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essay is prefixed to the work, from the pen of President | egress upon the glowing vehicle of language. But into Wayland, in which justice is done in these respects to this eminent missionary, and with the estimate given by the essayist, we perfectly coincide.

Dr. Carey, it appears, from the views he entertained of himself, from the estimate of Wayland, from the statement of his biographer, and from the concession of all hi admirers, was not what we call a man of genius. In the structure of his mind, the imaginative faculty was absent; and without some portion of this faculty *the mind must always remain imperfect. By the absence of it, Dr. Carey escaped some sorrows; but lost at the same time many pleasures. His mind, in this respect, bore a resemblance to that of Scott, the commentator, who expresses his gratitude that his Creator had not made him a poet. He is willing to employ, for useful ends, the poetry of others; but not willing to contribute so much as a flower to the stock, in which men tal ornament prevails over sheer utility. Imaginative men have acted on more generous principles. They have pursued their own devious thoughts; but have not forgotten at the same time to contribute a vast dea! to plain common sense. This might be evinced by mentioning the names of a hundred poets; but Shakspeare is in himself an host. Dr. Carey was a remarkable example of what can be accomplished by industry without inventive powers. If diligence alone could bring to pass the results which this great man achieved, what might not genius accomplish, if combined with equal industry and the same attachment to objects judiciously selected? The talent of acquiring languages, does not imply the power of invention; because, in at tending so closely to what has been created, it is natural to lose the desire to create. The accounts which tradition, rather than history, has preserved of the admirable Crichton, amount to an exaggerated fiction. If such a person ever lived, he might have been profound in a few of his attainments; but in many of them he was superficial. We are not acquainted with a more uninteresting writer than Professor Lee of Cambridge; and though skilled in a score of languages, he has not yet learned to compose in his vernacular tongue. The learning of Ross, a native of Scotland, was various as that of Professor Lee; but his premature death has deprived us of the power of estimating his amount of originality. Lord Teignmouth states the number of languages with which Sir William Jones was acquainted, at twenty eight; but we know of nothing that Sir William wrote of which it can be said, this never existed before. He could translate into English the thoughts of Persian and Italian poets; but the question never can be solved, whether he would have executed successfully the epic poem which he meditated writing before his death. The writer is incompetent to judge of his essay on bailments; but the views of that work are conveyed in graceful terms. It is equally true, that a man of small attainments may possess uncommon powers. A peasant once rose in Scotland, who could read and write, and was partially acquainted with arithmetic. This man said of himself, with an eloquence rarely equalled,-"The muse of Scottish poetry found me at the plough, and threw over me her inspiring mantle." Burns has produced not one, but many things new and original. If they ever rose to the minds of other men, it is certain that they never found

that vehicle he placed objects humorous, pathetic, or
sublime, at his pleasure. When this untutored peasant
appeared in the capital of his country, philosophers
wondered and rhetoricians were baffled, because he
possessed that by nature, which they could not acquire
by art. As he reclined by the hawthorn bush, the ver-
nal season unfolded its successive pages before him;
and as he stirred his cottage fire, the leafless winter
read to him its lessons. The vale opened its green lap,
inviting him to repose; and the mountain was ambi-
tious to cast its chains over such a noble captive. And
this was all his education. The same remarks will
apply to Goldsmith. He was a native of Lishoy, in
Ireland, and in his circumstances scarcely above the
condition of the Scottish ploughman. It has been aptly
remarked of Goldsmith, that when literature took him,
it robbed no other service. He could write, and that
was all. Dr. Johnson said of him, "It is astonishing
how little the man knows;" but he might have added,
what a power does he possess of employing what he
knows. The artisan need not care so much about
the abundance of his materials, provided he be able to
work into valuable fabrics the materials already in his
possession. And this statement is pre-eminently true of
Goldsmith. Durability is impressed on his works, and
this cannot be said with truth of all the works of John-
son: when men are searching for the soft and winning
pictures of life, they will be apt to turn towards that
canvass which was spread out before the pencil of Oli-
ver Goldsmith. We have drawn our own chair before
that canvass more than once, and have gazed on the in-
teresting objects with which it is filled. We have ac-
companied the solitary traveller as he was passing the
Alps, and been cheered by the recreations of the smiling
village, and have felt sad when that village went down
into total declension. We have sympathised in the
trials, and exulted in the prosperity of his Vicar. We
have likened his " Animated Nature," to a kind of fold-
ing place for flocks-or a mental park, in which the
deer can gracefully recline-or to some meadow, in
which the bee can carry on his flowery toils.
have seen Chinese customs diversify the scene, and
English monarchs rising successively to view-and clas-
sic Greece, in the distance, whose heroes he portrayed,
and all the prospect enlivened by rivers more captiva-

"Than the lazy Scheld and wandering Po."


We agree with President Wayland, that this biography of Dr. Carey is defective. The memory of such a man deserved a better momument. There is a painful destitution in the work. We do not allude to a destitution of facts. The locomotiveness of this great missionary is sufficiently well described. But there is no history of his mind. In the life of Dr. Scott this is the capital excellence. It matters but little that the commentator lived at Olney; that he was chaplain to the Lock Hospital in London, or rector of Aston Sardford, Buckinghamshire; but the progress of his mind is what lends interest to the book. We associate our feelings with those of the commentator. We enter into his laborious vigils, and rejoice when he leaves his sheepfold in Lincolnshire, to go forward to that moral and intellectual elevation for which he was designed. Had the Rev. Robert Hall been living at the time that Dr. Carey

died, he would have executed this task on a scale of proper dimensions. But by proper dimensions we do not mean that a bulky volume was necessary for the purpose. We wish the circle of biography to include all that it can legitimately be made to contain. With due deference to the author of Lalla Rookh, we think he made a circumference for the life of Lord Byron too vast to be filled up either with instruction or amusement; and five or six hundred letters deposited within it, ought to have found a place among the works, rather than the memoirs of the noble poet. This remark will apply to many lives in modern days, though there are some modern pieces of biography superior to any of which antiquity can boast.

India, and that vibration was a loud and melodious tribute to the genius of literature.

The memoir contains other facts illustrating the value of literature. Dr. Carey's impressions of missionary life, were deepened by his geographical studies. It ap pears that he taught school in England. He had a facility in acquiring knowledge, but not the talent of imparting it; and hence he succeeded but indifferently with his school. The superficial are always prompt to deal out what they know; but in the most of his attainments, Dr. Carey was profound. It is likely, how." ever, that he was too much bent on the improvement of his own mind, to give an undivided attention to the minds of his pupils. He was constantly engaged in collecting the statistics of geography, and in search of recondite facts-of customs not yet accurately defined, and systems of religion differing from the one received

But in beginning this communication, we had a specific object in view, and that was to take out of this memoir a few incidental facts which illustrate the value of literature. We looked then, in reading it, with anx-in England. Geography has been called a science; but iety, to find the source from whence Dr. Carey derived it ought scarcely to be dignified with such a title. The the first impulse to a missionary life, and happily we earth lies so open to investigation, and an acquaintance have the statement, not from the biographer, but from with it demands so small a portion of abstract talent, the subject of the biography. On page twelfth of the that the science is claimed as belonging rather to the gememoir, we find the following declaration: "Reading neral than to the precise operations of the mind. The Cooke's Voyages was the first thing that engaged my literary man cannot be indifferent to geographical infor mind to think of missions." We view this as an im- mation, because so many of the materials with which portant literary fact. These Voyages may not be a he works are brought from this source. There are finished production; but few works have ever wrought many things which the poet uses, with which he may so powerfully on the human mind. Perhaps De Foe, as a not be scientifically acquainted. There never was a writer, was more popular; but his was the romance of poet who did not admire the stars; but all poets have the sea, whilst Cooke gave us nothing but maritime re- not been conversant with astronomy. Thus Thompson alities. De Foe fixed attention on a solitary man; but honored the memory of Sir Isaac Newton in his verse, Cooke, on masses of men hitherto unknown. Many but sought from others the amount of philosophical inregarded De Foe's as a puerile performance, and would formation necessary to the execution of his task. But not look into the deep moral lessons which he taught, it is recorded in the Life of Thompson, that he was in whilst no prejudice of the kind existed against Cooke, ordinately fond of voyages and travels. Such works Even the occupants of farm-houses could follow the feed the poetical mind, and some of the most imagina track of the navigator, under the conviction that it tive men have derived advantages from going abroad, would lead not to fictitious scenes, but to islands luxu-This may be said of Homer, Camoens, Milton and riant in tropical fruits, among which many of our species had found a home. Customs entirely novel, trees laden with unusual fruits and flowers, expanded by the sun, took their place among the colorings of the human imagination. These things appeared marvellous at the time, and realized a declaration since made, that

"Truth is strange-
Stranger than fiction."

Byron. It was by this general study that the taste of Dr. Carey was fostered for missionary life, and no man did more to stop the car of Juggernaut, to abolish suttee, or to rupture the first links in the chain of the caste.

It further appears from the memoir, that Dr. Carey was a botanist. It is not the object of the biographer to represent him in his character as a philosopher, nor is it ours to speak of him in his religious character. But he was always writing back to England for works on plants. He was always wanting the newest publica These voyages not only influenced many to attempt tions on this and kindred subjects, and that at a time the perils of the deep; but, by enlarging the boundaries when he had no home but the pinnace, the jungle, and of human knowledge, they incited many powerful minds. the sunderbund. The passion he had formed in Eng Sir Joseph Banks, and Solander, a pupil of Linnæus, land was not the less vigorous, because the person in accompanied Cooke in one of his voyages, Having whom it resided was transferred to India. It is admit. taken a record of plants in their native lands, they ted that botany is a science existing from the earliest went in search of other and cognate families. But times, but brought to a high state of improvement by these voyages affected the complexion of poetry. The the immortal Swede. This science has been appropri poet, tired of objects which he had seen, longed to de-ated by literature to its own service. It forms one of scribe what he had not seen; and we would ask whether Coleridge, Byron and Montgomery have written nothing, the materials of which have been brought from the grottos of the deep, the beaches of the sea, and the islands of the restless ocean. In this way, the book on which we are remarking has become interwoven with polite letters; and we have proved that this book awoke the moral chord which has vibrated throughout

the elegant pursuits, and belongs clearly to that region of ideal enchantment over which poets delight to rove. The sun of science has here distributed his rays; but they have been combined into a thousand diamond and planetary points of beauty. Let it not then be forgot ten, that in this pursuit, Dr. Carey employed moments of relaxation from the toils which consumed his valuable life. He did not disdain the analysis of a Hindoo

millenial flowers into the mane of the lion, or entwine them round the antlers of the Persian gazelle. When the Ganges is low, the million who inhabit Calcutta are refreshed at a reservoir of vast dimensions excavated in their city. When their antiquated systems of religious error are exhausted, and the people shall be ready to die of mental and moral thirst, they will turn, we hope, to those transparent cisterns of truth, which have been excavated by the hand of religious literature.

plant, even when he was grappling with all the dialects comes rich; but by his disinterestedness he dies poor. of Asia. And then it appears that he was anxious to He is the associate of pundits, rajahs, and viceroys, compose a system of Hindoo ornithology. Every and the King of Denmark presents him with a medal. branch of natural history engaged his attention; but it Many great names are connected with India, but is probable that in some branches he was simply an among them all there is not one brighter than that of amateur. His translation to India introduced him into the subject of this memoir. Comparisons are invidious a new world. The translation of Wilson to this coun- among the living, but not among those who have fulfilltry, produced the ornithological taste by which he was ed their appointed tasks. Sir William Jones was a distinguished. Grahame wrote a poem entitled the man of more polished mind, and Bishop Heber of more "Birds of Scotland," but the genius of Wilson was refined taste, and Bishop Middleton was a more pronever awakened in North Britain. Far be it from the found Greek scholar; but they were sustained by the writer to insinuate that Dr. Carey was devoted to pur- patronage of the government. The one was fortified by suits of this kind, to the injury or neglect of his appro- the seal of his king, and the others carried to India priate vocation. But the eagle, when poising himself crosiers from the church established by law; but in playfulness, may keep his eye on the sun; and this when did either or all of them publish the scriptures in good man kept his wide awake to the central mark at forty dialects. Much then as we revere such benefacwhich he aimed. It appears, too, that he engaged in tors of our race as Sir James McIntosh, or Sir Stamthe translation of a sanscrit poem. This employment, ford Raffles, or Claudius Buchanan, or Henry Martyn, however, does not seem to have been congenial to his let us generously yield the palm to the man who has taste; and this was owing probably to the defective-deserved it. The name of Carey will not be forgotten. ness of his imagination. One of his reviewers has re- It will float forever on the tide of the Ganges; it is asmarked, that a mytho-epic poem was scarcely in har-sociated with each grassy jungle, and it shall be more mony with missionary employment. Nor was an indigo conspicuous, when the children of the east shall weave factory at Malda in unison with the same employment. But he found that he must subsist, or the mission die, and therefore he superintended such a factory. It is probable, then, that the translation of the poem was subsidiary to acquiring a knowledge of the language, and of the religious belief of the Hindoos. Without an acquaintance with the Hindoo religion, how could he possibly subvert it; and without perfecting himself in the language, how could he have compiled the grammars and dictionaries of which he was the author. But the value of literature is pre-eminently seen in the contrast between where literature found him, and the unparalleled usefulness to which he was elevated by its power. It may be said that his piety accomplished much in his behalf; but the object of piety is to confer moral rather than intellectual worth. When he lost sight of England, he left in it many a miner, hedger and toll-gatherer as pious as himself; but he went forth under the auspices of religious literature, and in her name, wrought for the benefit of millions, who, existing prospectively in the ocean of divine wisdom, will one day arrive on the beaches of our island world. Dr. Carey was born in Paulerspury, Northamptonshire, of obscure parents. He was apprenticed to a mechanic. He felt a desire to learn, which he could not suppress. He teaches school, and officiates as a preacher in several obscure towns. We wish his biographer had described these localities more fully. He seems destitute of the associating faculty. He does not so much as hint that Doddridge and Hervey officiated in the same shire-that it was one of the visiting places of Akenside, and the birth-place of Dryden. But Dr. Carey goes forth poor and unknown. Perplexed by the suspicious policy of the East India Company, he takes refuge in Serampore, a Danish town. Many go, year after year, from England to India, but they are allured by the love of gain. When Leyden was dying, he saw a piece of India gold, and he closed his life in the act of inditing to it a pathetic sonnet. When property enough is secured, these adventurers expect, with their acquired rupees, to purchase some greenwood home in England. But Dr. Carey expatriates himself as a perpetual exile. He be

Finally, we go for missions, and if asked for a reason, we reply, for the present, in the words of the lamented Heber-

"From Greenland's icy mountains,
To India's coral strand,
Where Afric's sunny fountains

Roll down their golden sand -
From many an ancient river,

From many a palmy plain,
They call us to deliver

Their land from error's chain."



It is well known that there exist, at divers places in the southern country, certain combinations among the tions, for the purpose of exacting from the community gentlemen of the bar, commonly styled Bar Associahigher fees than could be obtained, were a free competition permitted among the bar for professional business. Sincerely believing that I have correctly described the whatever be their ostensible objects, or whatever subtrue, substantial character of these confederations, ordinate purposes they may effect, I shall endeavor to show that they are wrong in principle, and injurious in their practical results, both to the legal profession and the community at large. To prevent all misapprehen

• The following communications have been endorsed by one of the ablest political economists in the southern country, to whom they were submitted. He says: "I am against proracies against the community at large, and against the younger fessional as well as trades unions. I consider them as conspiand less experienced members of the craft."

Now, it is perfectly evident that all associations among the members of particular avocations, establishing certain fixed prices for their commodities, and pledging themselves not to undersell each other, are in flagrant hostility to the great commercial law we have been discussing. They prevent competition. The great strife in competition, is, to furnish the best article, or to render a certain service in the best manner, for the least compensation. A fixed uniform price is then plainly at war with the great animating principle of all commercial enterprise.

sion, I must say distinctly, at the outset, that I do not imposition, and all the best interests of mankind are impeach the motives of the members of these associa- advanced. tions. Far be it from me to hold up to public execration my respected brethren of the bar, as money-thirsty Shylocks, wickedly conspiring together to practice wholesale extortion upon a suffering community. I would do them no such injustice; and it taxes not my charity in the slightest degree to admit, as I sincerely do, that, unconsciously biassed by the insidious influence of self-interest, they no doubt see in these associations nothing objectionable, but much that is commendable. It is hard to see the truth through the bewildering and distorting mists of self-interest. Than self-interest nothing is more insidious and ingenious. It is constantly operating upon the human heart, and we daily see it giving a wrong determination to the judgments of the best of men. Whilst, therefore, I cheerfully acquit these gentlemen of intentional wrong, I shall express my sentiments freely with regard to the principles and effects of all such organizations.

It is necessary to premise, that the members of these associations solemnly pledge themselves to each other, not to receive from their clients less than certain stipulated fees for certain defined professional services; pledging themselves, also, to suspend all professional intercourse with, and to withhold every professional courtesy from such refractory members of the bar as contumaciously refuse to join the confederation. First, then, these associations are wrong on principle.

Let us suppose for a moment that all other professions and avocations enter into similar combinationsthat merchants and artisans pledge themselves not to take less than certain stipulated prices for their com modities or services-what an unnatural scene society would present! What an utter subversion of the fundamental principles of commerce would be exhibited! Buy where you can buy cheapest; sell where you can sell dearest-these common sense axioms of all sound traffic would be exterminated; industry and enterprise would be in a measure paralized; the spirit of improvement would be palsied; society would be ironbound and stereotyped, and, instead of advancing to higher and still higher degrees of improvement, would present from age to age the same dull, inanimate features. But where competition is unfettered, where trade is free, where it is untrammelled by unnatural restraints, its direct tendency is to stimulate enterprise to its mightiest efforts, to create skill and ingenuity, to reduce prices to their proper level, to adapt them to the ever fluctuating tide of human affairs, and thus to promote the best interests of society, and to

These associations, then, conflicting as they do, with great and pervading public principles of vital impor tance to society at large, are wrong in their very constitution, and ought therefore to be abolished.

It is a fundamental maxim in political economy, that the freest competition should not only be permitted, but encouraged in every department of human exertion. Competition is admitted by the common sense of mankind to be, according to the trite adage, emphatically "the life of business." It presents the most powerful stimulus to exertion. It arouses not only the self-in-carry forward the great work of human improvement. terest, but also the pride and vanity of the human heart. It nerves the brawny arm of the laborer for ceaseless toil by day, and it chains the pale student over his dizzy page by his midnight lamp. It gives skill and vigor to the physical powers, and it sharpens and strengthens all the faculties of the mind. It is the patron of industry and enterprise, and the fostermother of the arts and sciences. It gives life and energy to society, and it is in fact the great propelling power of the world. It is one of the great conservative and progressive principles of society.

Destroy competition, and you cut the sinews of industry; you paralize enterprise; and you palsy the spirit of improvement. Society becomes at once a lifeless, stagnant pool, whose putrid exhalations will soon fill the whole atmosphere with its deadly mi


But this is not all. Competition is not only the great stimulus to enterprise, and the parent of skill and ingenuity, but it is also the great guaranty of society against the unconscionable exactions of self-interest. Competition brings everything down to its proper level. Its natural tendency is to reduce all commodities to their fair average prices. Is an article unnaturally high?-capital and labor are attracted towards it; competition ensues; the market is glutted, and prices sink, Everything is thus reduced to its proper level; prices are left free to adapt themselves to the ever changing condition of human affairs; society is protected against

My second position was, that these confederations are injurious to the legal profession. I do not mean in a pecuniary point of view, but in their influence upon the character of the bar for professional acquirements and abilities. Competition creates skill and ability; it sharpens the mental faculties, and stimulates the individual to the greatest possible exertion. But as these associations, in some degree at least, prevent competition, they must, also, in the same degree, tend to suppress the ability which competition would elicit Every one would naturally expect to find the most skilful artisans, and the ablest professional men, where there was the keenest and freest competition.

There is another view of this subject. These fixed tariffs of fees are ordinarily much too high for the plain, formal, ordinary business of the profession, which any one can transact. The consequence is, that the profession is surcharged with petty retainers, who add nothing to its dignity and respectability. Were a free competition permitted, this sort of petty business would soon fall to its proper level; the emoluments of the profession would be reserved as the rewards of learn ing, talent and worth; the number of pettifoggers would be diminished, and the respectability of the profession advanced.

contracts with my clients? Is it to be supposed that high minded and spirited men, who are conscientiously opposed to these associations, will, with the craven and

My last position was, that these associations are injurious to the community at large; and if there is any truth in the general scope of the preceding rude hints, (for these crude remarks aspire to no higher cha-dastardly spirit of a slave, tamely bow their necks racter) that position is already sufficiently established. But these confederations inflict a direct injury upon society, by exacting higher fees than a free competition would tolerate. If they do not have this effect, they are useless to the bar; if they do, they are injurious to the community. We all know that members of the bar frequently refuse to accept less than the stipulated fee, not because they could not in justice to themselves accept a smaller compensation for their services, but because they had pledged themselves not to take less than the tariff fee. These associations thus exact large sums of money from the community at large.

to the yoke? I tell you, nay. No man in whose bosom beats a manly heart, will be deterred by any menaces, or by any unfounded imputation of sordid motives, from the plain path of duty. He will resist to the last gasp, all attempts to tyrannise over his conscience; and in this high course, I doubt not he would be triumphantly sustained by an enlightened and vir tuous community.


BAR ASSOCIATIONS. These Associations present three questions. 1. Are they just to the public?

2. Are they just, as between the parties? 3. Is their tendency to elevate or degrade the profession?

I. They partake of the nature of all agreements among the venders of any article, to fix among them

If then, these associations are, as I have endeavored to show, wrong in principle and injurious in their practical effects, they ought to be forthwith dissolved. They are unworthy of the enlightened profession of the law. They are far behind the free spirit of the age. They savor too much of the shackles and manacles of the dark ages. A freer spirit is abroad upon the earth, bidding the spirit of enterprise go forth unshackled, as free as the gales which swell the sails of the adventu-selves a tariff of price. These again partake of the rous mariner. Free trade, honorable traffic-these are the maxims of the age, and the true principles of all commercial prosperity; and any association which may oppose this free spirit, will one day be swept away like a bulrush before the swelling tide.

nature of monopoly. When all venders are of one mind, it is the same as if there were but one vender. Such associations, therefore, are attended by the prac tical evils of monopoly.

All monopolies are odious. The odium varies in Similar associations have not been found necessary degree, according to the nature of the article monopoelsewhere, to secure the rights and to sustain the dig-lized. Thus we may suppose-1. Monopolies of articles nity of the profession; nor are they necessary here. To assert that they are, is to libel the profession.

The legality of these associations, too, is almost as questionable as their policy. It deserves serious consideration, whether they are not indictable at common law as conspiracies to raise or sustain the price of labor. They certainly come within the spirit, if not within the letter, of the doctrine.

the use of which is pernicious. These are easily borne. Hence the high prices of tippling shops. 2. Of articles of mere luxury. Of these, for various reasons, some founded in justice, some in vanity, some in mere recklessness, men rarely complain. 3. Of articles of necessity, but for which substitutes may be found, or which the consumer may make for himself. 4. Of articles of necessity, which cannot be substituted or made by the consumer.

To which of these classes does this monopoly belong? Clearly to the last and most odious. Men cannot investigate their rights, or pursue them, when ascertained, without the aid of the bar. Wherein then does this differ from an agreement among the owners of all the springs in any neighborhood, to fix a tariff of the price of water? In this: the necessity for water is one of God's creation. The other is the work of society and legislation. Men are especially bound not to abuse a power over artificial wants of their own creation. Besides, it is easier for every man to dig his own well, than for every man to be his own lawyer. "He who is his own lawyer," says the proverb, "has a fool for his client."

But if these organizations are objectionable in these various aspects, the penalties by which they enforce obedience to their arbitrary laws, even upon those who may be conscientiously opposed to them, are liable to still severer reprehension. Recusants are to be summarily Lynched! Yes, sir; all who refuse to join the conspiracy are to be outlawed; all professional courtesy is to be withheld from them; non-intercourse is to be declared; every legal advantage is to be taken of them; they are to be kicked out of court on all occasions; their professional reputation is to be destroyed, and themselves, if possible, driven from the profession in disgrace! They are lawful game, and the whole pack of bloodhounds is to be let loose upon them! Is this right? Is it just? Is it worthy the generous profession of the law? If a member of the bar degrades himself These associations are also unjust to the public, beby dishonorable conduct, spurn him from you; but cause they force a man to give for an inferior article, what right have you to force me to join a confederation which he happens to want, the value of a superior which I disapprove? What right have you to at-article, which he does not want: to buy the time of a tempt to blast my professional reputation, because I mere drudge, at the price of the time of a man of genius choose to exercise my profession like a freeman? and learning: to pay coach hire, though he rides in a because I do not choose to do violence to my conscience, cart. It is as if the manufacturers of broadcloth should by adopting your arbitrary laws? because I will not engage the manufacturer of Kendal cottons not to permit you to dictate to me the rules of my professional undersell them. conduct, and officiously to interfere with my private

II. These associations are unjust as between the

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