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horse, of noble mettle, touched the awfully broad parapet, tumbled forward, and fell on the unfortunate Major, who expired as though he had been struck on the breast by a cannon-ball.

"And was it fear that prevented you from the attempt ?" asked a friend, afterwards, in conversing with Montresor.

"I saw my wife and five children on the other side, who would have been crushed to death"was his deliberate reply.

The fair stranger received all the attention from me that a gentleman should pay to an unprotected lady. I offered to render her every service in my power on her arrival in London. This she politely declined, assuring me that her uncle would be at the coach-office to escort her home.-I regret that I am not able to embellish these pages with her story. We parted.

Next morning I re-occupied my seat on the box, saw Queen Eleanor's monument-Horton Hall--passed through the fine counties of Buckingham and Bedford—and admired the beauty of Woburn Abbey and Church.-Here the Duke of Bedford, who honours the name of Russell, carries on his

extensive agricultural projects. Here I saw farming in its perfection; and, full of respect and admiration for all I beheld, we rattled past Hadley Highstone, where Edward the IVth fought the Earl of Warwick, and entered London about five o'clock, instead of twelve, making a difference of five hours between promise and performance, of doing 204 miles in twenty-six.

I SHALL open a new Number for the sequel. One observation I have, however, first to make.—It appears by my friend Malony's journal, that coals are sold at the Kitcrew collieries, in Staffordshire, for seven shillings a ton; in Dublin for thirty; in London for forty-eight. Is it not a great grievance to the inhabitants of the capital of England, that they should pay more for coals, which might be sent up by the canal, than we do in Ireland for those brought from Wigan?

I also find that strangers are charged reasonable prices for refreshment on the road between Liverpool and London, which is not the case on some

other lines.—Malony did not experience an instance of imposition, except at Redburn, about 27 miles from London. It was of course his intention to dine on his arrival in town; but when the coach stopped at the inn, where there is a halt of twentyfive minutes, the passengers were asked to snack. - Malony alone accepted the invitation, naturally expecting that the charge would be trifling for a warm potatoe and some cold beef. But he was called upon to pay two shillings. Now this being within sixpence of the price charged for a comfortable warm dinner in the same inn, he very properly resisted the imposition, which combines deceit and fraud with barefaced unreasonableness; and it ought to be held up to public reprobation.-It is true, that several dishes of cold meat and fowl were laid out on the table, and that a very comfortable dinner might be made on such good cheer and a warm potatoe. The mode, however, is not in character with the fair and open honesty of a blunt Englishman, who never yet considered a lunch so near the importance of a dinner; nor, haps, did any Englishwoman before rate the

much alike. A gentleman, to whom my friend spoke afterwards on the subject, remarked very


properly,- Sir, on getting near London, you must

expect the roguery of the world; and, indeed, individual villany any where is no criterion of national character ; for where is rascality not to be found ?"

No. IX.



-Across the threshold led,

And every tear kissed off as soon as shed,
His house she enters,-there to be a light
Shining within, when all without is night;
A guardian angel, o'er his life presiding,
Doubling his pleasure, and his cares dividing!


I CAN assure my brother half-pay Subs, that they may live in London on four shillings per day, which may be a useful piece of information to many a gentleman who, like myself, has only that sum ; and who, if he live at an hotel, or even in private lodgings, will find three times as much hardly sufficient. You must not live at the west-end of the town, where every thing is one-third dearer than in the city-no, lodge at No. 7, St. Martin's-le

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