Catalogue of an Extensive Selection of Books in Various Classes of Literature, from the Stock of William Paterson, ...: Edinburgh. To which is Added that of a Valuable Collection of Musical Works

W. Paterson, 1881 - 194 頁





第 93 頁 - Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of Ideas, and assist in Literary Composition. By PM ROGET, MD New Edition.
第 107 頁 - MEYRICK'S PAINTED ILLUSTRATIONS OF ANCIENT ARMS AND ARMOUR : A Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Charles II.
第 85 頁 - THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD, as exemplified in Works of Art, with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and other persons of the Old and New Testament.
第 34 頁 - The Principles of Mental Physiology. With their Applications to the Training and Discipline of the Mind, and the Study of its Morbid Conditions.
第 173 頁 - HOMES WITHOUT HANDS; a Description of the Habitations of Animals, classed according to their Principle of Construction.
第 8 頁 - Handbook of Architecture. Being a Concise and Popular Account of the Different Styles prevailing in all Ages and Countries in the World. With a Description of the most remarkable Buildings.
第 154 頁 - Strutt's Sports and Pastimes of the People of England; including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and Pompous Spectacles, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time.
第 151 頁 - Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of India ; their Haunts and Habits, from Personal Observation ; with an account of the Modes of Capturing and Taming Wild Elephants.
第 40 頁 - The Poetical Decameron; or, Ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James i.
第 173 頁 - The Geology of England and Wales ; a Concise Account of the Lithological Characters, Leading Fossils, and Economic Products of the Rocks. By HB WOODWARD, FGS Crown Svo.
