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burg on the 23d day of July next. Unless one or both of the other parties declare unequivocally “in favor of the entire suppression of the liquor traffic,' it is earnestly hoped that every true friend of prohibition will cast his vote for the persons placed in nomination at that convention.

Under these circumstances the friends of prohibition in Maine, and in fact all over the civilized world, expect the vote will show a large majority in favor of the proposed constitutional amendment. Such a result would cheer the hearts of the friends of temperance everywhere, and would have a strong influence in helping on the cause all over the world. But on the other hand, should the measure be defeated, it would be hailed by the liquor interest as an evidence that the people of Maine, after a trial of more than a quarter of a century, had decided that prohibition was a failure. The influence of such result would be disastrous in the highest degree.

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"Don't you hear the muttering thunder, don't you see the lurid glare?
Don't you feel the storm is gathering? Mark the stillness of the air!
'Tis the storm of prohibition coming with resistless power,

For the God of tempest's moving, and we hail the joyous hour.
Moving on the hearts and voices, on the senses of the soul
Of the people and they're marching on to victory at the poll.
Can you grasp the raging waters as they leap Niagara's fall?
Or turn back the silv'ry moonbeams scintillating on the wall?
Can you check majestic ocean riding in upon the tide?
Or the God of prohibition at whose feet the waters hide?
No! His power is irresistless, and the van-cloud is His throne.

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Can you wonder at the muttering of the gathering storm at last?
'Tis but the crash of justice, 'tis the angel's bugle blast.



In my several reports from year to year I have urged the necessity of providing funds, by direct taxation, for the upbuilding of the Order in weak and needy jurisdictions, as well also for extending new plans and methods of work. At the session preceding the last, a tax of one-half of one cent per member was levied agreeably to the suggestions made, but the amount realized therefrom was so small as to be of little or no avail. At the last session I had the honor once more to call your attention to and urge the matter. As a further result, the tax was increased by making it one-half of one cent per member quarterly, or two cents yearly. While this amount was small (it should be increased at this session), yet it has been sufficient to fully demonstrate the practicability of the plan, and the results certainly warrant the assertion that they are highly satisfactory. I trust the fair beginning made may be persistently maintained, and the funds for this specific purpose may be largely increased from time to time until the Right Worthy Grand Lodge shall control a corps of international grand lecturers, whose specific duty it shall be to visit and aid all jurisdictions, and labor generally and directly in the interest of the cause and Order.

In no way will it be practicable to bring the Right Worthy Grand Lodge into close relations with its Subordinates; with a jurisdiction whose boundaries are co-extensive with the whole world, it is absolutely impracticable for a single representative of this body, the Right Worthy Grand Templar, to attempt personal or official visitations, as he can do so only at the expense of having the affairs of his office seriously interfered with. Our Order has become so widely extended that the office of the Right Worthy Grand Templar is necessarily and must become more and more restricted to the executive and administrative departments of the work. In the present condition of our Order, the Right Worthy Grand Templar must need always be at his post of duty, ready to advise when called upon. To do otherwise must jeopardize the harmony and prosperity of many, and more particularly

the distant jurisdiction in whose cases delays are always fraught with danger. This is my earnest conviction, based upon at least three years of careful observation, during which I have been absent from my office but very few days, and scarcely ever have I been away but upon returning I have found important matters awaiting immediate attention.

At our last session it was decided to further increase the labor and responsibilities of the Right Worthy Grand Templar by placing under his direction the mission and lecture work of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge. This was undertaken, and with the assistance of the Right Worthy Grand Secretary has been carried out to the best possible advantage, considering the circumstances surrounding a new enterprise and system.


PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND-A contract was made with Colonel J. J. Hickman, P. R. W. G. T., to visit Prince Edward Island for the purpose of reestablishing the Order in that province. The agreement with Colonel Hickman was that he should organize at least ten subordinate lodges, institutute a Grand Lodge, and when completed to receive a compensation of $150.00, and his expenses there and return. The brother performed the difficult task assigned him in an acceptable and highly satisfactory manner, organizing eleven Subordinate Lodges with a membership of 668, and instituting the Grand Lodge of Prince Eward Island, which I am informed has ever since been and is now in a very prosperous condition.

2. NOVA SCOTIA.-Returning from Prince Edward Island, Colonel Hickman at the earnest solicitation of the G. W. S. of Nova Scotia, was directed to devote a reasonable time to the upbuilding of the latter Grand Lodge, and for which he was promised a bonus of ten dollars per Lodge for each new Lodge, instituted by him, the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia paying for the other services. Several weeks time was thus spent by Brother Hickman during which he delivered fifteen lectures and organized four new Lodges. Many members of the "secession Order" were won over to the parent institution, and the Order generally throughout Nova Scotia was greatly benefited and strengthened as the result of this visit.

3. ONTARIO.-By order of the Executive Committee the sum of fifty dollars was allowed the Grand Lodge of Ontario out of the mission fund, and a warrant was ordered drawn for that amount, and was placed in the hands of the G. W. T. C., Bro. J. H. Flagg.

4. NORTH CAROLINA.-Under authority of the Executive Committee, and upon a showing that the Grand Lodge of North Carolina was in need of immediate and material aid, it was agreed by and with the officers of the Grand Lodge that they were to employ competent organizers to institute fifteen Lodges in that jurisdiction, the Grand Lodge to donate to the organizer the charter fee and the R. W. G. L. to contribute a cash bonus of five dollars for each new Lodge instituted up to fifteen new Lodges. The work was satisfactorily performed under the immediate supervision of Bro. R. H. Whitaker, G. W. S., and the Grand Lodge of North Carolina was thus not only saved from disaster, but was built up from a mere shell to an active jurisdiction of over one thousand members.

The G. W. S. in acknowledgment says: "The Lodges organized have averaged well in charter membership. They have brought in about 300 members, and generally the best material of communities has been secured. We are now on the up grade, and hope to be able, in the future, to go forward. We are very grateful to the R. W. G. L. for its timely assistance." 5. KENTUCKY DUAL.-Rev. A. Barry, R. W. G. O. G., was employed by the Executive Committee immediately after the adjournment of the last session of the R. W. G. L. to take the field for two months and labor to spread the Order among the colored people of Kentucky. This he did with excellent effect and good results, so far as I am advised. Later in the year he was employed for an additional month. The foregoing services were rendered at an expense of $210.00. In addition there was paid him at the last session,

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for balance due on services performed last year, $166.76. At its recent session, the Dual Grand Lodge reported an increase of Lodges and membership over one year ago, and with care and attention it will continue to prosper. 6. OHIO.-At the last session it was decided to lend assistance to the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and the matter was referred to the Executive Committee, with a recommendation that they send a lecturer, at the expense of this body, to labor for one month at such time as they may deem advisable." Immediately after the adjournment of the R. W. G. L., the Representatives from the Grand Lodge of Ohio appeared before the Executive Committee and urged that whatever assistance could be rendered should be given in money, so that they might provide lecturers of their own choosing, who might be used more advantageously in connection with the constitutional amendment campaign, etc. Accordingly, by order of the R. W. G. L. Executive Committee, the sum of two hundred dollars was placed at the disposal of the Executive Committee of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. The money was drawn and expended by them, and they were enabled by just so much to extend their lecture work, and to that extent we aided to increase their magnificent vote last fall in favor of the Prohibition amendment.

7. MAINE. For the same purposes mentioned in the case of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, the Executive Committee of the R. W. G. L. voted to place at the disposal of the Executive Committee of the Grand Lodge of Maine the sum of $174.20. As the Pine Tree State has a prohibitory amendment pending, it is hoped it will aid them by so much in gaining a victory.

8. MARYLAND.-The sum of $21.60 was voted the Executive Officers of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, at their urgent request, with which to pay for necessary instituting work, which was much needed.

9. MISSOURI DUAL.-The Dual Grand Lodge of Missouri was aided in its work of instituting and in the work of the Order among the colored people of Missouri to the extent of $25, which was appropriated and forwarded to its officers.


10. TEXAS.-The Grand Lodge of Texas had lain dormant for a long while, and it became quite apparent that it must have assistance or Good Templary would soon be a thing of the past in that state of grand proportions. great size of the state and the consequent expense and difficulty of doing efficient work, because of these facts were great hindrances; they were however effectually overcome. Col. Hickman was employed to go to Texas and organize at least ten new Lodges and revive the Grand Lodge, if possible so to do. As usual he met with splendid success. He commenced work at Honey Grove, holding a meeting in fulfillment of his first appointment, on the day of his arrival, and as a result, effected the organization of a new Lodge on the same night with one hundred and seventeen members. He continued his labors and had the satisfaction of reporting eleven new Lodges with a membership of 961. So well pleased were our brethren of Texas with Bro. Hickman's efficiency and success, that they entered into a subsequent arrangement with Col. Hickman for their own account. Upon Col. Hickman's arrival in Texas he found the officers "holding the fort with only four subordinate Lodges and a membership not exceeding one hundred and thirty." The Grand Lodge is now in a prosperous condition and has a membership of nearly three thousand These facts speak for themselves more eloquently than words.

11. NEW JERSEY.-The state of New Jersey has proved to be one of the most difficult fields in which to replant and renew Good Templary. Bro. M. J. Dow, of Maine, was sent to that state during last winter at the expense of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge to aid the officers of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey in their efforts to revive the Order there. An apparent indifference which made itself painfully apparent had to be overcome, so that the labors of our agent were but measurably successful. However, several new Lodges were instituted and older ones built up and strengthened during his

stay. A campaign of at least three months is necessary to thoroughly revive the Order in New Jersey.

12. LOUISIANA.—In pursuance of a general plan of visitation to and through the extreme Southern States of the Union, it was decided to have Colonel Hickman extend his labors from Texas on through the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas. The floods and high water prevented the carrying out of the general plan, and in addition to his visit to Texas, Col. Hickman was enabled only to make a brief tour through Louisiana. Owing to the continuance of high water, the work was impeded. Yet much good is reported as having been accomplished in strengthening and reviving old Lodges besides the institution of four new Lodges-three of them large ones, and reported as being composed of the very best material.

13. FLORIDA.-For a long time past there has been half the requisite number of Lodges in Florida necessary to organize a Grand Lodge, and these were in need of a central organization. Receiving overtures therefor, it was decided to commission Bro. C. T. Kelley, P. G. W. C. T., of Tennessee, and to employ him to institute the necessary number of additional subordinate Lodges, and when so instituted to organize the Grand Lodge of Florida. All this the brother named has accomplished under difficulties. In view of the great difficulties experienced by reason of long distances and great expense, the brother is certainly deserving of complimentary mention in this connection.

14. MISSOURI.-Owing to financial difficulties in which the Grand Lodge of Missouri became involved, it became necessary to aid them. Accordingly, upon the showing and urgent request of G. W. C. T., N. S. Richardson, it was decided to make an appropriation of $96.32 in behalf of said Grand Lodge, and for the benefit of the Order in that state.

15. DELAWARE DUAL.-It was arranged and agreed with Bro. Henry W. Morrow to institute Lodges among the colored people of Delaware, and to organize a Dual Grand Lodge for that state. The work is now in progress, two Lodges having already been instituted.


The question of aiding Dr. Lees in the matter of the “charter suit ” having been referred to the Executive Committee, and they having ordered an appropriation of $200.00 in said behalf, the sum has been forwarded to and gratefully acknowledged by Dr. Lees.

SUMMARY.-The foregoing necessarily brief, yet very interesting report of the various jurisdictions aided during the past year, shows only the possibilities in this direction. If the system is but carefully guarded and well maintained it can have but one effect, and that upbuilding, strengthening, and enlarging the sphere and usefulness of our cause and Order.

Fifteen jurisdictions have thus been aided, several of them being literally saved from utter destruction and dissolution. The total expense involved up to April 30th, as will more fully appear by the report of the R. W. G. Secretary, is $2,016.47. Other work is in progress in Louisiana, Dakota, Florida, and West Virginia.

The reports of the various Deputies and all the correspondence appertaining to the foregoing is submitted herewith.


The advices received from Great Britain are, upon the whole, hopeful and encouraging. Amid the many perplexities and discouraging circumstances surrounding the Order there, the brethren are making some progress.

The W. G. T. Brother, the Rev. Samuel Wright, in reporting the condition of his jurisdiction, says: "We are holding our own, and even a little beyond that. If the charter suit were disposed of, I believe our course

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would be more clear, and in behalf of Dr. Lees, and that every way vexatious suit, I venture to bespeak the kindest and most practical sympathy of our trans-Atlantic brethren of every degree. So far as my observation avails me, and from the information that reaches me from various parts of the kingdom, I gather that the blue ribbon and other movements, which have so much excited enthusiasm of late in this country do not contribute to the interests of our less imposing but more solid and methodical organization. But while we are thus surrounded by difficulties of various kinds, we are by no means discouraged; indeed, personally, I have not had so much faith and hope in our condition for several years as I have at the present time. We are neither cast down nor destroyed; but while I am hopeful as to the future, I think our progress, for some time at least, will be tedious and slow."


Our Order continues to flourish and grow apace in Scandinavia, in a manTM ner quite as satisfactory and pleasing as it is unprecedented. The W. G. T., Consul General C. O. Berg, of Stockholm, informs me that in

SWEDEN, at the close of the month of March last year there were 375 Lodges with a membership of 20,000, while at this time there are 650 Lodges containing 35,000 members, and it is confidently believed and expected that when the Grand Lodge shall assemble, June 16th next, at Stockholm, there will be reported 700 Lodges with a membership of about 40,000, making the Grand Lodge of Sweden undisputably the banner Grand Lodge of the world. This remarkable growth has been obtained notwithstanding many financial obstacles, as the officers report much difficulty in procuring the necessary funds. In view of this fact, the great success attending their efforts is all the more complimentary and creditable alike to their management. The official organ of the Order, Reform, is reported as in a prosperous condition, and beside it, two other temperance papers are being published, Arbetarens Van (The Workingman's Friend), and Barnens Van The Children's Friend). The three publications are issued from the printing office of the W. G. T., and have an aggregate subscription list and circulation numbering over 40,000 copies. May not the growth and prosperity of our brethren across the ocean be measurably traced to the support accorded their temperance press? I am credibly informed that as a result of the vigorous growth of our Order and the temperance agitation following, that the consumption of whisky (branvin) has decreased fully twenty-five per cent, showing a reduction from forty to thirty million litres per annum from 1880 to 1884. The liquor interests have become alarmed and thoroughly aroused as a result, but to no purpose, as I have official assurances that "the Order is prospering and total abstinence sentiments are rapidly advancing throughout the country.'

NORWAY.-The Order is also progressing favorably and taking a firm hold upon the people of Norway, and cheering reports are received to the effect that the work done is permanent and worthy of record. Thirty flourishing Lodges with a membership of 1,500, had been organized at last report.

DENMARK has now some fifteen Lodges, with a membership of four hundred. It is not so prosperous as its neighboring jurisdictions, but promises well for the future. I learn that ex-G. W. C. T. A. J. Anderson was expelled from our Order in Denmark because of his disloyalty to ours and his union with "the new Order of Mr. Peterson, of New York."


APPEAL NO. 1.—Alrik G. Spencer vs. Grand Lodge of California.
There are, in connection with the Grand Lodge of California and under

its jurisdiction, organizations known as Bands of Hope.

It has been the custom of the Grand Lodge since the organization of these

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