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The Privileges of the Jews, Rom.
9.4, &c. God made known his
Will to them, 603, a, 20.

God entred into a Covenant with
their Fathers, 798, b, 29.

The great Wickedness of the
Jews, 73, a, 16. A ftiff-necked and
obftinate People, 495, a, 1. They
were worse than the Gentiles, fhewn
by the Parable of the two Sons,
Mat. 21. 28, &c.

The Judgments of God upon the
Jews in the Wildernefs, 704, a, 32.
The Gofpel was firft preached to
the Jews, 51, a, 17. 342, a, 42.

Prophecies relating to the Jews
being offended with Chrift, 236,

b, 3.

The Jews were inftant. for the
Crucifixion of Chrift, $25, a, 6.
Charged with the Murder of Chrift,
480, a, J.

The Jews a fcattered People,
385, b, 30.

Upon the Jews rejecting the Go
fpel, they were to be caft off, $29,
a, 12. They are not finally caft off,
640, a, 15.

Jews and Gentiles all under fin,
Rom. 3. 9.

The Jews oppofe the Progrefs of
the Gofpel, 641, a, 10. 845, a, 24.

Of the Converfion of the Jews,
743, b, 1. Which will probably be
on a fudden, by a great Effufion of
the holy Spirit, Ifa. 32. 13, 14, 15.
Ifa. 66. 8. Ezek 39. 23, &c. Zech.

will probably return to their own
The Jews, after their Converfion,
Land, Ifa.11. 11, 12. Jer. 32. 37,
&c. Ezek. 36. 24, 25. Ezek. 37.
21, 22, 25. Amos 9. 14, 15. Zech.


The bad Effects thereof, Ifa. 5.
13, 14. Hof. 4.6.

Wilful ignorance being finful,
cannot be an excufe for Sin, on
Luk. 12. 48. Joh. 3. 19. Joh.15.
22. Rom. 10. 6,7,8. St. Paul's ig
norance fome excufe, A&s :6. 9.
1 Tim. 1.-13.

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Infidels harden themfelves, be
aufe God does not immediately in-
li&t his Judgments, 991, b, 13.

The Devil influences the Minds
f fome to infidelity, 2 Cor. 4,3,4;
Examples of fome who were pu-
ifhed in this World for their Infide-
ty: The old World, Gen. 6 and
even Chapters. Heb. 11. 7. Lot's
Vife, 308, a, 14. and his Sons in
aw, Gen. 19. 12, . Mofes and
aron, 225, 3, 5. The Ifraelites,
umb. 14.11, The Lord in
amaria, 2 King. 7. 1, 2, 17. Za-
arias, Luk. 1. 20. The Jews
ere cut off for their Unbelief,

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. I


The holy Scriptures given by
piration of God, 890, a, 12.901, a,
1 Thef. 4. 15. David infpired,
7, a, 26. This does not make it
ceffary to believe that the Apo-
es,&c. were infpired with the
ords and Syllables they ufed, on
Cor. 1. 16.

Our Lord made known to his A-
ftles all things he had heard of
Father, Joh. 15.15.

The Apoftles were infpired by
holy Spirit, 427, a, 22. Eph. 3.
St. Paul affirms that he deliver-
that which he received of the
d, 713, a, 6. 1 Cor. 14. 37. and
is careful to acquaint the Corin
ans, what Commandments he re-
ved of the Lord, and what he

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We should have a Senfe of each
others Foys and Sorrows, 650, b, 11.

The Scriptures written, that we
might have joy and comfort, Rom.

People may hear the Word with
joy without being made better by
it, Mat. 13.20.

The firft Chriftians rejoiced under
Sufferings for the fake of Chrift,
482, a, 11.

delight themfelves in God, 227, b,
The Righteous fhould rejoice and
15. 228, a, 12. 649, b, 13.

We fhould delight in God's
Word, Pfal. 1. 2. Pfal. 119. 103.
In his Works, Pfal. 104. 24, G.
Pfal. 11. 2, &c.


The Followers of Chrift joyful,
429, a, 32, 434, a, 25. 435, a, 3.

To rejoice in God leffens our E-
fteem of worldly things, Pfal. 4. 7.
It makes the Practice of Religion
eafie, Pfal. 84.9, 10, 11.

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10. 1. To juftifie the Wicked, and condemn the Juft, is an abomination to the Lord, Prov. 17.15.


We must not rafhly judge each oẻ ther, 34, a, 29 The Confideration of a future Judgment, an Argu ment against rash judging, 34, b, 16. We fhould judge our felves, 1 Cor. 11.31.

that we may have Confidence and Affurance at the Day of Judgment, 1004, a, 8.

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Great Judgments mention'd; 128, a, 29, B, § 130, b, 16. 333, 6, 19. Expreffed by removing Joy, Mirth, c. 1880, a, 25. ?Judgments fent for neglect and contempt of God's Word, Ezek s 6,. For the Punishment of Men for their Wickedness, Gen. 6. 5,

Examples of fome who judged and condemned themfelves under Affliction, Gen., 42. 21, 22. Judg. 1.7, 17. Gen. 18. 20. Lev. 26. 14, 6,7.0

We cannot judge that Men are Sinners above others from their Sufferings here, Luk. 13.2, &çim


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Future, declared by God, 3eo, a, 1: 512, b, 12. A future Judgment neceffary to vindicate the Justice of God, who will render to every Man according to his Works, 94, b, 6. 2 Thef. 1. 4, &c. The Confciences of Men bear witnefs to this Truth, Rom. 2. 15. Felix trembled at the Difcourfe of St. Paul concerning it, Acts 24. 25.

The Time of Judgment will be fudden, when People do not expect it, 134, b, 28.851, a, 11.

Jefus Chrift is appointed to be the Judge, 512, b, 2. who will a gain return, 314, a, 7. in flaming Fire, 855, b, 23. attended with Saints and Angels, 458, a, 36.


At this Judgment all muft appear, 512, b, 18. Secret things will then be laid open, 282, a, 13. For what Words we shall be judged, on Mat. 12. 36. 1020, a, 6. Our Actions and Omiffions will be enquired into, Mat. 25. 34, &c. Rom. 2. 6.

Of the Rule by which we shall be judged, the holy Scriptures, and the Law of Nature, Joh. 12.48. Rom. 2. 12, 15, 16. Jam. 2. 12.

At the Day of Judgment a Separation will be made between the Righteous and the Wicked, Mat. 25. 32. The Wicked will not then be able to ftand, 324, a, 12.

We fhould to behave our felves,

&c, Ifa, 42. 24. Ezek: 39. 22, 24. Fudgments will be inflicted on thofe to whom God has manifested his Will, 6co, a, 19.

What is to be done in order to remove Judgments, 2 Chron. 7. 13, &c.

We cannot conclude that Men are Sinners above others from the Judgments that befal them, Luk 13. 2,&c.

God has fometimes preferved his Servants in a Time of publick Judgments, Gen. 6. 8, 17, 18. Gen. 7. 1, &c. 1029, a, 13. See Famine, Plague, War.

Juftice tributing Rewards

Of God in and Punishments, 94, b, 6, 799,

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The Faith which justifies, is a liv ing Faith fruitful of good Works. See Faith.

K. King.

God the great King of all the Earth, 866, à, 7:

Jefus Christ a King, Mat. 2. 6. Mat. 21. 1, &c. This Office he perform'd, by giving Laws to his Church, Ifa. 33. 22. Jam. 4. 12. Hence the Laws of the Gofpel are ftyled his Commandments, Mat. 28. 20. 425, b, 6. Chrift executes the Office of a King, by appointing Governours over his Church, 1 Cor. 12.28. Eph. 4. 11, 12. By reftraining and conquering the Enemies thereof, 1 Cor. 15.25, &c. By rewarding the Obedient, Rev. 2. 7, 10. Rev. 22. 12. By punishing the Difobedient, 1 Cor. 11. 32. 2 Thef. 1:7, &c.

Jefus Chrift owned himself a King before Pilate, 150, b, 6.

Chrift was a King from his Birth, Mat. 2.2. Luk. 1, 31, 32. But he more particularly exercifed this Office, after his Refurrection and Afcenfion, all things in Heaven and Earth, Men, Angels, and Devils, being fubject to him, 65, b, 6. 157,

a, 2. 415, a, 2.

Chrift, as King, will obtain a more univerfal Conqueft than he has hitherto, done, Pfal. 2. 8, 9. Pfal. 72. 5, c. Dan. 7. 13, 14. Prophecies relating to the Kingly Office of Chrift, 226, a, 21, 33, 41. 230, b, 5.. 350, b, 6. 466, a, 8.


Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar punished for their Pride, Dan. 4. 30, &c. Dan. 5. 22, &c. Kings, See Magiftrates.


Of Chrift, 70, a, 25. 158, a, 22. The Duration thereof, 8,b, 3. 415,


Prophecies relating to Chrift's Kingdom, 226, a, 41. 466, a, 8. It is to comprehend all Nations, 119, b, 19.

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Of God, 1 Sam. 2. 3. Dan. 2. 22. Rom. 11.33. His Knowledge is infinite and perfect, Job 36. 4. Job 37. 16. Pfal. 147. 5.

God fearcheth and knoweth the

Hearts of Men, 460, b, 4. All Creatures, their Ways and Actions, Pfal. 33. 15. Pfal. 94. 9. 910, a, 10.

and Hearts of Men, 45, b, 19. The Jefus Chrift knew the Thoughts Father known by him, 65, b, 20. Father known by him, 65, b, 20. See Wisdom.


The Defign of Chrift's Coming was to enlighten the Minds of Men, 232, b, 3.

Knowledge neceffary in Teachers, Mat. 15. 14. Heb. 5. 12. It ought to be communicated, 18, b, 4. as People are able to receive it, 47, b, 32.

Account of the Reafon of the Hope We should be ready to give an

that is in us, 840, a, 4.

We fhould apply our felves to Knowledge, I Cor. 14. 20. endeavour ing to know God, i Chron. 28.9. Jer. 4 22. Hof 4. 1. and his Will, Eph. 5. 17. Col 1.9.1 Thef. 4. 3. The Knowledge of God includes Practice or Obedience, Prov. 1.7. Thef 1.8. 1 Joh. 2. 3,4. 1 Joh. 4. Jer. 22. 15, 16. I Thef. 5. 2: 2 8. Knowledge without Practice of no ufe, 431, b, 2.

Knowledge the Gift of God, we fhould therefore ask it of him, Dan. 2. 18, &c. Col. 1. 9. Jam. 1. 5.

The Knowledge of Jefus Chrift, and the Religion he taught Men, the moft excellent, 674, a, 30 Joh.. 17. 3. Acts 17. 23, &e. Col. 2. 4, 3.



L. Law.

The Scriptures affert the Moral or natural Law, Rom. 1. 19, 20. Rom. 2. 12, 14, 15.

The Moral or natural Law a Rule of Life to us Chriftians, Mat. 19. 17, &c. on Mat. 5. 17. The Danger of Teaching otherwife, on Mat. 5. 19.

Obedience to this Law preferr'd before Sacrifice, on Mat. 9. 13.

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a, I.

Wherein Chriftian Liberty con fifts, 392, b, 31. on Joh. 8. 36. Hereby true Chriftians ferve God, not out of a flavish Fear, but a Child like Love, and with a willing Mind, Rom. 8. 14, 15. 1 Joh. 4. 17, 18. They come with boldness to the Throne of Grace, 611, a, 1. Life.

Life and Breath the Gift of God, 548, a, 7.

The greateft Happiness expreffed by Life, Joh 20. 31. 1 Joh. 4.9. Jefus Chrift the Life and light of the World, 341, a, 1, 7, 19. 471, 2,1. We fhould be ready to lay down our Lives for the fake of Chrift, 308, a, 20. 1058, a, 13.

The Term of Man's Life not fixt by any abfolute Decree, Exod 20.12. Deut.4. 40. Deut. 28. 63, 66. 1 King. 3. 14. Pfal. 55. 23. Pfal. 91. 16. Prov. 10. 27.

The Shortnefs, Vanity, and un certainty of our Lives, 962, a, 4.

We are in this Life but as Strangers, Pilgrims and Sojourners, 747, a, 3.

Of the new and holy Life which Chriftians are to live, 614, b, 17. 669, a, 33. 748, b, 10. 806, a, 5. Faith a Principle of fpiritual Life,

596, b, 2.

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obferved as a Day of Religious The first Day of the Week was Worship in the Apoftles Times, becaufe our Lord thereon arose trom

The Gift he was to offer at his the Dead, 558, a, 3. Mar. 16.9. cleanfing, 41, a, 1.


Of commendation given to Chri

Joh. 20, 19, 26. See Sabbath Wor



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