

§15. Quive ex eo- 915. Alfo thofe who rum pretenfo officio, under pretence of their vel ad inftantiam par- Office, or at the inftance tis, aut aliorum quo- of any party, or of any rumcunq; perfonas Ec- others, draw, or cause clefiafticas, Capitula, and procure to be drawn, Conventus, Collegia directly, or indirectly, upEcclefiarum quarum- on any pretext what foecunq; coram fe ad fu- ver, Ecclefiaftical Perfons, um Tribunal, Audi- Chapters, Convents, Colentiam, Cancellariam, leges of any Churches, beConcilium, vel Parla- fore them to their Tribumentum, præter juris nal, Audience, Chancery, Canonici difpofitionem, Counsel, or Parliament, atrahunt, vel trahi fa- gainst the Rules of the Caciunt vel procurant, non-Law; as alfothofe who directe vel indirecte, for any caufe, or under any quovis quæfito colore; pretext, or by pretence of necnon qui ftatuta, any Custom or Privilege, ordinationes, conftitu- or any other way, shall tiones, pragmaticas, feu make, enact, and publifh quævis alia decreta any Statutes, Orders, in genere vel in fpe- Conftitutions, Pragma cie, ex quavis caufa ticks, or any other Degrees & quovis quæfito colo- ingeneral or in particular; re, ac etiam prætextu or shall use Shall use them when cujufvis confuetudinis made and enacted; whereby & privilegii, vel alias the Ecclefiaftical Liberquomodolibet fecerint, ty is violated, or ordinaverint & publi- ways injured or depressed; caverint, vel factis & or by any other means ordinatis ufi fuerint, restrained; or whereby the unde libertates Ecclefia Rights of us and of the

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ftica tollitur, feu in a- faid See, and of any other liquo læditur vel depri- Churches, are any way di

mitur, aut alio quovis modo reftringitur, feu noftris & dictæ fedis, ac quarumcunq; ecclefiarum juribus quomodolibet directe vel indirete, tacite vel expreffe præjudicantur.

rectly or indirectly, tacite ly or exprefly prejudged.

§ 16. Necnon qui §. 16. Also those who Archiepifcopos, Epif- upon this account directly copos, aliofq; fuperio- or indirectly hinder Archres & inferiores Præla- bishops, Bishops, and other tos, & omnes alios quof- fuperior and inferior Precunq; Judices Ecclefi- lates, and all other ordiafticos ordinarios quomodolibet hac de caufa directe vel indirecte, carcerando vel mole

nary Ecclefiaftical Judge's whatsoever by any means, either by imprisoning or molefting their Agents,

ftando eorum agentes, Proctors, Domefticks, kin


procuratores, dred on both fides, or by res, necnon confangui- any other way from exneos & affines, aut alias erting their Ecclefiaftical impediunt, quo minus jurifdiction against any jurifdictione fua Eccle- perfons what foever, acfiaftica contra quofcun- cording as the Canons and que utantur, fecundum facred Ecclefiaftical Conquod Canones & facræ titutions and Decrees of conftitutiones Ecclefia- General Councils, and efticæ, & decreta Conciliorum Generalium, &

fpecially that of Trent, do appoint; as also those who præfertim

præfertim Tridentini, after the fentence and deMac etiam eos crees of the Ordinaries

qui poft ipforum ordi- themselves, or of thofe denariorum ac etiam ab eis delegatorum quorumcunq; fententias et

legated by them, or by any other means eluding the judgment of the Ecclefia

decreta, aut alias fori ftical Court, have reecclefiaftici judicium e- courfe to Chanceries or oludentes, ad Cancella- ther fecular Courts and rias et alias Curias fe- procure thence Prohibiti culares recurrunt, et ab ons and even Penal Manillis prohibitiones et mandata etiam poenalia, ordinariis aut delegatis prædictis decerni, et contra illos exequi pro curant; eos quoq; qui hæc decernunt et exequuntur, feu dant auxilium, concilium, patrocinium & favorem in eifdem.

dates to be decreed against the faid Ordinaries and Delegates and executed against them; also those who make and execute thefe Decrees, or who give did, counsel, countenancë or favour to themshanga

§. 17. Quive jurisdi- § 17. Also those who &tiones feu fructus, re- ufurp any Farifdictions, ditus & proventus ad Fruits, Revenues, and Enos & fedem Apoftoli- moluments belonging to cam, & quafcunque Us and the Apoftolick Ecclefiafticas perfo- See, and any Ecclefiaftical nas ratione Ecclefia- perfons upon account of arum, Monafteriorum ny Churches, Monafte& aliorum beneficio- ries, or other Ecclefiaftical Ecclefiafticorum benefices; or who upon apertinentes ufurpant, ny occafion or cause seque


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vel étiam quavis occafi- fter the faid Revenues one vel caufa fine Ro- without the express leave mani Pontificis vel alio- of the Bishop of Rome, rum ad id legitimam facultatem habentium expreffa licentia fequeftrant.

or others having lawful power to do it.

§ 18. Also those who

§18, Quive collectas, decimas, talleas, præ- without the like Special ftantias & alia onera and exprefs licence of the Clericis, Prælatis & aliis Pope of Rome impofe Triperfonis Ecclefiafticis, butes, Tenths, Talleys, ac eorum & Ecclefia- Subfidies, and other rum, Monafteriorum Charges upon Clergy-men, & aliorum beneficio Prelates, and other Ecclerum Ecclefiafticorum fiaftical Perfons, and the bonis, illorumve fructibus, reditibus & pro ventibus hujufmodi, abfque fimili Romani Pontificis fpeciali & expreffa licentia impo nunt, & diverfis etiam exquifitis modis exi gunt, aut fic impofita a fponte dantibus & concedentibus recipiunt. Necnon qui per fe vel alios directe vel indire Ete prædicta facere, exequi vel procurare, aut in eifdem auxilium, confilium vel favorem præftare non verentur, cu

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Goods, Fruits, Revenues and Emoluments of them and of the Churches, Monafteries, and other Ecclefiaftical Benefices; and exact them by divers artifi ces, or even receive them fo impofed from the Clergy, although they should of their own accord grant and give them: Alfa those who by themselves or others directly or indirectly fear not to do, execute or procure the faid things, or to give aid, counfel or favour to them, of what foever prehe minence, dignity, order, jufcunq;

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Matters by the Sacred Canons, as well in the last Council of Lateran, as

jufcunq; fint præemi- condition or quality they nentia, dignitatis, ordi- be, although they be Em. nis, conditionis aut fta perors, or Kings, or Printus, etiamfi Imperiali ces, Dakes, Earls, Baaut Regali fulgeant rons, and other Potentates dignitate; feu Princi- whatsoever, even Prefi pes, Duces, Comites, dents of Kingdoms, ProBarones, et alii Poten- vinces, Cities and Territatus; quicunq; etiam tories, Counsellers, and Regnis, Provinciis, Ci- Senators, or invested even vitatibus & Terris quo- with any Pontifical Digniquomodo Præfidentes, ty. Renewing the Decrees confiliarii & Senatores, fet forth concerning these aut quavis etiam Pontificali dignitate infigniti. Innovantes decreta, fuper his per Sacros in other General Councils, Canones, tam in Lateranenfi noviffime celebrato, quam aliis Conciliis generalibus edita, etiam cum cenfuris & pænis in eis contentis. §. 19. Item, Excom19. Further, We municamus & anathe- excommunicate and anamatizamus omnes & thematize all and every quofcunq; Magiftratus Magiftrates and Fudges, & Judices, Notarios, Notaries, Scribes, ExecuScribas, Executores, tors, Subexecutors, any Subexecutores quomo- ways intruding themdolibet fe interponen- felves in capital or crimites in caufis capitalibus nal caufes against Ecclefiafeu criminalibus contra fical Perfons by proceffing,

together with the Cenfures and Punishments contained in them.

Q 2

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