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termined men may retard and baffle an Army for a long time. They had only three guns, and ginjals, with which they killed und wounded four or five of our Pioneers and followers. One of our Gre

must then be taken out, well wrung, and dried. When dry the membraneous substance is to be removed, and a paste, formed of equal parts of ground Alum, Rock Salt, and Europe Chalk, mixed with a little water, applied over the whole in-nadiers was shot through the hand in the terior surface, and put in the sun to dry. The skin is then to be rubbed well with the hand till it becomes perfectly pliable, and afterwards rubbed with boue or any very rough substance to smoothen its surface. This process must be repeated three times before the skin can be considered as dressed. One seer of the above composition is in general enough for one skin."


The following letter, from an intelligent Correspondent, gives a full and interesting detail of the successful operations against a horde of Pirates on the banks of the Indus, subsequent to the Campaign in Cutch.

storm. Little was got by plunder, as their valuable property had been removed to Dwarka. Having left a garrison here, we sat down before the fort of Dwarka, but when our batteries were ready to open, the place surrendered at discretion, without a shot being fired. Here is a most magnificent Hindoo Pagoda to which Pilgrimages are made from all parts of India, and the riches of which are very great, yielding an annual revenue of some lacs of rupees. This place is delightfully situated on a charming creek near the Sea, in which Along the bank are Temples innumerable, the devotees perform their ablutions.and in the water the fishes and gulls are so tame as to sport around the people bathing. This fort is by no means strong, but we placed a garrison in it, and another place called Barwalla, and proceeded against Bate, an Island in sight of the northeru headland of Okamundel. But the overwhelming nature of our force induced the Chief to send in his submission, and his Capital is now in our possession.


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Camp, Mokasir Talow, 15th March 1816. "We proceeded rapidly down the northern coast of Kattywar via Noanagur and Rambalia, nearly all the way in sight of the Gulf of Kutch, which cheered us with a charming sea breeze every day; on the 26th we entered the Okamundel by the Isthmus of Muddy. Our march so far was Having destroyed some small places that evinced a hostile spirit, without diffipleasant and uninterrupted. The country culty, and left the 5th Regiment N. I. in abounded in game, and our sportsmen shot Okamundel and Bate, we are returning, numbers of them. Numerous clear running This place is a march from the isthmus. rivulets every where water its face, yet it is We arrived here yesterday, and Colonel poorly cultivated and thinly inhabited, Barclay's detachment joined us from Kutch, owing, I believe, to the distracted state of when they settled every thing without loss its government for many years. But under a settled and vigorous system, this large Sepoys are left to garrison Anjar and or difficulty. Captain Whittle and 400 province might be a valuable gem to orna- Toonia, and Captain M'Murdock is fixed ment any crown. The object of our visit as Resident at the Court of the Rao of Kutch. to Okamundel was to extirpate a clan of Our Goverument seems to have gained a Pirates who for a long time have injured, very great advantage by establishing a firm and prevented, the trade of the neighbour-footing in that strong country. You will ing seas. They opposed our entrance and gain a correct idea of Kattywar from Capkilled some of the followers, poisoned the tain Hardy's faithful map in the Hindoo tanks and wells, and indicated a deter-Infanticide, but neither he nor Rennell mined spirit of resistance About eight miles iuland we were detained three days, reducing a little fortified post called Dhingee, situated in a most impenetrable ju gle of prickly Pear. Every road and approach to it being blocked or broken up, we could not get nearer than three miles, either to reconnoitre or surprise it. However, by fire and sword we got to it, and our brave fellows took it by storm, when it was given up. to plunder, the Pirates and inhabitants having escaped into the woods. The place was only strong by nature, but shews that in such a post a handful of de

knew any thing about Kutch. It is during the S. W. Monsoon, an island bounded on one side by the Indus, ou its two others, by the gulph Ran-and Scind Ran. During the S. W. winds the Tides of the Indus rise to a prodigious height, and force the waters of that river to overflow a valley which separates Kutch from Scind, and is called the Ran--aud at the same the waters of the Gulf are forced up the Kutch Rau making a triangular Island of the Rao's dominions.

"The People of Kattywar, Okamundel and Kutch are evidently one race. They are in general large, fine, bold men, and

had we not entered their country with an overwhelming force, I think, we should have experienced much serious opposition. It is perhaps from the accumulation of sand and salt in the Rans that the climate of Kutch is so fluctuating. When the wind blows across them I observed the Thermometer, even in January, as high as 90° and a few days after a change made it bitter cold, and the Thermometer at 360. By looking at the map you will see how near we have been to the route of Alexander the Great. How easy it would be for our Government to establish a line of frontier fortresses from Loodiana to the Indus. They would secure our Indian Empire from Invasion from the North, and check

the Mahrattas in their rear.

"I have left Okamiundel, notwithstanding its fine healthy breezes, without regret. It is a poor barren place, a rock, but valuable as a key to Katty war, and as a strong place, easily defended with a small force.

We have received orders to return to

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The second Adigar was there in person and the next in authority, Ekneligodde Noanagur, the Jam's Capital, whose Arabs Nilame, who risides in the province, had are in a state of rebellion, and he requires zeal for the service of Government and of given the most convincing proofs of his From our being near to dismiss them. the assistance he had been able to comthence we are to march to Juanuggur, a mand from the people-at every halting strong Hill City and Fort, on the southern place (about ten in number) extensive and coast of Katty war, where some political ornamented buildings were prepared for arrangements require our presence. "The first day we attacked Dhingee-and from the commencement of the Des the reception of his Excellency and Suite with 700 men, two howitzers, and three field pieces, under Col. Fitzsimons. A terrible fire was kept up for six hours, and

the Pirates came out to attack us, but it all ended in smoke,-the jungle was too green to burn, and too impenetrable to be forced."



GAZETTE, April 24, 1816.

His Excellency the Governor and Suite arrived in Kandy on the 17th instant. His Excellency was met at a considerable distance from that place by ali the Kandean Chiefs with every demonstration of respect and attachment to the British Governor : and they preceded his Excellency into Kandy in grand procession. His Excellency's arrival in the capital of our new territories was announced by a salute of nineteen guns.

His Excellency, we understand, expressed himself much pleased with the great improvements which had taken place in Kandy since his last visit.-The troops stationed there are extremely healthy, and Kandy has become the favourite station with them.

Since writing the foregoing, we have been favoured with a letter from a corres

savony at Sitawaka to its termination beyond Halpe Cadavetty, the natural impe

diments of the road had been evercome with an admirable degree of industry and ingenuity, and a permanent line of good

road formed for a distance of 40 miles.

Indulgasinha mountain, across which the Province of Ouwa is entered, is a formidable ascent; considerably more difficult both in its length and acclivity than BaJani-Sickness had prevented the Dessave of Ouwa from repairing to his station, and a little misunderstanding on the part of the second Chief called Adikarum rendered our first stage down the mountain somewhat uncomfortable, there being no Bungalow erected at Dombakina the place of halting. The mistake however was afterwards fully explained, and we experienced no inconvenience but that of more than usual cold. The thermometer in the air at five in the morning was 51.

At our next stage we met the Adikarum, and his Excellency received great atten tious throughout the remainder of the road to Badulla. This province, of which an extensive prospect appears from the top of the Pass, presents a continuance of green hills-these are not cultivated, aud it is obvious they occupy a very great proportion

of the area of the district. The vallies, however, are fertile, and cultivated with care. The crops were in blade and looked very thriving-grain is the principal produce, and the inhabitants shew themselves good farmers, adding to the level ground a considerable space up the slope of the hills shelved into narrow Paddy fields, and watered in an artificial and beautiful manner, by the streams which every where flow from the heights.

At Badulla his Excellency gave several audiences, and conferred publicly with the Chiefs about the administration of justice, the support of local customs, the services of the people, current specie, and other subjects of principal importance, all of which excited much interest, and were arranged to the general satisfaction.

On Good Friday we had prayers and a sermon from Mr. Bisset, combining in the most happy and affecting manner the commemoration of our Saviour's passion, with the peculiar circumstances under which his Gospel was then first preached in a region hitherto so impenetrable to the light of Revelation.

The journey from Badulla to this place, little remarkable, except that after all we had met with of steep and rugged hills, bad fords and other obstacles of travelling, we found this part of our tour much the

most arduous.

On the 17th instant the day of our arrival here Mr. Sawers had invited His Excellency to breakfast at the Palace of Cundasale, where we saw an Arrack-still at work, the first experiment in the Provinces, and which promises in a short time entirely to save the expense and Jabour of carriage from the Sea Coast in this great article of supply; the spirit daily distilled at present almost suffices for the consumption of this garrison and is of excellent quality. Yesterday divine service was performed in the Great Hall of Audience to a Christian congregation of about one hundred persons.

We have just returned from seeing two wild elephants snared and secured in the great square. It is more amusing than the hunt on the coast. The Kandyans understand the animal better, and train him to much greater perfection. Besides the tame elephants, properly so called, they have others, mostly females, half tame, having been frequently driven. Being let go again they form new herds-their hauuts are known, and their consorts follow them -a troop of 23 passed quietly within a few paces of the Governor and a crowd of spectators into a craal formed in one of

the streets adjoining the square; of the whole only two were marked for capture, and they were secured to-day, all the othe s, except five, had been previously let go. The two taken were noosed by one of the hunters, then tied to a tame elephant, and afterwards to a tree. Particulars would lead me too far-but we were principally amused by one of the Elephants remaining after the first was secured, having tried the gate, and finding he could make it crack, put his strength to it, and broke through the bars. The whole number confined immediately rushed out, and run about the great square and in the streets; but theywere constantly and easily turned, either by the tame elephants, or the hunters armed with sharp spears.— They were brought back three times, and as often forced the gate; at last the second was caught, and the exhibition ended.

The climate is remarkably healthy, not a single soldier stationed at this post has hitherto been attacked with sickness.



of a correspondent with the Party of His We extract the following from the letter Excellency the Governor.

has not been the least pleasing to find the "Amongst the novelties of the Trip, it Potatoe and Cabbage introduced with complete success, both at Kandy and Batremely good Cauliflowers have been tried, dula these vegetables are common and exand thrive well, Turnips grow to a large size, and all European Seeds seem to find in this country a climate and soil perfectly cougenial to them. There is every reason to believe that our Settlements on the Sea Coasts will shortly receive the same salutary and abundant supply from the interior which Madras of late years has enjoyed from the Mysore Provinces.

"A trial of Wheat has been made on a small scale, and produced a great return, which when compared to the seed Wheat lately sent up was found much superior in weight and fineness."



By letters from Java, we learn that there has been a severe shock of an earthquake on the Island ot Bali-boling-one large town swallowed up, and upwards of two thousand souls perished-two officers are said to have been killed by lightning.

We regret to announce a most melancholy and fatal accident, which occurred on the 7th of this month at Sourabaya. A party of Gentlemen were at dinner in the house

of Mr. Brown, the Master-Attendant, | when a violent tornado passed through the town-a flash of lightning struck the house in which the party was assembled, by which Lieut. Roxburgh was most unfortunately killed, and four other gentlemen, Captain Dudley, Mr. Brown, Lieutenants Pemberton and Sibbald, severely injured. We are happy, however, to add, that the two former have quite recovered, and that no apprehensious are entertained for the safety of the others.


Four new and nondescript animals are now exhibiting in the King's Mews Riding-House: they seem to be an extraordinary species of deer, lately arrived from North America. The following is a sketch of their natural history.

peculiar family or fraternity; each family has its own peculiar range of pasture, and does not intrude into that of its neighbours; he is not a rambler, and this family attachment is so strong, the hunters know if they can knock down but one of them they can make sure of the rest at pleasure.

The name of this animal, in the language of the aborigines, is Wapiti, which has been adopted by Professor Mitchill, of the university of New York, and by the late Dr. Berton, of Philadelphia; but some naturalists have mistaken his character, and called him the Elk or Moose, which is an animal with broad palmatéd horus, and an uncouth figure, whereas the horn of the Wapiti is round, and his figure elegant.

The age of the male of this species is ascertained by its horn till it is full grown; he sheds them annually: the females have

no horns.

The colour of these animals is, in the As these new quadrupeds are natives of winter, on the body, of a peculiar dunnish North America, which has now been dis-hue; the neck and legs are a dark brown, covered for more than three centuries past, it must necessarily excite wonder, that

neither the horns nor the skin of such a fine animal, nor its description, have ever before reached Europe, notwithstanding that America was discovered and settled, and is now occupied, by the descendants of Europeans.

The persons who have charge of these animals state, that a German naturalist, who had been employed several years in exploring that part of Louisiana, called the Upper Missouri country, brought them from thence over-land to Baltimore, where, as well as at Philadelphia and New York, they were exhibited for money.

They are in their nature very timid, and at the same time of such power and activity when grown, that it is not possible to take them out of the forest alive; but some remote tribes of Indians having discovered that they were susceptible of domestication, and of being trained to draw their sledges in winter over the snow and ice, took them when fawns in nets, and brought them up in their houses with great care and kindness, thus depriving them of their wild habits, and making them at last of great value and importance for their

services in harness.

Their flesh in the winter season is so juicy and nutritive that it is sought after with avidity by the white hunters as well as the Indians; in consequence of which, the species is threatened with an early and total destruction.

This animal is naturally inclined to be domestic. In his native abode he has his

the rump is a pale yellowish white: the colour extending about six or seven inches from the tail on all sides, and very distinct from the general colour of the body. A black semi-circular line of unequal width (from a quarter of an inch to two inches) separates the white of the rump on either buttock, from the dun of the body.

The head resembles that of the common American deer (Cervus Virginianus) and of the horse, much more than that of the Elk or Moose, and is pointed and handsome. The legs are admirably formed for strength and activity, resembling those of the race horse, particularly the hinder; on the outside of each of these is a protuberance of yellowish hair, which is the seat of a gland that secrets an unctuous substance, and the animal applies it to smooth and dress his coat, which is so admirably constructed, that it is thus rendered impervious to rain, or to water if he swims across a river

The Wapiti has an oblique slit or opening under the inner angle of each exe, nearly an inch long externally, which appears to be an auxiliary to the nostril. He has no voice like the horse or the ox, and

this organ seems to be given him as a compensation; for with it he makes a noise, which he can vary at pleasure, and which is like the loud and piercing whistle that boys give by putting their fingers in their mouth.

The anatomist and naturalist will find in the structure of this animal a variety of

objects highly deserving their best atten


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The Wapiti is esteemed, and justly the pride of the American forest, being unquestionably the handsomest and most valuable native quadruped that has yet been discovered in that extensive country. He is mature when he is twelve years old, and his full size is about eighteen hands. The largest of the two males now in the King's Mews is full fourteen hands, and that he has but lately entered his sixth year is manifest from his horns.

Like all other animals that are long in coming to maturity, they live to a great age; the full extent of their lives is indeed not perfectly known; but the Indians (who | keep no registers) say of a man, when he is grown in years and inactive, that "he is as old as a Wapiti," which certainly indicates that this animal must at least equal the age of him to whom he is compared.

The two females appear to be smaller and somewhat younger than the males; their necks resemble in some degree that of the dromedary:

. The food of the Wapiti, in a domestic state, is the same as that of the cow or the horse, and they are, if properly managed, equally tractable. I usage or harshiness makes them alarmed and impatient; but they are very sensible of benefits, and lick the hand that feeds them.

No quadruped can be more personally clean than the Wapiti; his breath is as sweet as that of the cow. The males are attached to only one female, and the latter generally produce twins.

The Upper Missouri country is in the same latitude as England; its winters are a little more rigorous and its summers somewhat warmer; and it abounds in rich pastures of white trefoil, which the hunters call Buffalo grass.

From what has been stated, we find that these animals were exhibited as curiosities even in the principal American cities, consequently they must be unknown in all the cultivated and settled parts of the United States,

It is likely that these are not the only new animals that better acquaintance with the interior of the vast continent of America may furnish;-but, as they may soon be removed, to gratify the curions on the Continent, we presume that our naturalists will be gratified with this notice, and will supply its deficiency by inspection.


[From an American Paper.]

The height of the Peaks of Otter deemed the highest mountains (from their base) in Virginia, and amongst the highest in the United States, which has hitherto been a subject of uncertain conjecture, has lately been taken by geometrical operations with an excellent instrument and great care.They are found to be much short of the conjecture which has prevailed.

The following are the particulars worthy of notice.

The latitude of the sharp Peak (which is the south end) taken by a single observation made on its apex, is $7 deg. 38 min. 17 sec. North. By a mean of the observations of the height of north Peak, above the surface of the Otter River is 31033 feet; of the south or Sharp Peak, 29464 feet. Their difference of height 157 feet. The distance of the two summits is nearly 1 and 8-10ths of a mile, but exactly 9507 feet. The magnetic bearing of the summit of the North from that of the South Peak 1s, N. 35 deg. 50 min. east-from which two deg. must be subtracted for the present variation of the needle. The base lines measured, the one of 2806 feet or 55-100 of a mile; the other of 6589 feet or 1 mile, were on the plains of the Otter River, belonging to Christopher Clarke, Esq. and the heirs of Audrew Donald, near the mill of the latter; a former line in exact direction to the axis of the South Peak, the latter nearly parallel with the bearing of the Peak from the other. The distance of the base lines measured from the points in the basis of the mountains vertically, under their summits, was, the nearest, 1600 feet; the farthest 24,523 feet, or about four miles generally. Supposing the radius of the earth 3965 miles, the north Peak may be seen over a level country to the distance of 62 miles; this will include the whole or part of the counties of Amherst, Nelson, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Buckingham, Cumberland, Franklin, Bedford, Campbell, Prince Edward, Charlotte, Patrick, Henry, Pensylvania, and Halifax ; and it may be seen over the summit of the Blue Ridge, in Rockbridge and Botetout.

We are glad to see that America is getting forward in the Sciences, and applies them to valuable Geographical purposes. To say the least, this measurement has corrected a prevalent popular delusion; and has restored to their true dimensions, mountains, which estimate and conjecture had greatly heightened and enlarged.

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