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By and by, at once. By 'r lakin (201), by our ladykin, or little lady (an old oath).

Calendar of Virtue (105), a list in which good deeds appear like the Saints' names in an almanac. Canker, a caterpillar which destroys the buds and leaves of plants. Capacity, to my (206), to my understanding, as far as I am able to take things in. Capital, punished with death. Carat, the proportion of pure metal in anything made of gold. Carriage (97), the way a man carries himself or behaves. Carrion, dead and rotting. Case ye (217), put on your disguises.

Casement, the frame of a window.
Casket, a small ornamental box.
Casque, helmet.

Caterpillar (218), one who preys
on society, an extortioner.
Celerity, speed.
Celestial, heavenly.
Censure (132), to judge.
Ceremony (76), grandeur, royal
state; )131), an act of honour.
Certain, certainly.

Cess (213), reckoning, measure. Chamberlain (215), the upper servant of an inn.

Chantry (77), a chapel or altar endowed for a priest to sing mass daily for the souls of the dead. Charging-staff, a long weapon like the quarter-staff, used for attack and defence. Chattels, property. Cheerly, cheerfully.

Chide him hither (56). A short way of saying 'Talk to him severely and send him here'. Choice-drawn

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(70), carefully

Christen (214), christened.

Christendom (37), baptism, or the

faith of a Christian.

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Cloy, to fill with too much of a thing.

Cockpit (63), a pit in which cockfighting took place; here used for the theatre. As if Shakespeare's Agincourt, compared with the real battle, was no better than a cock-fight.

Cockshut time (93), when it grows dark. Cockshoots' were glades in which nets were stretched after dark to catch the birds that shot into them when they were driven by beaters.

(Also re

Coffer, a money-chest.
Cogitation, thought.
Coil, a noise, bustle.
Colours (85), excuses.
ferring to the red rose.)
Colt (217), to make a fool of.
Combustion, violent disorder.
Comeliness, beauty.

Commandement (178). We pronounce 'commandment' now. Comment, bear a (140), to be criticized.

Commiseration, pity.

Commission, a warrant allowing people certain rights or ordering them to carry out certain duties. Commissioner, one who has a commission.

Commodity (151), goods on which money could be raised.

*Commodity (189). H. means comedy'.

Compact, agreement.
Compass (114), reach.

Compound (57), to mix.

Compound (80), to come to an



*Comprehend (192, 195). means 'apprehend', take to jail. Con by rote, learn by heart. Conceit (130), to judge of. Conception, an idea. Concord, agreement.

Condition (186), on condition that.
*Condole (199). B. seems to mean
'feel with, sympathize'.
*Confidence (194). D. means 'con-

Confines (57), the nearest countries.
Confound, to destroy.
Conjecture (72), a notion.
Conjoin, to join with.

Conjure (121), to call up a devil by magic, using some sacred name to do it.

Conscience, my (74), my real thought.

Considerance, consideration.
Consign (63), to agree.
Constancy, firmness, unshaken

Constitution, state.

Construe, to explain to one's self. Contain (181), to keep. Contaminate, to stain, disgrace. Contemplative, given up to quiet study.

Controversy, dispute.

Controversy, hearts of (120), hearts
eager for a struggle.
Conveniency, promptness.
Convert, to change.

Convoy, conveyance, travelling.
Cope (177), to match, give as a fair

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Cumber, to be a burden to. Current, it holds (215), it holds good, is true.

Dalliance (64), trifling, light playfulness (here used of the gay dresses and behaviour of the courtiers who had passed their time in mere amusement). Danger, within his (170), in his power (A lawyer's phrase: compare out of debt, out of danger').

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Dare us with his cap like larks
(113). Larks were caught with
the help of a hawk called the
'hobby' which flew over them
and dared' them or frightened
them from rising; then the net
was drawn over them by the
fowler. Sometimes a piece of
scarlet cloth was used for the
' daring'.
Daw, jackdaw.
*Decerns (194). D. means

Dedicate (72), to yield up.
Deface, to destroy.

Defend (196), to forbid.


*Defend (190). H. means 'offend'.

Defray, to pay the cost of.
Degrees, base (123), lower steps.
Demean, to behave.
Demeanour, behaviour.

Demi-paradise, half paradise, a
heaven upon earth.
*Demurrer (226), objection.
(Really a law word for trying to
stop an action.)

Deputy, one who acts for another; (112) the king's representative. *Desartless (191), without desert. D. means 'deserving'.

Descry, to make out in the dis

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Do withal, I could not (164), I could not help it.

Dogged, cruel, like a savage dog. Dogs of war (132). Compare 63, Chorus, 1. 7.

Doit (155), a Dutch coin worth half a farthing.

Dole (211), sorrow.

Dole, happy man be his (218), may happiness be his lot, good luck to him.

Domestic fury (131), the madness of civil war.

Doublet, a man's dress before coats and waistcoats were invented; a close-fitting jacket with short skirts.

Drachma, an old Greek silver coin, worth about 9 d. Dub, to make a knight. Ducat, a gold coin of Venice worth about 9s.

Dukeling (101), poor duke (a sneer).

Dull (54), making dull, quieting.

Earn (43), to grieve. Earnest (69), money paid in advance as a pledge of more to be paid when the work is done. *Eftest (196). D. means 'deftest', or 'readiest'.

Eight and six (202), the ballad metre, alternate lines of eight and six syllables each,

Eke out, to piece out, fill up. Elaborate, worked out carefully, perfect.

Elegance, neatness and grace. Element (45), the sky. Elements so mixed in him (145). Man's body in old days was thought to be made up of the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, showing themselves in the four humours, blood, phlegm, choler, and melancholy. Melancholy came from earth, blood from air, phlegm from water, choler from fire. If they were all mixed evenly in a man, he was perfect; if not, he showed what humour he had most. Too

much fire made him a choleric or

angry man.

Elf-skin (222), a shrunk and shrivelled creature.

Eloquence, the gift of speaking well.

Embracement, an embrace.
Empery, empire.

Enamoured on, in love with.
Encompass, to surround, close in.
Enforce (49), to compel.
Enforced (82), thrown with great
force; (142), struck strongly,
greatly provoked.
Enfranchisement (126), giving
public rights to a man who has
lost them, (127) equal rights to
all citizens.

Engage, to pledge, bind over.
Engirt, to surround.

Englut, to swallow up.
Enow, enough.

Enround, to surround.

*Enterlout (189). He means 'interlude,' but he thinks the word means 'Enter Lout', or 'The Clown comes in' (as if it were a stage-note).

Enthronize, to enthrone.
Environ, to surround.
Epilogue, an actor's speech to the
people at the end of a play.
Epitaph, the words on a grave or
in memory of the dead.
Equity, justice.
Estimable, valuable.

Estimation (170), value, esteem;
(175) value
on the scales,

Exaction, making people pay. *Examination (195).

made up by D.

A verb

Exchequer, the court which collected the king's money. *Exclamation on (194), crying out against. But D. means 'talk about'.

*Excommunication (195). D.

means 'examination'. Exempt (87), cut off from. Exhalation, meteor.

*Exhibition (196). D. means 'commission'.

Expedience, speed.
Exposition, an explanation.
Extant, existing.

Extempore, without preparation,
on the spur of the moment.
* Extruction (185). H. means' de-

Extortion, wringing money out of people in the name of the law. Eyne, eyes.

Faction, party, side. Facundious (226), having a flow of words, eloquent.

Fair, speak me (173), speak kindly of me.

Falconer, a keeper or trainer of
hawks for sport.
Fall (93), to let fall.
Farced (76), stuffed, full.
Favour, appearance, face.
Favourable (54), kindly.
Feign, to pretend.
Fell, cruel.

Fern-seed (215). Ferns seed them-
selves from the tiny, dust-like
spores on the back of the fronds.
Before people knew this, they
thought the plant grew from in-
visible seed; if you had any, you
would be invisible too.
Fet, fetched, derived.

Fetlock, the tuft of hair on a horse's leg behind the pastern-joint. File (20), to place among public records.

File (110), to march in line, keep pace with.

Fine (82), to stake, agree to pay as a fine.

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Gentle his condition (79), to make him a gentleman.

Gentry, the rank of gentleman.
Giglot (36), false, changing.
Girded (70), hemmed in.
Glistering, shining.

God buy you (78), God be with
Godfathers, twelve (177), a jury.
Good (152), well off (in a com-
mercial sense).

Gorbellied, with a big belly. Gossip (156), (1) a godmother, (2) an intimate, (3) a chattering


Gramercies, many thanks.
Grand-jurors (218), citizens ap-
pointed by the sheriff to examine
the charges against persons ac-
cused of crime and send them to
trial if they think the charges
true. F. uses the word as an
insult a thief would naturally
think a grand-juror a kind of

Gratify, to thank and reward.
Gratis, for nothing.

*Great-oneyers (215). G. perhaps
means 'those who have to do with
great ones' (just as lawyer' is
one who has to do with law); he
has not the sense to keep quiet,
and he dare not do more than
throw out a hint.
'Gree, agree.

Gross (68), large and plain.
Gross (153), the full sum.
Grosser, coarser.

Gulled, deceived.

Gummed (216), stiffened with gum, and so liable to fret.

Habitation (153), dwelling-place. S. refers to the story of the Gadarene swine in the Bible. Hale, to drag, haul. Half-sword, at (220), at half a sword's length, at close quarters. Hangings, the curtains or tapestry hung round the walls of a room instead of papering them. Harbour (98), a shelter. Harbour (41), to cover, hide.

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