting round after round, her composure not at all ruffled either by the miserable weather or by my demonstrations of uneasiness. Sauntering to the window I withdrew the curtain, and stood listening to the pattering of the rain, and musing on the selfishness of old maids. I was roused from my amiable reverie by my aunt's voice:

'Come here, my dear,' she said; I am sorry for your disappointment; but as it is inevitable, suppose I try to lighten the dulness of the evening by relating those incidents of my past life, which I know have excited your curiosity, and which have left me a melancholy, and but for you, Fanny, a desolate old maid.'

My conscience instantly smote me for having indulged in peevish thoughts of my kind relative; and as I looked at her wasted form, and marked the flush that mounted to her pale but still beautiful cheek, I felt that, in recurring to the past, she was making a most painful effort for my gratification, and I was half disposed to beg her to forego her intention. But curiosity prevailed; so I returned to the fire, and, taking up my work, prepared to listen to


My father died while I was an infant, and my mother was left with a competent fortune, and only two children, both girls. My sister was several years older than myself, and was married while I was yet a child. Her residence was in a distant state, and my mother, thus left with nothing else to love, regarded me with a fondness almost amounting to idolatry, and her indulgence knew no bounds. The town in which we resided not affording the means of completing my education, I was sent, at the age of fifteen, to a fashionable boarding-school about forty miles distant from my home. At first, I felt the separation from my mother severely; but I was of a gay careless temper, and the society of my young companions soon reconciled me to my new abode. Among my schoolmates was one whose sweet and gentle manners won my regard almost immediately; and the undisguised expression of my feelings soon elicited similar ones in return. In a few months, our intimacy had ripened into inseparable friendship.

Helen Howard was about my own age, and though she had no pretensions to beauty, yet the soft intelligence of her countenance, and the peculiarly graceful and lady-like character of her person, rendered her appearance extremely prepossessing. Her disposition, too, though timid and somewhat reserved, was yet so amiable, and her manners so gentle, that she was a universal favourite, and I loved her with all the enthusiasm which was at that time a prominent feature of my character. Her father was an Episcopal clergyman in one of the southern states. He was a widower, and had no other child. Helen talked so fondly of her quiet and beautiful home, of the peaceful village in which her early days were passed, that she kindled in my mind an earnest desire to visit the scenes she so feelingly described. Accordingly, when, at the end of my second year at school, Helen was about returning home, I solicited and obtained from my indulgent parent (who, indeed, could refuse me nothing) permission to accompany her. We performed the journey under the protection of an elderly gentleman, a friend of Mr Howard, who was returning to the south, after a sojourn of several months in the city, in the neighbourhood of which our school was situated. We were within one day's journey of Mr Howard's residence, and Helen and I had retired for the night to our apartment at the hotel where we stopped, when she said to me in a hesitating voice-'Oh, Marion, I had forgot to tell you that you will see some one else at the parsonage besides my father. His health has not been

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