

but to promote, as far as poffible, that harmony which at prefent unites them in the fame good work.' Such liberality of fentiment cannot fail of recommending thefe performances to all, in general, who are concerned in the education of children; and to thofe in particular who wish to promote the important inftitution of Sunday fchools.


Art. 39. Two Pair of Portraits, prefented to all the unbiaffed
Electors of Great Britain; and especially to the Electors of Weft-
minfter. By John Horne Tooke, an Elector of Westminster. 8vo.
Is. Johnfon. 1788.

In the first pair of portraits here exhibited (in contraft, not as companions, or by way of parallel), we are prefented with the late Lords Holland and Chatham; who had each been Paymaster of the forces, but with very different effect to themselves. The one- refufing all perquifites, and retiring voluntarily, no richer than he entered;in the fettlement of his accounts neither delay, nor diftruft, nor dif pute, nor arrear. The OTHER, making every poffible emolument, and reluctantly removed, immenfely rich, his accounts not to this moment fettled,' &c. This is a fmall fpecimen of the manner in which the principles and practices of the ORIGINALS are here fet in oppofition. We need not anticipate the political fpectator in his remarks on thefe performances.

In the fecond pair of portraits, we view the two fons of the abovenamed pair of Lords, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Pitt; and here the contraft is equally ftrong and remarkable. The drawing feems to be very accurate, and the characters and colouring are well fupported by our recollection of facts which are fresh in every one's memory; and to which the artift has taken effectual care to refer us.-But when we remind our readers that Mr. Horne Tooke is the painter-(he who fo lately, and fo ftrenuously, diftinguifhed himself in the Westminster election, and in the intereft of Lord Hood) need we fay more? Yes→→→ we will copy the witty conclufion.

After having fufficiently engaged us in the contemplation of the two SATANS, Senior and Junior, and in the comparison of them with two ANGELS OF LIGHT,-the following questions are fairly put:

The Author now begs leave to propofe two [every thing here is in pairs] questions to his readers; which all men, he conceives, will, in their closets, anfwer in the fame words: you have here been prefented with four portraits (merely an affemblage of known indifputable facts). Queft. 1. Which two of them will you chufe to hang up in your cabinets-the PITTS, or the FOXES? Queft. 2. Where, on your confciences, fhould the other two be hanged?"

Art. 40. A Letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the Reform of the internal Government of the Royal Boroughs of Scotland. By Robert Graham, Efq. Prefident of the Delegates from the Burgeffes, &c. With an Appendix. 8vo. Is. 6d. Murray. 1788.

Published by appointment of the London Committee for conducting an application to Parliament, in order to procure a reform of the internal government of the royal boroughs of Scot


land; for which measure there appears to be a great and urgent neceffity. The Letter is well written, and ftrongly enforces the plan for refloring to the burgeffes their ancient liberty and privilege of choofing their own magiftrates, common council, &c. for the management of the property, revenues, and affairs, and to fuperintend and direct the police, of the boroughs. This right, it appears, has been long ufurped; and a new fyftem of borough government has taken place; the old councils being permitted to chuse their fucceffors; and thus a power of self-election is univerfally exercised, to the great injury of the burgeffes, whofe right of appointing their own officers, and power of control over their management, have been annihilated. Hence, as was natural to expect, the police of the boroughs has been neglected; their revenues have been mifapplied; enormous and unneceffary debts contracted; the public property profufely fquandered, or alienated to the felf-created counsellors, their friends and connexions; and what is ftill worse, the fpirits of the injured town's-people, affected with the languor and dejection which naturally accompany a deprivation of freedom, were, for a long time, incapable of any vigorous exertions of industry, or commercial enterprise. It is, furely, high time that fuch abufes fhould be corrected; and therefore, from our well-known regard to the rights and liberties of our countrymen, whether fituated north or fouth of the Tweed, we cordially with fuccefs to the burgeffes of Scotland, in their laudable endeavours to recover their violated privileges. Art. 41. The Guardian of Public Credit. Containing important Obfervations on the Nature of our public Debt; and a Proof of the Certainty of its Liquidation, &c. &c. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Debrett. 1788.

It was not," fays the Author in his Preface, originally my intention to have troubled the Public with this work, I had therefore fubmitted it to the opinion of gentlemen in office, hoping they would have been much pleafed with the appearance of an opportunity of having it in their power, to relieve a fuffering, though loyal people.In this however I was miftaken, there not having been the leaft notice taken of my applications.'

As Ministry did not take the least notice' of the Author's communications, he addreffes the Public, and propofes a plan for the difcharge of the national debt. He fhews that an annuity of one million fterling, in the 4 per Cents, at 75, will, in 48 years, amount to 299,288,7751. 95. 7d.; but the difficulty confifts in raifing the annual million. He propofes a reduction of the prefent ftock to fterling, and to pay intereft at 4 per Cent. The annual interest of the debt would then be 6,619,2491. 145. old. which, fubftracted from 8,073,2651. 19s. 11d. our prefent expenditure in intereft, leaves 1,454,0167. 55. 11d. for the annual faving. This annuity will, in 43 years, at 4 per Cont. amount to 2,662,802/. os. id. more than the national debt.

This is all very plaufible; but, ift. The Author calculates the amount of annuitics different from any computation that we have before feen, making the intereft payable half-yearly, and the annuity yearly; and in this calculation, he makes the intereft for half a year half of the intereft for a whole year, which is not allowable

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in compound intereft. 2d, There is a great uncertainty in the time required, on account of the fluctuation of the ftocks, which can never be prevented in a commercial country.

After this plan for difcharging the national debt (which is in fact no more than confolidating the funds, and reducing the rate of intereft 10 4 fer Cent.), the Author offers feveral obfervations on lotteries, taxes, our gold coin, and falt; he alfo paffes fome ftrictures on the mode of conducting the funds. The letters which the Author wrote

to the Minifters are interfperfed through the work.
Art. 42. A Short Statement of the Services of thofe Naval Officers who
were overlooked in the laft Promotion of Admirals: with Obferva-
tions on the Queflion agitated in Parliament regarding that Mea-
fure. With an Appendix, containing the Speeches of Mr. Baf-
tard, Mr. Pitt, Sir George Howard, Mr. Fox, Sir Peter Parker,
Mr. Dundas, Sir John Miller, Mr. Loveden, Sir Richard Hill,
Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Edwards, Capt. Macbride, Mr. Powis, Sir
Edmund Affleck, &c. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Stockdale. 1788.

The parliamentary arguments urged on both fides, in the course of this very delicate difcuffion, which could scarcely be conducted without feverely wounding the feelings of individuals, and injuring, instead of aiding, the naval fervice; have already been fufficiently circulated, and had better be forgotten. Since the rule of promo tion by feniority, is difavowed by both parties, the only points to be fettled are, how difcretion is to be exercised, and where it is to be placed? These are points that will be explained away; the contending parties will grow tired of the fubject; they will catch up fomething fresh, and leave the flags as they found them.


Art. 43. An Efay on Signals. By an Officer of the British Navy. 12mo. 6s. Boards. Hooper, 1788.

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The Author of this Effay informs his readers, that he has, in the course of many years fervice, had frequent opportunities of remarking the egregious mistakes and dangerous difappointments that refulted from the imperfection of fignals.' He was therefore induced to attempt making improvements on the general method. To affift him in the undertaking, he profeffes to have carefully examined and compared all that the induftry and ingenuity of others have furnished; and after the most diligent application he at length formed the fyftem here offered to the Public.'

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It is impoffible to give a defcription of the method here recommended, as it chiefly depends on the different arrangement of two, three, or more flags of different colours, in different order. It seems to poffefs three very neceffary and important advantages, viz. fimplicity, clearness, and variety; the laft article indeed is, if we may ufe the expreffion, almoft infinite, and at the fame time fo regular that the fignals can be changed with the greateft eafe, and without the leaft confufion.

To landmen, this book will be an entertaining curiofity. To feamen, efpecially thofe belonging to the navy-royal, it may be not only curious, but very ufeful.

REV. Aug. 1788.




Art. 44. An extraordinary Cafe of lacerated Vagina, at the full Period of Geftation, &c. By William Goldfon, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons. 8vo. Is. 6d. Murray. 1787.

The cafe which Mr. Goldfon here relates, was a laceration of the vagina early in parturition. The circumftances attending it were clearly marked during the few days which the patient furvived the accident, and were confirmed by diffection after her death.

The author's judicious remarks on the cafe, throw new light on this part of midwifry, and tend to fhew, that many cafes deemed irremediable, from being confidered as ruptares of the uterus, were only lacerations of the vagina, and capable of effectual affistance from art.

Art. 45. An Enquiry into the Nature, Caufes, and Cure, of the ConJumption of the Lungs; with fome Obfervations on a late Publication on the fame Subject. By Michael Ryan, M. D. Member of the Antiquarian Society at Edinburgh. 8vo. 3s. 6d. fewed. Elliot.


Dr. Ryan first defcribes the difeafe, then inveftigates its caufes, and, laftly, treats of the method of cure. In the defcriptive part, nothing extraordinary occurs. The author thinks that the hectic fever is produced by the abforption of the purulent matter, and not by irritation. He adds fome remarks on the methods of distinguishing pus and mucus.

The caufes of the phthifis employ much of the Author's attention; he enumerates the opinions of many preceding writers on the subject; refuting fome of them, and approving others. He feems to think that no phthifis can exist without an ulcer in the lungs, but that the ulceration may be brought on by a variety of causes.

The method of cure is adapted to the opinion that the disease is owing to ulcers, or, at leaft, to abfceffes. In thofe fpecies of phthifeôs which proceed from tubercles, or from obftructions, which is the cafe, we believe, in at leaft nineteen out of twenty confumptions, Dr. Ryan thinks the most eligible method would be the removal of the tubercles and obstructions, by remedies endued with a deobftruent power;' as, however, we are not poffeffed of medicines powerful enough to answer this purpose, little can be expected from following that indication. The principal intentions of the phyfician, our Author fays, in this cafe, fhould be, to prevent the inflammation, and confequent fuppuration, of the tubercles; to correct the cachexy which frequently accompanies this fpecies of tumor, and obviate, by a fuitable diet, the effects of the hectic fever. In the cafe of a mere topical inflammation, and a fimple purulent ulcer, he directs the practitioner's attention to the local diforder, and recommends, firft, to abate the inflammation, which always fupports the fever and the purulent difcharge; and, next, to guard against the emaciation of the body, by a well-conducted regimen. Such is the outline of Dr. Ryan's practice. Without entering into a

* We fay feems, because the Author is, fometimes, a little obfcure.


detail of the particular means which he ufes for attaining thefe purposes, we refer our medical readers to the book itself; which contains much good advice, and passes many juft cenfures on erroneous practice.

An Appendix, confifling of about 50 pages, is employed in refuting fome of the opinions advanced by Dr. Reid, of whofe works an account was given in Rev. vol. Ixviii. p. 331.

Art. 46. A fhort Defcription of Pyrmont, with Obfervations on the Ufe of its Waters. Abridged from the German of Dr. Marcard, and revised by the Author. 8vo. Is. 6d. Johnfon. 1788. This pamphlet contains a fhort defcription of the celebrated Spring, and its environs. For an account of the analysis of the water, the reader is referred to the large work of Dr. Marcard. The Editor gives fome general directions for drinking the waters with advantage: and he enumerates the difeafes in which it is found beneficial. The most material information which the reader will collect from a perufal of thefe pages, is the manner of living at the wells, the expences of board and lodging, &c. An account is added of the different roads from England to Pyrmont.-We have been agreeably amufed in the perufal of the defcriptive part of this traft.

Art. 47. Remarks upon the Caufes which produce Difeafes among newraised Troops upon long Voyages, &c. &c. 8vo. is. 6d. Egerton. 1788.

Many books have been written on the diseases to which Europeans are fubject in warm climates, and feveral modes have been fuggefted for preferving the health of feamen and transports in long voyages: thefe treatifes, the Author of the prefent performance thinks, are entirely adapted to medical practice, and theoretical reasonings about the methods of cure after the difeafes have appeared; and are calculated more for the furgeon than the officer: he therefore points out the errors which arife from the prefent mode of transporting our troops to warm climates from their clothing-their foodtheir duty while on board, and the attention which their officers fhew them. The Author treats feparately on each of thefe heads, and with judgment fhews the truth of his opinions.

As a proof of the confequence of preferving the health of the tranfports, the Author ftates, at the end of his pamphlet, the expence which government is at for a private foldier (who is raised to Terve in India), before he arrives at his destination, to be 861. 11. Moderate as the estimate feems to be, it is doubtless incumbent on the ftate (independent of moral obligations) to adopt any measures which feem likely to preferve the lives of our foldiers employed in this fervice.

Art. 48. An Efay on the Treatment of Confumptions; in which the Caufes and Symptoms are confidered, and a new Mode of Treatment propofed. By Rd. Charles, Surgeon at Winchester. 8vo. Is. Herds field. 1787.

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Mr. Charles confiders confumptions as arifing from obstructions in the fmall veffels and glands, either in the lungs, which are the

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