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French Court, and at Passy.

I see that the Count de Vergennes, the Duc de la Vauguyon who is gone to Spain, and Dr Franklin, have an affection for him, and are labouring to support him.

These circumstances are much in favour of his happiness, and if he has that pure and inflexible Virtue, that thorough Penetration into the hearts of men and the system of affairs, and that unchangeable attachment to our Country, that you require in a public man, you will honour him with your support. You know from his correspondence with Congress whether he is this man. I know nothing to the contrary. But I confess to you that the ardent friendship of Courtiers and Diplomatic flatterers to any American Minister is to me a cause of suspicion. I know it to be impossible for any man to do his Duty to his Country and possess it. All he can hope for is to be esteemed and respected, it is well if he is not hated and despised.

But Mr Jay is master of the character in question I have heard with pleasure that Mr Charmichael in their last interview settled things to the satisfaction of Mr Jay and cleared up some things which Mr Jay had not been satisfied in. You may know the truth from him




I am disposed to favour Charmichael, from all I have heard of him and know of him at least so far as to wish for his continuance in service provided. You dont see symptoms of his endeavours to support his character upon foreign interests at the expense of those of our country

But there is too marked a Love for him for my taste in characters in whose Friendship for America I have no confidence

The greatest danger to our foreign offices has ever arisen from this, and ever will, from an endeavour to obtain a reputation in America by gaining the friendship of countries and obtaining their Recommendation in their private letters for themselves and their connections. These favours are never obtained but by sacrifices. It is remarkable that native Americans are rather avoided and there is a constant endeavour to throw American Employment in Europe into the hands of persons born or educated in Europe, at least such as have lived long enough in Europe to become assimilated.

There is nothing more dreadful to America, than to have the Honour, the Rep-, utation and the Bread of their Ministers abroad depend upon their adopting sentiments in American affairs conformable to those which may be entertained and endeavoured to be propagated by the Ministers with whom they treat. You had infinitely better choose the Count de Florida Blanca and the Count de Vergennes at once for your foreign Ambassadors. I have seen and felt so much of it, that I dread it like Death, and Mr Jay does not dread it less.

And you have not a less important thing to attempt in the choice of a minister for St James. Whoever he is he will be in more danger there than any where, of too much complaisance to Ministers, Courtiers, Princes & King. Indeed it is probable to me that whoever goes there, first, if he is honest will have his Reputa

tion ruined in America by the Insinuations which will go against him, both in public Papers and private Letters. Lyars and slanderers are more impudent there than any where, and they have more old connections in America among whom to circulate them

With much affection your old Friend & very

[blocks in formation]

My regards to your Colleagues. If Temple comes to N York and is received as Consull I hope you will contrive some way to make peace or truce between him and Sullivan. I hope Temple will be prudent and cautious if not he may do Mischief, but you have weight with him I know.

Unpublished Letter from Chief-Justice Marshall to George Washington of Georgetown, on the occasion of the death of Judge Bushrod Washington. Contributed by Mr. Wm. Alexander Smith, New York City.

To Hon. George Washington.


My dear Sir,

Richmond, V

Nov 29th 1829

I am much obliged by the kind attention manifested by your letter of 26th ins! The intelligence it communicates is indeed most afflicting. I had few friends whom I valued so highly as your Uncle, or whose loss I should regret more sincerely.

I had flattered myself when we parted last spring, that I should leave him on the bench when retiring from it myself; but Heaven has willed otherwise. We have been most intimate friends for more than forty years, and never has our friendship sustained the slightest interruption. I sympathise most truly with M Washington.

With great respectful esteem,

I am, dear sir,

your obed

J. Marshall.


ORASMUS H. MARSHALL-In the death of this distinguished and public-spirited man, the bar of Buffalo has lost one of its most trusted members, and the Historical Society of that city one of its strongest pillars. The greater part of his seventy well-rounded years have been closely identified with the progress and development of Western New York. He possessed a clear, logical mind, was inspired by the strictest integrity—a stately, erect personage, courteous and dignified, whom once to meet was to remember. His wide culture and scholarly tastes led him into many researches of a literary and historical character, and he long since came to be considered an authority upon all subjects bearing upon the history of the aboriginal inhabitants of the West. He wrote with great care, and in a pleasing style. Among the valuable productions of his pen were his papers on Champlain's Expeditions in 1613-15, on De Celeron's to the Ohio in 1749, his narrative of the expedition of the Marquis de Nouville against the Senecas in 1687, and on the building and voyage of the Griffon in 1679,' covering the early exploring expeditions of La Salle, Hennepin, and La Motte, with the history of their perilous voyage of the rivers and the lakes, and the tragic end of the Griffon, whose errand was more romantic and adventurous than that of the Argonauts for the golden fleece; his elaborate paper on the visit of La Salle among the Senecas, is part of a series of historic studies, which have given him high rank among the annalists of the country. Perhaps nothing better illustrates Mr. Marshall's love of historical re

search than his paper published in the MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY, in 1882, on the original charter by Charles I. to his brother, the Duke of York, of the territory now comprised within the State of New York.

He lived a large as well as a noble life, never seeking honors, but always commanding the respect and love of his contemporaries. He was in every respect the typical American Christian gentleman.

WILLIAM A. WHITEHEAD-As we go to press the news comes of the death of another eminent scholar and historian, Hon. William A. Whitehead, of New Jersey. He was three years the senior of Mr. Marshall, his birth-year being 1810. His public life was one of great usefulness, but he was best known in connection with the historical records of New Jersey and with meteorological observations. As Corresponding Secretary of the Historical Society he made researches into the colonial history of the State, and it was under his direction and by his efforts that the State began the publication of the colonial documents. Two of the works which he published are "East Jersey and the Proprietors' and "Contributions to East Jersey History." He was an industrious contributor to current literature, and wrote numerous pamphlets on historical subjects. He also wrote frequently on theological topics. In New Jersey he was regarded as an infallible authority on all subjects connected with the history of the State and with reference to geological matHis favorite pastime was making


daily meteorological observations. Every month for forty years he issued a weather report over the signature of "W." in the Newark Daily Advertiser. These reports were made use of by meteorologists of other cities. He was a member of Trinity Episcopal Church, and took a deep interest in religious as well as educational affairs. He leaves a wife and two children. One of his sons is Bishop Cortlandt Whitehead, of Pittsburg, Pa.

A RARE AUTOGRAPH—An original manuscript letter or note in my possession reads as follows: "Th: Jefferson to the President of the U. S. Finding subsequently what had not before been attended to, that the law had appointed the 1st day of our Spring and Autumn District Court for the stated meeting of the Visitors of the Central College, it is concluded that our meeting should be on the 5th instead of the 6th of May (noted in my letter of the 13th); that being the 1st day of both our County and District Courts, the collection of the people will be great, & so far give a wide spread to our object. We shall hope therefore to see you on that dayMr. Madison will join us the day before -Ever and affectionately yours.

"Monticello, Apr. 15-17-."

Thus we have here an autograph note, written in 1817, at the age of seventyfour, by Thomas Jefferson, then an exPresident of the United States, addressed to James Monroe, President of the United States; into which note the distinguished writer introduces the honored name of James Madison, another exPresident of the United States. The interesting subject of this unique note is

the assemblage of the three notable characters named for the discharge of their high duties as Visitors of the new Central College in Virginia. How rare is the occurrence of so many eminent characters being brought together in such interesting juxtaposition. We are here reminded also, that the writer of this note made the request, near the close of his life, that "Father of the University of Virginia" should be inscribed on his tombstone.

H. C. V. S.

MANLIUS, N. Y., August, 1884

CUSTER-A few weeks ago I had the great pleasure of being permitted a sight of an historic painting, now being executed by the artist, Mr. John Elder, of Richmond, Virginia, entitled "Custer's Last Charge." It pictures that brave officer at the head of his already wearied and thinned command, endeavoring to cut his way out of the dense circle of Indians who surrounded him at the time of that pitiless massacre eight years ago. The canvas is about 4 feet by 7 feet. The central figure of course is Custer, who with uplifted sabre is forcing his almost exhausted steed upon the painted savage before him. On either side is the slender line of his troops dashing on the foe-the grim determination on the face of each savage, and the abandon of the troopers, who fight as if in despair, but with desperate courage, is very inspiring. Mr. Elder was a soldier in the Confedcrate army, and, like the writer, not only has participated in almost similar scenes, but has that admiration for Custer, which his distinguished gallantry and cruel but hopeless death, excited even in those who once fought him as bravely as

did the Indians. The painting is to grace the mansion of a Southern gentleman, who has purchased it, when finished. H. E. N.

THE STUDY OF HISTORY-There are many beautiful and suggestive passages in Miss Elizabeth Cleveland's excellent essay on history, recently prepared for the benefit of young lady graduates in some of our prominent schools. It might reach all classes of students, or even a much larger audience, with advantage. She says: "The study of History does not hold its due place in the hearts of people because they have not an adequate idea of what History is. Nor, having this, do they see why it should be studied more than anything else. So they do not study it at all; or, if studied, it is studied inadequately, which is nearly as objectionable as leaving it out of the curriculum altogether. Our business, therefore, will be to find answers to three questions: What is History? How should History be studied? Why should it be studied? A wrong notion of History we must first dislodge, in order to make room for the right one. History is not merely a record of past events; and History is not an exact science. It cannot be reduced to formulas and equations and chronological tables. When we have learned lists

of events and names, and are glib in chronology, we too often feel that we have studied History. Yet we have not one whit more than has the child studied music who has mastered the multiplication table. Mathematics has to do with music, but mathematics is not music. Chronicle and chronology have to do with History, but they are not History. We must learn of the event; it is indispensable. But it is not the whole. We must take the event as a starting-point, and travel from it to the man and the men behind it. We must obtain all the accessories of time, place, and circumstances. It is the truth which we must possess, or rather of which we must be possessed. It is sympathy with the Past which can unlock the inner halls of History and reveal to us its grandeur. Date, name, and event are but the furniture of the feast. We wish to see the company, and make acquaintance with the guests. The Past is simply Humanity. We must be saturated with a sense of kinship. Adam stands, as we approach the realm of History, at one end of the row, you and I at the other; and as in the children's game, we must all take hold of hands. The spirit of a common humanity stands in the center, and gently reunites whenever the ring is broken. Woe to us if we break ranks. We are no longer in the game."


MURILLO-HIS INFLUENCE ON AMERICAN ART-Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, the great Spanish painter (1618-1682), seems to have possessed the power of adapting the higher subjects of art to the commonest understanding. Have

we any noticeable evidence of his influence on American art? Can any of the readers of the MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY tell me—even with approximate accuracy-how many of his paintings are owned in the United States at the

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