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ACTS of Parliament against the Quakers, page
319, 328, 341.



SCATTERGOOD, THOMAS, Testimony concerning,
1; Memoir of, 3; first marriage, ib.; appears as a
minister, 5; letter to H. Drinker, ib.; goes to New

Books-remarks on the distribution of religious England with David Brooks, ib. ; death of his wife,
books, 43, 53.

BROOKS, DAVID, letter to T. Scattergood 129,


BEVANS, JOHN, letter to T. Scattergood, 211.


ib.; extracts from his memorandums, 6; marries
again, 8; visits New England, 9; visits Long
Island, &c., 10; visits parts of New York yearly
meeting, 11; attends Fairfax Quarterly meeting,
and the meetings composing it, 13; detention at
Redstone, 15; joined by Peter Yarnall, 19; meets
John Townsend from England, ib.; goes to Bucks
and Burlington Quarters, and some of the meet-
ings, 20; visits some meetings on Long Island and
in New York state, 21; Quarterly meeting at
Rahway with Rebecca Jones and M. Robinson, ib.;

CARTER, JOHN, account of his convincement, 34.
CROWLEY, ANN, letters to T. Scattergood, 78,
116, 151, 165, 182, 207, 208, 210.
CLARIDGE, RICHARD, testimony concerning G. remarkable occurrence and meeting at Rahway,

Whitehead 449.


Drinker, ElizabETH, account of her illness and
death, 69

DILLWYN, G. & S., letter from them to Thomas
Scattergood, 81.

DUDLEY, MARY, letter to T. Scattergood, 102,
117, 199.

DEWSBURY, WILLIAM, letter to Jailer at Bury,


DECLARATION of Faith, by G. Whitehead and
others, 451

ELLIOTT, JOHN, letters to T. Scattergood, 84.


HENDRICKS, ELIZABETH, letter to her, 46,
HORNE, SUSANNAH, letters to her, 209, 211, 213.


22; visits Haddonfield and Salem Quarters, 24;
Southern States, 25; letter to H. Cathrall, ib.;
Religious opportunity with some reapers, 27;
Preaches to some slaves by the road side, 41; let-
ter to John Pemberton, 42; remarks respecting
distributing Friends' books, 43, 53; letter to Eli-
zabeth Hendricks, 46; remarks on a review of his
religious services, 57; account of the Yellow
Fever of 1793, 57; extracts from his memoranda,
60; illness of R. Jones, and her view of T. S.'s
visit to England, 60; embarks for England, 61;
extracts from his memorandums of the voyage, 62;
arrival in England, 66; letter to S. Harrison, 77;
goes to Ireland, 87; returns to London, 98; letter
to Sarah Cresson, 104; remarkable meetings at
Sheffield, 125-6; letter to A. Crowley, 148;
death of his daughter, 157, 160; visits some of
the prisons in London, 161-2; letter from David
Sands to him, 163; do. from Ann Crowley, 165;
do. to R. Jones, 167; visit to Scotland, 170; let-
ter from M. Dudley, 171; has a meeting in the

IBBOTT, THOMAS, predicts the fire in London, street, 177; letter from A. Crowley, 182; do.

[blocks in formation]

ROBERTS, JOHN, Memoirs of, 463; convinced of
the principles of Friends, 464; imprisoned at Ci-
rencester, 465; remarkable interview with his
persecutor, ib.; interview with Lady Dunch, 466;
visits her, 467; discourses with a priest on the
doctrine of perfection, ib.; conversation with the
Bishop of Gloucester, 469; goes to see him a se-
cond time, 470; discourse on the principles and
practices of Friends, 472; persecuted by J. Guise,
477; visit to him, ib.; remarkable incident relative
to his father, 478; interview with James George,
479; his death, &c., 480.

from S. Talbot, 188, 191; do. to S. H. 190; do.
from M. Dudley, 199; do. to G. Dillwyn, 200;
embarks for home, 203; arrives at New York,
205; letter to a friend in England, 205-7; do.
from A. Crowley, 207-8-10; do. to S. Horne,
209-10; do. from John Taber, 211; do. from John
Bevans, 211; spends some months at Westtown
School, 212; letter to one of the Teachers, 213;
do. to S. Horne, 213; accompanies her in a reli-
gious visit to New England, &c., 214; remarkable
incident respecting an Indian, 220; return home,
222; letter to a friend, 224; sickness and death,

SPAVOLD, SAMUEL, interview between him and
T. Scattergood, 72; his death and burial, 75.

SAVERY, WILLIAM, letter to T. Scattergood, 80.
SANDS, DAVID, travels with T. Scattergood in
N. England, 8, 9, 10; letter to T. S., 163.

SCRIPTURES, HOLY, advantages of educating
children in a knowledge of, 233.



"Sat 14, 1948

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ACTS of Parliament against the Quakers, page
319, 328, 341.



SCATTERGOOD, THOMAS, Testimony concerning,
1; Memoir of, 3; first marriage, ib.; appears as a
minister, 5; letter to H. Drinker, ib.; goes to New

Books-remarks on the distribution of religious England with David Brooks, ib.; death of his wife,
books, 43, 53.

BROOKS, DAVID, letter to T. Scattergood 129, Island, &c., 10; visits parts of New York yearly


BEVANS, JOHN, letter to T. Scattergood, 211.


ib.; extracts from his memorandums, 6; marries
again, 8; visits New England, 9; visits Long
meeting, 11; attends Fairfax Quarterly meeting,
and the meetings composing it, 13; detention at
Redstone, 15; joined by Peter Yarnall, 19; meets
John Townsend from England, ib.; goes to Bucks
and Burlington Quarters, and some of the meet-
ings, 20; visits some meetings on Long Island and
in New York state, 21; Quarterly meeting at
Rahway with Rebecca Jones and M. Robinson, ib.;

CARTER, JOHN, account of his convincement, 34.
CROWLEY, ANN, letters to T. Scattergood, 78,
116, 151, 165, 182, 207, 208, 210.
CLARIDGE, RICHARD, testimony concerning G. remarkable occurrence and meeting at Rahway,
Whitehead 449.


Drinker, ELIZABETH, account of her illness and
death, 69

DILLWYN, G. & S., letter from them to Thomas
Scattergood, 81.

Dudley, Mary, letter to T. Scattergood, 102,

117, 199.

[blocks in formation]

ROBERTS, JOHN, Memoirs of, 463; convinced of
the principles of Friends, 464; imprisoned at Ci-
rencester, 465; remarkable interview with his
persecutor, ib.; interview with Lady Dunch, 466;
visits her, 467; discourses with a priest on the
doctrine of perfection, ib.; conversation with the
Bishop of Gloucester, 469; goes to see him a se-
cond time, 470; discourse on the principles and
practices of Friends, 472; persecuted by J. Guise,
477; visit to him, ib.; remarkable incident relative
to his father, 478; interview with James George,
479; his death, &c., 480.

22; visits Haddonfield and Salem Quarters, 24;
Southern States, 25; letter to H. Cathrall, ib.;
Religious opportunity with some reapers, 27;
Preaches to some slaves by the road side, 41; let-
ter to John Pemberton, 42; remarks respecting
distributing Friends' books, 43, 53; letter to Eli-
religious services, 57; account of the Yellow
zabeth Hendricks, 46; remarks on a review of his

Fever of 1793, 57; extracts from his memoranda,
60; illness of R. Jones, and her view of T. S.'s
visit to England, 60; embarks for England, 61;
extracts from his memorandums of the voyage, 62;
arrival in England, 66; letter to S. Harrison, 77;
goes to Ireland, 87; returns to London, 98; letter
to Sarah Cresson, 104; remarkable meetings at
Sheffield, 125-6; letter to A. Crowley, 148;
death of his daughter, 157, 160; visits some of
the prisons in London, 161-2; letter from David
Sands to him, 163; do. from Ann Crowley, 165;
do. to R. Jones, 167; visit to Scotland, 170; let-
street, 177; letter from A. Crowley, 182; do.
ter from M. Dudley, 171; has a meeting in the
from S. Talbot, 188, 191; do. to S. H. 190; do.
from M. Dudley, 199; do. to G. Dillwyn, 200;
embarks for home, 203; arrives at New York,
205; letter to a friend in England, 205–7; do.
from A. Crowley, 207-8-10; do. to S. Horne,
209-10; do. from John Taber, 211; do. from John
Bevans, 211; spends some months at Westtown
School, 212; letter to one of the Teachers, 213;
do. to S. Horne, 213; accompanies her in a reli-
gious visit to New England, &c., 214; remarkable
incident respecting an Indian, 220; return home,
222; letter to a friend, 224; sickness and death,

T. Scattergood, 72; his death and burial, 75.
SPAVOLD, SAMUEL, interview between him and

SAVERY, WILLIAM, letter to T. Scattergood, 80.
SANDS, DAVID, travels with T. Scattergood in
N. England, 8, 9, 10; letter to T. S., 163.

SCRIPTURES, HOLY, advantages of educating
children in a knowledge of, 233.


TALBOT, SARAH, letter to T. Scattergood, 188,


TABER, JOHN, letter to T. Scattergood, 211.

science and remarks upon it, 349; king's order
for the release of Friends, 351; carried to different
parts of the kingdom, 353–4; further persecutions,
357; Address to the king, 358; account of G.
Whitehead's imprisonment, 359; Address to the
mayor, &c., of Norwich, 361, 373, 375; proceed-
WHITEHEAD, GEORGE, Introductory notice of ings at the quarter sessions, 362; vindications of
him, 225; Memoirs of his life, 227; joins the Friends' meetings, 379; inquiry by parliament into
Quakers, 228; appears as a minister, 231; re- the sufferings of the Quakers, 383; G. W. appears
marks on a free gospel ministry, 232; doctrines before the committee, ib., 384; resolutions passed
which he was taught by the Holy Spirit, 232; by the Commons against persecution, 385; Address
benefits of an early acquaintance with the Holy to the king, 387; appears before the king and
Scriptures, 233; qualifications of a gospel minis- council, 387 to 390; distraints for attending meet-
ter, 234; travels as a minister, 235; goes into ings, 391, 400; Address to the mayor of London,
Suffolk, 238; imprisoned, 239; defence of the 392; goes to the king with G. Latey, 394; letter
Quakers, 241; cases of suffering, 243; is beaten to Friends in Norwich jail, 396; another inter-
and stoned, 246; letter to a persecutor, 253; ib., view with the king, 397; another Address to him,
254; cruelty of jailer, 255-6-7; is cruelly whip- 399; cases of suffering, 400; Friends' meetings
ped, 263-4; argument with priests, 267; illness, shown not to be seditious or riotous, 403; proceed-
269; raised up to bear testimony against the co-ings against G. W. for being at meeting, 406; his
vetous priests, ib.; returns to his parents, 270; plea and defence, 407; trial of the informers, 409,
travels again, 271; imprisoned at Ipswich, 273; 417; Address to King James, 410; interview with
letter to the inhabitants, 276; dispute with some him, 411; Address to king and parliament on the
priests in Kent, 277; testimony to Christ as the sufferings of Friends, 412; order for the release
propitiation for sin, 279-80; another controversy, of some hundreds, 415; proceedings thereon, 416;
282; do., 285; do., 287; advice to keep to the letter to the king respecting the informers, 420;
terms of Holy Scripture, 292; dispute on Friends' proposals respecting them, 420; order to stop the
principles, 294; meeting at Peterborough, 308; proceedings against Friends on the evidence of
reason given by a parson why the divine presence informers, 422; Friends' meeting-house at the
did not attend their ministry, 310; imprisoned at Park seized, 423; visits the king at Whitehall,
Norwich castle, 313; letter to the mayor of Nor- 425; declaration for liberty of conscience, 427;
wich, 317; law against the Quakers, 319; attends review of the state of Society, 429; Act of tole-
parliament to solicit against it, ib.; speech to par- ration, 430; visits King William, 431; Address
liament, 321; violent persecution, 322-3; impri- to parliament on the law respecting swearing,
sonment at London, 325; accused of being en- 434; proceedings thereon, 435-6; Act for the re-
gaged in a plot, 327; another Act against the lief of Friends, ib.; Act for the collection of tithes,
Quakers, 328; plague in London, 329; services 437; Friends' objections to it, 439, 440; Address
there during the time, 330; Epistle to Friends on to the Czar of Muscovy, 442; answer to some
the trials of that time, 331; Friends banished, Norfolk priests, 443; Address to the House of
332; another Epistle, 333; fire in London, 337;
his marriage, 339; death of his wife, 340; second
marriage, 340; Act to suppress conventicles, 341;
remarks on it, 341; cases of suffering under it,
343 to 348; king's declaration for liberty of con-

Commons, 444; Friends' reply, 445; conclusion,
447; Address to King George, 447, testimony of
Richard Claridge respecting G. W., 448; of De-
vonshire house monthly meeting, 449; an Epistle
to Friends, 457.

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