Economic Development: Social & Political Interactions

International Conference of Political Economy (ICOPEC), takes as a goal to identify and analyze the status of its age, held its first conference with the theme "International Political Economy: Adam Smith Today " in 2009. Following the ICOPEC conference, JOPEC Publication started to be published in 2010. JOPEC Publication aims at searching required alternatives, in addition to existing alternatives, with a critical approach, has been the main supporter of ICOPEC conference by including the studies in this context. In 2016, the main theme of the 7th conference was determined as “State, Economic Policy, Taxation and Development". IJOPEC Publication has undertaken to publish the papers, presented at this conference in English and Turkish, as an e-book. Day by day, the economic development phenomenon increases its importance in terms of its content and it is described as a science that deals with the prosperity and development of the societies within the qualitative and quantitative aspects of their structural changes. Economic development, along with being economic, emphasizes and contains structural change in social, political and cultural fields and prosperity increasing as a whole. In this context, it is important to analyze different aspects and scopes of development. For this reason, “Economic Development in the Context of Social and Political Interactions” has come to light as a collective study of many academicians from various universities and it is prepared with interdisciplinary point of view. is work deals with economic development phenomenon sophisticatedly and presents both its theoretical and practical implications for the benefit of higher education and those who interest in the subject.



List of Contributers
Kalkınma Bağlamında Büyüme Yolsuzluk ve Demokrasi İlişkisi 1321
Teorik Bir Değerlendirme 2329
Türkiyede Sosyal Refah Harcamalarının Fert Yoksulluk Oranları Üzerindeki Etkisi 3140
An Observation on the Framework
TRC3 TR61 Bölgeleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz 5165
Türkiye için Bir Yeşil Sanayi Politikası Önerisi 6779
An Investigation of Causality between Urbanization and Carbon Emissions in Turkey 8187
Rebuilding Green Cities After Natural Disasters and Catastrophe Insurance System in Turkey 89100
Gölge Bankacılık ve Türkiyedeki Uygulamaları 101117
Türkiyede Uygulanan Para Politikalarının Taylor Kuralı Çerçevesinde Değerlendirilmesi 119127
Political Economy of Turkish State Theatres and Cultural Development 129138


關於作者 (2016)

 Dr. Halil İbrahim AYDIN is an Assistant Prof. Ph.D. at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Batman University, Batman, Turkey. His teaching and research fields are international and development economics. His research interests include, Economic Development, Regional Development, Regional Development Agency, Social Capital, Poverty, Economic Growth, Economic Crises. There are many books that he edited; “The Economic Crisis and Turkey’s Economy”, “Articles on Regional development”, “Economics and Politics Articles on Development”, “Monetary-Banking and Finance”. Besides, he has also written books on “Social Capital and Development”. 

Bryan CHRISTIANSEN is the Chairman of PryMarke, LLC in Michigan, USA. A former business lecturer at universities in Turkey and the USA, he has traveled to 40 countries where he has conducted international business since 1985 in multiple languages and various industries with Global 500 firms and smaller. Christiansen received his Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing at the University of the State of New York in 1996 and his MBA degree at Capella University in 2003. The author of 18 reference books on business and economics, he is currently working on his Doctor of Business Administration degree at Middlesex University in London, England and is expected to graduate in 2020. 

Elif AKGÜN is currently research assistant at the Department of Public Finance, Faculty of Economics at Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey. She is also master student at Istanbul Technical University. She focuses on Econometrics, Panel Data Econometrics, Macro Economics, Development Economics, Public Finance and Taxation.