Selling Out: The Gay and Lesbian Movement Goes to Market

Palgrave Macmillan, 2000 - 344 頁
In the 1990s gay and lesbian culture went mainstream, from Ellen's coming out episode to the push for same sex marriage. At the same time, the gay market has become one of the most sought after by advertisers like Bud Light, Absolut, Benson and Hedges, and even Ikea. But in its eagerness to be embraced by the mainstream, the gay movement's political identity has been whitewashed. Identity politics and identity based consumption tend to serve the interests of white, middle class men, and tend to underserve the interest of women, people of colour, and the poor. Alexandra Chasin's provocative indictment of the marketing of a sanitized queerness may set off a wave of controversy among all readers, gay and straight.

關於作者 (2000)

Alexandra Chasin teaches at the University of Geneva and is co-chair of the Board of Directors of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission.
