
Vio. No, not a grice: for 'tis a vulgar proof, That very oft we pity enemies.

Oli. Why then, methinks, 'tis time to smile again ; O world, how apt the poor are to be proud! If one should be a prey, how much the better To fall before the lion, than the wolf! [Clock frikes The clock upbraids me with the waste of time. Be not afraid, good youth, I will not have you; And yet when wit and youth are come to harvest, Your wife is like to reap a proper man : There lies your way, due west.

Vio. Then weftward hoes

Grace and good difpofition attend your lady fhip!
You'll nothing, Madam, to my Lord by me?

Oli. Stay; pr'ythee tell me, what thou think'st of me?

Vio. That you do think, you are not what you are. Oli. If I think fo, I think the fame of you. Vio. Then think you right, I am not what I am. Oli. I would you were, as I would have you be ! Vio. Would it be better, Madam, than I am ?. I wish it might, for now I am your fool.

Oli. O, what a deal of fcorn looks beautiful.

In the contempt and anger of his lip!

A murd'rous guilt fhews not itself more foon,

Than love that would feem hid: love's night is noon.
Cefario, by the rofes of the fpring,

By maid hood, honour, truth, and every thing,
I love thee fo, that, maugre all thy pride,
Nor wit, nor reafon, can my paffion hide.
Do not extort thy reasons from this claufe,
For that I woo, thou therefore haft no cause :
But rather reason thus with reafon fetter;

Love fought is good; but given, unfought, is better.
Vio. By innocence I fwear, and by my youth,

I have one heart, one bofom, and one truth,
And that no woman has; nor never none
Shall mistress be of it, fave I alone.
And fo adieu, good Madam; never more.
Will I my mafter's tears to you deplore.

Oli. Yet come again; for thou, perhaps, may'it move That heart, which now abhors, to like his love.


SCENE changes to an Apartment in Olivia's

Enter Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Fabian."
YO, faith, I'll not ftay a jot longer.

Sir And.


thy reafon.

Sir To. Thy reason, dear venom, give

Fab. You must needs yield your reason, Sir Andrew. Sir And. Marry, I faw your neice do more favours to the Duke's ferving-man, than ever fhe bestow'd on me. I faw't, i'th' orchard.

Sir To. Did the fee thee the while, old boy, tell me that?

Sir And. As plain as I fee you now.

Fab. This was a great argument of love in her towards.you.

Sir And. 'Slight! will you make an ass o' me? Fab. I will prove it legitimate, Sir, upon the oaths of judgment and reason.

Sir To. And they have been Grand Jury-men fince before Noah was a failor.

Fab. She did fhew favour to the youth in your fight, only to exasperate you, to awake your dormouse.valour, to put fire in your heart, and brimftone in your liver. You should then have accofted her, with fome excellent jefts, fire-new from the mint; you should have bang'd the youth into dumbness. This was look'd for at your hand, and this was baulkt. The double gilt of this opportunity you let time wash off, and you are now fail'd into the north of my lady's opinion; where you will hang like an ificle on a Dutchman's beard, unless you do redeem it by fome laudable attempt, either of valour or policy.

Sir And. And't be any way, it must be with valour ; for policy I hate: I had as lief be a Brownift, as a politician.


Sir To. Why then, build me thy fortunes upon the bafis of valour; challenge me the Duke's youth to fight with him; hurt him in eleven places; my neice fhall take note of it; and affure thy felf, there is no lovebroker in the world can more prevail in man's commendation with woman than report of valour.

Fab. There is no way but this, Sir Andrew.

Sir And. Will either of you bear me a challenge to him?

Sir To. Go, write in a martial hand; be curft and brief: it is no matter how witty, fo it be eloquent, and full of invention; (7) taunt him with the licence of ink; if thou thou'ft him fome thrice, it fhall not be amifs; and as many lies as will lye in thy fheet of paper, although the sheet were big enough for the bed of Ware in England; fet 'em down, go about it. Let there be gall enough in thy ink, tho' thou write with a goofepen, no matter: about it.

(7) Taunt him with the Licence of Ink; if thou thou'ft him Some thrice,] There is no Doubt, I think, but this Paffage is One of thofe, in which our Author intended to fhew his Respect for Sir Walter Raleigh, and a Detestation of the Virulence of his Profecutors. The Words, quoted, feem to me directly levell'd at the Attorney-General Coke, who, in the Trial of Sir Walter, attack'd him with all the following indecent Expreffions.- "All that he did was by thy Inftigation, thou Viper; for I thou thee, thou Traytor!" (Here, by the way, are the Poet's three thou's.) "You are an odious Man." "Is he bale? I return it into thy Throat, on his behalf."

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damnable Atheist!”. "Thou art a Monster; thou hast an English Face, but a Spanish Heart."—" Thou hast a Spanish "Heart, and thyself art a Spider of Hell.". "Go to, I will

lay thee on thy Back for the confident'st Traytor that ever came " at a Bar, &c." Is not here all the Licence of Tongue, which the Poet fatyrically preferibes to Sir Andrew's Ink? And how mean an Opinion Shakespeare had of these petulant invectives, is pretty evident from his Clofe of this Speech; Let there be Gall enough in thy Ink, tho' thou write it with a Goose-pen, no matter.

A keener Lash at the Attorney for a Fool, than all the Contumelies the Attorney threw at the Prisoner, as a suppos'd Traytor!

Sir And. Where fhall I find you?"

Sir To. We'll call thee at the Cubiculo: go.

[Exit Sir Andrew. Fab. This is a dear manikin to you, Sir Toby. Sir To. I have been dear to him, lad, fome two thoufand ftrong or fo.

Fab. We fhall have a rare letter from him; but you'll not deliver't.

Sir To. Never truft me then; and by all means ftir on the youth to an answer. I think, oxen and wainropes cannot hale them together. For Andrew, if he were open'd, and you find fo much blood in his liver as will clog the foot of a flea, I'll eat the reft of th' anatomy. Fab. And his oppofite, the youth, bears in his vifage no great prefage of cruelty.

Enter Maria.

Sir To. Look, where the youngest wren of nine comes. Mar. If you defire the spleen, and will laugh yourfelves into stitches, follow me: yond gull Malvolio is turned Heathen, a very Renegado; for there is no Christian, that means to be fav'd by believing rightly, can ever believe fuch impoffible paffages of grofsnefs. He's in yellow flockings.

Sir To. And cross-garter'd

Mar. Moft villainously; like a pedant that keeps a fchool i'th' church: I have dogg d him, like his murtherer. He does obey every point of the letter, that I dropt to betray him; he does fmile his face into more lines than is in the new map, with the augmentation of the Indies; you have not feen fuch a thing, as 'tis ; I can hardly forbear hurling things at him. I know, my lady will ftrike him; if the do, he'll fmile, and take't for a great favour.

Sir To. Come, bring us, bring us where he is.



Seb. I


SCENE changes to the Street.
Enter Sebaftian and Anthonio.

Would not by my will have troubled you.
But fince you make your pleasure of your pains,
I will no further chide you.

Ant. I could not stay behind you; my defire,
(More fharp than filed fteel,) did fpur me forth;.
And not all love to fee you, (tho' fo much,
As might have drawn one to a longer voyage.)
But jealoufie what might befal your travel,
Being skillefs in thefe parts; which to a stranger,
Unguided and unfriended, often prove
Rough and unhofpitable. My willing love,
The rather by thefe arguments of fear,
Set forth in your purfuit.

Seb. My kind Anthonio,

(8) I can no other anfwer make, but thanks;
And thanks, and ever thanks; and oft good turns
Are fhuffled off with fuch uncurrent pay;

But were my worth, as is my conscience, firm,
You fhould find better dealing: what's to do?
Shall we go fee the relicks of this town?

(8) I can no other Answer make but Thanks,

And Thanks: and ever-oft good Turns

Are fhuffled off with fuch uncurrent Pay;] It must be obvious to every Reader, who has the leaft Knowledge in Verfification, that the fecond Line is too fhort by a whole Foot; however the Editors have indolently pafs'd it over without Sufpicion. Then, who ever heard of this goodly double Adverb, ever-oft, which feems to have as much Propriety as, alwaysfometimes? As I have restor'd the Passage, it is very much in our Author's Manner, and Mode of Expreffion. So, in Cymbeline;

·Since when I have been Debtor to You for Courtefies, which I will be ever to pay, and yet pay still.

And in All's well, that Ends well.

And let me buy your friendly Help thus far,
Which I will over-pay, and

pay again

When I have found it.


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