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NORMAND (M. Alfred), L'Architecture des Nations, Etrangères étude sur les principales constructions du parc à l'exposition universelle de Paris (1867), illustrated by 73 large and beautifully engraved plates, several of which are printed in colours, atlas 4to, hf.-morocco, £2 1870 PARKER'S Ecclesiastical and Architectural Topography of England, woodcuts and plates, 1 vol and 4 parts, 10s 6d

1850-55 PETIT (Rev. J. L.), Remarks on Church Architecture, with numerous illustrations on wood and stone, 2 vols 8vo, cloth, 22s 6d. 1841

POOLE (Geo. Ayliffe), A History of Ecclesiastical Architecture in England, portrait, 8vo, cloth, 4s


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REVUE GENERALE de l'Architecture et des Travaux Publics. Journal des Architectes, des Ingénieurs, des Industriels, des Propriétaires sous la direction de M. César Daly, volumes for the years 1841-44, 1859-72, each illustrated by several hundred figures finely engraved on steel, most interesting to Landowners, Architects, Builders, Engineers, &c., 7 thick vols roy. 4to, half-mor., gilt tops, and 3 vols roy. 4to, cloth £9 1841-72

RIMMER (Alfred), Ancient Streets and Homesteads of England, with Introduction by the Very Rev. J. S. Howson, illustrated with one hundred and fifty charming wood - engravings by J. D. Cooper, 8vo, cloth, gilt top, 21s for 9s


SCOTT (G. Gilbert), Gleanings from Westminster Abbey, with Appendices by J. H. Parker and others, illustrated by numerous plates and woodcuts, second edition, 8vo, cloth, 9s 6d 1863

SCOTT (G. Gilbert), Remarks on Secular and Domestic Architecture, present and future, 8vo, cloth, 8s 6d 1857

SHARPE (Edm.), An Account of the Churches visited during the Lincoln Excursion of the Architectural Association in 1870, 65 plates of architectural subjects, with full descriptions, roy. 8vo, cloth, 5s 6d 1871

SHAW (R. N.), Architectural Sketches from the Continent, containing 100 lithographic Drawings of Cathedrals, &c., original copy, folio, half-morocco, 36s


TURNER (T. Hudson), Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England, from the Conquest to the end of the 13th Century, illustrated by several hundred exquisite steel and wood engravings, first impressions, 4 vols 8vo, scarce, £4 1851 WARING (J. B.), The Arts connected with Architecture, illustrated by examples of Stained Glass, Fresco Ornament, Marble and Enamel Inlay, and Wood Inlay in Central Italy, from the 13th to the 15th century, 41 plates of examples, finely printed colour by Vincent Brooks, Large Paper, atlas folio, half-red morocco, £5, 10s 1858 WARING (J. B.), Illustrations of Architecture and Ornament, 70 large plates of Drawings etched on copper, folio, half-calf, 18s Day & Sons, N.D.


WHITE (John), Rural Architecture, il- | ARCTIC-New Lands within the Arctic

lustrated in a series of Designs for Ornamental Cottages and Villas, containing 90 plates of plans, elevations, sections, and details, imp. 4to, cloth, 16s

Glasgow, 1845 WORCESTER-WILD (Charles), Illustrations of the Architecture and Sculpture of the Cathedral Church of Worcester, illustrated with 12 fine large steel engravings, folio, boards, 5s 6d


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The best summary of Arctic Travel. ARCTIC MISCELLANIES-A Souvenir of the late Polar Search by the Officers and Seamen of the Expedition, with illustrations, red morocco, gilt, 10s 6d 1852 ARCTIC-Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-6, in H.M. Ships "Alert" and "Discovery," by Capt. Sir G. S. Nares, with Notes on the Natural History, edited by H. W. Feilden, illustrated with fine photographs and woodcuts, 2 vols 8vo, new half-calf extra, 30s 1878

Circle, Narratives of the Discoveries of the Austrian Ship "Tegetthoff" in the years 1872-74, by Julius Payer, translated from the German, with map and many fine woodcuts, 2 vols 8vo, new half-calf extra, 22s


ARCTIC - PARRY (Capt. W. Edward), Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, twenty maps and plates, the latter engraved by Westall, 4to, boards, 12s 6d


ARCTIC-RAE (Edward), Land of the North Wind; or, Travels among the Laplanders and the Samoyedes, map and plates, crown 8vo, cloth, 8s 6d 1875 ARCTIC-Ross (Sir J.), Second Voyage in search of a North-West Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions, 18291833, portrait and plates, crown 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d ARCTIC-Ross (Sir John), Narrative of a Second Voyage in search of a NorthWest Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions during the years 1829-33, including reports of J. Clark Ross, and Discovery of the Northern Magnetic Pole, illustrated with maps and plates, coloured and plain, thick 4to, half-calf,




ARCTIC-SCORESBY (W.), Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery, including Researches and Discoveries on the Eastern Coast of West Greenland in 1822, illustrated with plates and maps, 8vo, calf, 10s 6d ARCTIC-SCORESBY (W.), Life of, by his Nephew, R. E. Scoresby-Jackson, portrait, map, and plates, crown 8vo, cloth, 5s 6d

Presentation Copy from the Editor.



ARCTIC-SHILLINGLAW (John J.), Narrative of Arctic Discovery, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, with map and portrait, post 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d 1850

ARCTIC SIMPSON (T.), Narrative of the Discoveries on the North Coast of America, 1836-39, 8vo, cloth, 9s 1843 ARCTIC The Great Frozen Sea, a Personal Narrative of the Voyage of the "Alert" during the Arctic Expedition of 1875-6, by Captain A. H. Markham, illustrated with maps, 6 full page, and 28 smaller woodcuts, 8vo, new half-calf extra, 12s 6d 1878

ARCTIC-To the Arctic Regions and Back in Six Weeks, being a Summer Tour to Lapland and Norway, with Notes on Sport and Natural History by Capt. A. W. M. Clark Kennedy, with map and numerous illustrations, 8vo, new half-calf extra, 12s

1878 ARCTIC-Under the Northern Lights, by J. A. MacGahan, map and illustrations by G. R. de Wilde, 8vo, new half-calf extra, 9s 6d 1876

ARGYLL (Duke of), The Eastern Question, from the Treaty of Paris, 1856, to the Treaty of Berlin, 1878, and to the Second Afghan War, 2 vols 8vo, cloth, 18s 1879 ARGYLESHIRE-A Collection of Topographical and Miscellaneous Papers, Maps, Original Documents, Cuttings, &c., &c., illustrating the History, Tороgraphy, Family History, &c., of the County of Argyle, formed by the late James Maidment, Esq., during the last sixty years, and perfectly unique, 3 vols thick 4to, half-calf, £10, 10s


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ARMY AND NAVY-Mars Stript of his Armour; or, The Army display'd in all its True Colours. Also, The Wooden World dissected in the character of a Ship of War: as also the Characters of all the Officers from the Captain to the Common Sailor. The two in 1 vol 8vo, calf, 12s 6d 1794

A most curious and amusing satire on the army and navy.

ARNOLD (Dr), History of Rome, from its commencement to the end of the

Second Punic War, with Chronological Tables of Consuls, Tribunes, &c., 3 vols 8vo, half-calf extra, 32s

1838 ARNOLD (Dr), The Life and Correspondence of, by Dean Stanley, with portrait, 8vo, cloth, 15s


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ARTS SOMPTUAIRES (Les), Histoire du Costume et de l'Ameublement et des Arts et Industries qui s'y rattachent; Introduction Generale et Texte Explicatif, par Ch. Louandre, containing upwards of 300 beautiful plates printed rich colours, and heightened in gold and silver, of more than 5000 exquisite objects of Art from the 5th to the 17th century, 4 vols in 3, 4to, half red morocco, gilt tops, £15, 10s Paris, 1857-58

The splendid designs in this grand work are by Ciappori, and are exquisitely produced in colours by Hangard-Maugé.

ART STUDIES of Home Life, by Godfrey Wordsworth Turner, illustrated with 24 large photographs by the Woodbury process, after famous paintings by Landseer, Mulready, Reynolds, Maclise, and other artists, 4to, cloth extra, gilt edges, 10s 6d


ART UNION JOURNAL Prize Annual for 1845, containing 250 engravings of Pictures and Sculpture by the best Artists, sketched and engraved by Henry Melville, folio, half-morocco, 36s 1845

Printed on large sized paper.

ART UNION AND JOURNAL, from 1847 to 1865, having several thousand of the finest steel engravings and woodcuts, representing British Painting, Sculpture, Exhibitions, etc., etc., 19 vols 4to, halfruby morocco, gilt edges, £16 1847-65

The Art Journal is the finest work in Art which has

been published in Britain; the early volumes of the series are now becoming scarce.

ARTIS (E. T.), Antediluvian Phytology, illustrated by a Collection of the Fossil Remains of Plants Peculiar to the Coal Formations of Great Britain, containing 24 plates, folio, cloth, 5s 1838

ARTISTS' PORTFOLIO, Containing Engravings of the principal productions of the different Schools of Painting and of Ancient Sculpture, with Historical, Descriptive, and Biographical Notices, edited by James Duncan, containing upwards of 200 plates and engravings after paintings by the best Masters, 2 vols 4to, half-russia, 28s

1837 ASCANIUS; or, The Young Adventurer, containing an Impartial Account of the late Rebellion in Scotland, 12mo, hf.-cf., 5s 6d Stirling, 1802

ASHBURTON (Lord), Genealogical Memoirs of the Royal House of France, forming a commentary upon the genealogical table of that illustrious and ancient house, 1818, large paper copy, imp. 4to, boards, 32s London, 1825 ATLAS (Bengal), containing Maps of the

Theatre of War and Commerce on that side of Hindostan by James Rennell, containing 21 large maps and plates, folio, calf, 3s 6d

1781 Published under the auspices of the East India Company.

ATLAS-Black's New General Atlas, 56 large coloured maps, with alterations to date, including Physical Geography and the Solar System, also the Flags of all Nations, d descriptions and complete Index, royal folio, half-morocco extra, or halfrussia, £2, 12s 6d


ATLAS-The English Atlas, published by Moses Pitt, with descriptions of the various countries of the World, by W. Nicolson, Richard Peers, etc., containing several hundred large and beautifully coloured maps, etc., with ruled red border lines, 4 vols atlas folio, boards, uncut edges, only £2, 10s Oxford, 1680 ATLAS Geographus, or a Compleat System of Geography, Ancient and Modern, containing what is of most use in Bleau, Varenius, Cellarius, with maps done by Herman Moll, 5 vols 4to, calf, 16s

1717 ATLAS (GREENWOOD's) of the Counties of England and Wales, from Surveys made 1817 to 1835, with engraved views of celebrated Cathedrals, Churches, Castles, &c., in the various Counties, oblong elephant folio, half-calf, 24s


ATLAS-The Complete Atlas of Modern, Classical, and Celestial Maps, together with Plans of the principal Cities of the World, containing upwards of 200 large maps, published by S. D. U. K., atlas 4to, half-bound, rough calf, 32s 1860 ATLAS-Hand Atlas über Alle Theile der Erde und über das Weltgebäude, Herausgegeben von Adolf Stieler, containing 90 coloured maps with letterpress, folio, half-russia, 63s

Gotha Justus Perthes, 1875 Perhaps the most beautiful engraved maps ever done. Remarkable for their clearness, and the number of names given.

ATLAS JOHNSTON (A. Keith), The Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena, 35 large and beautifully executed maps, illustrating the Geology and Orography, Hydrography, Meteorology, and Magnetism, Botany, Natural History, Ethnology, and Statistics of the World, with very full and descriptive letterpress and index, atlas folio, half red mor., latest and best edition, rare, £7, 7s


ATLAS - JOHNSTON (A. K.), Physical Atlas, a Series of Maps and Notes illustrating the distribution of Natural Phenomena, containing 30 very large and beautifully-engraved Maps illustrative of Geology, Hydrography, Meteorology and Natural History, imp. folio, half-mor., gilt edges, pub. at £8, 8s, for 45s 1848 This valuable Physical Atlas is based on the Physi

kalischer Atlas of Professor H. Berghaus, with the co-operation of Sir D. Brewster, J. D. Forbes, E. Forbes, J. P. Nichol, &c. ATLAS-JOHNSTON (A. K.), Royal Atlas of Modern Geography, containing 50 fine coloured maps, exhibiting the present condition of geographical discovery and research in the countries and states of the world, with Special Index to each Map, royal folio, half-morocco extra, gilt edges, £4, 16s 6d 1878 ATLAS-Philips' Handy General Atlas of the World; a Series of Maps illustrating Modern, Historical, and Physical Geography, with a complete consulting index by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S., new edition, revised and corrected to the present time, imperial 4to, half-morocco gilt, gilt edges, 26s ATLAS OF SCOTLAND (THOMSON'S), containing 33 beautifully engraved and coloured Maps of the Counties, by W. Johnston and others, with Memoir of the Geography of Scotland, Index, &c., by John Thomson, atlas folio, hf. -russia, gilt, 28s



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Comprising-Sense and Sensibility; Mansfield Park; Emma; Pride and Prejudice; Northanger Abbey and Persuasion; Lady Susan and Memoir.

AULD ROBIN GRAY, a Ballad by Lady • Anne Barnard, born Lady Anne Lindsay of Balcarras, with frontispiece designed by C. K. Sharpe, edited with Introduction by Sir W. Scott, 4to, sewed, leather back, 42s


Only 65 copies printed. AYLOFFE (Sir Joseph), Calendars of the Ancient Charters, and of the Welch and Scotish Rolls in the Tower of London, also the Treaties between England and Scotland, with Copious Introduction, plates of facsimiles, 4to, half-calf, neat, 16s 1774

AYR-A Collection of Topographical and Miscellaneous Papers, Maps, Original Documents, Cuttings, etc., illustrating the History, Topography, Family History, etc., of the County of Ayr, formed by the late James Maidment, Esq., during the last sixty years, and PERFECTLY UNIQUE, 5 vols thick 4to, half-calf, £16, 10s



AYRSHIRE-New Statistical Account of, thick 8vo, cloth, 12s AYTOUN (W. E.), Bothwell, a poem in six parts, First Edition, 8vo, cloth, 6s 6d 1856

AYTOUN (W. E.), Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other Poems, beautifully printed on toned paper, with numerous exquisite illustrations by Sir Joseph Noel Paton and Waller H. Paton, 4to, red morocco extra, inlaid border of blue morocco, gilt edges, £2, 5s 1870

A handsome book for the drawing-room. AYTOUN (W. E.), Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other Poems, with illustrations by Sir J. Noel Paton and W. H. Paton, sm. 4to, cloth extra, gilt edges, 18s


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BACON (Lord), The Works of, with Life, portrait, 10 vols, 8vo, new half-calf extra, £3 1824

BACON (Lord), Complete Works, English and Latin, the latter accompanied with translations, containing many new pieces never before published, also the Life and Letters, the whole collected and edited, with copious notes, etc., by Spedding, Ellis, and Heath, 14 vols thick 8vo, cloth, pub. £12, 12s, for £6, 12s 1857-70

BACON (Lord), Essays, with Annotations by Richard Whately, D.D., revised and enlarged edition, 8vo, cloth, 8s 6d 1864

The same, 8vo, tree-calf extra, marbled edges, new, 18s 1876 BACON (Lord), Essays and Colours of Good and Evil, with Notes and glossarial Index by W. Aldis Wright, vignette portrait by C. H. Jeens, 12mo, cloth, 3s


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With the autograph of W. Drummond of Hawthornden. BACON (Lord) Not the Author of "The Christian Paradoxes," being a reprint of "Memorials of Godliness and Christianity," by Herbert Palmer, B.D., with introduction, memoir and notes, by Rev. A. B. Grosart, portrait, royal 8vo, rox., 4s 6d Privately printed, 1865

BAIKIE (Dr), Observations on the Neilgherries, including an Account of their Topography, Climate, Soil, and Productions, edited by W. H. Smoult, coloured plates, maps, &c., roy. 8vo, cloth, 5s

Calcutta, 1834

BAILLIE-Lives of the Baillies, by James William Baillie of Culterallers, 4to, boards, 21s 1872

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