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Periodical Indexes



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1989 - 1916

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1922-1924 VOLUMEVI

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Industrial Arts

A subject index

to the contents
of 192 trade,
technical and
engineering pe-
riodicals, soci-
ety transactions

and reports.

Annuals, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916...... $42.30 Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature

Two-year Volume (1918-1919)

42.25 An author, title and subject index to 107 Two-year Volume (1920-1921)

. 109.90 of the most popular periodicals useful for

Two-year Volume (1922-1923) . 126.80 reference. Complete series includes:

Two-year Volume (1924-1925) ......170.25 Volume 1 (1900-1904)

..0.2. Continued in monthly service fully Volume II (1905-1909)


cumulated four times during the Volume III (1910-1914)

- 32.00

year, annually and biennially,
maximum rate

...170.25 Volume IV (1915-1918)

27.00 Volume V (1919-1921)


Agricultural Index Volume VI (1922-1924)

35.00 Annual for 1925 ....

. 17.50

A subject index to the con

tents of 126 agricultural Continued in monthly service fully

periodicals, American and cumulated four times a year, annually and triennially, maximum

foreign, also to many bulrate


letins, pamphlets and gov.

ernment reports. International Index to Periodicals (formerly Readers' Guide Supplement)

Three-year Volume (1916-1918).... $46.22 An extension of

Three-year Volume (1919-1921)... 92.44 the Readers' Three-year Volume (1922-1924).... 184.88 Guide service to Annual for 1925 ....

I 20.18 265 additional

Continued in monthly service fully periodicals.

cumulated January, February,

March, April, July; annually and
Volume 1 Nine-

triennially, maximum rate ......240.36
year Volume
(1907-1915) (Sup- Index to Legal Periodicals and Law Library

Poole's Index),
$124.20 An author and subject index to

about 67 legal periodicals, also
Volume II (1916-1919)

62.10 several bar association reports. Volume III (1920-1923)

. 186.30 Part 2 of each issue is the Law Annual for 1924...

Library Journal, reporting mat

. 124.20 Annual for 1925

ters of special interest to the law ..130.65

librarian and members of the Continued in bi-monthly service fully

legal profession.

Annuals, 1908-1925 inclusive, ea...... $6.00 cumulated except in August, max

Continued in quarterly service, fully imum rate ..

.. 261.35 cumulated annually, service basis rates. The prices quoted above are the rates charged only to those taking all of the periodicals indexed." Service basis rates are allowed on all indexes whereby each library pays only for indexing of the periodicals it receives. Write for rates.

See also Index to St. Nicholas. Volumes 1-45. p. 24.

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A selected list of best books for the small library. About 350 books a year, issued bi-monthly, annual cumulation in July, $1. Ask for sample copy.


Anthony Trollope: a Bibliography. By Mary Leslie Irwin. 97p. $1.50. 1926. Reference List of Bibliographies: Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Chemical Engineering Published Since 1900. Compiled by Julian Arell Sohon and William L. Schaaf. x,100p. $1.50

The arrangement is by title under subject headings arranged in alphabetic order, and information is given for finding each bibliography; author, number of pages, publisher, place and date of publication if a book; author, volume number and inclusive paging, if a periodical. Each title is annotated.

Modern Social Movements: Descriptive
Summaries and Bibliographies. Savel
Zimand. With introd. by Prof. Charles
A. Beard, viii,260p. $1.80.

Free Speech Bibliography.
Schroeder. 247p. $4.



See other books on Free Speech, p. 24. Catalog of Literature for Advisers Young Women and Girls. Anna E. Pierce. (2d ed. rev. and enl.) 149p. $1.25.

[blocks in formation]

Poisonous Gas in Warfare: application, prevention, defense and medical treatment. Henry E. Haferkorn and Felix Neumann. Pt. 2. Jan. 15, 1918. 14p. pa 25c. A short annotated bibliography of gases and kin dred devices applied in the late war.

War with Mexico, 1846-1848. Henry E. Haferkorn. 93+xxviiip. pa. 50c.

Select bibliography on the causes, conduct and the political aspect of the war, the resources, economic conditions, politics and government of the Mexican government and the characteristics of the Mexican people. Annotations and index.

Aerial Photography: Bibliography of available material relating to the means. methods, experiments and results of aerial photography. Henry E. Haferkorn. Pt. 1. 38p. pa. 50c.


A series of pamphlets, each a bibliography on some subject of current interest. Each 35c, 4 numbers in one order, $1.00, except as otherwise noted. Complete set in Gaylord's "Quick File" binder, $2. Titles are:

Automobiles and Motorcycles. Arthur R.

Blessing. 79p. 50c.

Birth Control. Theodore Schroeder. 52p.

Daily Newspapers in the United States. Callie Wieder. 56p.

Henrik Ibsen. Ina T. Firkins. 80p. 75c.

History of the Reformation in Germany. George L. Kieffer. 69p.

Masters of American Journalism. Julia C. Stockett. 49p.


Office Methods. Blanche B. Shelp. 30p.

Some Great American Newspaper Editors. Margaret Ely. 43p.

See also 2400 Business Books; Reading series; United States catalog series.

lists; Study outline series; Standard catalog

Standard Catalog Series

The Standard Catalog will be ultimately a cooperatively printed catalog of 10,000 titles, to be used in libraries, as a supplement to, or a substitute for, the card catalog. It will be published first in sections by class, and when complete in this form, it will be reissued in dictionary form. The selection is based on the best published lists available, aided by the advice of librarians and of experts in each field. The following items in the Series are now available or announced for early publication:

If pur

Children's Catalog. By Minnie E. Sears. 4100 Titles, 640 pages, buck, $12. Sold also

on service basis. 1200 Titles, 230 pages, buck, $3; additional

copies on thin paper, sold only to those buying bound copies of either the 4100or 2100-title editions also, at 400 each if purchased with bound copies. chased subsequently, less than 5 copies 500 each; 5 or more copies, 400 each.

To be supplemented by annual cumulations, price to be quoted as published. Supplement, 1926. In preparation. Fiction Catalog. By Corinne Bacon. 2350

titles. 153 pages, lined paper. $1. Including one or two copies on thin paper for use in the same library.

Additional copies on thin paper, sold with or after order for bound copies, in lots of ten or more, ioc each.

Biography Section, 1000 titles.

Out of print. New edition in preparation. Sociology Section, 1000 titles.

Out of print. New edition in preparation. Standard Catalog for High Schools. By Zaidee Brown. 2600 books, 470 pamphlets. Pt. 1. Classified list.

xviii, 280 pages. Bound in cloth, $2.50. Postpaid. Thin paper edition, paper-bound, sold only to purchasers of cloth edition, for same library. $1 each; 10 or more copies, Soc each.

Pt. 2 Dictionary Catalog. In preparation. Song Index. By Minnie E. Sears. An in

dex, in one alphabet, by author, composer, title, alternate (and translated) titles, and first lines to over 12,000 songs in 177 song collections (262 vols.). In preparation.

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University Debaters' Annuals Child Labor. Johnsen. 1x,371p. $2.40.

A series of year books, each a collection China, Yesterday and Today. Johnsen. In of representative intercollegiate debates on preparation.

the important questions of the day. ConClosed Shop. Beman. 2d ed. rev. and enl.

structive and rebuttal speeches are given xlvii,282p. $2.

for both sides, and each debate is accom

panied by selected bibliography, and Criminal Justice. Kirby. In preparation. briefs. Current Problems in Municipal Govern

Contents ment, includ. Commission plan, City manager plan and Home rule. Beman. xii, Vols. I, II, III, IV, VI, VII and VIII. 542p. $2.40.

Out of print. Current Problems in Taxation, includ. State income tax and Sales tax. Beman. X,350p.

Vol. V: 1918-1919. E. M. Phelps, ed. $1.80. $2.25.

Cabinet System of Government; Govern

ment Ownership of Railroads, (three deDebaters' Manual. Phelps. 5th ed. rev. x, bates); Federal Employment for Surplus 206p. $1.50.

Labor. Disarmament. Reely. xxi,320p. $2.25.

Vol. IX: 1922-1923. E. M. Phelps and J. E. European War. Vol. II. Bingham, xi,304p. Johnsen, ed. $2.25. Evolution. Phelps. lii,283p. $2.40.

Unemployment Insurance; Soldiers' Bo

nus; Compulsory Arbitration of Labor Fundamentalism vs. Modernism. Vander- Disputes in Public Utilities; French Oc. laan. xxxvii,446p. $2.40.

cupation of the Ruhr; League of Nations; Government Ownership of Coal Mines.

Light Wines and Beer; Excess Profits Johnsen. 325p. slightly imperfect copies

Tax; Organized Labor in Politics; Re

strictions of Power of Federal Supreme only, $2.

Court to Declare Statutes UnconstituIndustrial Relations.

tional. Employment Management. Bloomfield.

Vol. X: 1923-1924. E. M. Phelps., ed. xx,507p. $2.40. Modern Industrial Movements. Bloom

X,409p. $2.25. field. xxiv,377p. $2.40.

Legal Status of Strikes; California Crimi. Problems of Labor. Bloomfield. xxi,436p.

nal Syndicalism Law; Unemployment In

surance; Limitation of the Powers of the $2.40.

Supreme Court; League of Nations; Bok Marriage and Divorce. Johnsen. 11,293p. Peace Plan; Conservative and Liberal $2.40.

Parties for the United States; Permanent

Court of International Relations; RecogNegro Problem. Johnsen. xxxv,370p. $2.25. nition of the Present Government of Rus

sia. Old Age Pensions. Beman. In preparation. Prison Reform. Bacon. xxvi,309p.

Vol. XI: 1924-1925. E. M. Phelps, ed.

X,416p. $2.25.
Prohibition: Modification of the Volstead
Law. Beman. lxxii,380p. $2.40.

Cabinet Form of Government; Japanese

Exclusion; Uniform Marriage and DiShort Ballot. Bullock. xviii, 160p.

vorce Laws; Participation of President's

Cabinet in Congress; Birth Control; Slavonic Nations of Yesterday and Today.

Mencken School of Thought; Amendment Stanoyevitch. xlvii,415p. $2.40.

of the Volstead Act; Child Labor. Social Insurance. Johnsen. Ixiv, 381p. $2.40. Vol. XII: 1925-1926. E. M. Phelps, ed. x, (Texas University. Debate 1912-1913

407p. $2.25. Compulsory old-age insurance, included

Revision of Rules of the United States without charge, on request.)

Senate; Government Commission for States Rights. Beman. lxviii,362p. $2.40.

Regulation of the Coal Industry; A FedStudy of Latin and Greek. Beman. 11,237p.

eral Department of Education; Govern. $1.80.

ment Restriction of Individual Liberty;

Centralization of Power in the Federal Unemployment Insurance. Forsberg. cviii,

Government; Popular Referendum on 487p. $2.40.

War; Air Service, a Separate Department War-Cause and Cure. Johnsen. 413p. $2.40.

of National Defense; Education, the Curse of the Age; Child Labor.

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