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tained by them for the late departed Justice. These resolu tions the meeting requested the Attorney-General, Mr. Stanbery, to be good enough on its behalf to present to the court.

On the subsequent assembling of the court, the Attorney. General, having introduced the subject in some appropriate and feeling remarks, read the preamble and resolution as follows:

The members of the bar and officers of the court here assembled unite in the sincere expression of their respect for the memory of the late Mr. Justice Wayne, and their sorrow that they shall see him no more in the place which for nearly a third of a century he filled with uniform dignity and usefulness, and with unblemished honor.

Called to the bench on the nomination of President Jackson, in the year 1835, in the very noon of life, each succeeding year of his long service only made him more and more alive to the high duties of the judicial office, and, if possible, more resolute and constant in devoting to their fulfilment, without fear, favor, or affection, all his capacities, acquirements, and energies.

To the debt which the country owes for this long and faithful judicial life the bar must add the acknowledgment of its own peculiar and grateful obligation for the habitual courtesy and unaffected kindness which distinguished his deportment as a judge, and which every where marked him as a true and accomplished gentleman. Therefore

Resolved, That this public expression of the high esteem and affectionate regard in which we held the late Mr. Justice Wayne, and of our sincere sorrow at his death, be laid before the court, and that Mr. Attorney-General be requested to move that it be ordered to be recorded upon the minutes of the term.

Resolved, further, That the chairman communicate a copy of these proceedings, and of such orders as the court may take thereon, to the family of the deceased, with the assurance of our sympathy and respect.

He then moved that the resolutions should be entered upon the minutes of the court. The preamble and resolutions having been handed to the court, the Chief Justice said:

We all feel most sensibly the loss of our brother Wayne. The preamble and resolutions which have been adopted by the bar fitly express their sentiments of honor, veneration, affection, and sorrow, and express also, not less fitly, our own. We will direct that the proceedings of the bar, and the observations just made by the Attorney-General, in all of which we fully concur, be entered upon the records of the court.

Mention has been made of the fact that our departed brother was nominated to the bench by President Jackson. It was the remarkable fortune of that illustrious President to fill a majority of these seats by appointments to vacancies which occurred during his Presidency. Of the judges appointed by bim our brother was the last survivor. He had previously acquired an honorable distinction as a member of the State judiciary of

Georgia, and he well maintained his honors here. With what learning, with what ability, with what courtesy, with what integrity he performed his various and responsible duties during his protracted service, those who knew him best and longest, whether associates on the bench or counsel at the bar, testify most fully and most cordially. Our lamented brother was not only a learned and conscientious judge, but a sincere and honest patriot. It was with no common devotion that he loved his country and that Union which made his country great and honorable among the nations. Nor were his titles to love and reverence less complete in his private than in his public relations. In sympathetic kindness for the lowly, in the delicate observance of all the proprieties of social intercourse, and in that nice sense of right which permits no deviation from the straightest line of rectitude, he was never wanting. More than all, he was a Christian. He acknowledged the incomparable work of Christian faith, and felt in his own experience the efficacy of its consolations. My personal acquaintance with him was comparatively recent; but it was sufficient to inspire sincere attachment and heartfelt respect. I can never cease gratefully to remember and acknowledge the kindness with which he welcomed me to his place, or the wisdom of his counsels, or the steadiness of his support. He has gone from among us full of years and full of honors. Let us tenderly cherish his memory and constantly follow his example.

The Chief Justice then directed that the proceedings should be entered upon the minutes, and announced that no ordinary business would be transacted this day. Whereupon the court adjourned.

The duties of the CHIEF JUSTICE as President of the Senate, during the late trial of the President of the United States, prevented almost wholly his participating in the business of the court during the last week or two of the term.

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