Hero and Leander, a poem, by C. Marlow, and G. Chapman






第 xxxiv 頁 - Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed In one self -place ; but where we are is hell, And where hell is, there must we ever be...
第 41 頁 - Thus near the bed she blushing stood upright, And from her countenance behold ye might A kind of twilight break, which through the hair, As from an orient cloud, glimpsed here and there, And round about the chamber this false morn Brought forth the day before the day was born.
第 34 頁 - Whereat aghast, the poor soul gan to cry, "O, let me visit Hero ere I die!" The god put Helle's bracelet on his arm, And swore the sea should never do him harm. He...
第 52 頁 - Not being with civil forms confirm'd and bounded, For human dignities and comforts founded ; But loose and secret all their glories hide ; Fear fills the chamber, Darkness decks the bride. She...
第 12 頁 - Doth testify that you exceed her far To whom you offer, and whose nun you are. Why should you worship her? her you surpass As much as sparkling diamonds flaring glass. A diamond set in lead his worth retains ; A heavenly nymph...
第 10 頁 - It lies not in our power to love or hate, For will in us is overruled by fate. When two are stripped, long ere the course begin We wish that one should lose, the other win. And one especially do we affect Of two gold ingots like in each respect. The reason no man knows; let it suffice What we behold is censured by our eyes. Where both deliberate, the love is slight: Who ever loved, that loved not at first sight? He kneeled, but unto her devoutly prayed. Chaste Hero to herself thus softly said, "Were...
第 12 頁 - And I in duty will excel all other, As thou in beauty dost exceed Love's mother. Nor heaven, nor thou, were made to gaze upon, As heaven preserves all things, so save thou one. A stately builded ship, well rigged and tall, The ocean maketh more majestical.
第 13 頁 - When misers keep it; being put to loan, In time it will return us two for one. Rich robes themselves and others do adorn; Neither themselves nor others, if not worn. Who builds a palace, and rams up the gate, Shall see it ruinous and desolate. Ah, simple Hero, learn thyself to cherish; Lone women, like to empty houses, perish.
第 v 頁 - One touch of nature makes the whole world kin, That all with one consent praise new-born gauds, Though they are made and moulded of things past, And give to dust that is a little gilt More laud than gilt o'er-dusted.
第 39 頁 - Even as a bird, which in our hands we wring, Forth plungeth, and oft flutters with her wing, She trembling strove: this strife of hers, like that Which made the world, another world begat Of unknown joy.
