| Richard Kidder - 1694 - 600 頁
...land which Ifwarennto them: and I will be with thee.. 14. And it came to pafs vbea Mofes bad made a end of writing the words of this law in a book, until tin} » 'ere finished ; is, God gave, as it is evident from the following words. i{. That Mofes commanded... | |
 | Walter Cross (M.A.) - 1698 - 332 頁
...the Scripture, it is enjoyned to Man, committed to the Priefb and Levites, Dent. 31. 2. 4. When Mofes had made an end of Writing the Words of this Law, in a Book, until they were finifhed. Where' on the by, its to be obferved, That the Pentateuch, or whole Book of the Law, from... | |
 | Charles Leslie - 1723 - 186 頁
...themfelves'as deliver'd by Mofes, and kept in the Ark from his time. And it came topafs,when Mofes bad made an end of writing the words of this Law in a Book until they were fnifled ; t bat Moles commanded the Levites, who -bare the Ark of tbe Covenant of the Lord,fayingtTakethis... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 頁
...into the Land which I fware unto them : and I will be with thee. 24 And it came to pafs when Mofes had made an end of writing the WORDS of this Law in a BOOK, until they were finifhed ; 25 That Mofes commanded the Levites which bare the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD, faying,... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 頁
...into the Land which I fware unto them : and I will be with thee. 24 And it came to pafs when Mofes had made an end of writing the WORDS of this Law in a BOOK, until they were finifhed; 26 Take this BOOK of the LAW, and put it in the Side of the Ark of the Covenant of rhe LORD... | |
 | Charles Leslie - 1755 - 120 頁
...themfelves as deliver'd by Mofes, and kept in the Ark from his time. And it came to pafs when Mofes bad made an end of <writing the Words of this Law in a Book, until they were fsnijhed, that Motes commanded the Levites who bare the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, faying, Take... | |
 | Voltaire - 1765 - 356 頁
...law, and delivered it unto the priefts, the fons of Levi ;" Again, " And it came to pafs when Mofes had made an end " of writing the words of this law in a book until they were! " finimed." Befides, all antiquity, both facred and profane, acknowledges Mofes to have been the legiflator... | |
 | Voltaire - 1765 - 352 頁
...it unto the priefts, the fons of Levi :" Again, " And it came to pafs when Mofes had made an emt " of writing the words of this law in a book until they were " finifhed." Befides, all antiquity, both facred and profane, acknowledges Mofes to have been the legiflator... | |
 | John Wesley - 1796 - 664 頁
...read in the audience of the people." — In Deuteronomy it fays -— " And it came to pafs, when Mofes had made an end of writing the words of this law in a book, until they were finiOied, (this furely imports the finilhing a laborious work,) that Mofes commanded the Levites which... | |
 | Richard Watson - 1796 - 160 頁
...read in the audience of the people." — In Deuteronomy it fays — " And it came to pafs, when Mofes had made an end of writing the words of this law in a book, until they were finilhed, (this furely imports the finifhing a laborious work,) that Mofes commanded the Levites which... | |
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