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minded" of them, seemed to have the largest share of trouble. To him the Master said, "Wherefore didst thou doubt?" And again, "Satan has desired to have thee;" and again, “Get thou behind me, Satan." O tough-minded old brother! Peter! (Matt. 14:31 and 16:23 and Luke 22:31.)

The meek and quiet John, through higher Spiritual insight, was far better able to understand. Between these two, stood questioning Philip and doubting Thomas. Luke (not one of the twelve) appears to be the most careful and painstaking. Afterward came Paul; a tower of mentality, but, until his marvelous conversion, unable in the least to understand the grand truths of Christ Jesus' teaching. Then, however, there were given to him revelations, which were and are beyond the capacity of mortals to measure. No Christian questions the validity of those revelations to Paul -“Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God ** * by the commandment of God." Spiritual Paul, "put off" Carnal Saul!

If, in this age, there be those who deny inspired revelation since the days of John and Paul, there are many who will not and cannot agree with them. There are evidences of revelation in every age, and none so momentous as that which though so long obscured from man by shadowy clouds, is again visible through Spiritual understanding-like as a snow-crowned mountain in the heavens! Look in the right direction, “seek, and ye shall find." "Watch;" for the winds of Truth are blowing away the clouds of human mistaken concepts. Truth, which alone commands the wind, is being revealed (to Spiritual eyes) even now. Truth, is the one All-power which regenerates man and the universe.

"Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth, shall make you free."

Whence comest this Truth? Is it only through reason? If in ancient days it came through the Christ, and he is "With us alway," as Himself declared, why shall we not hear His voice today? Not the human voice of Jesus, but the Spiritual voice of the forever Christ; otherwise, why his presence or his promise? Let mankind realize and utilize this promise; and let us know that immeasurable power stands behind it!

When the Spiritual element within you is awakened, the Spiritual eye, will see the light and the Spiritual ear, will hear the voice of Truth. This I Know!

The words of Elihu are finished in this (37th) chapter and he disappears, as an actor who has completed his allotted part. He realizes with reverence and sublime awe that he has been the Divinely appointed messenger sent to Job in the hour of his need. Listen, O man, for he speaks to all humanity.

"Hearken unto this, O Job; stand still, consider the wondrous works of God; dost thou know that God disposed them and caused the light of his cloud to shine; dost thou know the balancing of the clouds, the wondrous works of Him which is perfect in knowledge?"

These are the beginnings of questions that are continued in the next four chapters. "But Elias shall first


The thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth chapters brought to Job and his bewildered friends, teachings of the entire insufficiency and inability of the human mind to comprehend or, except in a very limited sense, understand even the things which are all around us. Many

questions are asked, not one of which can be fully answered or explained through man's reasoning. The plain lesson is, the inadequacy of man's philosophy, and the limitless power and wisdom of God. Human reason is as incapable of comprehending God, as the human eye is of beholding Him. (1st Cor. 2:9.)

This is even more forcibly brought out in the first fourteen verses of the fortieth chapter. Job's Spiritual self, is just beginning to awaken, and he takes his first step in the right direction. "I will lay mine hand upon my mouth." That is, he silences his reasoning and turns entirely to Spiritual guidance and strength. The "Voice," with a few more words, reveals to him more fully man's utter inability, in and of himself, "thine own right hand" (that is, by his own human wisdom), to save or protect either his body or his mind. "God * * * is mighty in strength and wisdom." (Job 36:5.) "The wisdom of this world (man's right hand) is foolishness with God." (1 Cor. 3:19.) And Jesus referred to human foresight, and human strength and cunning, when he said: "Pluck it out and cast it from thee," and "Cut it off, and cast it from thee." (Mat. 5: 29-30.) Human thought plainly cometh of evil. (Mat. 5:37.)

Job's entire transformation, was the result of this experience. Spiritual Truth had taken control, where human intelligence, had been the usurper.

Well might he have acknowledged with Isaiah; "O Lord our God, other lords beside Thee have had dominion over us!"

And O Mortal Man! We are many, who must confess to having been under a corresponding tyranny. If

we should go into details, there would hardly be an end to what might be told of the devilish dominion of the "Princes of this world." (Pride! Lust! Greed!)

This I acknowledge indeed; for I speak from the experience of my seventy years-as may be said comparatively, on the Egyptian side of the Red Sea!

But as for Job, henceforth the Spiritual eye, guided him; Spiritual Power, strengthened him; Spiritual Wisdom, opened his understanding.

Paul says; "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Rom. 12:2.)

Our Master said: "No man cometh unto me, except the Father draw him." This "Father" is Goodness, the Godlike element "within you." Perhaps the intensity of this unrealized attracting and impelling influence, may vary in different men, but it (Goodness) is the "Pearl of great price" within every one; it continually speaks with "the still (silent) small voice." It is of God, the unconquerable subduer of evil. It is the Truth-yea -the Very Christ, which is able, ready and willing to free you (every one of us), from the bondage of Sin and pain. It is the "Light shining in darkness," but the darkness (human knowledge) is unable to comprehend it. Untold millions pass through this condition of existence, utterly unheeding this Truth This Truth! Verily! The pre-eminence and predominance of that which is Spiritual, over that which is human.

* * *

Job's humanity brought him into darkness and "The shadow of death," but his Spirituality, when it came into control, lifted him into light and freedom.


Behemoth and Leviathan.

With the fifteenth verse of this (40th) chapter begins a description that surpasses anything that has preceded it, even as the human is above the animal. It is an allegorical representation of that intelligence which we call the human mind, and here figuratively referred to as an animal, though possessing qualities which are unthinkable as pertaining to any beast. The name given to this marvellous and unclassable nondescript, is Behemoth. This name occurs nowhere else in the Bible but in the book of Job, and here only once. Regarding it, learned men have given much time to discovering exactly what animal (?) was the one referred to. Let us look and see what results they have accomplished.

The most careful literary interpretation I have found says, "The term Behemoth, taken intensively, may be assumed to be a poetical personification of the great Pachydermata, or even Herbivora, wherein the idea of hippopotamus is predominant." So! Pachydermata!*

But, getting a little more plain, Webster defines Behemoth as "an animal, probably the hippopotamus", and Leviathan as "an aquatic animal, probably a crocodile." Old Bible dictionaries and commentaries give corresponding definitions; and it would seem that they are commonly accepted, today, alike by scholars, professors and the clergy, and of course by laymen at large. Some Hebrew writers speak of Behemoth as the largest land animal, and Leviathan as the largest sea animal (some

*As Captain Cuttle remarked, when he listened with deference to the profound reasoning of Captain Jack Bunsby-"Vat visdom!"

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