ON PUBLIC OCCASIONS, AND TRACT S ON RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS, charel BY WATSON, D. D. F. R. S. LORD BISHOP OF LANDAFF, AND REGIUS PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE CAMBRIDGE, Printed by J. ARCHDEACON Printer to the UNIVERSITY; MDCCLXXXVIII. T HERE is nothing new in this Volume, except two Sermons (the fecond and the feventh);-an Appendix to the Discourse to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Ely; another to the Letter to the late Archbishop of Canterbury; —and two or three Notes: The reft of the Contents have been more than once submitted to the judgment of the Public. THE Political Principles herein advanced may not be acceptable to all Parties. They were not originally written, nor are they now re-published, with a view of pleafing or of displeasing any Party; but from a conviction, that they are wholly confonant to that Syftem of civil Government which it would be the Intereft of Free-Men every where to fubmit to; and intirely repugnant to that, which it is the Unhappiness of Slaves in many countries to endure. CON |