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Ella, thou arte-botte staie, my tynge; saie Howe greate I hymme maye make, stylle greater hee wylle bee.

Nor dydde hys souldyerres see hys actes yn


[felle; Heere a stoute Dane uponne hys compheere Heere lorde and hyndlette sonke uponne the playne;

Heere sonne and fadre trembled ynto helle. Chief Magnus sought hys waie, and, shame to telle!

[speere Hee soughte hys waie for flyghte; botte Ella's Uponne the flyynge Dacyannes schoulder felle, Quyte throwe hys boddie, and hys harte ytte tare,

He groned, and sonke uponne the gorie greene, And wythe hys corse encreased the pyles of Dacyannes sleene.

Spente wythe the fyghte, the Danyshe champyons stonde,

Lyche bulles, whose strengthe and wondrous myghte ys fledde;

Alla, a javelynne grypped yn eyther honde, Flyes to the thronge, and doomes two Dacyannes deadde.

After hys acte, the armie all yspedde; Fromm eve rich on unmyssynge javlynnes flewe; Theie straughite yer doughtie swerdes; the foe[slewe; menn bledde;

Fulle three of foure of myghtie Danes dheie The Danes, wythe terroure rulynge att their head, [ravenne fledde. Three downe theyr bannere talle, and lyche a

The soldyerres followed wythe a myghtie crie,
Cryes, yatte welle myghte the stoute te hautes
[annes flie;
Swefte, as yer shyppes, the vanquyshed Dacy
Swefte, as the rayne uponne an Aprylle daie,
Pressynge behynde, the Englysche soldyerres
Botte halfe the tythes of Danyshe menne ́re-
Ælla commaundes 'heie shoulde the sleetre

Botte bynde 'hem prysonners on the bloddie
The fyghtynge beynge done, I came awaie,
In odher fieldes to fyghtc a moe unequalle fraie.
Mie servant squyre!



Prepare a fleing horse, Whose feete are wynges, whose pace ys lycke the wynde, [yn course, Whoe wylle outestreppe the morneynge lyghtc Leaveynge the gyttelies of the merke behynde. Somme byltren matters doe mie presence fynde. Gyy oute to alle yatte 1 was sleene ynne fyghte. Gyffynne thys gare thou doest mie order mynde, Whanne I returne, thou shalte be made a knyghte;

Flie, flie, be gon; an howerre ys a daie; 2uycke dyghte my beste of stedes, and brynge hymm heere-awaie!

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To gayne so gayne a pryze wythe losse of Botte thanne rennome æterne-ytte ys botte [there. Bredde ynne the phantasie, and alleyn lyvynge


Albeytte everyche thynge yn lyfe conspyre
To telle me of the faulte I now schulde doe,
Yette woulde I batteutlie assuage mie fyre,
And the same menes, as I scall nowe, pursue.
The qualytyes I fro mie parentes drewe,
Were blodde, and morther, masterie, and warre;
Thie I wylle holde to nowe, and hede ne moe
A wounde yn rennome, yanne a boddie scarre.
Nowe, Ella, nowe Ime plantynge of a thorne,
Bie whyche thie peace, thie love, and glorie shalle
be torne.

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O! droppe the brynie teare wythe mee,
Daunce ne moe atte hallie daie,

Lycke a reynynge ryver bee;

Mie love ys dedde,

Gon to hys deathe-bedde,

Al under the wyllowe tree.

Blacke hys cryne as the wyntere nyghte,
Whyte bys rode as the sommer snowe,
Rodde hys face as the mornynge lyghte,
Cale he lyes ynne the grave belowe;
Mie love ys dedde,

Gon to hys deathe-bedde,
Al under the wyllowe tree.

Swote hys tyngue as the throstles note,
Quycke ynn daunce as thoughte canne bee,
Defte hys taboure, codgelle stote,

O! hee lyes bie the wyllowe tree:
Mie love ys dedde,

Gonne to hys deathe-bedde,

Alle underre the wyllowe tree.

Harke! the ravenne flappes hys wynge,

In the briered delle belowe;

Harke! the dethe-owle loude dothe synge, To the nyghte-mares as heie goe;

Mie love ys dedde,

Gonne to hys deathe-bedde,
Al under the wyllowe-tree.

See! the whyte moone sheenes onne hie;
Whyterre ys mie true loves shroude;
Whyterre yanne the mornynge skie,
Whyterre yanne the evenynge cloude;
Mie love ys dedde,

Gon to hys deathe-bedde,
Al under the wyllowe tree.

Heere, uponne mie true loves grave,
Schalle the baren fleurs be layde,
Nee one hallie seyncte to save
Al the celness of a mayde.

Mie love ys dedde,

Gonne to bys deathe-bedde,

Alle under the wyllowe tree.

Wythe mie hondes I'lle dente the brieres
Rounde his hallie corse to gre,
Ouphante fairie, lyghte youre fyres,
Heere mie boddie stylle schalle bee.

15 By an error of the press, cherisaunci is printed in Kersey instead of cherisaunce. Chatterton has copied the blunder in three places.

Mie love ys dedde,
Gon to hys deathe-bedde,
Al under the wyllowe tree.

Comme, wythe acorne-coppe and thorne,
Drayne mie hartys blodde awaie;
Lyfe and all yttes goode I scorne,
Daunce bie nete, or feaste by daie.
Mie love ys dedde,

Gon to hys death-bedde,
Al under the wyllowe tree.

Waterre wytches, crownede wythe reytes,
Bere mee to yer leathalle tyde.

I die; I comme; mie true love waytes.
Thos the damselle spake and dyed.

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Butte mie uncourtlie shappe benymmes mee of all

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Erthe wythe the ayre enchafed dyd contende,
Everychone breathe of wynde wythe plagues dyd

Yette I to Ella's eyne eftsoones woulde flee;
Albeytte hawethornes dyd mie fleshe enseme,
Owlettes, wythe scrychynge, shakeynge eve-
ryche tree,

And water-neders wrygglynge yn eche streme,
Yette woulde I flie, ne under coverte staie,
Botte seke mie Ella owte; brave Celmonde, leade
the waie.

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Lette nete botte blodde suffycyle for yee bee;
On everich breaste yn gorie letteres scarre,
Whatt sprytes you have, and howe those sprytes
maie dree.

And gyff yee gette awaje to Denmarkes shore,
Eftesoones we will retourne, and wanquished bee

ne moere.

The battelle loste, a battelle was yndede;
Note queedes hemselfes culde stonde so harde a

Oure verie armoure, and oure heaulmes dyd
[fledde awaie,
The Dacyannes sprytes, lyche dewe dropes,
Ytte was an Ælla dyd commaunde the daie;
Ynn spyte of foemanne, I moste saie hys


yn fyghte;

Botte we ynn hynd-lettes blodde the loss will Brynnynge, thatte we knowe howe to wynne [destroie;Wee wylle, lyke wylfes enloosed from chaynes, Oure armoures-wynter nyghte shotte oute the daie of joie.

Whene swefte-fote tyme doe rolle the daie
Somme hamlette scalle onto oure fhuyrie
Brastynge alyche a rocke, or mountayne stronge,
The talle chyrche-spyre upon the grene shalle

Wee wylle the walles, and auntyante tourrettes
Pete everych tree whychgoldynfruyte doe beere,
Downe to the goddes the ownerrs dhereof sende,
Besprengynge alle abrode sadde warre and bloddie

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