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Mir, I believe yours, Sir Francis, in a purse of guineas, would be more material. Your son may have business with you; I'll retire.

Sir Fran. I guess his business; but I'll dispatch him; I expect the knight every minute: you'll be in readiness?

Mir. Certainly: my expectation is more upon the wing than yours, old gentleman. [Aside. Exit. Sir Fran. 'Well, sir?

Cha. Nay, it is very ill, sir; my circumstances are, I'm sure.

Sir Fran. And what's that to me, sir? your management should have made them better,

Cha. If you please to entrust me with the management of my estate, I shall endeavour it, sir.

Sir Fran. What, to set upon a card, and buy a lady's favour at the price of a thousand pieces; to rig out an equipage for a wench, or, by your carelessness, to enrich your steward; to fine for sheriff, or put up for a parliament-man?

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Mar. Pogh! for a hundred things-I can't, for my life, tell you for what.

Cha. Sir, I suppose I have received all the answer I am like to have.

Mar. Oh, the devil! if he gets out before me, I shall lose him again.

Sir Fran. Ay, sir; and you may be marching as soon as you please-I must see a change in your temper, ere you find one in mine.

Mar. Pray, sir, dispatch me; the money, sir; I'm in mighty haste.

Cha. I hope I should not spend it this way:ier. however, I ask only for what my uncle left me; yours you may dispose of as you please, sir.

Sir Fran. That I shall, out of your reach, Ily assure you, sir. Adad, these young fellows think old men get estates for nothing but them to squander away in dicing, wenching, drinking, dressing, and so forth!

Cha. I think I was born a gentleman, sir; I'm sure my uncle bred me like one.

Sir Fran. From which you would infer, sir, that gaming, whoring, and the pox, are requisites for a gentleman.

Cha. Monstrous! when I would ask him only for a support, he falls into these unmannerly reproaches. I must, though against my will, employ invention, and, by stratagem, relieve myself. [Aside. Sir Fran. Sirrah, what is it you mutter, sirrah? ha! [Holds up his cane.] I say you sha'nt have a groat out of my hands, till I please and may be I'll never please; and what's that to you? Cha. Nay, to be robbed, or have one's throat cut, is not much

Sir Fran. What's that, sirrah? would you rob me, or cut my throat, ye rogue?

Cha. Heaven forbid, sir!—I said no such thing.

Sir Fran. Mercy on me! what a plague it is to have a son of one-and-twenty, who wants to elbow one out of one's life to edge himself into the estate!

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Sir Fran. Fool, take this, and go to the cash-
I sha'nt be long plagued with thee.

[Gives him a note. Mar. Devil take the cashier! I shall certainhave Charles gone before I come back.

[Runs out. Cha. Well, sir, I take my leave--but remember, you expose an only son to all the miseries of wretched poverty, which too often lays the plan for scenes of mischief.

Sir Fran. Stay, Charles; I have a sudden thought come into my head, may prove to thy advantage.

Cha. Ha! does he relent?

Sir Fran. My Lady Wrinkle, worth forty thousand pounds, sets up for a handsome young husband; she praised thee t'other day; though the matchmakers can get twenty guineas for a sight of her, I can introduce thee for nothing.

Cha. My lady Wrinkle, sir! why, she has but

one eye.

Sir Fran. Then she'll see but half your extravagance, sir.

Cha. Condemn me to such a piece of deformity! a toothless, dirty, wry-necked, hunchbacked hag!

Sir Fran. Hunch-backed! so much the better; then she has a rest for her misfortunes, for thou wilt load her swingingly. Now, I warrant, you think this is no offer of a father! forty thousand pounds is nothing with you!

Cha. Yes, sir, I think it is too much; a young, beautiful woman, with half the money, would be more agrceable.—I thank you, sir; but you chuse better for yourself, I find.

Sir Fran. Out of my doors, you dog! you pretend to meddle with my marriage, sirrah! Cha. Sir, I obey: but

Sir Fran. But me no buts-Begone, sir! dare to ask me for money again--refuse forty thousand pounds! Out of my doors, I say, without reply! [Exit Cu

3 U

Enter MARPLOT, running.

Mar. Ha! gone! is Charles gone, Gardy? Sir Fran. Yes, and I desire your wise worship to walk after him.

Mar. Nay, egad I shall run; I tell you that. A pox of the cashier for detaining me so long! Where the devil shall I find him now? I shall certainly lose this secret, and I had rather by half lose my money-Where shall I find him

now?D'ye know where Charles is gone, Gardy?

Sir Fran. Gone to the devil, and you may go after him.

Mar. Ay, that I will, as fast as I can. [Going, returns.] Have you any commands there, Gardy? [Exit.

Sir Fran. What, is the fellow distracted?

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Sir Fran. There, sir George; try your fortune. [Takes out his watch. Sir Geo. So from the eastern chambers breaks the sun, dispels the clouds, and gilds the vales below. [Salutes her. Sir Fran. Hold, sir; kissing was not in our agreement.

Sir Geo. Oh! that's by way of prologue. Pr'ythee, old Mammon, to thy post.

Sir Fran. Well, young Timon, 'tis now four exactly; ten minutes, remember, is your utmost limit; not a minute more.

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Sir Geo. Shake off this tyrant guardian's yoke ; assume yourself, and dash his bold aspiring hopes. The deity of his desires is avarice; a heretick in love, and ought to be banished by the queen of beauty. See, madam, a faithful servant kneels, and begs to be admitted in the number of your slaves.

[MIRANDA gives him her hand to raise him. Sir Fran. I wish I could hear what he says [Running up.] Hold, hold, hold! no palming; that's contrary to articles


Sir Geo. 'Sdeath, sir, keep your distance, or I'll write another article in your guts!

[Lays his hand to his sword. Sir Fran. [Going back ] A bloody-minded fel

low !

Sir Geo. Not answer me! perhaps she thinks my address too grave: I'll be more free-Can you be so unconscionable, madam, to let me say all these fine things to you without one single compliment in return? View me well; am I not a proper handsome fellow, ha? can you prefer that old, dry, withered, sapless log, of sixty-five, to the vigorous, gay, sprightly love of twentyfour? With snoring only he'll awake thee; but I, with ravishing delight, would make thy senses dauce in concert with the joyful minutes-Ha! not yet? Sure she's dumb!-Thus would I steal and touch thy beauteous hand, [Takes hold of her hand.] till, by degrees, I reach'd thy snowy breasts, then ravish kisses thus.

[Embraces her with ecstacy. Mir. [Struggles, and flings from him.] Oh, heavens! I shall not be able to contain myself. Aside.

Sir Fran. [Running up with his watch in his hand.] sure she did not speak to him-There's five of the ten minutes gone, sir George-Adad, I don't like those close conferencesSir Geo. More interruptions!-you will have it, sir! [Lays his hand to his sword. Sir Fran. [Going back.] No, no; you shan't have her neither. [Aside.

Sir Geo. Dumb still!-sure this old dog has enjoined her silence. I'll try another way—I must conclude, madam, that, in compliance to your guardian's humour you refuse to answer me. Consider the injustice of his injunction.-Madam, these few minutes cost me a hundred pounds-and would you answer me, I could purchase the whole day so. However, madam, you must give me leave to make the best interpretation I can for my money, and take the indica[Retires to the bottom of the stage. tion of your silence for the secret liking of my Sir Geo. Madam, whether you'll excuse or person; therefore, madam, I will instruct you blame my love, the author of this rash proceed-how to keep your word inviolate to sir Francis, ing depends upon your pleasure, as also the life of your admirer: your sparkling eyes speak a heart susceptible of love; your vivacity a soul too delicate to adinit the embraces of decayed mortality.

Mir. [Aside.] Oh! that I durst speak

and yet answer me to every question: as, for example, when I ask any thing to which you would reply in the affirmative, gently nad your head-thus, [Nods.] and when in the negative, thus, [Shakes his head.] and in the doubtful, a tender sigh, thus, [Sighs.]

Mir. How every action charms me--but I'll fit | him for signs, I warrant him. [Aside. Sir Fran. Ha, ha, ha! poor sir George! ha, ha, ha! [Aside. Sir Geo. Was it by his desire that you are dumb, madam, to all I can say? [MIRANDA nods.] Very well! she's tractable, I find-And is it possible that you can love him? [MIRANDA nods.] Miraculous! Pardon the bluntness of my questions; for my time is short. May I not hope to supplant him in your esteem? [MIRANDA sighs.] Good! she answers me as I could wish. -You'll not consent to marry him, then? [MIRANDA sighs.] How! doubtful in that?-Undone again-Humph! but that may proceed from his power to keep her out of her estate till twentyfive: I'll try that-Come, madam, I cannot think you hesitate in this affair out of any motive but your fortune-let him keep it till those few years are expired; make me happy with your person, let him enjoy your wealth. [MIRANDA holds up her hands. Why, what sign is that now? Nay, nay, madam, except you observe my lesson, I can't understand your meaning.


Sir Fran. What a vengeance! are they talking by signs? 'ad I may be fooled here. What do you mean, sir George?

Sir Geo. To cut your throat, if you dare mutter another syllable.

Sir Fran. 'Od I wish he were fairly out of my house!

Sir Geo. Pray, madam, will you answer me to the purpose? [MIRANDA shakes her head, and points to SIR FRANCIS.] What does she mean? she won't answer me to the purpose; or is she afraid yon old cuff should understand her signs?ay, it must be that. I perceive, madam, you are too apprehensive of the promise you have made to follow my rules; therefore, I'll suppose your mind, and answer for you.—First for myself, madam. That I am in love with you, is an infallible truth. Now for you. [Turns on her side.] Indeed, sir! and may I believe it?--As certainly, madam, as that 'tis daylight, or that I die, if you persist in silence.-Bless me with the music of your voice, and raise my spirits to their proper heaven. Thus low let me intreat, ere I'm obliged to quit this place; grant me some token of a favourable reception to keep my hopes alive. [Arises hastily, turns on her side.] Rise, sir; and since my guardian's presence will not allow me privilege of tongue, read that, and rest assured you are not indifferent to me. [Offers her a letter, she strikes it down.] Ha, right woman! but no matter; I'll go on.

Sir Fran. Ha! what's that? a letter!ha, ha! thou art baulked.

Mir. The best assurance I ever saw


Aside. Sir Geo. Ha! a letter! oh! let me kiss it with the same raptures that I would do the dear hand that touched it. [Opens it.] Now for a quick fancy, and a long extempore-What's here?

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[Reads.] 'Dear sir George! this virgin muse I
consecrate to you; which, when it has received
"the addition of your voice, 'twill charm me into
a desire of liberty to love, which you, and only
you, can fix. My angel! oh, you transport me!
[Kisses the letter. And see the power of your
command! the god of love has set the verse al-
ready, the flowing numbers dance into a tune,
and I'm inspired with a voice to sing it.
Mir. I'm sure thou'rt inspired with impudence

Sir Geo. Great love inspire him,
Say I admire him.
Give me the lover,
That can discover
Secret devotion

From silent motion;
Then don't betray me,
But hence convey me.

[SIR GEO. taking hold of MIRAN.] With all my heart; this moment let's retire. [SIR FRAN. coming up hastily.

Sir Fran. The time is expired, sir, and you must take your leave. There, my girl, there's the hundred pounds which thou hast won. Go, I'll be with you presently. Ha, ha, ha, ha!

[Exit MIRAN. Sir Geo. Adsheart, madam! you won't leave me just in the nick, will you?

Sir Fran. Ha, ha, ha! she has nicked you, sir George, I think; ha, ha, ha! Have you any more hundred pounds to throw away upon courtship? ha, ha, ha!

Sir Geo. He, he, he, he! A curse of your fleering jests!-Yet, however ill I succeed, I'll venture the same wager she does not value thee a spoonful of snuff-nay, more, though you enjoined her silence to me, you'll never make her speak to the purpose with yourself.

Sir Frun. Ha, ha, ha! Did I not tell thee thou wouldst repent thy money? Did I not say she hated young fellows? ha, ha, ha!

Sir Geo. And I'm positive she's not in love with age.

Sir Fran. Ha, ha, ha! no matter for that, ha, ha! She's not taken with your youth, nor your rhetoric to boot; ha, ha!

Sir Geo. Whate'er her reasons are for disliking of me, I am certain she can be taken with nothing about thee.

Sir Fran. Ha, ha, ha! how he swells with envy-Poor man! poor man!-ha, ha, ha! I must beg your pardon, sir George; Miranda will be impatient to have her share of mirth. Verily, we shall laugh at thee most egregiously; ha, ha, ha!

Sir Geo. With all my heart, faith!— -I shall laugh in my turn, too!-for, if you dare marry her, old Belzebub, you will be cuckolded most egregiously remember that, and tremble

She that to age her beauteous self resigns,
Shews witty management for close designs;

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Enter SIR JEALOUS, ISABINDA, and PATCH following.

Sir Jeal. What, in the balcony again, notwithstanding my positive commands to the contrary? -Why don't you write a bill on your forehead to shew passengers there's something to be let ?--Isa. What harm can there be in a little fresh air, sir?

Sir Jeal. Is your constitution so hot, mistress, that it wants cooling, ha? Apply the virtuous Spanish rules; banish your taste and thoughts of flesh; feed upon roots, and quench your thirst with water.

Isa. That and a close room would certainly make me die of the vapours.

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finement sharpens the invention, as want of sight strengthens the other senses, and is often more pernicious than the recreation that innocent liberty allows.

Sir Jeal. Say you so, mistress! who the devil taught you the art of reasoning? I assure you, they must have a greater faith than I pretend to, | that can think any woman innocent who requires liberty; therefore, Patch, to your charge I give her; lock her up till I come back from Change. I shall have some sauntering coxcomb, with nothing but a red coat and a feather, think by leaping into her arms to leap into my estate-but I'll prevent them; she shall be only signior Babi


Patch. Really, sir, I wish you would employ any body else in this affair; I lead a life like a dog with obeying your commands. Come, madam, will you please to be locked up?

Isa. Aye, to enjoy more freedom than he is aware of. [Aside.] [Exit with PATCH. Sir Jeal. I believe this wench is very true to my interest: I am happy I met with her, if I can but keep my daughter from being blown upon till Signior Babinetto arrives, who shall marry her as soon as he comes, and carry her to Spain as soon as he has married her. She has a pregnant wit, and I'd no more have her an English wife than the Grand Signior's mistress. [Exit.

Enter WHIsper.

Whis. So, I saw sir Jealous go out: where

Enter PATCH.

Sir Jeal. No, mistress; 'tis your high-fed, lusty, rambling, rampant ladies-that are trou-shall I find Mrs Patch now? bled with the vapours: 'tis your ratafia, persico, cinnamon, citron, and spirit of clara, cause such swimming in the brain, that carries many a guinea full tide to the doctor: but you are not to be bred this way: no galloping abroad, no receiving visits at home; for in our loose country the women are as dangerous as the men.

Patch. So I told her, sir, and that it was not decent to be seen in a balcony-but she threatened to slap my chops, and told me I was her servant, not her governess.

Sir Jeal. Did she so? but I'll make her to know that you are her duenna. O that incomparable custom of Spain! Why, here's no depending upon old women in my country-for they are as wanton at eighty, as a girl of eighteen; and a man may as safely trust to Asgil's translation, as to his great grandmother's not marrying again.

Isa. Or to the Spanish ladies' veils and duennas for the safeguard of their honour.

Sir Jeal. Dare to ridicule the cautious conduct of that wise nation, and I'll have you locked up this fortnight, without a peep-hole.

Isa. If we had but the ghostly helps in England which they have in Spain, I might deceive you if you did- Sir, 'tis not the restraint, but the innate principle, secures the reputation and honour of our sex.- -Let me tell you, sir, con

Patch. Oh, Mr Whisper! my lady saw you out of the window, and ordered me to bid you fly, and let your master know she's now alone.

Whisp. Hush! speak softly! I go, I go! But hark ye, Mrs Patch, shall not you and I have a little confabulation, when my master and your lady are cngaged?

Patch. Aye, aye; farewell.

[Goes in, and shuts the door. Re-enter SIR JEALOUS TRAFFICK, meeting WHISPER.

Sir Jeal. Sure, whilst I was talking with Mr Tradewell, I heard my door clap. [Seeing WHISPER.] Ha! a man lurking about my house! Who do you want there, sir?

Whisp. Want-want? a pox! Sir Jealous! What must I say now?

Sir Jeal. Ay, want! Have you a letter or message for any body there? Omy conscience this is some he-bawd

Whisp. Letter or message, sir?
Sir Jeal. Ay, letter or message, sir?
Whisp. No, not I, sir.

Sir Jeal. Sirrah, sirrah! I'll have you set in the stocks, if you don't tell your business immediately.

Whisp. Nay, sir, my business-is no great matter of business neither, and yet 'tis business of consequence, too.

Sir Jeal. Sirrah, don't trifle with me.
Whisp. Trifle, sir! have you found him, sir?
Sir Jeal. Found what, you rascal?

Whis. Why, Trifle is the very lap-dog my lady lost, sir! I fancied I saw him run into this house. I'm glad you've seen him—Sir, my lady will be overjoyed that I have found him.

Sir Jeal. Who is your lady, friend? Whisp. My lady Lovepuppy, sir. Sir Jeal. My lady Lovepuppy, sir! then, prithee, carry thyself to her, for I know of no other whelp that belongs to her; and let me catch you no more puppy-hunting about my doors, lest I have you prest into the service, sirrah.

Whis. By no means, sir-Your humble servant. I must watch whether he goes or no, be fore I can tell my master. [Exit WHISPER. Sir Jeal. This fellow has the officious leer of a pimp, and I half suspect a design; but I'll be upon them before they think on me, I warrant them.

SCENE III.-CHARLES's lodgings.


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cursedly out of humour at his disappointment.See how he looks! ha, ha, ha!

Sir Geo. Ah, Charles! I am so humbled in my pretensions to plots upon women, that I believe I shall never have courage enough to attempt a chambermaid again-I'll tell thee

Cha. Ha, ha, ha! I'll spare you the relation by telling you-Impatient to know your business with my father, when I saw you enter I slipt back into the next room, where I overheard every yllable.

Mar. Did you, Charles? I wish I had been with you.

Sir Geo. That I said-but I'll be hanged if you heard her answer-But, prithee, tell me, Charles, is she a fool?

Cha. I never suspected her for one; but Marplot can inform you better, if you'll allow him a judge.

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Enter WHISPER, and speaks aside to his master. The devil! he here again? damn that fellow, he never speaks out! Is this the same, or a new secret? You may speak out; here are none but friends.

Cha. Pardon me, Marplot, 'tis a secret.

Mar. A secret! aye, or ecod I would not give farthing for it. Sir George, won't you ask Charles what news Whisper brings?


Sir Geo. Not I, sir; I suppose it does not relate to me.

Mar. Lord lord! how little curiosity some people have! Now, my chief pleasure is in knowing every body's business.

Sir Geo. I fancy, Charles, thou hast some engagement upon thy hands?

Mar. Have you, Charles?

Sir Geo. I have a little business, too.
Mar. Have you, sir George?

Sir Geo. Marplot, if it falls in your way to bring me any intelligence from Mirauda, you'll find me at the Thatched-house at six

Mar. You do me much honour.

Cha. You guess right, sir George; wish me success.

Sir Geo. Better than attended me.

Adieu !

[Exit SIR GEOrge.

Cha. Marplot, you must excuse meMar. Nay, nay; what need of any excuse amongst friends? I'll go with you.

Cha. Indeed, you must not.

Mar. No! then, I suppose it is a duel, and I will go to secure you.

Cha. Well, but tis no duel, consequently no danger; therefore, prithee be answered.

Mar. What, is't a mistress, then? Mum-you know I can be silent upon occasion.

Cha. I wish you could be civil, too: I tell you, you neither must nor shall go with me.Farewell! [Exit CHARLES.

Mar. Why then-I must and will follow you. [Exit.

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