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their conversation is such as becometh | of that profit to be derived from medithe gospel of Christ; for we have no tating on the Scriptures: for great as are sympathy with the man who, while he the facilities of the press to convey truth, contends loudly for the sovereignty of yet, as Satan has a stern hatred to the grace, shows by his walk that that grace Bible, so will, and so does, he endeavour does not teach him to deny ungodliness to control this mighty engine as to make and worldly lusts. We drop this, be- it a means of robbing the saints of their cause we perceive that the most solemn holy bread; even as Saul, by his interof all evils (on the side of the church) is diction, robbed Israel in the day of battle: the laxity and recklessness of many who since he well knows if they fast in this profess to be her sons. respect, weakness and sickness must ensue. And as we know that children are fond of spending their time in the little vessels by the river side, so we say, seek to spend more in the treasure house of Zion, and in the picture gallery of inspiration; and follow not the Vessel any further than it and your souls follow Christ. For, knowing that idolatry of a religious kind now awfully abounds, and is putting power into the hands of the devil, we are jealous over you and ourseves with holy jealousy, lest we should be prejudicial instead of beneficial to the church. Be awake, then, beloved, be awake, and trim your lamps, and see that you obtain a good supply of oil from the Lord's olive trees now standing in the Bible; and when indulged with a melting soul before the mercy seat, as far as you can, remember us, and all who with us are aiming to glorify God.

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To our Correspondents we say,-We thank you for your many kindnesses shewn to this little work, and we wish you still to receive her stores, and furnish her with such treasures as you may be privileged to dig from the mines of revelation and a divine experience. But, be careful, beloved brethren, that you do not attempt to fill us up with mere rubbish : : we keep a fire in our cabin to burn up useless things; and an alembic in our dispensary to extract the essence of bulky matter. Nevertheless, we often painfully perceive that more diligence, prudence, and sound judgment is needed in fitting out the Vessel from time to time. In order to make this little messenger more acceptable to the real church of God, we pray, beloved brethren, that the bread you send be hot from the oven, and not mere dry, mouldy collections, which has been the ruin of some perio- As to its Editorship. What shall we dicals. Let your furniture for the king's say? We will frankly confess that we house, be nicely made-your garments feel our ignorance, our weakness, and for the poor, clean and white-your wine unfitness. We have not shining talents, new-your oil fresh-and your flowers nor minds furnished with literary lore. and fruits just plucked May your ex- At most we possess but as the seventh perience be choice and savoury; your part of an editorial gift; therefore, while doctrines unctious; your knowledge hea-standing alone and unaided, our judgvenly; your views of prophecy chaste and humble, and your pens dipped in the love and blood of the everlasting covenant. To our real brethren in the ministry, or any private christian possessing gifts for edification, we say, by dropping your pieces in the Vessel, you preach to a congregation of some thousands: but do let your subjects be short and pithystriking and solemn-suitable and serviceable-salted with savoury sentences, and spiritually interesting. We speak thus in love and meekness, because we desire that faithfulness and utility should mark our course.

To our Readers. To you, as to a vast congregation every month assembling, we say, before the Lord, we sincerely desire your edification and comfort. And that our little visitant may not prove a snare to you, we add, let it not rob you

ment, our scrutiny, and our work must be imperfect. This must be the case, even could we devote all our time and energies to this one object; how much more so then when our time is wholly occupied in other business, either in the church, or in the world? We crave sympathy of those who walk in the path of tribulation. We crave patience and pardon of all who, by oversight and hurry, may be neglected. And concerning any rubbish or dross, or fruitless contention that may appear, we ask gentle advice and admonition which shall provoke us not to wrath, but to love and good works.

As a closing word, we would say, may we all be united in one bond of unity; and there contend for the faith of Jesus, the teaching of the Spirit, the hidden meaning of God's word, a clear know

ledge of the signs of the times, the crucifixion of the flesh, and a consistent walk and conduct for the glory of God. And then, whatever may be the troubles of 1848; neither life nor death, angels, nor principalities, nor powers, things present, nor things to come, shall ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. THE EDITOR'S FRIEND.

Another Poor Prodigal Returned.

Dear Sir,

As I have felt unusual union and communion with you in reading your writings, I feel at liberty to use great plainness of speech, and I will attempt, in some measure, to lay before you a few of the things I have felt in my soul:



to all human appearance, I appeared to
be pining away in my sickness. All my
sufferings at this time were for my actual
transgressions. Soon after this the Lord
appeared for me as a God of providence
in answer to prayer; and by that I
clearly saw that he heard
much encouraged me to call upon his
name. At this time I found my heart
and soul much in the things of God. I
could read and pray with much pleasure,
and often found my soul drawn up into
the presence of God, and have had such
a consciousness of his presence, that I
have rejoiced with joy unspeakable, and
found my heart burn with love to Christ.
I thought at the time that all the world
might have Christ if they would, he
appeared so accessible to me. I could
get into a feeling of his presence at any
time; the Lord appeared so willing to
receive me. In this state I made a pub-
lic profession, and joined a Baptist church,
and went on comfortably in the things of
God for some time, and lived as though
there was neither sin nor temptation; and
undoubtedly I felt much power to with-
stand evil, but alas! I fell from my ex-
cellency into such a state of sin, misery,
and woe, as no tongue can tell. In the
first instance I found a trifling with temp-
tation until my soul was so far overcome,
as almost to be deluged. I lost all my
knowledge of Christ, and there appeared
no way of access to him, yea, though I
cried and shouted he shut out my prayer,
and withheld the face of his throne. I
wrestled, begged, sighed, groaned, and
cried to him, but all to no purpose; my
awful and dreadful condition which lasted
for about three years, I have no ability
to describe. At the end of that time I
was sharply tried and worn out with
prayer and strong cries to him that hath
power to save, and when I had given up
all, and felt as if I must sink under my
sin, he spoke these words with power to
my heart, As far as the east is from the
west so far have I removed thy trans-

"It was in the seventeenth year of my life when God first found me in a barren land indeed, and immersed in sin and filth; an open enemy to God and godliness. When he had laid some solemn checks upon my soul, and made me to tremble before him in secret, and to cry for mercy; sin was so strong in me, my love to it so great, and my hatred to anything serious so powerful, that at times I felt as if I would live in sin, though I perished for ever. And I went on sinning openly and repenting secretly, (though at times I could hardly conceal it,) until one Sabbath I had been at work; nay, I was then at work with some more persons; and at that time the Lord shewed himself to me in such majesty, power, glory and justice, that I felt as if I was sinking into hell before him with this impression upon my mind, that if I looked upward, there God appeared as a consuming fire; and, if I looked down to the earth, (as I did) I thought I saw hell beneath me ready to receive me; yea, I thought I was sinking into it; and this impression was powerfully upon my mind, if you die to night, hell will be your portion;' and from it I saw no way of escape. Though this made an impression never to be erased; yet, that very Sunday when I got with my companions, I went into agressions from thee.' Immediately light wood to get nuts, but not without a broke into my heart, and I saw clearly trembling heart; and when night came how my sin was put away by the sacrifice that I got alone, I cried for mercy and of Christ. Before this time he spoke many sighed deeply to Him that sits upon the sweet words to me to encourage me to throne. I could not indulge in secret hope in him, but now I felt him to draw sins, but was often overtaken with out-nigh to my soul, and fill me with peace ward temptation, and fell a prey to my lusts. For some time, temptations, my lusts, and the wrath of God revealed from heaven in my conscience against sin, made my outward man to decay, and

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and a knowledge of salvation, and since
then he has endeared himself to me times
without number, and frequently under
circumstances the most painful and trying.


Death of Anna Catherina Merks.

OUR attention has been particularly called to a little work entitled, "Jesus Triumphant in the Conversion and Death of Anna Catherina Merks, executed at Rotterdam, in Holland." The work is published in London, by Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., and is one of the most powerful witnesses of the free, unmerited, super-abounding grace of God, that has fallen under our notice for a length of time. We are creditably informed that a very signal and effectual blessing has attended the publication of this work; and we are fully persuaded that testimonies of this description will be owned and honoured of God the Holy Ghost to many precious souls. We not only heartily recommend the work, but, knowing as we do, that many of our readers cannot afford to purchase it, we shall make such extracts from it, as will, in some measure, justify us in speaking so highly of it.

Before we enter upon the narrative, (lest it should be forgotten) we make one prefatory remark; and it is this: Ministers of the gospel especially should read this work. More faithful dealing, more wisdom manifested, we never read, than was exhibited by the minister whose office it was to converse with this poor prisoner. Certainly he proved himself to be a workman that needeth not to be ashamed; and most wonderful was the honour which God put upon his labours. He was indeed an instrument in the hands of God the Holy Ghost of plucking a brand from the burning, and of bringing a poor wretched sinner into the fulness of Christ's pardoning love, and sinatoning blood. Oh! ye heralds of salvation! read ye these tidings of love and mercy! and may the Almighty Spirit fire your souls with increased zeal; nerve you with fresh power; fill you with pure heavenly love, in the great work to which ye are called, being assured your labour shall not be in vain in the Lord.

Anna Catherina Merks was executed in the city of Roterdam, in Holland, when little more than twenty years of age. She was left an orphan, and cast upon the world at a very early age. After living some few years in service, she was seduced by a soldier, by whom

she had children; and being forsaken of him, and left destitute, she commenced thieving, and went on from that sin to others, until she became a most vile and worthless character, and at length, we find her under sentence of death. Our first extract is descriptive of the first visit which the minister above referred to paid this wretched woman in the prison.

"Tuesday, the 5th of June, about five ordered to visit a young woman in the prison, o'clock in the afternoon, a minister was and placed there in the Mourning chamber, which woman he found unconcerned asleep. The Mourning Chamber is a place where no persons are confined but those whose crimes are found capital, to whom the first intelligence that they are to die, is given by a minister purposely sent to them by the court; the sentence of death is pronounced long after, and but a few minutes before the


"He desired she should be awakened, say

ing, that his intention in coming there was to speak about matters of the utmost importance. Consequently she was awakened, when the minister desired to know her name, which she said was Anna Catherina Merks, her religion she said was the Roman Catholic. Upon being asked the question, Why he found her in so sad a place? She answered, she had committed such deeds as had brought her there.

"Upon this the minister told her that he was not at all surprised at her answer, beister is desired to visit a person in such a cause it is always a bad omen when a minplace; such persons indeed, said he, thus sent unto, can have no long expectation of life. Oh! (cried she aloud) must I then part with my young life? The minister gave her a few minutes time to weep, replying only, that she must part with that young life, because she had spent it so wickedly, inquiring at the same time in what manner she had got her living? Upon which she replied, that she had been a servant. Inquiring if she always had been a servant, she answered, if it had been so, she should not be now in such a place.

A long conversation here ensued concerning her previous manner of life. After this, the minister began to interrogate her, respecting her views of her present awful condition, preaching to her most solemnly the holy law of God, and the consequences following upon its violation. Her answers only proved her gross darkness and ignorance. writer then says:


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thereat, sought to know if she knew any- | he, the Judge of heaven and earth, God, the thing of the holy Scriptures. She declared righteous God himself! You can have no she knew nothing of them, and her reason was, she could not read.

"The minister then desired the goalkeeper to let him have a Bible, out of which he read to her deliberately the whole law of God, questioning her, and commenting on each section of the same. The whole law thus being read to her, and she having declared herself to be guilty on every commandment thereof, the minister told her, that she being found guilty on the whole law of God, she must know that the breach of one single commandment deserves temporal and eternal death; how much the more in her case, she being found guilty on all. Instructing her out of the third chapter of the Galatians, and in the tenth verse, that she lay under the curse, which curse consisted, 1st-In a separation from God, and remaining so without hope of being saved, and without communion with, or part in God, but must be banished from his face everlastingly miserable. 2. In an alienation from the promises and covenant, that she could not now, or hereafter, expect to have the least part in any of the promises promised in God's word, and without a covenant with God, through all the ages of eternity, should be and remain, the property of him with whom she was in covenant. 3. As you are dead in trespasses and sins, consequently you never can enjoy eternal life, for nothing unclean can enter heaven. 4. You are a child of God's wrath, which wrath of the most high and dreadful majesty, everlastingly will be poured out upon you, you being separated from the face of the Almighty. Do you think, said he, as you are dead, all will be dead? No, said she, I believe not; but, proceeded he, do you know the difference betwixt men and beasts? And she answered, no. Which question he cleared up to her; and she believed, she said, that after death there remains a soul of us, which he shewed her further out of Matthew x. 28. Fray, said he, tell me if you can, how many ways there be after death? She answered, eternal glory, but spoke nothing (which was very remarkable) of a purgatory.

"There is (replied the minister, in answer to his own proposed question) not only an eternal glory, but a hell, a place eternally burning of unquenchable fire, wherein all the damned are cast. Pray, said he, look now upon the life you have led, and tell me which of those two places you think will be your portion.

"I have hope, said she, because God is merciful that he will forgive my sins for my youth's sake.


"Will your temporal judge, replied the minister, pardon you for your youth's sake? She answered, no. How much less, replied

hope at all upon this foundation: it is certain God is merciful and willing to forgive, but he is righteous also, and neither can nor will let sin escape unpunished; the ungodly shall surely see no life, and if you die in this condition, there is no hope for you, nor other expectation, but to be cast and kept in the flames of hell, with the devil and all the damned."

From this, in a most consistent and cautious manner, he went on to preach to her the only way of salvation by Jesus Christ, and left her with fervent prayer. On another occasion the minister opened to her the falseness of that empty and deceitful form of prayer to which she seemed to be clinging. The first manifestation of deep conviction is thus expressed :

"The minister again visited her, and desired to know how she did. I am, said she, in great distress; I am afraid I shall be lost for ever! and concluded, she was certain she should die very shortly, and if I die, I shall be miserable everlastingly; you and that other gentleman's words lay as a heavy burden upon my heart, and I see clearly I have sinned against all God's commandments exceedingly, and every time I prayed I did surely mock the Lord, and now I know I cannot pray, because I am a sinner, and my very prayer must be a sin to me. I do not know, proceeded she, from whence I shall obtain pardon for my numerous sins, and without that pardon my damnation is sure; this is the cause of my distress; oh, I do not know where to fly for help!

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Thursday morning another gentleman coming to see her, asked her, if she rested well the last night. Oh no! said she; and the reason being demanded, she answered, O, sir, I have something else to do than to sleep! I lie under God's wrath, and under the curse! if I die, I am lost for ever! oh, to die is nothing! but for ever, for ever to be lost is dreadful! She spoke those words in great earnestness; fear and anguish was visible in her countenance.

"The gentleman feigned not to believe that her concern and anguish proceeded from the fear of the second, but rather of the first, the temporal death. Does not, said he, the fear of death, and the shame that will attend it, force you to speak such words? She assured him that it was not that, but the fear of being eternally lost; this laid heavy on her heart. He desired to know if she had been in prayer? She answered, that one had been reading for her, and that she had been praying the Lord to give her a right sight of her sins: do you think, said he, there can be

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any possible deliverance for you? and her answer was, I don't know, I hope so; if I was only guilty, said she, before the world, my fear should not be great, nor my anxieties so many; I do clearly see myself to stand guilty of the breach of every commandment of God, and if I remain so, I am lost and undone for ever, and that to be lost for ever, is too heavy for me."

Several pages are occupied in a lengthened detail of the slow but certain work which was carried on in her soul, in bringing her to a deep and painful acquaintance of her condition as a guilty sinner in the sight of God. The following sentences which we extract from the mass, are sufficient to give the reader some idea of her sufferings. So sure it is, that God kills before he makes alive.


Saturday morning the gentleman coming to her, desired to know how she did. Oh, said she, I am most miserable; I lie under the wrath of God, and under the curse! I shall be lost for ever! But, replied he, what may be the reason thereof? Oh, said she, I have no redeemer! The following Lord's day, the other gentleman came to visit her in the morning, inquiring how she did, and if she had a good night's rest? Night's rest! said she; can I sleep when I see myself to be so guilty and damnable before God? Oh, I had work the whole night betwixt God and my soul, more important than sleeping! The gentleman seeing her labour under the guilt that lay on her conscience, endeavoured to arrest her thereby. He found she had lost a deal of bodily strength that night, and the persons that attended her declared, she was the last night, at least ten times in prayer. On another occasion, after conversation with her, she began bitterly to weep and to bemoan herself, crying out that eternity, and therein to be lost, brought a distress upon her which she was not able to bear; and falling down on her knees prayed earnestly, crying out, being all in tears, O God, convert me! O God, convert me! repeating that several times.

Thus she continued, until one Monday morning, the gentleman asked her"How do you do? said he, as he entered the room. I am very well, sir, replied she. Wherein consists, said he, your being very well? I will tell you, sir, said she; last night, after the other gentleman departed from me, I fell upon my knees (the people who attended her that night declared she was three quarters of an hour upon her knees) praying God to be pleased to give me a right sight of my sins, and God gave me to see my sins; the sin wherein I was born, and all

my sins through the whole course of my life; the places where, the manner how, and the people with whom I committed them; it was just as if they were written and hung up before mine eyes; I felt my sins, and the smart thereof caused me to be inwardly so heavy that I could not bear them; it was as if the wrath of God should have consumed me; still I cried unto the Lord: O God, here lieth a great sinner, with a multitude of sin and guilt which I cannot bear! and oh! if thou wilt punish me for my sins, there can be no punishment in eternal damnation which I have not deserved! By this I was brought into darkness; it was as if I was blinded, and I was afraid I should have sunk away in that darkness; but still I cried unto God, O pardon! pardon! and execute not thy judgment against me!

"Here came into my heart, as a voice, 'The Redeemer liveth.' O God, said I, should there live a Redeemer for such a one as I am, who is then that Redeemer? And now it was as if a voice said in my heart, That Redeemer is none else but the Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour who hath shed his blood upon the cross, that your sins should be forgiven thee.' I said thereon, Oh! wilt thou then redeem me? and thereon came as a voice inwardly in my heart, I am yours, and thou art mine.' It was as if the Redeemer stept in for me at the bar of God's righteousness, and that all my guilt and sin was laid in one scale or balance, and Jesus' righteousness in the other; but that Jesus' righteousness was far the heaviest, even more than all my sins. Then came I out of darkness, and the light broke in upon me, and the Redeemer took away from me all my sins, and my heart melted into ardent love, and my whole soul was drawn out to the Redeemer.

"The gentleman being amazed, said to her, but Catherina, are you not afraid that you deceive yourself? I can scarcely believe what you now have told me.

"Oh no, sir, said she, because the Redeemer will not reveal deceitful things to me; besides I did not know there was a Redeemer. He recommended her to pray to the Lord for discerning light, in order, if she had deceived herself, not to venture her soul

upon eternity on any imagination; do it, said he, continually; if your experience is genuine, the Lord will lead you further, and clear you up in what he has done already. And after he had prayed to the Lord for that purpose, he departed. When the minister repaired unto her in the evening, the first thing he observed in her was, she never before looked a person in the face that spoke to her, but now she straightly fixed her eyes upon him, and appeared outwardly as one in a serene and calm frame of mind."

So great and marvellous a change ex

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