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yen now said, "With such a wife, why should I grieve? | fresh vigour, he laid aside his carriage, and when he I know that those who become immortal leave house and family, and flee up to heaven. It is my desire to commit every thing into your hands." His wife did not object, and he took his leave accordingly. The wife now, independently of her own support, had to sustain and instruct an adopted son; nor did she fail in these duties.


walked abroad, it was with such rapidity that his servants could scarcely keep pace with him. The following year Hwing-lu (the God of Fire) visited the city, and the devouring element raged for an entire day and night. Unable to sleep, the family of Mung-seen assembled in the hall, from whence they could command a view of the As Mung-seen grew up he became a prodigy of talent: devastating flames. They were fast approaching the when but fourteen years old, the villagers called him the neighbourhood; all were in a dreadful state of conster divine youth. At fifteen he entered the Han-lin, or im- nation, and none knew what plan to adopt, when on a perial college, at Peking. And here, when desirous of sudden the golden ring which Ko wore on her wrist extolling the virtues of his mother, whose name he knew flew off with a loud noise. Its flight was traced to the not, he called her Ko, the name of his step-mother. The distance of half a mile, where it was seen revolving in winter now set in, and the weather was extremely cold. the air, immediately over her father's house, in the form He asked one day about his father, and his step-mother of a half-moon. After a time it became stationary, and gave him at full the history. He at once determined to the open part of the circle* towards the south-east, and throw up his office and to seek his father; nor was he could be distinctly seen. All were struck with wonder deterred from his project till his mother-in-law remark-at so extraordinary a phenomenon. The fire now raged ed, "Your father has left above ten years: I think that in a westerly direction, burnt a small dwelling-house ere now he has become a god; if so, where will you seek under the opening of the ring, and then stopped. From him?" Not long after this his majesty appointed him the violence of the fire, Ko imagined that the ring would to superintend the national worship at the southern be damaged, or that she should never obtain it again. mountains. While on his journey, he was met in a nar. Suddenly a bright cloud approached and hung over row defile by a party of marauders. A desperate con- them; the ring dropped at her feet. Upwards of ten flict ensued; and while the result was yet doubtful, a thousand houses were burned; yet, wonderful to relate, Taou priest appeared in their behalf, armed with a long that of Woo-tsing-yen was not even damaged, save the sword. The robbers were now put to flight; and Mung- little building, which, being immediately under the openseen, as a recompense to his heroic deliverer, offered him ing of the ring, could not be preserved by it. Ko retain. a present of gold. This was proudly declined; but the ed her beauty, and the strength and health of youth;priest, presenting a letter, said, "I have a friend who none who saw her, after she had partaken of the elixir lives in the same village with you: I will trouble you to of life, would have supposed her beyond the age of make civil enquiries for me." Mung-seen asked the per- twenty, though in truth fifty times had the sun brought son's name. "Wang-lin," was the answer. "I do not about the anniversary of her birth. remember such a name," said Mung-seen. "Probably not," said the priest; "they are a poor family, with whom you, sir, are hardly likely to be acquainted." Then sliding a ring from his arm: This," said he, "is worn by those who inhabit the retired apartments; as I am a priest, it is of no use to me; I beg you will accept it for your trouble." When Mung-seen examined the ring, he found it of exquisite workmanship, and studded with gems of great value. Mung-sëen put it into his bosom as a present for his wife. She valued it highly, and ordered a skilful goldsmith to make another like it; but, after many trials, he abandoned the task, declaring the workmanship was inimitable. When Mung-seen returned home, he enquired if there was a family named Wang-lin in that neighbourhood. Finding none, he opened the letter and read as follows: "To Wang-lin, We lived affectionately together for three years, and then we parted. You have buried my mother and instructed my son: your eminent virtue has been recorded, Having nothing valuable wherewith I can recompense you, I present you with a pill. After dividing it, and eating a part of it, you will become a seen, or immortal." Having read the letter, but not discovering for whom it was designed, he gave it to his mother for her perusal. She, on reading it, instantly burst into tears, and exclaimed, "This is from your father; Wang-lin was the name given to me while an infant." Mung-seen was much grieved at not knowing his father; and handing his step-mother the ring, she said, "This is what your mother left as a token of love to your father." Mungseen now examined the pill, which was of the size of a pea, and said, with great joy, "Since my father is become a god, doubtless on swallowing this I shall not know death." His mother-in-law objected to his thus doing, and concealed it till her father came; to whom she shewed it, and read likewise the letter of Woo-tsing. yen. Tae-she immediately broke in pieces the pill, and all three partook of it. Tae-she was at this time seventy years of age, and in his person extremely debilitated; but no sooner had he tasted this wonderful medicine than he became hale and strong, his nerves and sinews received

The author of the preceding story, though anonymous, was undoubtedly a follower, probably a priest, of the sect of Seaow-tsze, a philosopher of great note in his day, who lived about five hundred His doctrines years before the Christian era. were those of pure morality; but his followers, during the Han dynasty, became noted for their zealous pursuit of alchemy, and their supposed skill in the occult sciences generally. Most of the remarkable adepts in China were of this sect. Frequently among them arose some one who boasted that he had discovered the philosopher's stone; others who were in possession of the universal remedy. They gave out that they had discovered an island in the Eastern sea, where the genii lived; to which isle they caused more than one expedition to be fitted out, that they might consult these mighty and mysterious agencies. Those who returned never failed to deal largely in the marvellous, and stated invariably, that the high priest of the Taou sect was an object of especial regard to the genii and to their prince. At one period they caused large vessels to. be placed on the top of high buildings, to collect celestial dews, in which the emperor might bathe, to preserve him from disease. this manner for some time, till the head of the Affairs went on in sect was by the reigning sovereign created a duke, which, together with his rapacious conduct, gave umbrage to the nobles. A charge was accordingly preferred against him of deceiving the emperor; he was in consequence beheaded. The sect was then persecuted in every way. Its total downfal,

*The amulets, usually of silver, worn by Chinese female children, are round; but the golden ones have an opening at the joint of the middle.

which happened soon after, removed innumerable obstacles to the spread of Budhuism, or the sect of Fuh, as it is called in China. This, with its gorgeous temples and splendid processions, soon came into favour both with the people and at court. The common people, even though themselves of the sect of Fuh, read and fully believe this, and many other tales equally absurd, though, like the above, written to diffuse the doctrines of a sect long since exploded.


From the London Metropolitan.

The light that gleams on Jordan's wave
Falls idly on the passing river,
Gilding no banners of the brave,

No panoply of spear and quiver.
For there-when battle's host rushed on,
When Israel's maiden fields were won,
Is but the passing courser trace
Of Ishmael's fiery desert race.

On Jordan's banks no thrilling cry
Arouseth echo, all is languor,

No pilgrim multitudes pass by,

With cymbal clash and trumpet clangour,
As when the shrine of Judah's God
Was borne across the sacred flood,
And Jordan paused, and reeled, or fled
Before the symboled Presence dread.

By Jordan's stream the harp is still,

The timbrel's haughty sound hath perished,
The breeze comes quivering from the hill,

Without one tone that love hath cherished.
Nor rings the tinkling castanet,
Which virgins chimed when fond hearts met
To tread the measured dance, and dream
That life was fair as Jordan's stream.

The light that gleams on Jordan's wave,
Falls beautiful and free as ever;
But where are they, the fair, the brave,
Whose voice pealed on the passing river?
Ask Time, the Gatherer! this, ay more-
Why Israel dwells not as before,
Why she hath now a robe of scorn,
And Judah now a wreath of thorn?

Critical Notices.

writing the records of Newstead. But at Abbotsford it
flows gaily and cheerfully on, and indeed we know of no
two men in the world who could have better assimilated
together than Scott and Irving. We do not enter into
any comparison of their genius; it would be unseemly;
we speak merely of their habits and feelings. Irving
understood Scott perfectly, and appreciated him as well.
He is one whose bosom overflows with kindly feelings,
and whose senses answer the desire of his heart-a heart
which teaches him to enjoy and sympathise with what-
ever is excellent upon earth! We shall look for the next
volume which is to appear with increased pleasure.
When a writer is an accurate observer of human nature,
and possesses also a benevolent mind, he cannot fail to
improve and interest his readers. How much, then, do
we not already owe to the author of the "Sketch-Book!"
New Monthly Magazine.

Sketches and Recollections. By the Author of "Paul
Pry." 2 vols.

It is not our intention to review this work: it is indeed, unnecessary so to do, inasmuch as our readers are already familiar with its contents,-the several papers having from time to time appeared in the "New Monthly Magazine." Still it would be unjust to Mr. Poole to omit all notice of his productions-collected, as they now are into two very pleasant-looking and most inviting volumes. They are full of wit and humour-the quiet humour that tells upon all classes, because, though never illnatured, never personal, and never coarse, its grand outline is human nature, and it illustrates the characters and peculiarities that are to be met with in every-day life. Ib.

Holman's Voyages and Travels. Vol. 3.

The third volume of this truly interesting work, commencing with the author's arrival at the island of Johanna, contains his subsequent visits to the Seychelle Islands, the Mauritius, Ceylon, Pondicherry, Madras, and Calcutta. Upon its general contents, we have only the same remarks to offer which were contained in our notice of the first and second volumes. There is the same fidelity of description-the same industry in rendering available every means of information-the same singular exhibition of unshaken enterprise-and the same successful opposition to difficulty, which render Mr. Holman's writings so fertile in interest, and we may add, in valuable instruction to the public. The present division of his labours abounds with incidents, which display his courage and hardihood in a striking light. For example, we find him one at time pursuing his way with none but native attendants among the clephant paths of Ceylon, and shortly afterwards hazarding life and limb among the precipices of Adam's Peak, or encountering wild beasts in the midst of a band of venturous hunters-or ascending to the

Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. By the author of the main-top-gallant-mast-head of a vessel ploughing her way


through the waves, under the influence of a stiff tropical breeze. Nor is he less remarkable for the tact with which During the past month this volume has been so copiously he seems to have turned every power to account, in extracted from, and its circulation has been so great, that searching for knowledge through the instrumentality of our notice comes too late to serve it as we desired to do; those about him. His statistical tables are remarkably all that is left for us is to bestow unqualified praise on comprehensive and ample, and appear to wear the stamp every page of one of the most delightful books it has of great correctness, while he has even contrived, by the ever been our good fortune to mect. There is a halo assistance of a friend, to furnish several beautiful views over both places, and a sadness too, particularly with all of the scenery through which he passed, and which, relating to Lord Byron: although the latter days of although unconscious of its attractions himself he has Scott were overcast by pecuniary misfortunes, there was thus been successful in preserving for the pleasrue of something so noble, so benevolent, so exalted in his others. His remarks upon men and manners will also career, that he is remembered with the triumphant ex- be found to be far from uninteresting. A quiet, goodpression of "See what genius can achieve!" The re-humoured, and impartial listener to the conversation of cords of Byron and his ancient house are gloomy and the various classes of men among whom he has been magnificent, and the kindly and gentle pen of Washing- thrown, he has delineated them with a skill as striking ington Irving becomes paralysed, in a degree, when as that by which he has been enabled to impress the AUGUST, 1835.-28


minds of his readers with vivid pictures of local and physical peculiarities. Few we think can rise from the perusal of his works without feeling convinced that there is no need of the remarkable circumstances under which they have been written to recommend them to the public favour.-Ib.

The Faust of Goethe; attempted into English Rhyme.
By the Hon. R. Talbot.

The Pacha of Many Tales. By the author of "Peter
"Jacob Faithful," &c. 3 vols.
and Otley, Conduit Street.

Shortly after the demise of Voltaire, all the French savans, at that time present in Paris, met together in full conclave-for our neighbours delight in effect-to celebrate, by a succession of orations, the universal genius of the departed great man. The first mathematician took the lead. He spoke a great deal of the mathematics, and still more of himself, and he ended his elaborate We perfectly agree with the gentleman to whom we speech by pronouncing with an air of the most sovereign are indebted for the translation now upon our table, in certainty, that, of the exact sciences, Voltaire was totally thinking, that notwithstanding the translations of Faust ignorant, but, with that exception, he was truly a unialready submitted to the public, "ample field is still left versal genius. A famous jurist next rose, and dwelt for further competition." We also consider with him upon the mere pretensions of Voltaire to any thing like a that "the world in all probability will have to wait long knowledge of civil laws, but, with that exception, proA famous prose before it sees a clear and undistorted image of this ex.nounced him a universal genius. traordinary poem." Since the first translation by Lord F. Egerton, several have come under our notice, and in none have we seen the real meaning of the poet so well embodied in our language as it is in some parts of the volume now before us. We are particularly struck by the fidelity with which the scene between Faust and Wagner is rendered. There is none of the gène generally to be perceived in translations from the German; but a quotation from this scene will speak better for itself than we can.


"Oh! happy he, who might the hope enjoy,
From out this sea of error to arise!
Man evermore for what he knows not sighs,
Yet what he knows he never can employ!
But o'er the brightness of this scene
Suffer no gloomy thoughts a cloud to throw !

See yonder huts, embowered in tender green,
Tinged by the slanting sunbeams, how they glow!
That sun departs, the day's brief hours gone by,
Yet hies he hence, new regions to revive!

Oh! for a wing, that I might mount the sky, And after him for ever, ever strive!

Then, an eternal evening would disclose,
Beneath my feet, the silent world below,

Each hill on fire, each vale in soft repose,
As to the golden stream the silver runnels flow!
Then, nothing should impede my godlike flight,
Not the wild Alps, with all its yawning caves!
Now ocean, with its countless waves,

Its sheltered creeks burst on my wond'ring
Downwards, at last, the god appears to sink-
But my new impulse wakes with gathered might,
And I rush forth, his endless light to drink,

writer next followed, and proved that, all that this wonder of France had written which was not verse, was beneath contempt, yet, with this slight exception, he did honour to his universal genius. A manufacturer of metre succeeded the proser, but really could not allow the man, whose memory they had met to commemorate, was, in the strict sense of the word, any thing resembling a poet, but with that slight drawback, he assuredly was a universal genius. A physician, a painter, a botanist, a geologist, and several other professionals ending in ist followed; but Voltaire did not fare a bit the better in their hands. At length the president, who was neither poet, painter, lawyer, doctor, or any thing at all ending in ist, but merely a man of sense, and an admirer of talent, rose with a sly gravity, and told the learned assembly that he was very sorry to have given them all so much trouble, as it was very apparent that they had met to commemorate the greatest blockhead in a country that shows so little toleration to the stupid.

The moral of this may, in the degree, be applied to the author of these tales. Much as we admire him, let us not be misunderstood, that we wish to insinuate that he has proved himself like Voltaire, to be a universal genius. All that we contend for is, that he has succeeded in every thing that he has essayed; and, that by the critics of the day, he has been used a little after the manner in which Voltaire was used by his orators. A few naval authors were very invidious against his first naval novels; they could not tolerate a writer so superior in their own line; however, the captain was consoled by the avidity with which his works were purchased. He sight-then, leaving salt, had recourse to fresh water, and wrote "Jacob Faithful." Up in arms then rise all the cockney literati who had ever sculled a wherry to Putney, and cry out, looking big with the honours of a voyage to Rich mond, "Ah, his naval novels are excellent-not to be surpassed; but how lamentably he has failed upon the river!" One critic, whose genius we respect, and whose honest political consistency we have always admired, and from whom we had expected more candid things, so far descended as to supply the place of criticism by ribaldry, and told his readers that old Beazeley in "Jacob Faithful," was old Beastly. Still, the public took the author's part, bought up quickly two large editions, and the third is now making rapid progress. We suppose that we shall have a new class of evil inclined commentators upon "Japhet in Search of a Father," when it shall have made its appearance in a finished state. It is a fortunate know not how much prose and verse he gives the world occurrence for the captain, that these doers of criticism

The day before me, after me the night,
The heavens above and under me the main !
A beauteous dream! but he, the while, is gone!
Alas! corporeal wings must seek in vain

To mate with those that urge the spirit on!
Yet there's a power in every breast innate
That lifts the soul, and hurries it along;
When lost amid the clear, blue sky, elate,
The lark unfolds her thrilling way—
When o'er the pine-clad mountain's giddy height,
On balanced wings, the eagle soars-
Or when the crane pursues her onward flight,
O'er lands and seas, to gain her native shores."

We wish we could praise the whole of the work as
much as we have done this scene. We know that the trans-in his Magazine.
lator had a difficult task, and upon the whole the transla-
not worse than any we have seen; in some parts
r, and we can recommend it to our readers as a
which they will perhaps be able to understand
s it is possible to do through the medium

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The reader may be a little surprised to find that we are thus speaking of ourselves; but it happens just now, that we are not he. He is making a continental tour; and we, with a laudable adhesion to good old English customs, rise, with a great deal of enthusiasm, and after a literary fashion, and propose his health in his absence.


It is true, that we expect but sorry thanks for our trouble when he returns. But we will, for once, brave his anger, in order to do an act of justice, though the hair of all the booksellers' heads (we except those who wear wigs) should stand on end at such a solecism of Magazine manners, as we, speaking in favour of ourselves, reviewing our own works, and macadamising the plural personal pronoun in such a manner, that, in the fractions, the brighter part should stand confessed.

that department of the art in which she now appears before the public, we would recommend to her the study of those writers who trusted more to their singers and alloted less to the accompanist. In too many modern compositions, the latter is the principal and the former but the subordinate person in the performance.

"Though on earth we are parted."
"Mi giuri che m' ami."
"I'm saddest when you sing."
"Friend after friend departs."
"I never cast a flower away."
"The stranger knight."

We have not yet spoken of the "Tales of the Pacha." We like them, and the public will like them, for they are the most humorous, the most original, and the most varied of the captain's writings. Yet they belong neither to the salt nor the fresh element; and they wear the livery of no school, but that very extensive one of human issued at the same time from the press, is the production This formidable list of publications, seeming to have nature. But we must take care what we are about. of an amateur. We may not speak all the good we think of them; and sitions which are appearing now-a-days, the question From the many unprofessional compowhatever that is faulty, they may possess, the hundred tongued press will, no doubt, take especial care that it "whether the English are a musical people?" might shall not remain unbruited. In making these few re-have stronger and more palpable evidence than amateur seem to be decided in the affirmative. But we must marks, we feel that we have spoken too much for our personal interests, though far, very far too little for our feelings of admiration, and some other feeling of a more noble nature, to which we will not advert. Should the person most concerned be irritated at our remarks, we will take a scrupulous care to withhold for the future, our commendation, until he be gathered to his fathers; should the public think ill of it, we pity them for their ill thoughts-and au pis aller-should the editor be mightily chagrined, he will take care not to be on a continental tour when the proper time shall come to correct the press for the Magazine for the ensuing mouth.

But we must advertise our readers, that though absent physically, our editor is with us spiritually-with us in his writings, in the arrangement, and in the selection of the articles offered to public approbation. However, as it must be a long rein that could curb us from Brussels, the above notice proves that we can run riot.-Metropolitan.

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various other kinds, before we can come to this conclusion compositions usually afford, and more decided proof of That quantum of information which will enable a man either in music or literature to a place among "the mob of gentlemen who write with ease," is obtained without much expense of time or thought. Words and notes. and hence reminiscences commonly supply their place. are easily at command, ideas are not quite so plentiful; The publications before us, with the exception of the first, are songs written in different styles, and, on the whole, pleasingly and correctly written. There is here having ventured deeply into the labyrinths of harmony, and there an error, in composition; but the author's not has seldom lost his way. The first on the list is a duet, and we are better pleased with it than with his songs. The parts flow agreeably and melodiously, and the composition will not fail to please its hearers. Of the songs, there is none that rises much above its fellows, or deserves more than the general praise we have awarded to the whole.


The Vocal Souvenir, for 1835. By Mrs. H. Mason. This production is not, in the present acceptation of the term, an Anneal, but simply consists of four songs and one duct, by the same composer, a lady, who as we understand, has studied music only as an accomplish- TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES-The increase of members of ment. These compositions are not merely airs hammered the Temperance Society, in England and Wales, from out of the piano-forte, and then handed over to some 1st Feb. 1834, to 1st Feb. 1835, is upwards of 37,000 professional drudge to be reduced to form and rule, and the total being 110,525. Last year the members of the; set forth with an accompaniment, but are evidently Bristol Society amounted to 1500; this year they are throughout, the work of one mind. Mrs. H. Mason has 2562; being an increase of 962. The American Temstudied assidously and perseveringly, not merely the ru-perance Societies now consist of nearly 1,500,000 memdiments, but many of the intricacies of the art. Herbers. accompaniments are wrought up with considerable skill, CHILDREN BURNT.-By a return made from the city and evince much power of conception as well as execu- and liberty of Westminster, it appears that during the tion. But she fails in the power to originate an interest- last year no less than about 100 children have been burnt ing melody; her passages are not sufficiently vocal, and, to death, chiefly owing to their parents leaving them we suspect, were played rather than sung before they alone in a room with a fire in it. Of this number about were committed to paper. This is a fault common to four fifths were girls, and the remainder boys. This most pianoforte players when they attempt to write for arises from the difference of clothing between boys and the voice. It is not enough that certain passages are girls. When the boys have been burnt to death, it has pleasing and perhaps easy on the instrument: the com- been chiefly owing to wearing pinafores. In a great poser should ask will they sing well? above all, do they many of the cases the accidents have occurred from the convey the meaning of the poetry (if meaning it chance children getting on a chair to reach something off the to have) by appropriate sounds? are there no false ac-mantel-piece, when their clothes easily ignite. cents, no emphatic "ofs" and "thes," no lines in which the sense is severed by an impertinent symphony, no needless repetitions of unimportant words? If any such things occur, they should be noted and erased as blemishes which mar the just purpose and end of vocal writing. The fair authoress of these songs is evidently in possession of much native and acquired talent; and in order that she may attain to greater force and skill in

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES-The Lords of the Treasury have very properly had printed for gratuitous distribution, "Instructions for the formation of Friendly Societies, with rules and tables applicable thereto," in order to assist in the establishment of these valuable institutions upon sound and legal principles.

TOLLS.-It is now the law that no toll shall be paid for cattle and other beasts going to or from water or pasture,

or to or from being shod or farried, or passing on any turnpike-road, provided they do not pass more than two miles on such turnpike-road. All horses and beasts drawing carts with materials for the repairs of roads, although the wheels of such carts shall be less than four inches and a half, are also to be exempt from toll. Lastly, all horses or carriages, cattle or other beasts, crossing any turnpike-road, or not going above one hundred yards thereon, are exempt from toll.

POPULATION RETURNS.-For the first time, a return was made in the last census of the number of illegitimate births occurring in Great Britain. There were 20,039 of them in the year 1830, in the proportion of 41 males to 40 females; as compared with legitimate births, they are reckoned as one in 18 for the whole of England and Wales. The minimum of illegitimate births is in Middlesex, and the maximum in Wales!-Merlical Gazette. THE CRETAN SARCOPHAGUS.-A magnificent sarcophagus was discovered last year in Crete, by Sir Pultney Malcolm, who patriotically brought it to England, and proposes, we hear, to present it to the University of Cambridge. It is of Parian marble, and more than seven feet long, and in fine preservation. It was found in a small plain, near a village called Ayo Vasile, seven or eight miles from Viano, and though broken into many pieces, the whole has been ingeniously united under the direction of Chantrey, in whose studio it may be seen by all who are curious in antique sculpture.

possessed the Crimea. The director of the Museum at Kertch, after opening eleven successively, without meeting with any relics but fragments of the tombs, was, however, recompensed for his pains when he came to the twelfth, which he found to inclose a tomb of freestone, without cement, and filled with earth. In this tomb were contained the following objects; 1. A large urn with two handles, covered with black varnish, and ornamented with garlands, on which some traces of gilding are to be discerned. This urn was placed at the feet of the deceased, and contained some bones resembling those of a sheep. 2. A large fluted vase, finely shaped, covered with a gilt garland, also placed at the feet of the deceased. 3. A ring of a superior construction, with a signet representing a lion couchant, in cornelian. On the plain side are engraved a buckler, a casque, and a sword. 4. A bunch of five ears of corn, with the leaves in amber, found on the head of the skeleton. 5. Three golden rings set with Syrian granite. 6. Two small gold buckles representing couching cupids. No medals were found in the tomb, so that the precise epoch to which it belongs cannot be ascertained.

At the last meeting of the Medico-Botanical Society, Dr. Hancock read a paper on a plant called coomi-paru by the natives of Guiana. It is used to intoxicate fish so as to enable the fisher to catch them with the hand. It flowers at all seasons of the year, and is constantly covered with leaves of a purple colour; the flowers are small and white. The fluid circulating in the plant is latescent, nearly as thick as cream, and is so abundant as to trickle down in a small stream if the bush be wounded. A seed of this plant taken inwardly is of great use in dropsy.

SICILY. It is stated, by some of the French papers, that an extraordinary phenomenon has taken place at Marsala, in Sicily. After the dreadful hurricane, during the night of the 16th of December, which was accompanied by rain, hail, thunder, and violent agitation of the sea, was discovered that the roofs of the houses were covered The ends, as well as front of the sarcophagus, includ- with aerolites, the size of a common walnut, round and ing the cover or lid, are entirely sculptured. The sub-extremely hard. The learned chemists of Sicily are busy ject is the triumphant return of Bacchus from India, and analysing these aerial productions. Others of the French though this seems to have little connection with death papers pretend that nothing more has happened at Marand the grave, it must be borne in mind that the god was sala than a violent hurricane. born in the isle, and the Cretans invented the orgies in his honour. The figures are in high relief: a naked youth, stooping under a wine-skin, accompanied by a musician, leads the procession; an elephant follows, with three girls on its back, playing on the double pipe and cymbals; Silenus, sufficiently intoxicated, is borne after by two youths, who seem not unconscious of the weight; while a satyr follows, striking a tambourine, and actually leaping into the air with delight. A male and female centaur succeed; "one seems woman to the waist, and fair, but ending foul;" the other has his brows bound in vine-leaves, and seems in a passion, which his female companion tries to soothe, by throwing her arm round his neck; an empty cup, depending from her fingers, in timates that wine has something to do with the wrath which agitates him; this is more distinctly intimated by the action of the closing group. Bacchus appears-all youth and beauty-grave rather than joyous-in a splendid car, on a panel of which a youth and satyr are contending; the right hand of the god elevates a trophy, while the left hand protects a trembling faur, his companion in the car, at whom the angry centaur seems in the act of throwing a wine-cup. The fear of the one, and the surly wrath of the other, are well expressed. Two men, on one end of the sarcophagus, seem disputing about a child, which they are bearing away in a basket; while on the other end two cupids are engaged in an attempt to put a tipsy satyr to bed; drapery suspended between two trees; the urchins have their friend on their shoulders, and are striving, on tiptoe, to heave him up, while a quiet smile is playing over the brows and in the corners of his mouth at their fruitless endeavours. All this seems more akin to luxurious painting than to the simplicity and gravity of sculpture. The relief wrought on the lid is of a still more joyous character.-London


The Odessa Journal contains the following:-" The archaiological researches prosecuted in the tumuli on the line of the new quarantine, towards the northeast of the city, are rarely profitable, in consequence of their having long since been rifled by some of the people who anciently

The following is given as the indefatigable Landolina's mode of performing anew the ancient process of paper making from the papyrus; it is given on the authority of a recent German traveller in Sicily and Malta; the discoverer resides at Syracuse:-" He softened the lower part of the stalk in water, loosened the external skin, and cut the soft white pith in the thinnest slices possible. These were laid upon each other crosswise, pressed, carefully dried, sized, and after many failures at length produced a perfectly useable dazzlingly white writing paper.

FULTON'S ORRERY.-This orrery conveys a more perfect idea of our solar system than any one that we have seen, whether scenic or solid. It is constructed on a similar principle to the small mechanical orreries sold by opticians, but its movements are far more various and complicated, and its size very much greater-the orbit of Herschel describing a circle of nine feet diameter. The true inclination of the axis of each planet and of the plane of its orbit is shown, and the due relative distances of the planets from the sun and each other; and each performs its rotatory or diurnal motion on its axis, and its annual revolution round the sun in the proper relative space of time-the annual revolution of our earth being made in a minute, and the others in proportion. The motions of the satellites are equally exact in point of position and time. The eccentricity as well as the inclina tion of the orbit of Mercury, and the inclinations of the orbits of the secondary planets, Ceres and Pallas, are likewise given. Dials marking the hour, the day, the

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