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Kar-khanu, a work houfe, or manufacture; bawurchee khanu, the cook room; khilwut khanu, a private chamber; top khanu, artillery; kŏŏtŏŏb khanu, a library; fahib khanu, a householder.

Nas-dan, a fnuff box; qulum dan, a pen cafe; fhuma dan, a candleflick; numuk dan; a falt cellar; roushun- or tab- dan, a small window. Khwab- or aram- gab, a fleeping room; fhikar gah, a place for game; dur gab, a threshold, feat or place; goŏzur gah. a pass, ferry, &c. fuhur gab, morning; hur gab, whenever.

Alee-jah, of exalted dignity; afman jah, high as Heaven; Sikundur jah, renowned as Alexander.

Hindoo-ftan, India; kohistan, highlands, hilly; gŏŏliftan, or bostan, a garden; gor- or qubr- iftan, a burial place; deo ufthan, a temple; raj usthan, the capital; dilfitan, captivating the heart; mõõlk- or kishwur-fitan, conquering a country; from fitaneedun, to take.

Lalu-zar, a bed of tulips; gool zar, a garden; murgh zar, a green plot; fubza zar, a parterre.

Pan-baree, the betel vineyard; gŏŏlab bařee, a rofe garden; bansbařee, a bamboe plantation; imåm bařee or bara, the imam's place; rufool barce, the prophets'; phool bařee or waree, a flower garden; bun waree, living in a wilderness; put waree, the clerk of a village; ghut waree, wharfage.

Tuk-fal, the mint; ghor fal, a stable; gao fala, a cow house; dhurum fala, an alms house.

Ukbur-abad, Agra, the city of Ukbur; Ilahabad, the city of God; Moorshidabad, the city of Mŏŏrfhid, or the teacher; Uzeemabad, Patna, the city of Uzeem, rather than the great city, as the founder's name is generally preferved; Ramnugur, the city of God; Moofanugur, the city of Mofes; Da,oodnugur, the city of David; Jynugur, the city of victory; Juhan geer nugur, Dhak,ha, the city of Juhangeer; Ghazeepoor, the town of Ghazee; Mihr Ulee poor, Bhoun ree, or the village of Mihr Ulee, on the banks of the Befoo,—te falve et tuos! Anoop/buhr, the


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from with their component vocables

city of Anoop, or the incomparable town; muchhlee bubr, fish town:
Futih gub, Fort Victoria; Martin gurh, Fort Martin; Nujuf guřh,
Nujuf's fort: See town, in the Dictionary; which will account for
Surungputtun, Seringapatnam, &c.

Nuwwab-gunj, fhah gunj, muharaj gunj, buhadoor gunj, may be englifhed, market viceroy, king's market, prince's market, fquire market: Bhugwan gola, the mart of Bhugwan; lon gola, the falt market; Nat bhunjun mou, the town of Nat bhunjun; Shumfabad mou, the town near Shumfabad, to diftinguish it from other Mous.

Mohun- jou- jy- motee- &c. -mala, necklaces of various kinds; mala, a vocabulary; rag mala, a fong or tune book.

Sikunder-namu, the history of Alexander; fhah namu, the book of kings; jung namu, military memoirs; baz namu, a writ of renunciation or ejection; razee namu, a deed of confent or acquiefcence; hookm namu, a written order; fafee namu, a letter of release.

Ahun-jamu, the iron work or furniture; pae jamu, trowsers; momjamu, wax cloth.

Juma-bundee, a rent roll; zubaň bundee, an affidavit; danu bundee, an appraisement of grain; pesh bundee, forecast; see bund, in page 179. Be-fubr, impatient, difcontented; na tuman, imperfect; na khoosh, displeafed; la char, helpless; la ghurz, disinterested; be muqdoor, unable; na waqif, unacquainted; la fanee, unequalled; la hul, inexplicable; na oomed, hopeless; be khubur, ignorant; be gonah, innocent; na tuwan, impotent; la purwa, heedless: na and la, are often confounded; be and la, feem in general to require nouns, forming with them adjectives of privation, which na, commonly does with the fimple adjective; and although they differ in this refpect, their abstract privitives are formed by affuming final ee; befubree, impatience; nakhoofhee, displeafure; lacharee, inability. See. Un, page 977, Dict. U- or un- jan, ignorant, unacquainted; upar, fhoreless, unbounded; ulug, disjoined; unhona, impoffible; unpurha, illiterate, unread; ud hurmee, dishoneft; u-foch, unconcerned, thoughtless; u-čul, u-chul, immoveable; nirmul, undefiled; nirjun, uninhabited; nirafa, hopeless,


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orm with their component vocables,

disappointed; nilujja, immodeft, shameless; ni hutha, unarmed; ni dur, undaunted, fearless; u chook, infallible; the u, above is generally prolated like a. Some of these privatives are much ufed with the preterites of verbs; un dhoa, unwashed; unkuťa, uncut; especially un, and with nouns, which thus become adjectives; the concretes, like dhurmee, honeft, have u-dhurum, dishoneft, &c.

Ghyr-mŏŏfeed, disadvantageous; ghyr mŏŏmkin, impoffible; ghyrfuheeh, incorrect; ghyr maroof, unknown; ghyr moheet, unbounded; khilaf fhura, illegal, unlawful; khilaf qaedu, irregular; khilaf tuba, unnatural; kum yab, uncommon; kum qudur, worthless; kum impotent, pithless, infirm; kum houfilu, illiberal; kum bukht, unlucky, luckless.


Bud-foorut, or zifht-roo, ill favoured; bud goŏman, distrustful, also bud zun; bud-dil or -khwa, disaffected; bud nam, disgraced, infamous; tung -dil, or -chushm, narrow minded; also puft- or doon- himmut, illiberal; bud batin, ill natured; bud purhez, incontinent; bud nõõma, koo doul, inelegant, clumfy; door bul, infirm; goom nam, inglorious; koo funjumee, intemperate; bud khŏŏlq, or koo feel, uncivil; koo dhung, unmannerly; door -bŏŏdh, or -mut, unwife; goom hofh, infenfible;, goom-zuban, fpeechless.

Khoosh-nufeeb, fortunate; khoosh dil, happy; khaosh nooma, elegant; khoosh roo, handsome; khoosh nuwees, writing a fine hand; khoosh- or nek- mizaj, cheerful, good natured; khoob- or nek- foorut, beautiful; khoob fhukl, perfonable; nek bukht, lucky; foo doul, neat; foo chal, graceful; foo feel, polite; khoos bo, fragrance, whence khooshbodar, fragrant; khooshbodaree, fragrancy.

Shub-zor, robuft; hub fuwar, a skilful rider; fhub khurch, profufe; fbuh teer, a large beam; shuh baz, a royal hawk; fouh buloot, royal oak; hub rah, the high way; fhub pur, the large feathers of the wing. Khood-nčoma, oftentatious; khood pufund, conceited; khood ghurz,, Selfish.

Qabil -kafht, or -ziraut, arable; qabil ilaj, remediable; qabil fuza, . deferving punishment.

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Sahib-zor, powerful; fahib uql, a wife man; fahib fhuoor, a man of parts; fabib- or ubli- dil, enlightened; ubli- kar, or hirfu, a tradefman: fabib- or ubli- fulah, endued with virtue; zee-hofh, wife; zee rooh, living, having life; uhli hind, an Indian; meer munish, nice; meer mujlis, a prefident, or chairman; meer bukhfhee, generaliffimo; meer buhr, an admiral. The three first greatly resemble the Latin præditus; but meer in this fenfe is more rare, being a contraction of umeer, a lord, prince, Umeer ool momineen, the leader of the faithful. See page 192. Zee adu- or foozool- go, talkative; foozool-khurch, extravagant; zee adu-tulub, exorbitant; foozool-khidmut, officious.

form the following and fimilar derivatives


Hum- fur, or -jolee, compeer; hum- or ek- jins -rung -muzhub, congenial; hum-muktub, a schoolfellow; hum pehu, a fellow tradesman; hum- or ek- dil, unanimous; bum-ufur, a cotemporary; bum-beeftur, a bedfellow.

Neem pokht, or udh-kucha, half dreffed; udh-buna, or neem-tyar, half done; udh-bhoona, or neem-bireean, half roafted; udh-mooa, half dead.

Peb-amud, influence, effect; pesh ruft, fuccess; pesh ab, urine; see the words compounded with fore, in the Dictionary, fuch as forefight,&c. Pus-khõõrdu, leavings; pus mandu, left behind; pus rou, a follower; pus undaz, put by; pus undeshee, after-wit.

Bur-turuf, discharged; bur wuqt, feasonable, timely; bur qurar, fteady, fixed; bur- or bu-ja, proper, rightly, alfo in place; bur muhul, bu hal, as ufual, continued; bu zor, forcibly; ba- or bu- hõõrmut, honourably, with honour; ba aram, well; ba infaf, just.

Dur-muha, monthly pay;

dur kar, need.

dur mean, between, intermediate;

Fil-four, inftantly; fil waqe, fil huq, indeed; fil hal, at present, now; and in this way bil kool, wholly, &c. are ufed; but it is needlefs to infert more now.



-IV. The inflective a, is useful in fuch words as





-form thefe Compounds



Dur-bu-dur, from door to door; juguh bu juguh, from place to place; roo bu roo, or doo bu doo, tete a tete, cheek by jowl, oppofite; roz bu roz, daily; khood bu doulut, aufpicious felf; mah bu mah, monthly; tazu bu tazu, fresh and fresh; nou ba nou, new and young; qifm bu qism, different forts; ja bu ja, somewhere or other; cheeze bu cheeze, fomething or other.

Lub-a-lub, brim-ful; fhub a fhub, in one night, all night; douř a dour, dou a dou, running, exprefs; rung a (or bu) rung, various kinds. Gah be gah, wuqt be wuqt, now and then, occafionally; ja be ja,

here and there.

Gooft-o-goo, difcourfe; ab o huwa, climate; ab khoord, a livelihood; bood o bafh, refidence ; rat o rat, in the night; see fhub a fhub, above.

Kudhee nu kudhee, fome time or other; kŏŏchh nu kŏŏchh, fomething or other; kuheeň nu kuheen, fomewhere or other.

Khet ka khet, the whole field; mydan ka mydan, the entire plain; jungul ka jungul, the complete wood; whence they fay, in talking of cutting down junguls for cultivation, toom ko lukree kee lukree milegee o khet ka khet: meaning, you will.get all the wood for fuel, as also the whole ground for culture, both at the fame time.

Koorelna, to rake; koorelnee, a poker; kuturna, to clip; kuturnee, fciffars; ghonina, to rub; ghontnee, a rubber; oihna, to cover; orhnee, a covering; daghna, to mark; daghnee, a marking iron(a).

Gola, a ball; golee, a bullet; ruffa, a rope; ruffee, a cord; lukňa, a timber; lukiee, wood; dala, a large basket; whence dalee, a smaller one, in which the malees bring fruit; punfera, a ftone weight, &c. of punferee, five fers; doofera-ee, of two fers; but these are often confounded.

Muhnga, dear; muhngee, a dearth; Bungalu, the country; Bungalee, a man of Bungalu (Bengal); mala, a garland of flowers; malee, a gardener, whose business it is to make and present them.

(a) Panee, water, either comes by a flight change under this rule from peena, to drink, or is the latter with its vowels reverfed, as we have khana, food; khilouna, a play thing; bich,hana, a bed; from thefe very words as infinitives; which then mean, to eat, to divert, to spread. Chabna, to chew, has chubena, a repaft of parched grain; and chučna, to lick, gives chutnee, a kind of pickle or fauce.


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