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" O, for my sake do you with Fortune chide, The guilty goddess of my harmful deeds, That did not better for my life provide Than public means which public manners breeds. Thence comes it that my name receives a brand, And almost thence my nature is subdued... "
The Poems of William Shakespear - 第 205 頁
William Shakespeare 著 - 1855 - 252 頁
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A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Spenser. Shakespeare ...

1792 - 774 頁
...pure and moil moil loring brealt. CXI. О for my falte do thmi with fortune chide, The guilty goddefs of my harmful deeds, That did not better for my life provide, Than public means, which imbhc manners breed». Thence comes it that my na'iie receives a brand, And almofl thence my панке...
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Poems, with illustrative remarks [ed. by W.C. Oulton]. To which is ..., 第 2 卷

William Shakespeare - 1804 - 268 頁
...fortune chide The guilty goddess of my harmless deeds, That did not better for my life provide, Thau public means which public manners breeds. Thence comes...name receives a brand, And almost thence my nature is subdu'd To what it works in, like the dyer's hand. Pity me then, and wish I were renew'd : Whilst like...
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The Poems of William Shakespeare: Comprehending Venus and Adonis, Tarquin ...

William Shakespeare - 1808 - 224 頁
...goddess of my harmless deeds, That did not better for my life provide, Than publick means which publick manners breeds. Thence comes it, that my name receives a brand, And almost thence my nature is subdu'd To what it works in, like the dyer's hand, Pity me then, and wish I were renew'd ; Whilst like...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Including the ..., 第 5 卷

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 728 頁
...me welcome, next my Heaven the best, Even to thy pure and most most loving breast. SONNET CXf. O FOJ my sake do you with fortune chide, The guilty goddess...for my life provide, Than public means, which public manner* breeds. Thence comes it that my name receives a brand, And almost thence my nature is subdu'd...
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The Reflector: A Quarterly Magazine, on Subjects of Philosophy ..., 第 2 卷

Leigh Hunt - 1811 - 510 頁
...of my harmless deeds, That did not belter for my life provide Than public means which public custom breeds— Thence comes it that my name receives a...my nature is subdued To what it works in, like the dyer's hand Or that other confession : — Alas ! 'tis true, I have gone here and there, And made myself...
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The Works of William Shakespeare: In Nine Volumes, 第 9 卷

William Shakespeare - 1812 - 372 頁
...goddess of my harmless deeds, That did not better for my life provide, Than publick means which publick manners breeds. Thence comes it, that my name receives a brand, And almost thence my nature is subdu'd To what it works in, like the dyer's hand, Pity ma then, and wish I were renew'd ; Whilst like...
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The Works of William Shakespeare, 第 9 卷

William Shakespeare - 1812 - 380 頁
...Then give me welcome, next my heaven the best, Even to thy pure and most loving breast. A COMPLAINT. O ! for my sake do you with fortune chide The guilty goddess of my harmless deeds, That did not better for my life provide, Than public means which publick manners breeds.'...
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The Analectic Magazine, 第 5 卷

1815 - 558 頁
...my harmless deeds, Tliat did not better for my life provide Than public menus whicti public custom breeds — Thence comes it that my name receives a brand ; And almost thence my uature is subdued To what it works in, like the dier's hand — Or (hat other confession :— • Alas...
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Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, 第 1 卷

William Shakespeare - 1872 - 480 頁
...offences of affections new: Most true it is, that I have look'd on truth Askance and strangely. " 0, for my sake do you with Fortune chide, The guilty...name receives a brand, And almost thence my nature is subdn'd To what it works in, like the dyer's hand. •' Accuse me thus: That I have scanted all Wherein...
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The Analectic Magazine...: Comprising Original Reviews, Biography ..., 第 5 卷

1815 - 554 頁
...of my harmless deeds, That did uot better for my life provide Than public means which public custom breeds — Thence comes it that my name receives a brand; And almost thence my nature i* subdued To what it works in, like the dier's hand—. Or that other confession : — Alas 1 'tis...
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