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Acting, effect of, in Shakespeare's | Baconian controversy, 28, 141 sq.,

evolution, 152 sq., 222, 285,


"Adonis' gardens,” 342 sq.

Aelian, cited, 73

eneid, 313

Aeschylus, quoted, 14, 124

and Shakespeare, 18 sq., 24

Alcidamas, 86 n.

All's Well that Ends Well, 79, 80 sq.
Amyot, 156, 169

Anachronisms, 158, 179, 211 sq.

Anders, Dr. H. R. D., 29, 312 n.,

Anthology, cited, 326

Antony and Cleopatra, 111 sq., 181,
183, 246, 335

Apology of Raimond Sebonde, 194,
195, 200

Ariosto, 180

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

319, 339, 347

Beaumont, 266

and Fletcher, 268
Beccaria, 172

Bede, cited, 93

Bellenden, 129 ".

Benedix, 141 n.

Beyersdorff, Dr., cited, 82 n.
Boece, 130 n.

Bradley, Prof. A. C., 6, 28 n., 141 n.,
258 sq.

Brandl, Prof., cited, 112 sq., 129,
149 n., 153 n.

Brooke, C. F. Tucker, quoted, 6
Bruno and Shakespeare, 82 m., 132 sq.
Buchanan, 113

Butler, 152 n.

Cæsar, character of, 55-7

Caliban, 229, 230-31
Calisto and Melebea, cited, 9
Cato, Shakespeare on, 158
Catullus, cited, 76, 343-4
Chapman, classical culture of, 18, 23,


Chasles, Philarête, 141 m.
quoted, 34, 180

criticised, 38, 67 sq., 180 sq., 182
Chaucer, 153 m., 163, 315

Church, Dean, on Montaigne, 194
Cicero, quoted, 51, 54-5, 63, 82,
85 sq., 100, 101, 102, 103
Cinthio, 338

Clarke and Wright, 141 m., 251
Coleridge, 139, 140, 142, 145 "., 340
Collins, Prof. J. Churton, on Shake-

spearean problems, 1 sq.
on Shakespeare's classical know-
ledge, 1, 3, 5 sq., 17 sq., 75 $q.,
97 sq., 135 m., 296, 298, 301 sq., |
313 sq., 320 sq., 339
on Shakespeare's relation to Mon-
taigne, 16, 78, 322, 323

Comedy of Errors, 260 sq.

Conscience, Montaigne and Shake-

speare on, 74

"Consummation," 48, 73

Corbin, cited, 177 n.

Cordelia, 187

[blocks in formation]

Falstaff, 154 sq.

Farmer, 120-1 and note, 221 "..
305 $9., 313, 318, 339

Coriolanus, 33, 39, 158, 162, 181, Fasti, Ovid's, 313 sq.

[blocks in formation]

Destutt de Tracy, 209

282 sq., 283 n.

Donnelly, 339, 343-4

Feis, Jacob, 33 sq., 43, 54 m., 64,
186 sq., 189

Fiske, on Shakespeare's learning,
296 sq., 299 sq., 319 $9., 339
on Shakespeare's notoriety in Eliza-
bethan London, 349 sq.

Flaubert, 175-6

Fleay, 117, 141 m., 152

cited, 80, 144, 151, 152, 238, 245,
251, 253, 260

Florio, translation of Montaigne's
Essays by, 39 sq.

probably known to Shakespeare,
77, 161, 339

mistranslations by, 115 m., 172
Flowers, Shakespeare and Bacon on,


"Foppery," 109

Fortune, Montaigne's doctrine of,

43 sq., 171, 178, 193

"Discourse of reason," 46 sq., 213, Furnivall, 140, 197, 250, 252

Dowden, 140 n., lại n., 146 m,

Dream-life, 66-67, 225, 275 sq.

Drihthelm, cited, 93

Galen, 210

188 n.

Gascoigne, cited, 10

Gervais, F. P., cited, 84, 111, 295-6

Drunkenness, Montaigne and Shake-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

transmutation of, by Shakespeare, La Rochefoucauld, 174

[blocks in formation]

Marlowe, 77, 265 sq., 285, 289, 304 | Munro, 76
Marston, 100, 106, 125, 238 sq.,

256 sq., 266, 268, 279 m., 281

Massey, 152 .

Massinger, 122, 267

Measure for Measure, 86 sq., 182,
191 sq., 258 sq., 270 sq., 274 sq.

Menander, quoted, 8

Merchant of Venice, 272 sq.
Metempsychosis, 278 sq.

Middleton, 122, 268

Midsummer Night's Dream, 137, 149

n., 235 sq., 312 n.

Mill, J. S., 209 sq.

Milton, 93, 266

Minto, 120, 152 n., 223 n.

Montaigne, influence of, on Shake-
speare, 16, 31 sq., 176, 181,

185 sq.
passages of, echoed or apparently
imitated in Shakespeare, 38 sq.
liking of, for Seneca, 130
genius of, 131

intellectual potency of, 161 sq.
modernness of, 163 sq., 174
spontaneity of, 163 sq.
style of, 163 sq.

culture-content of his essays, 166 sq.
his intimate knowledge of Latin,

167 sq.

Nature and Art, Montaigne, Shake-

speare, and Bacon on, 201 sq.
Newton, Thomas, 83

Nisbet, J. F., 248

North's Plutarch, 149, 156, 162, 181

Oldcastle, 155

Orestes and Lear, 19

Othello, 107, 197, 238 sq., 338-9
Ovid, 308 sq.

Pascal, 169 sq., 184, 193

Peele, 12, 263 sq., 266, 289, 345
Pericles, 242
Persius, 327, 328
Petrarch, 163, 180, 338
Petronius, cited, 83
Plato, 142, 201

supposed study of, by Shakespeare,
11, 97 sq., 138, 321, 342
not named in the plays, 345
Plautus, supposed study of, by Shake-
speare, 328

Plays, prices paid for, 146 n.
Plutarch, 149, 156, 157, 162, 181
cited, 92
Poynet, 113 n.

Prometheus, 345

extensive influence of, on authors, Purgatory, a cold, 93, 95

[blocks in formation]

tragedies of, influence Elizabethan

drama, 122 sq.; English trans-
lation of tragedies, 123, 125,

intellectual cast of, 130 sq.
Shakespeare, doubtful share of, in
plays assigned to him, 5 sq., 29
$9., 247 sq., 259, 323
general problem of, 27 sq.
culture-evolution of, 139 sq., 178
sq., 183, 286, 346-8
character and temperament of,
147 sq., 185 sq., 217, 350-51
alleged classical culture of, 3, 5 sq.,

17 59., 97 sq., 119 sq., 295 sq.
supposed familiarity of, with French
and Italian, 78, 337 sq.
supposed study of Seneca by, 75

sq., 122 sq., 324, 331

supremacy of, 159, 176, 241, 267,
-universal sympathy of, 179
religion of, 186, 190 sq., 196
-pessimism of, 196

sexual susceptibility of, 153 sq.,
155, 197

reasoning power of, 200 sq.
less democratic than Montaigne,
217 sq.

possible foible of, 217
early Chauvinism of, 218
latter days of, 219, 248 sq.
partner in ownership of his plays,

221 n.

originality of, 235 sq., 265 sq.
versification of, 267 sq.

contrasted with Bacon, 344 $q.
Shylock, 154

powers of, not self-evolved, 23, Sidney, 83, 154 n., 326

147, 284

influenced by Montaigne, 38 sq.,
184, 185 sq.
-assimilated Montaigne's thought,

65, 287; and diverged from it,
38, 53, 96, 184, 196, 200, 217
little influenced by Chaucer, 154 n.
style of, influenced by Montaigne,
65 sq., 165 sq.; its evolution,
65 sq., 159, 166, 218, 269
reading of, 157 n.

critical thinking of, 119, 151
supposed study of Bruno by, 132

how to be known in his plays, 185
transcendental estimates of, 139,

life-history of, 140 sq., 142 sq.,

346 sq.

early work of, 143 sq., 161, 346

relation of, to his partners, 146,

[blocks in formation]

Socrates, 78, 231

Soliman and Perseda, 253 n., 254
Sonnenschein, E. A., 331 sq.
Sonnets, Shakespeare's, chronology
of, 152, 223 n.

significance of, 119, 152, 340-41
Sophocles and Shakespeare, 19 sq.
Southampton, Lord, 40, 146, 151,
152 n., 348

Spanish Tragedy, 111 n., 130 n.,

Spedding, 196 sq., 212, 213
Spenser and Chaucer, 153 n.

and Shakespeare, 180, 198

cited, 51, 86, 93 n., 111 n., 227 n.,
298-9 m., 330-31, 333
Stapfer, on Montaigne and Shake-
speare, 35-6

on Shakespeare's classical know-
ledge, 121, 138
on Farmer, 121 n.
on Montaigne, 174
Stedefeld, 188 sq., 198
Sterling, quoted, 32, 194 n.
Sterne, 175

Stirling, Earl of, 106 N., 226

Style, in Montaigne and Shake-

speare, 65, 165

Superstitions as to future life, 92 sq.
Surrey, 289

Swinburne, 139

Symonds, 265, 266

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