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" Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at... "
The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ... - 第 285 頁
Episcopal Church 著 - 1853 - 673 頁
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The Christian guardian (and Church of England magazine).

1851 - 592 頁
...О Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. О Lord, the only-begotten Son Jesu Christ ¡ O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest...only art holy; thou only art the Lord ; thou only, О Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. If Then the ['Presbyter']...
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A Companion for the Altar: Consisting of a Short Explanation of the Lord's ...

John Henry Hobart - 1804 - 316 頁
...glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only begotten Son Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest...only art holy ; thou only art the Lord ; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most High in the glory of God the Father. AMEN. Tf Then the Priest...
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The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacrements...

Church of England - 1810 - 466 頁
...heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only begotten Son Jesus Christ ; O Lord God, JLamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins...only art holy ; thou only art the Lord; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most High in the glory of God the Father. Amen. IT T/ien the Priest...
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The Works of William Paley, D.D.: Horæ Paulinæ: the young Christian ...

William Paley - 1812 - 586 頁
...glory, O Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only begotten Son Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest...only art holy, thou only art the Lord ; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Then the Priest,...
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The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ...

Church of England - 1815 - 450 頁
...glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only-begotten Son Jesu Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest...only art holy ; thou only art the Lord ; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. 1 Then the Priest...
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A companion to the altar. With an introductory essay, on the origin, nature ...

William Vickers (of Sherborne lane, London.) - 1815 - 158 頁
...onlv-begotten Son Jesus Christ ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father that tukest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us ; thou that takest away...only art holy, thou only art the Lord, thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. ^[ Then the Priest...
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The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and Other ...

Church of England, Sir John Bayley - 1816 - 738 頁
...Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us : Thou tha4t takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us : Thou that takest away...only art holy ; thou only art the Lord ; thou only, О Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. The Blessing. THE...
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The Sunday service of the Methodists late in connexion with the rev. John ...

Wesleyan Methodists services - 1817 - 278 頁
...glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only-begotten Son Jesu Christ ; O Lord God, Lamb. of God, Son of the Father, that takest...only art holy, thou only art the Lord ; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of Goci the Father. Amen. Then the Elder,...
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The Apology of Theophilus Lindsey on Resigning the Vicarage of Catterick ...

Theophilus Lindsey - 1818 - 424 頁
...ho- lchangcd. nour and glory be unto thee, OI Father. O Lord,' the only begotten Son, Jesu Christ, O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest...only art holy, thou only art the Lord, thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Public Baptism of Infants....
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The Book of common prayer

1818 - 424 頁
...Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. О Lord, the oiily begotten Son Jesus Christ ; О Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest...only art holy ; thou only art the Lord ; thou only, О Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most High in the glory of God the Father. Amen. ïï Then the Priest...
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