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Grief, H

See Sorrow.

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Hou b Auto Hand. dels Right Hand, a Place of Honour, =11,5, y. 5 le nuM buck)

Chrift exalted to the right Hand of God, 124, a, 22. bet svarað

and its Faculties, Pfal51, ro, 17. Prov: 231 26 Pet. 5. 15.087, à, *For the Understanding, Rom.2. 15 Eph 4.18. For the Confcience, Sam.4.3. 2 Sam. 24 10

Hearts of all Men known to God, 460, b,4. dyskydy a


The Jews a fiffuccked and obftinate People, 495, a, längôn

On what Occafions impofition Of Peoples being given up to

f Hands was used, on Acts 6.6 Heb. 6. 2.000 .11 Jdqued D Happiness.

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God very much defires the Hap inefs of Men, Deut. 5. 19. Deut. 2. 29. Pfal. 81. 13. Jer. 13. 27. Ezek. 33. 11. Mat. 23 See Heaven, Salvation. Life and Good, Death and Evil, Happiness and Mifery, Bleffing and Curling fet efore Men to make choice of, Deut. 30. 15, 19.

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follow their own Hearts Luft, 533, a, 13. In what Senfe God may be faid to harden Mens Hearts, on Joh. 12.40. on Acts 7. 42 on Acts 14. 16. Chrift was grieved for the hardness of Mens Hearts, Mar. 3

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God requires us to purifiel our Hearts, Mat. 5.8.1 Mats2325, &c. 887b; 152 The Jews often called upon to circumcife their Hearts, 495, a, 291em glo2 sounds!

We fhould diligently watch over our Hearts, Prov. 4, 23. Mat. 15.9. on Heathen, See Gentiles.com bas Heaven.

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Perfons pronounced happy! He whom God corrects and chaftens, 15, a, 18. Thofe who fear God, fal 128. 1, 2. He that feareth al-Ad) to ways, Prov. 28. 14, Thole who ave mercy on the Poor, Prov. 14. 1.Thofe are happy who find and etain Wifdom and Understanding, rov. 3.13, 18. Those who truft in he Lord, Pfal. 2. 12. Prov. 16. 20. Thofe who keep the Law, Prov. 9. 18. Joh. 13. 17 The poor in pirit, the pure in Heart, & Mat. 3, &c. He who condemneth not imself in that thing which he alweth, Rom. 14: 22.

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See Heart
This Word fometimes put for to
ove lefs, on Luk. 14. 26...
Good Men fometimes hated by
The Wicked, 1001, a, 20. 1003, a,


Thofe who hate their Neigh. ours, accounted by God as Murerers, 1 Joh. 3. 15:


The Word of God. See Word.

This Word is put for the Soul,

This Word fometimes ftands for the God of Heaven, 299, 4, 7. For the Region of the Air next to us, where are the Clouds, Pfal. 147. 8. and where the Birds fly, Mat. 13:32. and from whence the Dew and Rain fall, Gen. 27.39. Ifa. 55. ro. It is put for a great Height, Deut. 1. 1948.

By Heaven is meant the peculiar Refidence of God himself, ftyled the Heaven, of Heavens, i King, 8. 27. The third Heaven,and Paradice, 2 Cor. 12. 2,4. The heavenly Coun try, Heb. 11. 16. The Throne of God, 125, a, 5. The Houfe of God, 2 Cor. 5. 1.

The Kingdom of Heaven and of God, fignifie fometimes the State and Preaching of the Gospel, 15, b, 4. Mat. 21.43. Luk. 17. 20. Sometimes the Glory and Happi nefs of the future State, 686, a, 15. Sometimes it is ufed in both Senfes, Mat. 6.33.


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We have here no continuing Ci947, a, n. We are Strangers, Pilgrims, and Sojourners here, 747 a, 3 Our Conversation, or Citizen flip is in Heaven, 826, b.9. b.9.0.11

We fhall probably know eacho ther in Heaven, fince we fhall know those whom we have only heard or read of, Luk. 13. 28. Peter, James, and John, knew Mofes and Elias, Mat. 173, 401

Good Men look and wait for Heaven, 669, a, 14. I'am ready to believe that their Souls enter into Heaven immediately after their Death, 2 Gor.. 5. u, 6,8. Phil. 1. 23. Though they mayn't partake of that fulness of Joy and Glory they will be admitted to after the Refurrection, Rey. 6.9, &c.

The holy Spirit the Earneft of our Inheritance in Hum, 625 b, 23 stil,


The Happiness of Heaven, 304, a. 40. 472,2, 15. Reprefented by feeing God, 721, a, . By being with Chrift, 414, a, 4. By reigning wah Chrift, and being Heirs with Conditions of obtaining thereof, him, 613,a,9. By having a Crown, on Mat. 18. 18. on Rom. 199 702,b,gub boris J} ΠΟΛΗ Promifed, to thofe who love God Heaven Styled a great Reward, 951, a, 7. and a great Recompence of Reward, Het. 19 35. An eternal and incorruptible Inheritance, a Glory, 561, b, 30. The Glory of Chrift to be revealed, Pet. 4. 13. 1 Pet. 5. 1. An exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory, 2 Cor. 4. 17. The Podies of the Righteous fhall there Thine as the Sun, 81, a, I.


There will be different Degrees of Glory in Heaven, Mat. 10.41, 42. Luk. 19. 17, 19. Joh. 14. 2. Cor. 15 41, 42. This is farther manifeft, because we fhall be rewarded according to our Works, b, 6

Heaven a durable State. It is therefore expreffed by everlafting Life, Joli. 316. John 6:47 Joh. 2.25 By eternal Life, Mat. 25. 46 Rcm 2, 7. By a Treature that faileth not, Luk. 12.33 By an enduring Subftance, Heb. 1.34

The blefied Society and Company in Heaven; God, Mat. 6. 9. Jefus Chrift, Mar. 16. 19. Joh. 3. 13. Heb. 9. 21. The Holy Ghoft, Joh. 7. The Angels, Mat. 18. 1. Mar, 12, 25. The Spirits of just Men made perfect, Heb. 12.

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Of Meetnefs to partake of the Happiness of Heaven, 319, 2, 4

The Place is holy, Ffal. 29.6 It is the Habitation of God's Hol nefs, Ifa.63.15. No unclean thing hall enter therein, Rev. 21. The Unrighteous fhall not inherit it, Cor. 6. 9. Fellowship cannot be hetween Light and Darknes, Good and Evil, 751, a, 27. Heases is the Portion of the fanctified, or holy, 561, b, 30.

Jefus Chrift, as our forerunner, is entred into Heaven, Heb. 6.2 It is to be obtained through him who is the Prince of Life, 471, 4,

Heaven propofed as a Reward to encourage our Obedience and pa tient Suffering for Chrift's fake, Mat, 5. 10, 11. Rom 2.7,8. Heb. 11. 6. Rev. 22. 14. We may there fore be influenced by it; Jefus Chrift had refpe&t to it, Heb. 12.

Heaven to be fought in the fir Place, 34, a, 1. Outward Profeffi on of Religion, without inward Ho linefs and Obedience, not fufficient to gain us admittance into H 38, a, 23. 1 Joh 3.3.

If we would go to Heaven, we muft ufe much Diligence, 37,4 Pl

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Of God, Pfal. 5. 4; 5. Pfal. 145. 17. Ifa. 6.3. Rev. 15.4. God fty

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Chrift the Heir of all things, led the Holy One, Ifa. 40. 25. Ifa. 41. 20. He is without Iniquity, 633, a, 6.

9, a, 1.


This Word is ufed to fignifie eat Troubles and Afflictions, fal. 18. 5. It is put for the rave, Pfal. 55. 15. For the fepate State, 451, a, II.


Hell is put for the Place of the Damned, Mat. 5. 29. Mat. 10. 28. Luk. 16. 23. 2 Pet. 2.4. Expreffions whereby this difmal lace and State is fet out to us: Hell re,Mat. 18. 9. Blacknefs and Darkefs for ever, Jude ver. 13. Chains f Darknefs, 2 Pet. 2. 4. Outer arknefs, 42, b, 6. where their Vorm dieth not, and the Fire is ot quenched, Mar. 9. 43, 44. A ake of Fire and Brimftone, 1064, ,21. A Place of Torment, Luk. 6. 28. The Damnation of Hell, Mat. 23. 33. Everlafting Punish ent, Mat. 25. 46. Everlafting ire, prepared for the Devil and is Angels, Mat. 25, 41. Eternal Damnation, Mar. 3. 29. The Veneance of eternal Fire, Jude, ver. 7. Deftruction, Mat. 7. 13. Phil. 3. 9. Everlafting Deftruction, 2

hef. 1. 9.

The Punishment of the Wicked vill be greater or lefs, in Proporion to the Degree and Aggravation of their Sins, Mat. 11. 21, 22. Mat. 23. 14. Luk. 12. 45, &e. Heb. 10. 28,29.

An Objection against the Eter


Phrafes by which a holy and fpiritual Life is expreffed; by bringing forth Fruits meet for Repentance; Mat. 3. 8. By crucifying the Flefh, with the Affections and Lufts, Gal. 5. 24. By putting off the old Man, and putting on the new Man, Eph. 4. 22, 24. By living by Faith, Rom. 1. 17. Gal. 2. 20. By being Servants of Righteoufnefs, Rom. 6. 18. and living unto Righteousness, 1 Pet. 2. 24. unto the Lard, Ram. 14. 8. and in the Spirit, Gal. 5. 25.

A boly and fpiritual Life is likewife expreffed, by putting on the Lord Jefus Chrift, Rom. 13. 14. By being led by the Spirit, Gal. 5. 18. and living according to God in the Spirit, 1 Pet. 4. 6. By living godly in Chrift Jefus, 2 Tim. 3. 12. By walking after, and in the Spirit, Rom. 8. 1. By fowing to the Spirit, Gal. 6. 8. By being fubject to the Father of Spirits, Heb. 12. 9. By walking worthy of the Lord, being fruitful in every good Work, Col. 1. 10. By walking as Children of the Light, Eph. 5. 8. worthy of our Vocation, Eph. 4. 1. and of God, 1 Thef. 2. 12. By being clo thed in white Raiment, 121, a, 13. 1031, b, 9. 1082, a, 32.

Holiness, in the old Teftament, is expreffed by walking with God, Gen. 5 22. Gen. 6. 9. and before


Got, Gen. 17. 1. Gen. 24. 40, Gen. 48. 15. 1-Sam. 2. 30. 1 King. 8. 23, 25. By walking in God's Law, Exod. 16.4. Pfal.1'19.1, in God's Commandments, 2 Chron. 17. 4. By walking in the Ways of God, Deut. 5. 33. Deut. 8. 6. and in his Fear, Neh. 5. 9. By walking in Integrity, Pfal.26 11 Prov.19.1. uprightly,Pfal.84.11. Prov 27. Prov. 10.9.and by divers otherExpreffions.

Of the new and holy Life which Chriftians are to lead, 614, b, 17. 669,a,33.+.748, b, 10. 806, a, s. Hence they are called a chofen Generation, a royal Priesthood, 897, a, I. 972, a, 3.

The Parts of Holinefs are the fruit of the Spirit, 428, ap 24 nig To grow in Grace, and advance in Holiness, a Duty, Phil. 34 13, 14. 1 Thef 4, 102 Pet. 1.45, & i Pet.3. 18.

God requires inward Holiness, the Holiness of the Heart, 125, b, 6. 307, a, . i 602, b, 25.620, b, 8. 2 Cor. Hence the Jews are called upon to circumcife their Hearts, 495, a, 37.

Outward Privileges, and outward Duties in Religion, of no account with God without Holinefs, 47, a, 1. 602, b, 1 1 !! {

We muft exceed the Scribes and Pharifees in righteousness, Mat. 5. 20. Motives to holiness, Gen. 6. 8. Gen 74Pfal. 4. 3. Mat. 6. 33. i Pet. 3. 12.

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The Practice of Holiness very much infifted on in the holy Scriptures, 39, b, 1.231, by 10. 441, a, 17.-848, a, 9. 849, a, 2015,

To promote Holiness, the great Defign of the Gofpel, 613, b, 16. 615, b, to. 669, a,33. The end of our Chriftian Calling, 492, b, 2 and of our Redemption, Eit/2.114. The Neceffity of Holiness, Mat. 22, 11, &c. Heb 2.14 The Righteous known, that is, approved by God, on Mat. 7.23 136, by15. As we fow, we shall reap, 790, b,3. We should live holy Lives, that the


Name of God and his Doctrine be not blafphemed and spoken againft, 602, a, 6, 15. 877, b, 5.

Our refemblance to God confifts in Holiness, Eph: 4. 24. 1 Pet. 1.15.

By Holiness we profit our felves, 306, a, 1. Promifes of God to his Servants, 1 Tim. 4. 8. 945, 2, 23. The Righteous thall hereafter be feparated from the Wicked, 138, b, 2.

Exhortations to holiness, 803,a, 3. 849, a,.20.

See Obedience, Righteousness.

To provide for things honeft, a decent, or blameless, a Duty, 650, b, 40.

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Cometh of God, 1 Sam. 2.7, 8, 1 Chron, 29. 12.

Of honouring God with our Subfance, Pfal. 96. 8. Prov. 3. 9, 10. To honour God, not only with Duty, 87, a, 7. our Lips, but our Hearts too,

Thofe who honour God, he will


honour, i Sam. 2. 30.


This Word is put for Faith, Heb. 6. 11. 1 Pet, 3. 15. For the things hoped for, Rom. 8. 24. Gal. 5. 5. Eph. 1. 18. Tit. 2. 13.

Hope is the Gift of God, Rom. 15, 13. 2 Thef. 2. 16.

Faith or Truft refpect the Per fon from whom we expect good things, Hope the things expected, 453, b, 3.

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To be faved by Hope, Rom. 8. 24. is to have a certain Expectation of the Salvation promised, and by hope to poffefs it.

Our Hope confirmed in Chrift,: Cor. 1. 20. By his Refurrection, 726, b, 16. 1625

The Hope of good Men is found. ed not on perifhing and temporal Things, but in God and his Promifes, Sam. 17. 45. 1 Chron. 19. 13. 2 Chron. 16. 7. 2 Chron. 20. 15, 20,

Pfal. 22. 4, 5, 10. Pfal 25


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62. 1, &c. Pfal. 1. 1. See

The Hope of the Wicked vain, ob 8. 13. Job 11. 20. Job 14. 19. rov. 10. 28. Prov. 11. 7, 23. Hope is as the Anchor of the Soul, Heb. 6. 19. The Helmet of Salvaon, 1 Thef. 5. 8.


10. Mofes, Exod. 3. 11. Jefus Christ, 66, a, 18, 33. 112, b, 6. Little Children, Mar. 10. 13, &c. St. ́ Paul, 766, a, II.

Motives to Humility, 16, a, 8. 127, a, 7. 268, a, 21. 293, b, 2. 310, b, 7.960, b, 12. 982, a, 30.

What we have was given us by God, 359, a, 9. 717, a, 34. God re

The Meaning of the Word, on fpecteth the Humble, 228, a, 30. and

Mat. 21. 9.


650, a, 18.

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This Virtue is expreffed by beng bafe in our own fight, 2 Sam. 22. By being humble in Spirit, rov. 29. 23. Poor in Spirit, Mat. 3. By the Soul's being as a eaned Child, Pfal. 131. 2. By a ender Heart, 2 King. 22. 19. By ot feeking great things for our elves, Jer. 45. 5. Rom.12.16. Humility defcribed, Rom. 12. 3. Humility towards God, confifts in knowledging our Imperfections refpect of him, Gen. 18. 27. Job 3. 6. In confeffing our Sins, Ezra 10,13. Job 40. 4. Luk. 18. 13. In abmitting to his Judgments, am. 3. 18. Job. 1. 20, 21. In acnowledging his mercy in all that e have, 2 Sam. 7. 18, 19. 1 Chron. 9.14. Lam. 3. 22.

The Gofpel lays a mighty ftrefs n the Practice of Humility, 112, a, 8. 649, a, 26. Phil. 2. 3.

Of the Practice of Humility, 420, 1. Recommended by the Parable fthofe bidden to a Feast, Luk. 14. &c. and by the Parable of the harifee and Publican, Luk. 18. 0,&c.

We should not compare our elves with others, Luk. 18, 10,&.. Cor. 10. 12.

Examples of the Practice of Hu ility, 247, b, 4. 255, b, 2. Abraam, Gen. 18. 27. Jacob, Gen. 32.

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giveth them Grace and Favour, Prov. 3. 34. With the Lowly is Wisdom, Prov. 11. 2. See Pride. Husbands,

in the Cafe of Ifaac and Ishmael, Their Duty,690, a, 2. Abraham, was commanded to hearken to his Wife, Gen. 21. 12. See Divorce, Polygamy.


What? on Mat. 17: 20.

What? 87, a, 2. 182, b, 1. Hy pocrites make a Shew of Religion, 125, b, 1. Likened to whited Sepulchres, Mat. 23. 27.

Examples, Luk. 13. 14, &c. Ananias and Sapphira, Acts 5- 2,&c.

Arguments against Hypocrifie It is put among other heinous Crimes, 1. Pet. 2. 1. The Hope of Hypocrites perifheth, Job 8. 13, 14. Job 27.8. They heap up Wrath, Job 36. 13. Fearfulnefs fhall furprife them, Ifa. in Affliction, Job 27. 9. They fhall 33. 14. God will not hear them not come before God, Job 13. 16. Wo denounced against them, Mat. 23. 13, 14. Their terrible Portion, Mat 24, 51.

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Forbidden, 706, b, 18. It prevailed among Men, 597, a, 15. The Jews guilty thereof, 492, a, 26. 493, a, 9.

He who loveth Pleafures, or Riches, or any other thing more than God, is an Idolater, Phil. 3.19. 809, b, 20,


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