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lina, know I am right in believing that, whatever glory the future may bring our reunited country, it can neither brighten nor tarnish the glory of South Carolina. She has passed through the agony and the bloody sweat; and as we now return her to the Federal Union, let every man do his duty bravely before the world, trustfully before God, remembering each man for himself that he is a South-Carolinian. She has been devastated by the invader, reviled by the hireling, mocked by the weak-hearted; but she has accepted the invitation to return, accepted it in good faith, with the assurance of a word better than a bond; and now, no matter what she gives up, no matter what there is to endure and to forget, let us all do our duty as becomes her children, counting it our chiefest honor to stand by her in evil report as well as in good report, honor alike to live with her and to die with her!"

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The scene was in the highest degree dramatic, - the venerable old man standing between the platform and a table, with a supporting hand on each, and speaking in the most impassioned manner, with a clear, resonant voice that easily filled the whole church; every member of the Convention sitting with strained attention; the galleries bending over in silence, the better to see and hear; a clerk standing near the feeble Huguenot Carolinian to pass the glass of water while he spoke, and reach for him his staff when he had concluded.

Rev. Dr. Boyce, of Greenville, and President of the Baptist Theological Seminary at that place, thought the ordinance insufficient in terms for the desired purpose; and at his suggestion it was sent to a special committee of three, consisting of Governor Pickens, General McGowan, and Judge Lesesne.

On the following day, the third of the session, it was reported, by Governor Pickens, in this form:

"We, the people of the State of South Carolina, by our dele

gates in Convention met, da ordain, That the ordinance adopted by us in Convention on the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, entitled, an Ordinance to dissolve the union between the State of South Carolina and other States united with her under the compact entitled "The Constitution of the United States of America," is hereby repealed."

Immediately after the report was read, the Governor called for action on the ordinance, and it was at once put on its passage, without debate. The recorded vote was,

Yeas 105, Nays 3.

And so, on the 15th of September, 1865, the State of South Carolina, after nearly five years of rebellious absence, in which she has destroyed all her living and very nigh destroyed herself, comes home. There are no cheers or huzzas, no salvos of artillery and clanging of glad bells, as when she set up the proud palmetto standard, only suggestive silence and the eloquent catching for breath of a multitude of men.

The three nays were Messrs. A. P. Aldrich, J. J. Brabham, and J. M. Whetstone, the delegates from Barnwell District. Mr. Aldrich explained, that, as the conquering party had carried on the war for four years on the theory that the States were not out of the Union, he could n't see any sense in repealing an ordinance of secession. His tone and manner were those of petty spite.

By a curious coincidence, immediately after the passage of this ordinance, there came to light the following very remarkable resolutions, which were introduced by William Wallace, one of the delegates from this city :

"Whereas, By the fortunes of war, our former noble and beloved Chief Magistrate, Jefferson Davis, is now languishing in prison, awaiting his trial for treason; and

"Whereas, The fanatics of the North, not satisfied with the widespread ruin and desolation which they have caused, are shrieking for his blood;

"Resolved, That it is the paramount duty of South Carolina, who led the way in our late struggle for independence, and for which struggle he is now suffering, to use every lawful means in her power to avert the doom which threatens him.

"Resolved, That to this end, a deputation of members of this body be sent to the city of Washington, in behalf of the people of South Carolina, to ask of His Excellency the President of the United States to extend to the Honorable Jefferson Davis that clemency which he has shown to us, who are equally the sharers of his guilt, if guilt there be, and which is accomplishing so much toward restoring the peace and harmony of the Union."

The fluttering began before the reading of these resolutions was finished, and several members were on their feet at once. Mr. Dudley got the floor, and quietly suggested that this was scarcely appropriate language for a body which had just returned the State to the Union, and was relying on the generosity of the North for full admission again into the sisterhood of States. Two or three other delegates made remarks to the same effect; and Mr. Wallace then accepted as a substitute a simple resolution appointing a committee to memorialize the President in favor of the pardon of Davis, Stephens, Magrath, and Trenholm.

In this connection, I cannot forbear quoting the remarkable language in which the little daily paper of this city, edited by the novelist William Gilmore Simms, who has always been called a Union man, speaks of this matter. It is as follows:

"These appeals are eminently proper, coming, not merely from the people of South Carolina, but from those of all the several States of the Confederacy. How should any of their people be able to lift their heads if harm should come to any of their leaders? President Johnson must perceive that to save these people from shame, he must shelter these, their representative men, from harm. We have no doubt that he will do so, and we are willing to leave this matter in his hands. He can entertain no base or little revenges. We take for granted that he will dismiss, without impediment or bond, all these eminent persons of state;

that he will give to Mr. Davis the freedom of the country or the use of a frigate to convey him to foreign shores. He can do no less."

During the four days of the Convention a large number of resolutions have been presented and referred to the appropriate committees. They touch almost every conceivable question of State policy, but are merely representative of individual views, and need not, therefore, be given in this record. They are indicative, however, of a disposition to make some sweeping and radical changes in the Constitution. The attendance on the sessions of the Convention is not large, but it is increasing daily. Possibly one hundred persons were in the galleries of the church to-day. No ladies were present on the first day; on the second day there were four, evidently of the middle class of society; yesterday the number from that class was increased; and to-day there were also present about a score of those who evidently number themselves among the élite of the city.





HERE were two things which, in a national point of view, it was essential that this Convention should do soon as possible,― declare the abolition of slavery, and repeal the Ordinance of Secession. Ex-Governor Pickens, of swift repentance, saw this so clearly, that he introduced an ordinance, on the first day of the session, to accomplish both these things. I have already related how the Ordinance of Secession was repealed. The slavery question was settled to-day, not by an ordinance, but by the adoption of a clause for the Constitution.

"It is impossible," said Governor Perry in his message,

"it is impossible for South Carolina ever to regain her civil rights and be restored to the Union till she voluntarily abolishes slavery, and declares by an organic law that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall ever again exist within the limits of the State." The several steps by which this consummation was reached may properly be shown in considerable detail.

There are two or three delegates who will not so much as admit that slavery is overthrown, hoping, I judge, that the general government will one day be glad to settle the question by paying a certain compensation for the sake of quiet. There are two or three more who think the whole matter ought to be referred to the Legislature. The great body, however, were ready on the opening day of the session to take action upon it in some form. Propositions embracing clauses for the new Constitution were therefore submitted by several members, in form as follows:

By ex-Governor Pickens, of Edgefield District: "The fortunes of war, together with the proclamations of the President of the United States and the generals in the field commanding, having decided that domestic slavery is abolished; therefore, under the circumstances, we acquiesce in said proclamations, and do hereby ordain implicit obedience to the Constitution of the United States and all laws made in pursuance thereof."

By James H. Ryon, of Fairfield District: "The slaves in South Carolina having been de facto emancipated by the action of the Federal authorities, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall ever be reestablished in this State."

By James L. Orr, of Anderson District: "Slavery, except as a punishment for crime after due conviction, is forever prohibited in this State."

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