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ABENAKIS of Maine solicit missions,
793. War with, 849. Language, 868.
Aborigines, their conversation with

Eliot, 420. Their language, 867.
Manners, 888. Political institu-
tions, 895. Religion, 902. Natural
endowments, 913. Origin, 918.
Acadia settled, 22. Fortunes of, 333,

401, 830, 865.

Accomacs, 869.

Aguesseau, 956.

Aix-la-Chapelle, congress of, 1037.
Alabama entered by Soto, 38. By the
French, 841, 950, 952, 962.
Albany founded, 551.

Alexander's, Sir William, patent, 250.
Algonquins war with the Dutch, 562.
Visited by Jesuits, 728. Language,

Alloüez, Father, 803.
Amidas, his voyage, 71.
Anabaptism in Massachusetts, 337.
Anabaptists popular reformers, 689.
Andros, Edmund, 648. Lands at Bos-
ton, 664. In Virginia, 712.
Anglo-American. See Colonies.

Annapolis, Maryland, 716.
Anne, Queen, war of, 845.

Gives au-

dience to five sachems, 855.

Anson's expedition, 1017.
Antinomian controversy, 290.
Archdale, John, 705.
Argall, 111, 112, 115, 116.

Arkansas entered by Soto, 40. By the
Jesuits, 811.
Artaguette, 963.

Assiento, the, 863. Benefit of it given
to the South Sea Company, 988.
Augustine, St., 53.

Austria, its war of succession, 1024.
Ayllon, voyage of, 28.

Bacon, Lord, tolerant, 222. Inclines
to materialism, 593.

Bacon, Nathaniel, his career, 509, 518.
Baltimore. See Calvert.

Bank of England chartered, 834.
Bank of France, 954.

Barlow, his voyage, 71.
Behring's discoveries, 1027.
Bellamont, Lord, in New York, 737.
In New England, 835.
Berkeley, George, character of, 967.
Berkeley, Sir William, in Virginia, 154.
In England, 401. Plants Carolina,
449. Dissatisfied, 499. His seve-
rity to Bacon and his friends, 511,
513, 520. Sails for Europe, 521.
Bienville, 841. Explores the country,


[blocks in formation]

Cardross, Lord, in South Carolina, 478.
Carolina, proprietaries of, 445. Co-
lonized from New England, 446;
from Virginia, 448; from Barbadoes,
450. Second charter, 451. Its con-
stitutions, 457.

Carolina, North, Raleigh's colonies in,

72-83. Records, 461. Early legis-
lation, 462. Locke's constitution
rejected, 463. Its spirit, 466. Cul-
pepper's insurrection, 467. Its early
days, 471. Anarchy, 710. Popula-
tion, 711. War with the Tuscaroras,
929. Surrenders its charter, 936.
Carolina, South, early settlements, 48.
Colonized, 472. Government, 473.
Slavery, 475. Character, 476. Hu-
guenots, 478. Civil contest, 485.
Parties in, 703. Constitution abro-
gated, 705. Huguenots enfran-
chised, 706. High Church faction,
707. Produce of, 708. Expedition
against St. Augustine, 847. Attacked
by the French, 849. War with the
Yamassees, 933. Popular revolu-
tion, 934.
Caron, Le, 781.
Cartier, his voyage, 15. At Mont.
Real, 17.

3 x

Carteret, Philip, 584.
Carver, John, 234.
Catawbas, 874.
Cayugas, 659.

Champlain in Canada, 20. Explores
Lake Champlain, 23. Builds Fort
St. Louis, 23. Establishes missions,

Charles I., 147. Convenes a parlia-
ment, 352. Trial, 361.

Charles II., his restoration, 371. Cha-

racter, 386.

Charleston founded, 475.

Chauvin obtains a patent, 20.
Chaumonot, Father, 800.

Cherokees, 874. Treaty with, 937.
Cheesman, Edmund, 519.

Chickasas, Soto amongst, 38. Their
residence, 811, 877. French wars
with, 962. Visit Oglethorpe, 1013.
Chippewas, 804.

Clarendon, ministry of, 670.
Clarke, John, 395.

Clayborne, William, 152, 179, 186, 189.
Coligny plans settlements, 47-49.
Colleton, James, 487.

Colonies, Anglo-American, general
character, 684. Origin, 685. Chris-
tian, 686. Relations with parlia-
ment, 767. Taxation, 768. Judiciary,
769. Currency, 770. Charters, 772.
Progress, 965. Settlements, 966.
Schools, 968. Press, 969. Relations
with metropolis, 973. Checks on
their industry, 976. Sugar colonies
favoured, 977. Paper-money system,
978. Monopoly of trees for masts,
981. Slaves in, 998. Tend to inde-
pendence, 1035.

Colonies, European, system of, 161.
&c., 381, 777.

Colonies, New England.

Columbus, 6.

See New

Congress of Indians, 807.
Congress, first American, 828.
Connecticut colonized, 297. Its con-
stitution, 302. First charter, 390.
Life in, 392. Uninterrupted peace,
394. Hartford and New Haven
united, 411. Dutch settlement in,
558. Andros in, 648. Its charter
hidden, 668. Under William and
Mary, 742, Law of inheritance, 982.
Copley, Lionel, 716.

Coramines, or Corees, 869.

Cotton, cultivated, 136. Manufac-
tures of, 312.

Cotton, John, sketch of, 272.
Credit, bills of, 830, 847, 978.
Cromwell, Oliver, his commercial

policy, 165. Favours New England,
334. Sincerity, 359. Character, 365.
Cromwell, Richard, 370.
Crozat, Anthony, 948.

Culpepper, John, his insurrection, 468.
Sent to England for trial, 467.
Culpepper, Lord, obtains a patent,
503. Governor of Virginia, 530.

Dablon, Father, 798, 805.
Dahcotas, 872.

Dale, Sir Thomas, 108.
Danforth in Maine, 434.
Daniel, Robert, 709.

Daniel, Father, 783. Martyrdom, 795.
Dare, Virginia, 81.

Davenport, John, establishes New
Haven colony, 302.

Deerfield burned, 850.

De La Ware, 104. In Virginia, 107.
Illness, 107. In parliament, 113.
Death, 115.

Delaware colonized by the Dutch, 557.
By the Swedes, 562. Separated from
Pennsylvania, 726. See New Swe-
den, and Pennsylvania.

Detroit founded, 836. Attacked by
the Foxes, 858.
Dixwell, John, 376.
Drake, Sir Francis, 66.
Dreuillettes, Father, 793.

Drummond, William, 450. Advises to
depose Berkeley, 514. Fires his own
house, 517. His execution, 520.
Drummond, Sarah, 515.

Dudley, Joseph, 664, 733, 767.
Dustin, Hannah, 832.

Dutch West-India Company, 543.
Dutch Colonies. See New Nether-

Dyar, Mary, 341.

Eaton, Theophilus, governor of New
Haven, 302.

Edwards, Jonathan, 987.
Elizabeth, Queen, 213.
Eliot, John, 419.

Endicott, John, 257, 410.
England, its maritime discoveries, 7,
58, 59, 62. First attempt to plant a
colony, 65. Favours colonization,
90. Early slave trade, 131. Claims
Maine and Acadia, 113. Restrictive
commercial policy of, 147. The re-
formation in, 207. Jealous of New
England, 304. Its democratic revo-
lution, 351. Long Parliament, 353.
Civil war, 356. Presbyterians and
Independents, 357. Cromwell, 364.
Restoration, 372. Navigation acts,
381. Royal commissioners for New
England, 406. Its history from
1660 to 1688, 669. Clarendon's mi-
nistry, 670. The cabal, 670. Shaftes-
bury's, 671. Danby's, 671. Shaftes
bury, 672. Tendency to despotism,
674. Tories and Whigs, 676. Its
aristocratic revolution, 678, 696, 700.
War with France, 822. Queen

Anne's war, 846. Resolves on co-
lonial conquests, 854. Sends a fleet
into the St. Lawrence, 857. Seeks
to engross the slave trade, 864.
Extent of possessions, 866. Changes
its dynasty, 930. Its pacific policy,
932. Claims of, 943. Relations with
the colonies, 973. With Spain, 988.
It favours the slave trade, 989. En-
croaches on Spanish territory, 1000,
1013. War with Spain, 1016.
Erie, first vessel on, 814.
Etchemins, 868.

Fernandez, Francisco, 27.
Finland, emigrants from, 562.
Five Nations. See Iroquois.
Fletcher, Benjamin, in Pennsylvania,
721. In New York, 735. In Con-
necticut, 743.

Fleury, Cardinal, 932. Averse to war,

Florida discovered, 25. Abandoned,
47. Huguenots, 49. Melendez in,
51. Colonized, 54. Expeditions
against, 847, 1011.
Fox, George, 463.

Education, 594.
Influence of the age on him, 611.
His death, 647.
France, first voyages, 12. Trading
voyages of, 20. Settles Acadia and
Canada, 22. Huguenot colonies of,
47. Its settlements_pillaged, 112.
Loses Acadia, 333. Persecutes the
Huguenots, 478. War with the Five
Nations, 659, 663. Character of
its monarchy, 694. Its rivalry with
England, 778. Missions, 787. Con-
tends for the fisheries and the west,
822. War with England, 823. In.
dian alliance, 823. War with the
Iroquois, 832. Colonial boundaries,
835. Excludes England from Louis-
iana, 843. Sends Indians into New
England, 851. Desires peace, 859.
Extent of her possessions, 866.
Builds Crown Point and Niagara
forts, 944. Influence on the Ohio,
947. War with Spain, claims Texas,
953. War with the Natchez, 957.
Its government of Louisiana, 960.
War with the Chickasas, 961. With
England, 1025. Ill success of her
fleets, 1035.

Franciscans in Maine, 793.

Franklin, Benjamin, his character, 969.
Defends freedom of the press, 984.
His volunteer militia, 1030.
Frederica founded, 1010.
Frederick II., 1026.
Friends. See Quakers.

Frobisher's voyages, 62.

Frontenac's expedition, 827.

Garay, Francisco, 28.

Gates, Sir Thomas, 109, 113.

George I., 930.

Georgia, colonization of, proposed,
999. Charter for, 1002. Oglethorpe
in, 1003. Indians in, 1004. Mora-
vians in, 1005. Slavery interdicted,
1007. Highlanders, 1008. The Wes-
leys and Whitefield, 1009. Extends
its boundaries, 1011. See Ogle-

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 68, 70.
Goffe, William, 375, 426.
Gomez, Stephen, 30.

Gorges, Sir Ferdinand, 90, 204, 254.
Death, 322.

Gorges, Robert, 245.

Gorton, Samuel, 314.

Gosnold, Bartholomew, 85. Death,

Gourgues, Dominic de, 56.

Grand Bank, fisheries of, 67.
Grijalva, 28.

Grotius opposes American coloniza-
tion, 552.

Gustavus Adolphus, 559.

Hakluyt, Richard, 86, 90.
Hamilton, Andrew, 983.
Hampden, John, 308.
Hansford, Thomas, 519.
Hartford, 558.

Harvard College founded, 344.

Harvey, John, 149. Impeached, 152.
Haverhill massacre, 851.
Haynes, John, 272.

Hennepin, Father, 814. His falsehood,


Higginson, Francis, 261.
Highlanders in Georgia, 1008.
History, its criterion, 985. A science,
986. The record of God's provi-
dence, 987.

Hooker, Thomas, character of, 273.
Hooper, the martyr, 212.
Howard, of Effingham, 533.
Hudson's Bay, 10, 63, 549, 826.
Hudson, Henry, 545. In the North
River, 546.
Last voyage of, 549.
Death, 550.
Huguenots in Canada, 23. In Florida,
49. In South Carolina, 478. In
New Netherlands, 573.

Hunter, Robert, 741.
Hurons, 23, 783.

Receive missions,
784. Their war with the Five Na-
tions, 795.

Huron-Iroquois tribes, 872.

Hutchinson, Anne, 291. Exiled, 293.
Death, 296, 564.

Hyde, Edward, Lord Cornbury, 729.
Character, 738.

Iberville, Lemoine d', 840.

Icelandic voyages, 5, 923.

Illinois visited by Jesuits, 808. Early

3 x 2

history of, 815. A fort built in, 816.

Permanent settlement in, 837.

Illinois tribe, 810, 870.

Independents, origin of, 216.
Indiana colonized, 948.
Indians. See Aborigines.
Indies, East, war in, 1026.
Ingle, rebellion of, 192.
Ingoldsby in New York, 733.
Iowa visited by Jesuits, 809.
Iowas, Le Sueur among, 844.
Iroquois attacked by Champlain, 23.
Seen by Smith, 101. In Connecticut,
302. Treaty with, 557, 588. Their
tribes and institutions, 658. Wars
of, 658. Relations with New France,
659. Treaty with the English, 660.
Meet De la Barre, 661. Their chiefs
stolen, 663. Returned, 663. Visited
by Jesuits, 789. Treaty with the
French, 793. War with Hurons,
795. Missions among, 797. Invade
Illinois, 816. Sack Montreal, 827.
Contend with the French, 833.
Make peace, 836. Their neutrality,
849. Chiefs visit England, 855.
Treat with the French, 856. Their
abode, 873. Receive the Tusca-
roras, 930. Cede lands, 944. Re-
ceive the French, 945. Cede the
West to the English, 1028.

James I., his relations with Virginia,
91, 103, 111, 118, 141, 146. Grants

a charter for New England, 205.
His character, 220.
James II. sends rebels to Virginia,

534. Becomes a proprietary, 581.
Grants New Jersey, 583. Patron of
the slave trade, 583. Arbitrary,
586. Favours William Penn, 618.
His character, 649. His colonial
policy, 650. Taxes colonial com-
merce, 650, 651, 655, 656. His career
as king, 677. His flight, 678.
Jamestown founded, 95. Burned, 518.
Jefferies, 534, 654.
Jenkins, 1015.

Jesuits on the Kennebec, 22. On the
Penobscot, 22. Order founded, 782.
Extend French dominion, 782.
Among the Hurons, 784. At Mon.
treal, 787. Among the Mohawks,
792. On the Kennebec, 794. Their
heroism, 797. Among the Onon-
dagas, 798. Mission to the west,
803. On the Mississippi, 809. Law
against, 835.

Jogues, Father, 791. His martyrdom,

Johnson, Arabella, 268.
Joliet, 808.

[blocks in formation]

Kidd, William, 737.
Kieft, 561.

Lallemand, Father, 783-797.
Law, John, 950. His credit system,
950. His bank, 954. Downfall, 956.
Leisler, Jacob, 681,731,733. His execu.
tion, 744. Reversal of attainder, 737.
Lenni-Lenape, 631. In New Jersey,

Leon, Ponce de, discovers Florida, 26.
Locke, John, his character, 456. Con-
trasted with Penn, 629.
Logan, James, 726, 947.

Louis XIV. persecutes the Huguenots,
479. His policy, 659. Treachery,
663. Absolute, 778. Defends legi-
timacy, 822. Recognizes William,
835. His cabinet, 846. His old age,
859. Death, 931.
Louisburg founded, 866. Siege of,


Louisiana claimed by France, 817.
First colony sails, 818. Colonized
by D'Iberville, 840. Extent of, 945.
Under Crozart, 948. The Missis-
sippi Company, 952. Effect of Law's
fall, 957. Its war with the Natchez,
958. The crown resumes the go-
vernment, 961. War with the
Chickasas, 962. Condition in 1740,

Lovewell's fight, 942.
Lloyd, Thomas, 719.
Ludwell, Philip, 704.

Luther, Martin, 207, 209, 689.

Maine visited, 22. Colonized by the
French, 22. Entered by Pring, 87.
By Weymouth, 87. By Argall, 112.
Colonized by English, 202. Granted
in part to the Pilgrims, 241. To
Gorges, 247. Colonized, 249, 253.
Its court organized, 254. Early
history, 321. Annexed to Massa-
chusetts, 323. Royal commis-
sioners in, 413. Indian war, 431.

New government, 434. Indian war,
826, 939.

Maintenon, Madame de, 479, 931.
Manhattan occupied, 550.
Manigault, Judith, 483.
Marest, Gabriel, 838.
Markham, 723.

Marquette, Father, 805, 809, 812.
Maryland, discovery of, 179. First
charter, 183. Freedom of Con-
Catholics settle at

science, 184.
St. Mary's, 187. Clayborne's claims,
188. Ingle's rebellion, 192. Act
for religious liberty, 193. During
the commonwealth, 195. During
the protectorate, 197. Power of
the people asserted, 200. After the
restoration, 522. Baltimore's mild


sway, 523.

Baconists obtain in-
fluence, 527. Effect of the revolu-
tion of 1688,715. Protestant associa-
tion, 715. Produce and manu-
factures, 718. Restlessness, 984.
Mascoutins, 871.

Mason obtains a patent, 247.
Massachusetts. The company pur
chase lands, 256. Obtain a patent,
257. Emigration under Higginson,
261. Religious independence, 262.
The conclusions, 264. Transfer of
the charter, 264. Winthrop's emi-
gration, 266. First, autumn and
winter, 269. Government organ-
ized, 270. Governor visits Ply-
mouth, 272. Enemies in Eng-
land, 304. A quo warranto, 307.
Threatens to declare itself inde-
pendent, 310.

Favoured by the
Inclines to

Long Parliament, 312.
toleration, 324. A synod, 332. Free
schools, 344. Not in favour with
Charles II., 402. Refuses to yield,
406. Royal commissioners in, 412.
Prospers by neglect, 416. Pur-
chases Maine, 433. Its liberties in
danger, 439. Defends its charter,
441. Its charter abrogated, 443.
Andros arrives, 664. Episcopal
service, 665. Arbitrary taxation,
665. Solicits the restoration of its
charter, 751. Territory enlarged,
753. Plans the conquest of Aca-
dia, 853. Is refused a synod, 981.
Withholds a fixed salary from the
royal governor, 981. Recovers im-
pressed seamen, 1036.
Massasoit, 239.

Masts, 415, 772, 981.

Mather, Cotton, 746. Champion of

witchcraft, 751.

Wonders of the

invisible world, 763, 766.

Mather, Increase, 746, 755, 759, 969.

Mayhew, 421.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

New Albion, 568.

New Amsterdam, 554.

New Belgium. See New Netherlands.
New England, confederacy of the
colonies of, 315. Royal commis-
sioners for, 406. Population of,
418. Indians in, 419. War with
King Philip, 424. Desire to conquer
New France, 751. Gloomy years
of, 830. North-eastern boundary,
938. Resolve to conquer Louisburg,

Newfoundland, 12, 67, 825, 835, 853.
New France. See Canada.
New Hampshire visited by Pring,
247. Settled, 247. Annexed to
Massachusetts, 314. Royal com-
missioners in, 413. Made a royal
province, 435. Disputes with Cran-
field, 436. Its series of lawsuits,

New Haven founded, 302.
New Jersey. (See New Netherlands.)
Why so named, 583. Quakers and
Puritans in, 583. Slavery intro-
duced, 583. Its laws, 585. West
New Jersey bought by Quakers,
612. Treaty with the Indians, 613.
Dispute with the Duke of York, 614.
Its prosperity, 616. Andros in East
New Jersey, 651. Scotch emigrants,
652. Under Andros, 728. Under
Lord Cornbury, 729, 738, 740.
New Netherlands discovered by Hud-
son, 546. Description of, 547, 548.
Colonized, 551. Its charter, 556.
Indian wars, 563. Truce made by
R. Williams, 565. Strife with New
England, 567. Conquers New
Sweden, 569. Tolerant, 571. Slavery
introduced, 574. Struggle of the
people for power, 575. Under
Stuyvesant, 576. Dispute with Bal-
timore's agent, 577. With New
England, 579. Conquered by Eng-

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