
have the keys of hell and of death.' Again, 'These things saith the first and the last, which was dead and is alive. Again, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion, and power now and ever, Amen.' Thus it is clear unto all, that are instructed by revelation from the Holy Spirit, that there is no Creator nor God nor never was, but the man Jesus, that died without the gate, and rose again out of death by his own power, and in that body of flesh and bone he ascended far above all heavens, angels and men: therefore it is written, 'When he ascended on high, he gave gifts unto men.'

Again, because you have no commission to preach, you understand not, that before the eternal Creator became a pure mortal creature, he glorified the body of his creature, the prophet Eliah in that heaven and earth without the globe, and gave him a commission to represent the glorious person of God the Creator, whilst God the Father went that sore journey in flesh to redeem his elect ones by faith in his blood. Thus the creature by the unsearchable wisdom of the Creator, by commission from the Creator, for a season was representatively in the very glory of the Creator, and the Lord Jesus the only Creator was in the lowest abasement of a creature, to show forth his infinite prerogative power, wisdom, and glory, love and humility unto his elect, that they only may understand by inspiration from the holy Spirit, that the immortal Creator became an absolute Creature, except sin as before said, that we that are his elect creatures, believing in the body or person of God, the Lord Jesus our Creator, may in the resurrection possess glorious bodies of the same divine nature of our God the Father, and alone Creator, the man Jesus to all eternity; so that it is not so strange as true, that it was the prophet Eliah that my God, the man Jesus in mortality cried unto in all his extremities, and Eliah as a faithful, spiritual steward, with Moses from the throne

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of glory did minister consolation unto his Lord and Savior in mortality, as an immortal God and Father in glory until the Creator of all life passed through hell by intolerable sufferings for his elect, the whole Godhead being dead and buried for a moment, and by his own power in his decreed time, in that body of flesh wherein his soul died, in death or out of death he quickened a new glorious life, wherein naturally as fire he ascended personally into that place of glory from whence he came, and now it is he alone sitteth on the right hand in the midst of the throne of the Father's immortal majesty, wisdom, power, and glory again; so that the man Jesus being upon the throne, it is he alone by his Holy Spirit reveals unto elect men and angels in measure that unutterable wonderful mystery of the eternal majesty, clothing himself with a garment of flesh to all eternity. Wherefore I declare by revelation from the Holy Spirit, that whoever in his spirit or tongue offers up prayers or praises unto any eternal Spirit or God, or Father, but unto that man Jesus that was put to death in the flesh, and quickened in the spirit, he prays unto his own lying imagination, which is the Devil, instead of the true God, the man Jesus.

Again unto us that are the Lord's Spiritual Ambassadors is the infallible Spirit given, whereby we are enabled to discern between the elect and the reprobate, and to seal them up unto eternal life, and eternal death; and it is really so as sure as there is a Creator. Again, the Holy Spirit that sent us, enables us to answer all needful Spiritual questions, of the deep things of God for the consolation of the elect, and the condemnation of the reprobate: but of the contrary, because you have no commission to preach, you wanting the infallible Spirit, you know not whether any shall be saved or damned, because you have no assurance of your own salvation, neither do you know when men commit that unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit; therefore

all men may repent first or last, and find mercy for ought you know; but the Lord hath given us to know our own salvation, and of the salvation of some of his chosen ones, his holy name be eternally praised. Again, we know by that infallible Spirit of the Lord Jesus within us, when men fall under that unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit; yea, we know of hundreds that are under that unpardonable sin at this time, who must all perish to eternity. Again, you understand not that God hath a mouth to speak unto men as a man hath, and that he speaks to all his commissionated prophets and apostles, as a man speaks unto his friend. Thus the Lord spake unto Moses and the holy prophets in the time of the law, who were the holy Spirit's first witnesses unto men, that the man Jesus then to come in flesh, was the only God. Again, the man Jesus spake unto his Apostles mouth to mouth, who were the holy Spirit's second witnesses unto the man Jesus, then come in the flesh to be the only God. Again, the third and last witnesses of the holy Spirit unto the man Jesus to be the only God, are those two in the Revelation, spoken of by John the beloved disciple, that were to appear in in this last age, and are upon the stage of this world at this time in this great City of London, where the elect shall see the great wonders of the Lord: but they are hid from reprobate hypocritical Pharisaical unmerciful men and women, that they may despise the holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus, in us his last witnesses, that they may fill up the measure of their forefather's sins that despised the holy Spirit in the Lord's two former witnesses, that in the resurrection at the great day of the Lord's account, they may be cursed, suffering together in their Spirits and bodies through the absence of that holy Spirit rejected by them, the vengeance of eternal death, that shall burn as a flame of fiery darkness to all eternity.

Again, I declare from the holy Spirit of the Lord

Jesus, that my God the man Jesus, from his throne of glory, spake to me JOHN REEVE, his third and last witness, three mornings together voice to voice, or mouth to. mouth, by the which I know that God the man Jesus spake unto his two former witnesses,according to theScriptures, but you cannot possibly know it, as I do, but think you know it, because my God never spoke unto you as his messenger or minister nor never will: therefore you cannot understand that the eternal God, the man Jesus, hath all parts as a man hath, only all the members of the body of God are glorious, but man's members are in shame, being defiled with the spirit of unclean reason, and wicked imagination: therefore you cannot possibly preach or declare the true spiritual worship of my God the man Jesus, because you went before you were sent, you know what is written, Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God preached:" and how can he preach except he be sent?

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Again, you being ignorant of the body of God, you cannot endure the cross of Christ, in suffering shame for his name-sake: but we that are his true messengers, through continued sufferings for his name-sake, are filled by his blessed Spirit, with full assurance of a crown of immortal glory at his appearing, who after he had suffered all his days in mortality, at the appointed time, he entered into his eternal immortal glory; nay, quite contrary to the true messengers of Christ, your ministry rather brings you in silver, and honour from the men of this world, whereby your heart is made fat, and your understanding is darkened through pride, from mens good opinions, in darkness like yourself; and so you run on, offering up a lying sacrifice unto an unknown God, and that gives great content to a proud, covetous, vain glorious people of your own spirit, because you know not the Lord Jesus, who requires mercy and not sacrifice, who causeth the sun to shine upon the just and the unjust.

But how can you that are ignorant of my God, the Man Jesus, and the glory of that life to come, prepared for the merciful, and are ignorant of that eternal death reserved for all hypocrites that blinds their eyes with sacrifice, because they hate mercy? How can you that seek honour one another, believe in the Man Jesus to be the only God, to yield obedience unto the voice of his holy Spirit of love and mercy unto all men, which is the only sweet smelling sacrifice required by the Lord Jesus from all his elect.

Again, how can you distil upon men's spirits the glorious things of eternity, without the spirit of prophecy, which is a spirit of Revelation, or inspiration given only to the true ambassadors of the Lord Jesus.

Sir,---Once more to your own particular person, if after the receipt of this epistle sent unto you from the Lord of glory, to forewarn you before it was too late; you shall either write, prophesy, preach or teach unto magistrates or people, public or private, then in obedience unto our commission, because you have disobeyed the message of the holy Spirit, from the presence of the only wise God, the man Jesus, elect men and angels, we pronounce you cursed and damned, both soul and body, unto all eternity


R. BROWN, Printer, 26, St. John Street, Clerkenwell.

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