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hendere, nec eis aliter any other contrary Acts, fuffragari; quinetiam tacite or express, or even per hujufmodi abfoluti- by the connivance and toonem, aut quofcunque leration of Us and our alios actus contrarios Succeffors for how long tacitos vel expreffos, time foever continued,


etiam per pati- none nor any of the Preentiam et toleran- miffes, nor any Right of tiam noftram vel Suc- the Apoftolick See and cefforum noftrorum, Holy Church of Rome quantocunq; tempore how foever and whenfoever continuatam, præmiffis obtained, or to be obtained, omnibus et fingulis, ac can or ought to be prequibufcunque juribus judged or receive any Sedis Apoftolicæ ac prejudice. Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclefiæ undecunq; et quandocunq; quæfitis, vel quæ rendis nullatenus præjudicari poffe aut debere. 25. Non obftantibus privilegiis, indul ing any Privileges, Ingentiis, indultis, et li- dulgences, Grants, and teris Apoftolicis gene- Apoftolick Letters general ralibus vel fpecialibus or special, granted by the fupradictis vel corum, Holy See to any of the aalicui, feu aliquibus a- forefaid Perfons, or any liis cujufcunq; ordinis, one of them, or any others, ftatus vel conditionis, of whatsoever order, quadignitatis et præemi- lity or condition, dignity, nentiæ fuerint, etiamfi, and preheminence they be; ut præmittitur, Ponti- although, as was before

§ 25. Notwithstand

ficali, Imperiali, Rega- faid, they show as before



Hi, feu quavis Ecclefia- ops, Emperors, Kings, ftica et mundana præ- eminent in any other Ecfulgeant dignitate, vel clefiaftick or Secular Digcorum Regnis, Provin- nity, or to their Kingciis, civitatibus feu lo- doms, Provinces, Cities, cis a prædicta Sede ex and Dominions, for any quavis caufa etiam per caufe what foever, even by viam contractus aut re- way of contract or reward, munerationis, et fub and under any other form quavis alia forma et te- and tenor, and with any nore, ac cum quibufvis Claufes whatsoever, even claufulis, etiam dero- derogatory of those which gatoriarum derogato fhould derogate from riis conceffis, etiam them, or even containing continentibus quod ex- that the Jaid Perfons or communicari, anathe- Places ball not be excommatizari vel interdici municated, anathematinon poffint, per literas zed or interdicted by any Apoftolicas non facien- Apostolick Letters, which tes plenam et expref- do not make fall and exfam ac de verbo ad ver- prefs mention and exact bum de indulto hujuf- repetition of the Said modi, ac de ordinibus, Grant, and of the Orlocis nominibus pro- ders, Places, Proper priis, cognominibus et names, Sirnames And dignitatibus corum Dignities of the faid Permentionem necnon fons as also notwithconfuetudinibus, etiam ftanding all Customs, even immemorabilibus, ac immemorial, and prefcrippræfcriptionibus quan- tions how long foever, and tumcunq; longiffimis, any other Obfervances et aliis quibuflibet ob- written or not writTervantiis fcriptis vel ten, by which the said Per


non fcriptis, per que fons may help and defend contra hos noftros Pro- themselves against thefe ceffus ac fententias, quo our Proceffes and Cenminus includantur in fures from being included eis, fe juvare valeant in them. All which Grants, ac tueri. Quæ omnia as far as relates to this quoad hoc, eorum om- matter, and the whole tenium tenores, ac fi ad nor of them, accounting verbum, nihil penitus them expreffed in these omiffo, inferentur, præ- Prefents as if they had fentibus pro expreffis been verbatim inferted, habentes penitus tol- nothing omitted, we utlimus, & omnino re- terly abolish and wholly revocamus : cæterifque voke; and notwithstan contrariis quibufcun- ding any other Pleas which que. may be alledged to the con


ning the Proceffes them

26. Ut vero præ§ 26 But that these fentes noftri proceffus our prefent Proceffes may ad publicam omnium more easily come to the notitiam facilius dedu- knowledge of all Perfons; cantur, Chartas, feu We have caused the Papers Membranas Proceffus and Parchments contai ipfos continentes, valvis Ecclefia S. Joannis felves to be affixed in the Lateranenfis, & Bafilica, Principis Apoftolorum Church of S. John Late de Urbe appendi faciemus, ut ii, quos Proceffus hujufmodi concernunt, quod ad ipfos non pervenerint, aut quod ipfos ignorave

City to the doors of the

ran, and of the Church of the Prince of the Apostles; that those whom these Proceffes concern, may pretend no excufe or alledge ignorance, as if they had


rint, nullam poffint excufationem pretendere aut ignorantiam allegare; cum non fi verifimile,id remanere incognitum, quod tam patenter omnibus publi


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§ 27. Moreover, that

27. Infuper ut Proceffus ipfi & præfentes the Proceffes themselves, literæ, ac omnia & fin- and thefe prefent Letters, gula in eis contenta, eo and all and every thing fiant notiora,quo in ple- contained in them may rifq; Civitatibus & locis become more manifeft by fuerint publicata; uni- being published in many verfis & fingulis Patri- Cities and Places; We archis, Primatibus, Ar- by thefe Writings intrust, chiepifcopis, Epifcopis, and in vertue of holy & locorum Ordinariis, obedience strictly charge & Prælatis ubilibet and command all and conftitutis, per hæc fingular Patriarchs, Prifcripta, committimus & mates, Archbishops, Biin vertute fancta obe- fhops, Ordinariesof Places, dientiæ diftricte præci- and Prelates wherefoever piendo mandamus; ut constituted, that by themper fe vel per alium felves or fome other or feu alios præfentes lite- others, after they hall ras, poftquam eas rece- have received,thefe prefent perint, feu earum ha- Letters, or have knowledge buerint notitiam, femel of them, they folemnly in anno, aut, fi expedire publish them in their viderint, etiam pluries, Churches once a year or in Ecclefiis fuis, dum oftner, if they fee conver

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in eis major populi nient, when the greater multitudo ad Divina part of the People ball be convenerit, folenniter met for celebration of publicent, & ad Chrifti Divine Service; put fidelium mentes redu- faithful Chriftians in cant, nuncient, & de- mind of them, relate clarent. them, and declare them.

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§ 28. Cæterum Pa- § 28. Lastly, all Pa triarchæ, Archiepifcopi, triarchs, Archbishops, Bi Epifcopi, aliique loco- fhops, and other Ordinarum Ordinarii, & Ec- ries of Places, and Preclefiarum Præliti, nec- lates of Churches, as alfo non Rectores, cæteri- all Rectors, and others que curam animarum having cure of Souls, and exercentes, ac Presby- Priests fecular and reguteri fæculares et quo- lar of what foever Orders, rumvis Ordinum regu- deputed by any authority lares, ad audiendas pec- to hear confeffion of fins, catorum confeffiones fball have a Tranfcript of quavis authoritate de- thefe prefent Letters by putati, tranfumptum them, and shall diligently præfentium Literarum ftudy to read and under penes fe habeant, eafq; ftand them.

diligenter legere & per

cipere ftudeant.

29. Volentes ea- § 29. Our farther rundum præfentium pleasure is, that the fame tranfumptis etiam im- credit in judgment and preffis, Notarii publici out of judgment, shall in manu fubfcriptis, & all places be given to Cofigillo Judicis Ordinarii pies, although Printed, of Romanæ Curiæ, vel thefe prefents, fubfcribed alterius perfonæ in by any publick Notary, dignitate

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