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1, surrounded by two rings. In words "Camp Moultrie, Sons of ," and in the second ring, "Or894,"

then appointed the standing consisting of the Committee on n Applications, and Committee is last mentioned Committee mbers, and a general chairman, five Committees of three, with end to every eligible man ab Camp.

of thanks was extended to S. kindness in publishing the eeting, and the CONFEDERATE ously adopted as the official


The Camp also subscribed amp, the volumes at the end d, and kept in its archives. then addressed the meeting. - in commending the objects s established.

& entertained the Camp with J. Wm. Flinn, D.D, Chaplain niversity, and an old Louisi James G. Holmes, and Cap

hearts erected the simple county, somewhere between urg, on the western side of ke, ght.

stands a locust obelisk, Upon it may be seen George W. Summers and June 27, 1865, by ompany D, Seventh Virginia 24 O. V. M. L.,

Some controversy has been aroused among members of the Presbyterian Church, North, over certain phrases used to endorse the bold actions of Rev. Dr. Parkhurst, who has been very conspicuous in legislative reform for New York City. Friends of the scheme to reunite the two branches of the church have watched fearfully the result. Rev. John II. Edwards, in a letter to the New York Evangelist, has this to say:

"I have lived and traveled in the South, and know the chivalrous devotion to high moral principle, and the ardent admiration for a courageous leader in a grand cause, which mark its true sons. I know the contempt that highminded Southerners and woman-those to the manor born and not imported representatives-feel for politicians in Church or State, who are blind to the moral qualities that are always present in the heroic character.

"Knowing the enthusiastic admiration with which the true Southerner regards a noble deed nobly done, I cannot believe that the nonpolitical resolutions of the Presbytery, expressing its gratitude to Almighty God for what has been done by a brave pastor in the city of New York, will hinder in the least the reunion of the two branches of the Presbyterian Church."


Not "as the crow flies," but as the sun flies, so swings the palace recordbreaker, "Sunset Limited," along the Southern Everglade and plane to hide, at its journey's end, like the "God of Day." behind the mountains of the glowing West. From the Mississippi Delta to the Golden Gate every mile of the way is simply one more beautiful picture to delight the eye of the traveler in the ever-changeful scenic panorama of verdant prairie, waving forest, towering peak and silver stream Every luxury that man's ingenuity can invent and money can buy the managers of the great Southern Pacific Sunset Route have contributed to this brightest luminary of the railway world; and there is not a single comfort that the most exacting would require or could find in their own modern homes that is not furnished ready to the hand of every passenger over this semi-tropical line. The invalid seeking health under the balmy breath of the Pacific can find, even in midwinter, by the Sunset Route, all the delight of a perfect journey in perpetual sunshine; and the train of all trains over this or any road is the magnificent solid vestibuled "Sunset Limited," leaving New Orleans at 8 a.m. every Thursday on and after November 1, for Los Angeles and San Francisco, and covering the distance between gulf and ocean in only sixty hours. Returning leaves San Francisco every Thursday at 10:30 a m. Be sure your tickets read "Sunset Route," either going or returning to the coast. For full particulars, address S. F. B.


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SAVANNAH, TENN., Dec. 15, 1894-The Shiloh Battle-field Association desires the name and address of all the surviv-propriat ors of that battle. The Secretary has

over 12,000 names of the men who
fought on that battlefield.
arein, a complete roster will be printed.

When all

The Shiloh Bill which has just passed Congress provides for making the Battlefield a great National Memorial Park. Gray and the Blue, and will hold a The Association is composed of the grand reunion on the Battlefield April 6th to 12th, 1895; and will mark the various positions held by them during the battle. Send all names to James nah, Tenn. Williams, Assistant Secretary, Savan


General Clement A. Evans, of AtlanManager of Agencies for the State of ta, Ga., has been appointed General tion, of Union City, Tenn. He will apGeorgia, by the Southern Life Associapoint and have supervision over the Life Insurance Agents of this Southern Association-for every county and town in the State. The Southern Life Association is officered and controlled by Confederate Veterans, who believe that the hundreds of millions of dollars paid ple should be kept in the South and infor life insurance by our Southern peovested there, instead of draining the "sunny South" and concentrating our circulating medium all in the East. This company was organized under the laws of Tennessee twelve years ago, and is rapidly forging to the front as the best and safest institution of the kind in the South; and the interest of Southern people is to sustain and build it up by their united patronage.


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Mr. Henry H. Ragan, whose picture is here given, has placed the VETERAN under special obligations, in

the compli

mentary use of the fine engraving of Washington on the title page. Mr. Ragan is a native New Yorker, and resides in Syracuse. He was eminent in his class at College as an orator, and adopted the lecture field

years ago.

Mr. Ragan utilizes superb illustrations in his lecture course, and has the cor

dial com


mendation of the leading newspapers in sections where he has given entertainments. The New York World reports his "superb entertainments."

Bishop Vincent, whose eminent career in connection with Chatauqua, especially, is well known in the South, testifies to the excellence of his lectures: "His service is not that of a stereopticon manipulator, nor of an exhibitor of brilliant pictures. He lectures, and then illustrates his lectures. The lecture without the pictures would be of a superior qual ity, and I cannot state too strongly the brilliancy of his successes at Chatauqua. He has always done well before. This time he did better than ever-if that were possible." J. S.

One of the best lectures in Mr. Ragan's series is Washington, and if he should ever come South he is commended to give that one in particular.

H. McInnis, Lakeland, Fla.: "Allow me to say something about that grand snowball battle we had at Dalton, Ga. In the morning early there was light skirmishing between our Brigade (Findley's) and Tyler's Brigade across the road. We soon saw that Tyler's men were going to charge us, so we went to work and soon had breastworks built out of snow, and in a short while the warning was given: 'Look out, boys, they are coming!' Then that blood-chilling, on one side, and soul-cheering rebel yell was raised, and such a scene was hardly ever witnessed before. Tyler's men had the best of it, and took possession of our quarters. Then we concentrated both brigades and charged and captured Gen. Walker's Brigade over on another hill, and so on all day. Long live the Veteran!"

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W. H. GARDNER, Union City, Tenn. HON. F. M. MCCREE, Union City, Tenn. W. C. MCCAMPBELL, Union City, Tenn. DON SINGLETARY, Clinton, Ky. HON. HENRY FLOWERS. Kenton, Tenn CAPT. J. W. HOWELL, Kenton, Tenn. HON. H. W. HICKMAN, Jefferson City, M HON. J. W. DOLLISON, Little Rock, Ark. HON. SEID WADDELL. Union City, Ten The biennial report of the Secretary, R. Garth. ma Insurance Commissioner for Tennessee. July 31. 1894. $49.929.76. with total liabilities of $11.045.90. leaving a and an actual safety fund of $35,899.49, or more than bilities. The report shows that on December 31, 1893 six claims, aggregating 18,806.20, while this last rep unpaid claim of $1.300. Policies in force December $2.100.000. In the written report is the extraordinary claims have been compromised or resisted. Agents throughout the South wanted. Write A. A. SELDEN, Director of Agencies.

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200 Court Sq., Nashville, Tenn.

Factory in full operation, manufacturing goods in all the grades.

We make from the common packing to the finest Saratoga and dress trunks. Flat top traving and steamer trunks a specialty, all basswood. covered with either cauvas or steel. Our fine veneer fiber-covered trunks are especially commended. Bags, from the common rubber valise to the finest grain and alligator leather, einbracing all the styles, Ladies' Satchels, Cabinet, Club and Gladstone.

Our prices on all are made to suit the times. Wholesale and retail.

Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers. Factory and Warerooms, 20 Public Square.

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I buy all kinds, but want especially those issued by postmasters with name of city printed in stamp, and will pay good prices for them. Leave on original envelope and send to P. H. Hill, 408 Union street, Nashville, Tenn. If offer is not accepted will return stamps.


W. M. Girardeau, Monticello, Fla., who advertises in the VETERAN, solicits the attention of all fariners and stock raisers and others desirous of enriching their lands and at the same time obtaining good forage. He claims that the "Great Beggar Weed" besides being the best of forage, is better for enriching the land than guano, that its fertilizing qualities are permanent, cost but a trifle, and it is "a forage plant that has no equal for fattening all kinds of stock.". He has not only "Giant Beggar Weed" seed for sale, but can also fill orders for Watermellon Seed and the "Wonderful Pea" all at low prices.


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The only direct line via Memphis to Little Rock, Hot Springs. Texarkana. Dallas. Ft. Worth, El Paso, the Panhandle of Texas and all points in the Southwest. Free Reclining Chair Cars on all trains.

During the winter months the "Iron Mountain Route will run a daily through Pullman Buffet Sleeping Car line from St. Louis to San Francisco and all Pacific Coast points. Passengers going via Memphis can connect with the above places at Bald Knob.

Write for free books on Texas, Arkansas, and all Western States. For maps, rates and further information address R. T. C. MATTHEWS,

S. T. A., 304 W. Main St..
Louisville, Ky.


G. P. & T. A..

St. Louis, Mo.

AGENTS $75 A WEEK AT HOME, using or scing PRACTICAL PLATING DYNAMO.The mot eru hot, used in all factories to plate new guois. Plates gold, silver, nickel, etc. on watches, jewelry, tableware, bicycles and all metal gonds: fine ouilits for agents; difl rent sizes; always realy; no battery: De tov: no experience; no limit to plating need t; a great money mak r. W. P. HARRISON & CO., Clerk No. 15, Columbus, Ohio.



Double daily through sleeping car service to Florida has been established over the famous Lookout Mountain and "Battle-field Route," over Nashville, Chattanoooga & St. Louis Railway, and Western & Atlantic to Atlanta, Central of Georgia to Macon, Georgia Southern and Florida to Tifton, and Plant system to Jacksonville, to run the year round. "Dixie Flyer" through sleeper leaves Nashville 7:30 A.M. daily, and Quickstep" through sleeper leaves St. Louis 7:50 A M.. and Nashville 9: 10 P.M. daily, and run through to Jacksonville without change. Berths reserved in advance. Call on or write to W. L. Danley, General Pass. and Ticket Agent, Nashville, Tenn.

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who take

AT GOOD SALARIES FOR ALL our expert course. Smith Premier. Remington, Calligraph, Yost. or any machine desired will be presented to each one qualifying in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Commercial Law, and Commercial Arithmetic at

The Nashville Shorthand Institute and Tennessee Business College,

WILLCOX BUILDING, Cor. Church and High Streets,


We Have Teachers of ability. Our fac

ulty just as advertised. We educate you and place you in business. Call and see us. 98 per cent of the young ladies and gentlemen now occupying Stenographic positions in this city are our graduates. 250 young ladies and gentlemen here now, July 30, 1894, earning a good living through our influence. No failure if you follow advice and instructions, Best location, best conveniences. best facilities, best course. Best Teachers and Best Positions. LATE UNDISPUTABLE TESTIMONY ON FILE-CALL OR APPLY BY MAIL.

Alexander Fall, Pres.

"GIANT BEGGAR WEED," Improve your lands, sow in Giant Beggar Weed; better than guano, improvement is permanent and at comparatively no cost. For price of seed also for all varieties of Watermelon seed and "Wonderful peas," write to W. M. GIRARDEAU, Monticello, Fla.

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Correspondence Solicited.

Dr. Matthew Henry Kollock,

(Regular graduate and registered physician.) Formerly Assistant Surgeon U. S. Navy, afterwards Post Surgeon U. S. Army, and later Surgeon British Marine Service, with two years' experience as Physician at Hot Springs, Ark.. will welcome the sick and aillicted at his offices. where consultation with one of the Most Successful Doctors of the present age is cordially invited. All will receive kind and honorable treatment, and permanent cures are guaranteed in every case undertaken.

Dr. Matthew Henry Kollock


All CHRONIC and LONG-STANDING Diseases. CATARRH Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, treated by latest hospital methods.


Scrofula. Tumors. Eczema, Ulcers, SYPHILIS, and all troubles arising from an impure state of the blood. promptly and completely eradicated forever from the system, restoring health and purity.

KIDNEY AND URINARY Weak back, frequent

and burning urine, diseases of the bladder of both sexes, promptly and safely cured.

LADI. S will receive special and careful treatment for all their many ailments. WRITE your troubles if living away from the eity. You can be cured at home by correspondence. Absolute secrecy in all professional dealings, and medicines sent secure from observation. Testimonials of patients are never published. Bank references as to my responsibility cheerfully given. Address


GREAT SOUTHERN B $1 Per B For sale by all druggists. ceipt of price. 4-94-ly.



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613 Church St.

Send for par


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Double Daily Trains from Nashville, Chattanooga,

Atlanta, Decatur, Birmingham, Macon, Augusta,

Albany, Montgomery, Thomasville, Jacksonville.

Reduced rates will be made for the round trip, and will be announced later, or can be ascertained by writing either of the undersigned, who will be pleased to give all other information necessary.


Y. Van den Berg,

General Passenger Agent.

Traffic Manager, Louisville, Ky.

FRED D. BUSH, District Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga.
P. SID. JONES, Passenger Agent, Birmingham, Ala.
R. F. BEASLEY, Passenger Agent, Montgomery, Ala.
B. H. HOPKINS, Passenger Agent, Jacksonville, Fla.

Each package of STAR SODA contains a coupon, Save them up, they entitle you to a valuable gift.

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If your groceryman cannot and will not supply you, enclose 20 cents in stamps, and we will mail you a book of valuable information to all classes; it also contains 500 valuable household receipts. Will also send you trial package of soda, all postpaid. Quality second to none. Awarded first prize and gold medal at Augusta Exposition, November, 1891.

Star Soda is recommended to all readers. It is all they claim it to be. It should have your

hearty support. Families of Confederate Veterans should try it.

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